Advances in Corrosion of High-Temperature Materials: Interfacial Migration and Alloy Design Strategies
:1. Introduction
2. The Big Question
3. Corrosion Mechanism
4. Why Does Metal Diffuse Outwards and Oxygen Inward in the Alloy?
5. Quantum Approach in Understanding the Electron Transfer at Passive Interfaces
6. Metallic Additions in Alloys to Scale up the Corrosion Resistance
7. Role of Texture Control and Surface Energy in Corrosion Inhibition
8. Atomistic Study of Corrosion
9. Corrosion and Sensitization Control by Grain Boundary Engineering
10. Effect of Grain Misorientation
Effect of GB Plane Orientations
11. The Emergence of New Material as a Guard Against Corrosion
12. Alloy Design Strategy in a Nutshell
13. Current Challenges in High-Temperature Corrosion and Material Design
14. Market Potentials of Protective Systems Used in High-Temperature Materials
15. Diverse Ideas in Research Do Wonder in Science
16. Outlook and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Alloy | Treatment Method | Hydrophobic Agent | Contact Angle | Corrosion Inhibition Efficiency (CIE), % | Coating Corrosion Current (Ic), A/cm2 | Bare Steel Corrosion Current (I₀), A/cm2 | Key Observations | Ref. |
316SS | H2O2, HF etching + PFOS modification | PFOS | 161.78 | 83.5 | 3.965 × 10−7 | 2.4 × 10−6 | Achieved high corrosion resistance and maintained hydrophobicity for 3 months in ambient. | [95] |
AISI 420SS | 515 nm pulsed laser + stearic acid | Stearic acid | 163 | Initial corrosion tolerance; reduced after 30 days in 0.5 M NaCl. | [98] | |||
1095 Carbon steel | 1064 nm laser with 20 ns pulse | Perfluorooctylsilane | 160 | 94.6 | 2.9 × 10−8 | 5.4 × 10−7 | Achieved superhydrophobicity with high corrosion resistance. | [100] |
Base Material | Alloying Element(s) | Corrosion Resistance Improvement | Mechanism | Ref. |
Mg alloy | Be | Increased ignition temperature to 1033 K; enhanced oxidation resistance | Formation of stable BeO; reduction in inclusion impurities; Be2⁺ segregation inhibits Mg2⁺ migration | [169,170,171,172,173] |
Mg alloy | Ce, Nd | Improved oxidation resistance and passive film stability | Formation of CeO2/Nd2O3 layers at GBs; inhibition of Mg2⁺ cation migration | [168,175] |
Mg-Y alloys | Y (1–5 wt.%) | Corrosion resistance increased to 6945 Ω·cm2; reduced current density (4.01 µA·cm2) | Absence of Mg24Y5 phase; suppression of structural impurities | [176,177] |
Ni-based superalloys | Si (in PtSiAl coating) | Enhanced oxidation resistance at 1373 K for 320 h | Formation of silicides; retardation of voids and phase transitions; stabilization of Al2O3 layer | [178,179,180] |
Metallic Addition | Alloy Type | Environment | Outcome | Ref. |
Cr | Ni-based | High-temperature oxidations | Formation of protective Cr2O3 layer; enhances oxidation resistance. | [73] |
Al | Ni-based | High-temperature | Formation of Al2O3 oxide layer, providing a dense protective barrier. | [6] |
Mo | CoCrFeNi HEA | 3.5% NaCl solution | Formation of stable Mo-oxides; reduces pitting. | [74] |
Cu | Al alloy | Acid rain (200 ppm Cl−) | Formation of Al2Cu phase; with high cathodic current density. | [81] |
W | High-temperature alloy | High-temperature alloy | Selective oxidation; improves mechanical stability. | [88] |
Co | Co-Al-W alloy | High-temperature air | Formation of Co3O4 and Al2O3 for dual-layer protection. | [87] |
Y | Mg-Y alloy | 3.5% NaCl solution | Formation of stable Y oxides; prevents Mg2+ migration. | [176,177] |
Si | Ni-based superalloy (PtSiAl) | High-temperature air | Formation of silicides; controls phase formation. | [179] |
Be | My alloys | High-temperature oxidizing environments | Forms BeO, which stabilizes MgO layer, and reduces oxidation rate and internal stress, enhancing oxidation resistance. | [170] |
Re | Ni-based superalloys | NaCl solution | Forms passivation layer, and enhances corrosion resistance by reducing current density and promoting impedance. | [190] |
Ti | Ni-based superalloys | High-temperature air | Contributes to passive oxide layer formation, enhancing oxidation resistance at elevated temperatures. | [64] |
Ce | Ni alloys | High-temperature oxidizing environments | Acts as a deoxidizing agent. | [186] |
Nd | Mg alloys | High-temperature oxidizing environments | Forms Nd2O3 layer, enhancing corrosion resistance by stabilizing the passive film. | [175] |
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Singh, A.N.; Swain, S.K.; Meena, A.; Islam, M.; Nam, K.-W. Advances in Corrosion of High-Temperature Materials: Interfacial Migration and Alloy Design Strategies. Ceramics 2024, 7, 1928-1963.
Singh AN, Swain SK, Meena A, Islam M, Nam K-W. Advances in Corrosion of High-Temperature Materials: Interfacial Migration and Alloy Design Strategies. Ceramics. 2024; 7(4):1928-1963.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSingh, Aditya Narayan, Shashwat Kumar Swain, Abhishek Meena, Mobinul Islam, and Kyung-Wan Nam. 2024. "Advances in Corrosion of High-Temperature Materials: Interfacial Migration and Alloy Design Strategies" Ceramics 7, no. 4: 1928-1963.
APA StyleSingh, A. N., Swain, S. K., Meena, A., Islam, M., & Nam, K.-W. (2024). Advances in Corrosion of High-Temperature Materials: Interfacial Migration and Alloy Design Strategies. Ceramics, 7(4), 1928-1963.