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Investigating the Impact of Speed and Tire Pressure of a Wheel Tractor on Soil Properties: A Case Study in Northeastern Uzbekistan

Adilbek Akhmetov
Sherzodbek Akhmedov
1 and
Javlonbek Ishchanov
Department of Tractors and Automobiles, “Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers” National Research University, Tashkent 100000, Uzbekistan
Department of Irrigation and Melioration, “Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers” National Research University, Tashkent 100000, Uzbekistan
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
AgriEngineering 2024, 6(3), 2067-2081;
Submission received: 31 March 2024 / Revised: 7 June 2024 / Accepted: 17 June 2024 / Published: 3 July 2024
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Research Progress of Agricultural Machinery Testing)


In agriculture, machines engaged in various agrotechnical activities and operations have different impacts on the soil. The effect of mechanization is primarily reflected in two indicators: soil density and hardness. At the same time, considering the direct dependence of tractive resistance on soil hardness in processing machines and sprayers, we studied subsequent changes in the soil in the path of wheels affected by the soil after the passage of four-wheeled and three-wheeled tractors. We also examined various atmospheric pressures in the tractor’s tires and the impact of different types of tires on soil compaction and traction. The studies showed that to reduce the compression impact on the soil of four-wheeled tractor working systems during certain technical operations, it is necessary to choose the maximum permissible travel speed and the minimum air pressure in the tires specified in the technical conditions. This approach helps to decrease soil compaction and maintain its structure. Additionally, it was found that three-wheeled tractors exert less pressure on the soil compared to four-wheeled ones, which should also be considered when selecting equipment for different agrotechnical tasks. Optimizing tire pressure and tractor speed is crucial for minimizing negative soil impact and enhancing the efficiency of agricultural operations.

1. Introduction

In agriculture, various tractor units based on three-wheeled and four-wheeled tractors are used for cultivating agricultural crops. During various agrotechnical operations [1,2,3,4,5,6], significant soil compaction occurs under the influence of the movement systems of tractor units [4,7,8,9,10,11,12,13]. This is especially noticeable in three-wheeled tractors, which, due to the redistribution of the total mass over three support points, exert a stronger compacting effect on the soil compared to four-wheeled tractors.
But, despite this and other significant disadvantages associated with operation due to the high agrotechnical patency, three-wheeled tractors are still used everywhere [3,14,15,16,17]. Although in the matter of reducing the compacting effect on the soil, four-wheeled tractors are clearly superior to three-wheeled tractors, but their use in field work is hindered due to their insufficient agrotechnical patency [4,18,19,20].
The introduction of four-wheeled tractors with adjustable clearance and wheelbase significantly expands their application in agriculture [21,22,23,24,25,26]. Specifically, with the issue of agrotechnical passability being addressed through clearance adjustment, there has been a trend in recent years to replace three-wheeled tractors with four-wheeled ones, making their year-round use possible.
The soil surface compacted by a three-wheeled tractor is 1.5 times greater than that of a four-wheeled tractor. However, after the passage of three-wheeled tractors, the soil undergoes a single compaction along the three-wheel tracks. In four-wheeled tractors, unlike three-wheeled ones, the front and rear wheels follow each other, repeatedly compacting the soil one after another.
Soil compaction occurring during the passage of tractor units is characterized by two indicators: soil density and hardness. The first indicator significantly affects the germination, growth, and development of plants, as well as the yield of agricultural crops [7,27,28,29], while the second impacts the draft resistance of soil tillage implements and seed drill colters, also influencing the draft resistance of agricultural machines [13,29,30,31]. The direct dependence of the draft resistance of tillage machines and seed drills on soil hardness underscores the importance of studying changes in soil hardness after the passage of a wheeled tractor over its tracks at various speeds and tire pressures [32,33].
In this regard, it became necessary to conduct field experimental studies to determine the compacting effect of running gear systems on the soil under various operating modes of wheeled tractors. To reduce the volume of experiments related to different tracks, clearances, and wheelbases, the experiments were conducted using only one tractor with a transformable running gear system for various clearances, wheelbases, and track widths. For this purpose, a four-wheeled tractor with adjustable clearance and wheelbase, modified by the Center for Design and Technological Equipment of Agricultural Machinery (DTCAE), was used. Soil compaction occurring during the passage of tractor units is characterized by two indicators: soil density and hardness. The first indicator significantly affects the germination, growth, and development of plants, as well as the yield of agricultural crops [7,27,28,29], while the second impacts the draft resistance of soil tillage implements and seed drill colters, also influencing the draft resistance of agricultural machines [13,29,30,31]. The direct dependence of the draft resistance of tillage machines and seed drills on soil hardness underscores the importance of studying changes in soil hardness after the passage of a wheeled tractor over its tracks at various speeds and tire pressures [10,33].
In this regard, it became necessary to conduct field experimental studies to determine the compacting effect of running gear systems on the soil under various operating modes of wheeled tractors. To reduce the volume of experiments related to different tracks, clearances, and wheelbases, the experiments were conducted using only one tractor with a transformable running gear system for various clearances, wheelbases, and track widths. For this purpose, a four-wheeled tractor with adjustable clearance and wheelbase, modified by the DTCAE, was used [1,34,35,36] and was utilized alongside soil penetrometer equipment to measure soil hardness.
The study aims to deepen the understanding of the relationship between the operational variables of a four-wheeled tractor and soil compaction, with the ultimate goal of optimizing agricultural practices to reduce soil compaction and increase agricultural productivity. To achieve these goals, the following are proposed:
Measure soil hardness at various depths before and after the passage of the tractor at different speeds and tire pressures.
Analyze the impact of tractor speed and tire pressure on soil hardness.
Measure the loads (pressures) exerted by the tractor on the soil at various depths across the tire width at different tractor speeds.
Analyze the effect of tractor speed on the loads (pressures) exerted by the tractor on the soil at various depths across the tire width.
Determine the optimal operating modes (speed and tire pressure) to minimize soil compaction for the specific tractor under study.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Case Study Area

