The Female Folk Costume of Romanian from the Town of Rupea, Romania: Fashion, Resilience, and Sustainable Management of Cultural Heritage
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Some Conceptual Clarifications
3.1. Clothing as a System of Signs
3.2. Fashion—Between the Desire to Imitate and the Need for Differentiation
3.3. Resilience and Cultural Resilience
3.4. Folk Costume as an Intangible Cultural Heritage Resource
3.5. Female Folk Costume—The Main Artifact Displaying Status Symbols
3.6. Romanians in Transylvania
3.7. Some Historical Landmarks About the Town of Rupea
4. Results
4.1. Female Folk Costume from Rupea Significant Differences
4.2. Discernible Transformations in the Traditional Female Folk Costume from Rupea
4.2.1. Influences of Coexisting Ethnic Groups on the Romanian Folk Costume
4.2.2. Possible Boyar Influences on the Romanian Folk Costume
4.2.3. Urban Influences on the Romanian Folk Costume
4.2.4. Valorization of Imported Clothing Accessories
4.2.5. The Influence of Romanians on the Roma Garment
4.2.6. Textile Substitution on Account of Industrialization
4.2.7. The Challenge to Preserve Local Traditions in the Urban Environment During Communist Times in Romania
5. Discussion
5.1. Borrowings Integrated into Folk Costumes
5.2. The Perpetuity of Popular Costume as a System of Signs
5.3. Resilience in Preserving Tradition
5.4. The Town as a Keeper of Pre-Urban Traditions
5.5. Folk Costume, Cultural Dualism and Efficient Cultural Management
6. Conclusions
Limits and Relevance of Our Research
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Sorea, D.; Borcoman, M. The Female Folk Costume of Romanian from the Town of Rupea, Romania: Fashion, Resilience, and Sustainable Management of Cultural Heritage. Heritage 2025, 8, 86.
Sorea D, Borcoman M. The Female Folk Costume of Romanian from the Town of Rupea, Romania: Fashion, Resilience, and Sustainable Management of Cultural Heritage. Heritage. 2025; 8(3):86.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSorea, Daniela, and Mariana Borcoman. 2025. "The Female Folk Costume of Romanian from the Town of Rupea, Romania: Fashion, Resilience, and Sustainable Management of Cultural Heritage" Heritage 8, no. 3: 86.
APA StyleSorea, D., & Borcoman, M. (2025). The Female Folk Costume of Romanian from the Town of Rupea, Romania: Fashion, Resilience, and Sustainable Management of Cultural Heritage. Heritage, 8(3), 86.