In the present study, the general objective was to develop a proposal that would significantly improve the level of digital competence for research in undergraduate engineering students. To achieve this, the research hypotheses were verified to be fulfilled:
4.1. Data Collection Systems
To achieve this, the first specific objective was to apply a validated performance instrument to measure the digital competence for research of a group of university engineering students in each of the dimensions of competence. Therefore, the three instruments of the DCR test were designed and validated, the results of which were presented in the methodology section.
Just like the present study, different investigations look to develop instruments that measure the cognitive dimension of the digital competency of university students, such as in Olivares’ [
17] case. His instrument consisted of a diagnostic exam that did not calculate its psychometric parameters either by applying the classic theory of the tests or the theory of the item response. Moreover, it lacks valid evidence as it is only validated by the judgment of experts.
In general terms, the present research study differentiates itself from other investigations that use typical performance instruments to measure the digital competency of university students, such as in the investigations of González et al. [
18], Gutiérrez et al. [
30], as well as the (Master’s degree) studies of Ambriz [
1] and the doctorate studies of Ascencio [
31], Marín [
32], Olivares [
17] and Pérez [
19]. Highlighted among them is the work of Marín [
32], whose main research objective consists of the design of an instrument that evaluates digital competency by means of a self-concept questionnaire, leaving aside the opportunity to measure the maximum efficiency of the participants.
Likewise, the investigations that stand out are those that use an instrument that measures maximum performance and do not measure psychometric standards, nor evidence of validity [
17]. The proposed sample of the present study refers to a high-quality technique [
27], moreover the instruments of maximum and typical performance that it contains were validated by meeting the criteria for coping to adjustment [
28]. Therefore, it accomplishes the first objective, which corresponds to validating a performance sample that measures digital competency for the research of a group of engineering university students in each aspect.
4.2. Course Design and Implementation
The second and third specific objectives consisted of designing and implementing a blended learning course that would improve the level of digital competency for the research of a group of engineering university students. To this end, a blended learning course with five modules was designed with the Moodle platform, with which a total of 18 distributed sessions were carried out in a period of three months, some in-person and some virtual with 17 in-person collaborative activities as well as a total of 24 support videos, with which satisfactory results were obtained. The results of this study are in line with those obtained by Dafonte et al. [
33], due to the techno-pedagogical strategy used in flipped learning, which has the objective of developing digital competency in a group of university students, resulting in a high level of satisfaction and assessment.
The results of the application coincide with commentary from the participants, as a high percentage thought that this methodology allowed them to be up to date in the development of their subjects, as well as having better communication and interaction in the classroom. Likewise, they expressed that the classes were more interesting and dynamic, and therefore preferred this methodology over traditional methodology.
Likewise, in line with Arcos’ [
34] research, who designed and implemented a massive and open online course (MOOC) to develop the digital competency of mathematics teachers, upload on the Moodle platform. The study allowed us to create technological skills in a cooperative environment, which is considered ideal for the development of digital competency, thanks to the implementation of activities and participation in discussion forums. The flexibility of the MOOC was also valued as being responsible for the achieved results, but in turn, is weighed as a factor in the desertion of the participants. This flexibility is similar to that given by blended learning, which is also in line with that obtained in the application of the proposed course.
On the other hand, this study contrasts with the doctoral research study from Olivares [
17], who wanted to strengthen digital competency in university students, but in the planning of a techno-educative strategy only had seven sessions that were insufficient, in light of the results. In contrast to the hypotheses, it demonstrated that it was not possible to develop digital competency in any of its areas. With the 80 h that this blended learning course proposed, it was possible to significantly improve the procedural dimension of digital competency, moreover, completely homogenizing the cognitive dimension of the participants to an advanced level. It can also be asserted that the planning of the design of this course as an attributable variable is contrary to that of González et al. [
18], who proposed the development of digital competency of university students by means of assignments. Moreover, the collection of data was performed with a self-perception instrument, with which it was concluded that development was significant in all dimensions.