The study area is located at the “Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers” National Research University Research Education Center fields in the Urtachirchik district of the Tashkent Region of Uzbekistan, and its area is about 0.05 km2 (Figure 1). The experimental field’s starting point is located at coordinates 41°02′16″ N latitude and 69°01′15″ E longitude, with an altitude of 355 m.

2.2. A Description of the Tractor Used in the Research

In contrast to the serial ones, the four-wheel tractor developed by us with a transformable undercarriage system is equipped with special mechanisms for adjusting the clearance under the front and rear axles of the tractor (Figure 2). Depending on the type of agrotechnological operation, its clearance is transferred from a low position to a high one or vice versa, and it will also adjust the base and track of the tractor. Changing the clearance from a low position to a high one provides a change in agrotechnical clearance from 650 to 870 mm. At the same time, at a low clearance position, the tractor base will be elongated to −2678 mm, and at a high clearance position, on the contrary, it will be shortened to −2498 mm. Some indicators of the technical characteristics of the developed four-wheel tractor with a convertible undercarriage system are shown in Table 1.
The main purpose of the developed four-wheeled tractor with a transformable undercarriage system in a high-clearance position (Figure 2a) is the mechanization of field work for sowing, cultivating, and harvesting cotton and other industrial crops when it is aggregated with mounted, semi-trailed, or trailed agricultural machines and implements. The transfer of this tractor to a high ground clearance provides good agricultural maneuverability, and a shortened base helps to minimize the turning radius, thereby reducing the headland area at the ends of the headland.
In a low-clearance position, the developed four-wheeled tractor with a transformable undercarriage system (Figure 2b) is used for pre-sowing tillage, sowing, harvesting and loading, and transport operations. The transfer of this tractor to a high ground clearance and also to an extended base increases its resistance to tipping over when working on loading and transport operations.
If the change in the clearance and base of the developed four-wheel tractor with a transformable chassis system are mutually linked, then the change in its track is carried out without reference to the change in its track and base. Changing the track of the developed four-wheel tractor with a transformable undercarriage system is carried out in a classical way, like in a serial tractor.
The mechanism for changing the clearance under the front axle is a screw mechanism mounted inside the L-shaped knee of the front axle, and it is actuated by the operator using a wrench (Figure 3). By turning the screw in one direction or another, the front axle is transferred to a low-clearance or high-clearance position.
The change in clearance under the rear axle is carried out by a special lever mechanism driven by a hydraulic cylinder connected by a hydraulic system, and it is located between the transmission housing and the axle housing of the developed tractor (Figure 4).
The change in clearance under the rear axle is achieved by moving the gearbox housing relative to the rear axle housing. Maximum clearance is reached when the planetary gear is in the lowest position relative to the other gear, i.e., when the gear is beneath the tractor. By rotating the planetary gear housing relative to the rear axle housing, the gear mounted on the half-axle of the tractor’s drive wheel moves relative to the other gear, resulting in a reduction in the tractor’s clearance. Thus, the rear axle clearance is adjustable in two positions, depending on the position of the planetary gear: vertical position and the planetary gear housing rotated 58–60 degrees from the vertical position. In this way, the height of the agrotechnical clearance under the half-axle housings is adjustable within a range from 650 to 870 mm.
It should be noted that when the planetary gear housing is in a vertical position, the wheelbase of the four-wheeled tractor with a transformable running gear system is shortened, and when the planetary gear housing is rotated 58–60 degrees back from the vertical position, the wheelbase is extended. The mechanism for changing the rear axle clearance of the designed tractor allows for smooth adjustment of the clearance without the use of lifting equipment or assembly and disassembly work. This means that switching the rear axle clearance from high to low and back can be conducted effortlessly without the need for lifting equipment or manual operations. This operating principle, based on the use of a hydraulic system, ensures convenience in operating the vehicle with a transformable running gear system. Overall, this increases productivity and reduces labor and financial costs associated with changing the dimensions of the designed tractor.

2.3. Methods

The soil of the experimental plot, where field trials were conducted, is gray soil from old irrigation. Before conducting the field trials, soil moisture in the experimental plot was measured randomly to a depth of 50 cm (Table 2).
The soil under investigation is an ancient irrigated gray soil, characterized by its soil type and mechanical composition. The soil’s moisture content and hardness were measured at depths ranging from 0 to 10 cm and 40 to 50 cm, respectively, with values ranging from 10.65% to 18.3% for moisture content and from 1.27 to 2.55 MPa for hardness.
Soil hardness was measured using Yu. Revyakin’s hardness tester (see Figure 5) according to the methodology described in the study.
The pressure exerted by wheeled thrusters on the soil was determined in accordance with Interstate Standard 26953-86 [37] and Interstate Standard 7463-2003 standards [38]. To measure this pressure, a TAS 607 force sensor was utilized, along with specially manufactured attachments, which received pressure from the thruster through the soil and transferred it to the force rod (Figure 6). The output signal from the sensor was transmitted to the strain amplifier via a connecting cable, and then to the recording device.
The maximum and average pressures generated by the driving wheels of the experimental tractor on the soil were measured at depths of 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 cm (Figure 7, Figure 8, Figure 9 and Figure 10).
The greatest load on the ground is transmitted from the tractor to the soil through its wheels. To determine the load on the soil, special sensors were installed in two configurations: the first along the axis of symmetry of the tractor’s wheel, and the second perpendicular to the axis of symmetry of the tractor to determine the load across the width of the tractor’s wheel. During the tests, a four-wheel tractor with adjustable clearance and a new control system was used. For future research, it is planned to conduct experiments with a commercially produced three-wheel tractor and perform comparative analyses. A sensor with a strain gauge element is inserted into the soil and slightly compressed until uniform embedding is achieved. When the front and rear wheels of the tractor pass through the area where the sensor is located, and the longitudinal axis of the wheel aligns with the marked axis, the soil pressure measured by the sensor is recorded.
Measurements are taken when the tractor is operating in a stable mode, meaning there is no load on the suspension system. Due to differences in the design of the tractors, they are equipped with different transmission ratios and exhibit different speed distributions. Thus, the minimum and maximum operating speeds used in agricultural operations and their corresponding speed ranges vary. The test locations were chosen randomly.

2.4. Calculations and Statistics

The minimum speeds of the compared tractors (1.24 and 1.9 km/h) were selected simultaneously to visually illustrate the impact of each tractor’s wheels during critical agrotechnical operations, such as the initial processing of cotton rows and mechanical harvesting of raw cotton, where low working speeds are necessary. The closest minimum (1.66 and 1.9 km/h) and maximum (11.88 and 11.7 km/h) speeds of the compared tractors were used for a comparative assessment of the impact of their wheels on the soil.
As a result of the experiments, comprehensive data were acquired characterizing the soil pressure exerted by the tractor’s wheels based on the aforementioned factors and the tractor’s tested speed. Notably, the measured pressure of the tractor’s propulsion units on the soil at different depths varied depending on the movement speed (corresponding to the lower- and upper-speed limits during cotton cultivation operations) and a tire pressure of 0.17 MPa (recommended technical specifications for TTZ tractors). The arithmetic mean values for each measurement were calculated for each plot, and the analysis was conducted using Excel 2019 [39].

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Influence of Wheel Tractor Speed on Soil Hardness

The analysis of the experimental results showed that the greatest pressure from the tractor’s traction unit wheels is exerted on the upper layers of the soil. Additionally, this pressure depends on the type of traction unit, the tire air pressure, and the speed of the tested tractors.
As previously noted, to reduce the compacting effect of the running gear system of the developed four-wheeled tractor with a transformable running gear system, it was necessary to establish optimal operating modes. It is well known that soil compaction is determined by two main characteristics: density and hardness. Soil density significantly affects the growth and development of plants as well as the yield of agricultural crops, while soil hardness influences the resistance of tillage tools and seed drill colters, and consequently, the draft resistance of agricultural machines. Given the direct dependence of the draft resistance of tillage machines and seed drills on soil hardness, studies were conducted on the changes in soil hardness after the passage of the developed four-wheeled tractor with a transformable running gear system over its wheel tracks at various speeds and tire air pressures.
The lower- and upper-speed limits of the four-wheeled tractor with a transformable running gear system were determined based on the agrotechnical requirements specific to the agricultural operations it performs, especially in the cultivation of cotton and other crops common in the region. Considering that such tractors are widely used for growing major agricultural crops such as cotton and grain, as well as for the reseeding of associated crops, a speed range from 3.9 km/h to 9.3 km/h was selected.
During each experiment, soil hardness was measured in the wheel tracks both before and after the passage of the four-wheeled tractor with a transformable running gear system. Soil hardness after the passage was measured along the wheel tracks of the tractor. The results of the field studies, aimed at examining the impact of speed and tire air pressure on changes in soil hardness, are presented in Table 3, Table 4 and Table 5.
Analyzing the data obtained, it can be noted that with an increase in the speed of the tractor under study, the intensity of the increase in soil hardness after its passage decreases, whereas an increase in air pressure in the tire leads to an increase in soil hardness at all speeds of the tractor under study.
Thus, at a tire pressure of 1.2 MPa, an increase in the speed of the studied tractor from 1.7 km/h to 9.3 km/h led to a decrease in the intensity of growth of soil hardness along horizons 0–10, 10–20, 20–30, 30–40, and 40–50 cm, respectively, by 0.11, 0.07, 0.21, 0.17, and 0.09 MPa.
Although there are slight differences between the indicators associated with the peculiarity of the composition of the soil of a given horizon, they all have positive trends toward a decrease in soil hardness. Therefore, when performing specific technological operations, in order to reduce the compacting effect of the undercarriage system on the soil, the speed of movement of a four-wheeled tractor with a transformable undercarriage system must be chosen closer to the maximum value allowed by agrotechnical requirements.
In contrast to the speed of the investigated tractor, an increase in the air pressure in the tire leads to an increase in the hardness of the soil after its passage. For example, at a speed of movement of the studied tractor equal to 1.7 km/h, an increase in air pressure in the tire from 1.2 MPa to 2.2 MPa led to an increase in soil hardness after its passage through horizons 0–10, 10–20, 20–30, 30–40, and 40–50 cm, respectively, by 0.16, 0.02, 0.22, 0.21, and 0.22 MP.
Although there are slight differences between the indicators associated with the peculiarity of the composition of the soil of a given horizon, they all have positive trends toward an increase in soil hardness. Therefore, in order to reduce the compacting effect of the undercarriage system on the soil, it is necessary, when performing specific technological operations, to select the minimum air pressure in the tire provided for by the technical specifications for this tractor.