It is worth noting that for the application of the proposed course, it was assured that the measurement of the infrastructure was optimal, guaranteeing adequate access to the network during the in-person sessions, as well as the virtual sessions since all the participants had an assigned team. This arrangement had the objective of not negatively affecting the interest and motivation of the participants in a way that could alter the process as in de Llorente’s [
35] research, which did not have adequate infrastructure. Just one computing lab complicated the development of the intervention, which he affirms could have influenced the results obtained. Although in some cases there was a lack of connectivity due to drawbacks from the contingency, it did not seem to affect interest or motivation, as reflected in the results of the attitudinal dimension in the post-test.
Consequentially, we believe that the objectives of designing and implementing a course with the blended learning modality in order to improve the level of digital competency for research of a group of university engineering students were achieved.
4.3. Hypothesis Contrast
The fourth and last specific objective consisted of determining the effect that the implementation of a course designed with the modality of blended learning would have in each one of the dimensions of digital competency for the research for a group of engineering university students. This objective, which is derived from the other research objectives, is destined to contrast with the research hypotheses previously cited. The instruments for cognitive, procedural, and attitudinal dimensions of digital competence for specially designed research were applied to the passive control and the experimental groups, before and after the intervention, according to that established with methodological design. It is worth pointing out that both groups tried to integrate the same number of participants so that, like that performed by Alducin and Vázquez [
36], it would eliminate the possibility that the difference would alter the results, as can be supposed of Aguado et al. [
37] and Marín’s [
32] research.
Initially, the results of the pre-test (
Table 6) allowed us to demonstrate that before the intervention, the passive control group had greater development in its digital competency for the investigation, based on the estimation of the performance averages in each one of the instruments with the DCR sample. The average performance of the experimental group was inferior in all aspects of digital competency for research, even in the procedural dimension (
p = 0.039), with an effect of great magnitude, causing a medium-sized effect on the global score (d = −0.677). In this same order of ideas, in agreement with what Olivares [
17] carried out, we decided to select (those with) the lowest performance in the sample as the experimental group in order not to favor intervention, avoiding the results from being altered by knowledge and previous abilities.
As in the studies of Vázquez and Alducin [
38] and Aguado et al. [
37], which omitted the control of this effect due to the fact that it could cause confusion or a bad interpretation of the results and that establishing a correlation attribute to the impact, just through intervention.
At the end of the implementation of the course designed with the blended learning modality with the experimental group, a post-test was administered that again was applied to both groups, and diametrically opposed results were obtained. The average value of the experimental group was superior to that of the passive control group in the three instruments that measure digital competence for research. Even though in the pre-test the experimental group average was close (−0.03) to the passive control group, for the post-test, its development achieved a significant difference (p = 0.044) as a result of the intervention, considering a large-size effect (d = 0.969).
In the attitudinal dimension of DCR, we obtained similar results. While the experimental group prior to the intervention had a medium that was slightly inferior to that of the passive control group (−0.13), once the application was concluded, the difference in average values increased overwhelmingly (2.33), considering the same significance order (
p = 0.045) as in the cognitive dimension, and with a size of effect (d = 0.957) that is just as big, due to the significant decrease in the attitudinal dimension in the passive control group (
p = 0.031). This last result concurs with that presented by Olaz [
29] regarding a possible unfavorable disposition of the participants in the second application of the sample, which demands the strategy example to maintain its interest.
On the other hand, the procedural dimension obtained a difference with a medium effect size (d = 0.535), which turned out not to be significant (p = 0.247), although the growth of its average value regarding the passive control group (1.0) was more than that obtained in the cognitive dimension (0.83), where it was considered significant. It should be noted that before the intervention period, the difference was very wide (−2) in favor of the passive control group.
Subsequently, before validating the research hypothesis, a Student’s
t-test was carried out for samples related to the pre-test and post-test data of the passive control group. The results allowed for the corroboration that the application of the DCR sample for the same group at two different times did not produce any considerable improvement. Only a minute increase in the cognitive dimension (0.04) was achieved, while the scores became worse in the procedural (−0.2) and the attitudinal (−1.65) dimensions. Therefore, we dismissed that memory and practice affect the obtained results with the passive control group and the experimental group, as Olaz [
29] posits.
To determine the impact of the intervention process of digital competency on the research of university students, a Student’s t-test was carried out for samples related to data from the pre-test and post-test and the experimental group. In the cognitive dimension instrument, an increase in average values was obtained (0.9), but the size of the intervention was medium (−0.516), rendering its value not significant (p = 0.137).