3.2. The Influence of Tractor Speed on the Load (Pressure) Exerted by the Tractor on Soil at Various Depths across the Tire Width

According to the technical specifications of the four-wheeled tractor with a transformable running gear system, the tire air pressure should be 1.7 MPa. To study the influence of tractor speed on the loads (pressure) exerted by the tractor on the soil at various depths across the tire width, the tire air pressure was set to 1.7 MPa, and the tractor speeds were 1.24 km/h, 1.66 km/h, 7.29 km/h, and 11.88 km/h.
The experiments conducted (Table 6) showed that increasing the tractor speed from 1.24 km/h to 11.88 km/h led to a reduction in soil pressure across the entire tire width at all soil layers. The maximum pressure exerted by the tractor’s running gear on the soil at the studied depths (10–50 cm) occurred in the upper layer (10 cm) of the soil, in the middle part, i.e., along the symmetry axis of the tire width, ranging from 178.6 kPa to 418.6 kPa. Here, the intensity of pressure reduction on the soil increased with tractor speed more significantly compared to other parts of the tire width. In contrast, at the edges of the tire width, the pressure values were the lowest, resulting in an average pressure across the tire width ranging from 51.6 kPa to 175.0 kPa.
From the perspective of assessing the impact of tractor running gear pressure on the soil, the root-inhabited soil layers are of greatest interest. For most plants, the greatest root clustering occurs in the soil layer located at a depth of 10–30 cm, i.e., on average at a depth of 20 cm. The experimental results show that, in this soil layer, both the plant roots and the soil experience pressure ranging from an average of 38.0 kPa to 151.5 kPa. High-pressure impact on the root system can lead to rupture and damage to some branches of the root system, which is undesirable [29,40]. Therefore, during inter-row cultivation of plants with a superficially located root system, to prevent the negative impact of the running gear on them, the speed of the tractor unit should be the highest among the range of speeds provided for by agrotechnical requirements.
The pressure exerted by the tractor’s running gear due to its weight on the soil, combined with the traction forces at the tractor hitch, has an even greater negative impact on the soil. Such effects of the tractor’s running gear manifest at the depth of the wheel tracks, which can significantly influence the horizontal stresses in both longitudinal and transverse directions relative to the direction of movement. Our measurements have shown that traction forces, depending on the traction resistance of the agricultural machine being towed by the tractor and their operating mode, vary within the range of 6.5 to 9.1 kN, significantly affecting the properties and structure of the soil [41,42]. However, for a more accurate quantitative description and differentiation of the influence of traction and wheel passes of the tractor’s running gear on the soil structure and properties, additional research is required. We also advocate for future studies to confirm our observations regarding the influence of the tractor’s running gear wheels on the soil, both within the wheel tracks and at significant distances beyond the tractor’s track.

4. Conclusions

In conclusion, this study suggests that to reduce soil compaction caused by a four-wheeled tractor with adjustable clearance and wheelbase in Uzbekistan’s irrigated gray soil, operators should prioritize higher speeds within agricultural limits and utilize the minimum recommended tire pressure. This will help to minimize the negative impact of machinery on soil health and crop yields.
This study also highlights the potential benefits of the four-wheeled tractor with a transformable undercarriage system. Its adjustable features (clearance, base, and track) might offer additional advantages for various agricultural tasks, but further research is needed to explore this aspect.
The use of a four-wheeled tractor with a transformable running system in cotton farming reduces the varieties of universal-tilled tractors used in cotton cultivation, ensures their year-round loading, increases technical and operational performance, and reduces the cost of their maintenance.
When performing field work, a four-wheeled tractor with a transformable running system is transferred to a high-clearance position, which provides the required agrotechnical patency and, due to the shortened base, the minimum turning radius.
When performing loading and transport operations, a four-wheeled tractor with a transformable undercarriage system is transferred to a low-clearance position, which provides increased stability against overturning.
The maximum effect of using a four-wheeled tractor with a transformable running system is achieved with the correct choice of its high-speed and technical operating mode. To reduce the compacting effect on the soil of a four-wheeled tractor with a transformable running system, it is necessary, when performing specific technological operations, to select the maximum speed allowed by agrotechnical requirements and the minimum value of the air pressure in the tire provided for by the specifications for this tractor.

Author Contributions

A.A.: designed the research concept and methodology, carried out the analysis, interpreted the results, and prepared the original draft. S.A.: designed the research concept and methodology, carried out the analysis, interpreted the results, and prepared the original draft. J.I.: supported the analysis, interpreted the results, and reviewed and edited during the writing stage. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research study was funded by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovations of the Republic of Uzbekistan (PZ-2022101304).