In what corresponds to the cognitive dimension instrument, it should be noted that there was large growth thanks to intervention. In the pre-test of the experimental group, there was a median value that was much less than the passive control group (−2.0), and the post-test was able to outperform it (1.0). Consequently, based on the sample results for the validation of the hypothesis, it can be established that the intervention had a size with a great effect (d = −1.302) on the procedural effect of the students.
From the resulting averages of the typical performance instrument, it can be verified that there was a development in the attitudinal dimension (0.81). However, this growth was not significant enough (
p = 0.128). In terms of the effect of the intervention course, we can conclude that it was positive at medium size (d= −0.530), differing from Olaz’s [
29] conclusions regarding a probable attitude decline during the post-test. It should be noted that while the passive control group had a drastic decline, the experimental group had a slight decrease, although it was not generalized. Even if some of the participants were unmotivated, a large majority had a positive attitude, since their scores were very dispersed (SD = 1.6720) over a high value average.
Finally, with the objective of validating the research hypotheses, the two-way ANOVA test was carried out, which obtained the variables of types of groups and sessions. Analyzing the results obtained to validate the first research hypothesis corresponding to the cognitive dimension, we observed that the improvement produced was not considered decisive, given that its significance value (p = 0.221) was not small enough (p ≤ 0.05) to reject it as a void hypothesis. Despite this, the improvement achieved was estimated to be a size of medium effect due to intervention with the course (f = 0.25 y η2 = 0.04), which coincides with Cohen’s d for the experimental group. Consequentially, void hypothesis H01 is accepted, establishing that there are no significant differences in the cognitive dimension of digital competence for research for engineering university students with the implementation of a course designed with the blended learning modality.
However, in light of the results of the Student’s t-test of the experimental group, we observed that thanks to the intervention, all the students had an advanced level in the cognitive dimension, which could weigh against the aforementioned. This can be understood, since this aspect was the one that had the margin with the least improvement, thus impeding significant growth. It should also be mentioned that the course allowed for the homogenization of the cognitive dimension of digital competency for research, verifying that the post-test grades were mostly concentrated around the average value (SD = 0.6173). This contrasted with the pre-test, which had more than double the dispersity in its results (SD = 1.5191).
Moreover, with the results for the validation of the second research hypothesis, we observed that the improvement in the procedural dimension was significant (p = 0.02), together with the estimate that the course had a size with a big effect (f = 0.41 y η2 = 0.142). Due to this, we rejected hypothesis H02 as void and accepted research hypothesis Hi2, which posits that there are significant differences in the procedural dimension of digital competency for research among engineering university students with the implementation of the course designed with the blended learning modality.
Likewise, regarding the contrast results of the third research hypothesis which corresponds to the attitudinal dimension, we estimate that the curse had an effect of medium size (f = 0.35 y h2 = 0.107), but despite this, the improvement in their performance is equally considered significant (p = 0.045). Therefore, we rejected hypothesis H03 as void and accepted research hypothesis Hi3, which posits that there are significant differences in the procedural dimension of digital competency for research among engineering university students with the implementation of the course designed with the blended learning modality.
However, despite having satisfactory results in the hypothesis contrast between the procedural and attitudinal dimensions, they cannot be generalized for all the studio population and should be taken with necessary reservations, given that they were not endorsed for their statistical potency, obtaining in both cases a very low value. In the case of procedural dimension performance, a significant development was achieved with a potency of 0.662. This represents a probability of 33.8% of committing a Type II error, which is to say, accepting a void hypothesis which is in fact false [
40]. In the attitudinal dimension, a potency of 0.523 was obtained with a probability of 47.7% of committing the same error.
With this revelation, we found that potency depends on various factors, which highlights the sample size that has a very low value for this investigation. In order to obtain a statistical potency of 0.95 with a 5% probability of committing a type II error, a sample size of 114 would be required, consistent with the estimates carried out a priori with G*Power software. This is a great area of opportunity for this research.
Likewise, it should be mentioned that, if the hypothesis test is based on the adjusted
p-value of
Table 11 obtained from the Bonferroni correction, it would be deduced that none of the hypotheses is fulfilled, so the conclusions of this research should be directed towards the analysis of the improvement of their opportunity areas.