Data Availability Statement

The data that support the findings of this study can be requested from the second author.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Location of study area.
Figure 1. Location of study area.
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Figure 2. A prototype of a four-wheeled tractor with a transformable running system in two positions: (a) high-clearance; and (b) low-clearance.
Figure 2. A prototype of a four-wheeled tractor with a transformable running system in two positions: (a) high-clearance; and (b) low-clearance.
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Figure 3. The mechanism for adjusting the clearance of the front axle of a four-wheeled tractor with a transformable running system.
Figure 3. The mechanism for adjusting the clearance of the front axle of a four-wheeled tractor with a transformable running system.
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Figure 4. The mechanism for adjusting the clearance of the rear axle of a four-wheeled tractor with a transformable running system.
Figure 4. The mechanism for adjusting the clearance of the rear axle of a four-wheeled tractor with a transformable running system.
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Figure 5. Measurement of soil hardness using Yu. Revyakin’s hardness tester.
Figure 5. Measurement of soil hardness using Yu. Revyakin’s hardness tester.
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Figure 6. Strain gauges, amplifier, and recording equipment.
Figure 6. Strain gauges, amplifier, and recording equipment.
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Figure 7. A diagram of the installation of strain gauges for measuring the maximum pressure of the propulsion units of the tested tractors on the soil.
Figure 7. A diagram of the installation of strain gauges for measuring the maximum pressure of the propulsion units of the tested tractors on the soil.
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Figure 8. A diagram of the installation of strain gauges for measuring the average pressure of the propulsion units of the tested tractors across the width of the tire on the soil.
Figure 8. A diagram of the installation of strain gauges for measuring the average pressure of the propulsion units of the tested tractors across the width of the tire on the soil.
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Figure 9. A diagram of the installation of strain gauges for measuring the average pressure of the propulsion units of the tested tractors across the width of the wheel on the soil.
Figure 9. A diagram of the installation of strain gauges for measuring the average pressure of the propulsion units of the tested tractors across the width of the wheel on the soil.
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Figure 10. The experimental setup (before the passage of the tractor).
Figure 10. The experimental setup (before the passage of the tractor).
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Table 1. Brief technical characteristics of the developed four-wheeled tractor with a transformable running system.
Table 1. Brief technical characteristics of the developed four-wheeled tractor with a transformable running system.
Name of IndicatorsWhen Installing
High ClearanceLow Clearance
Traction class according to [34]1.4
Rated pulling force, kN, not less than16.415.8
Engine power, kW, not less than:
Travel speeds at rated engine speed and no slippage, (with rear-wheel tires 18.4R38), km/h:
Number of gears (forward/backward)12/12
Operating weight of the tractor with ballast, kg4680
Ground clearance, mm539440
Agrotechnical clearance, mm, not less than:
along the beam of the front axle870650
under the casings of the rear axle shafts870650
Tractor track, mm:1800/2400
Tractor base, mm24982678
The smallest turning radius, m, no more4.7
Load capacity of the rear-hinged system (at a point 610 mm away from the axis of the rear hinges of the lower links), kg, not less than
Overall dimensions, mm:
-length with a hinged system in the transport position4570
Table 2. Soil moisture.
Table 2. Soil moisture.
Indicators and Unit of MeasurementThe Value of Indicators at the Depth of the Soil, %
0–10 cm10–20 cm20–30 cm30–40 cm40–50 cm
Wav, %6.786.7811.4613.0415.74
±σ, %0.930.
Table 3. Change in soil hardness after the passage of the tractor, depending on the speed of movement at a tire pressure of 1.2 MPa.
Table 3. Change in soil hardness after the passage of the tractor, depending on the speed of movement at a tire pressure of 1.2 MPa.
Horizons, cmTractor Movement Speed, km/hSoil Hardness Value, Tav
Before the Passage of the TractorAfter the Passage of the Tractor
Average Value, TavStandard Deviation, ±σAverage Value, TavStandard Deviation, ±σ
Table 4. The change in soil hardness after the passage of the tractor, depending on the speed of movement at a tire pressure of 1.7 MPa.
Table 4. The change in soil hardness after the passage of the tractor, depending on the speed of movement at a tire pressure of 1.7 MPa.
Horizons, cmTractor Movement Speed, km/hSoil Hardness Value, Tav
Before the Passage of the TractorAfter the Passage of the Tractor
Average Value, TavStandard Deviation, ±σAverage Value, TavStandard Deviation, ±σ
Table 5. The change in soil hardness after the passage of the tractor, depending on the speed of movement at a tire pressure of 2.2 MPa.
Table 5. The change in soil hardness after the passage of the tractor, depending on the speed of movement at a tire pressure of 2.2 MPa.
Horizons, cmTractor Movement Speed, km/hSoil Hardness Value, Tav
Before the Passage of the TractorAfter the Passage of the Tractor
Average Value, TavStandard Deviation, ±σAverage Value, TavStandard Deviation, ±σ
Table 6. Running gear pressure on soil at various tractor speeds.
Table 6. Running gear pressure on soil at various tractor speeds.
Horizons, cmRunning Gear Pressure on Soil at Various Tractor Speeds, kPa
1.24 km/h1.66 km/h7.29 km/h11.88 km/h
The Average across the Tire WidthThe Maximum along the Wheel’s Symmetry AxisThe Average across the Tire WidthThe Maximum along the Wheel’s Symmetry AxisThe Average across the Tire WidthThe Maximum along the Wheel’s Symmetry AxisThe Average across the Tire WidthThe Maximum along the Wheel’s Symmetry Axis
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MDPI and ACS Style

Akhmetov, A.; Akhmedov, S.; Ishchanov, J. Investigating the Impact of Speed and Tire Pressure of a Wheel Tractor on Soil Properties: A Case Study in Northeastern Uzbekistan. AgriEngineering 2024, 6, 2067-2081.

AMA Style

Akhmetov A, Akhmedov S, Ishchanov J. Investigating the Impact of Speed and Tire Pressure of a Wheel Tractor on Soil Properties: A Case Study in Northeastern Uzbekistan. AgriEngineering. 2024; 6(3):2067-2081.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Akhmetov, Adilbek, Sherzodbek Akhmedov, and Javlonbek Ishchanov. 2024. "Investigating the Impact of Speed and Tire Pressure of a Wheel Tractor on Soil Properties: A Case Study in Northeastern Uzbekistan" AgriEngineering 6, no. 3: 2067-2081.

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