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Appl. Mech., Volume 4, Issue 1 (March 2023) – 21 articles

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18 pages, 6539 KiB  
Combining Digital Image Correlation and Acoustic Emission to Characterize the Flexural Behavior of Flax Biocomposites
by Mohamed Habibi and Luc Laperrière
Appl. Mech. 2023, 4(1), 371-388; - 21 Mar 2023
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 2375
Understanding the effect of staking sequences and identifying the damage occurring within a structure using a structural health monitoring system are the keys to an efficient design of composite-based parts. In this research, a combination of digital image correlation (DIC) and acoustic emission [...] Read more.
Understanding the effect of staking sequences and identifying the damage occurring within a structure using a structural health monitoring system are the keys to an efficient design of composite-based parts. In this research, a combination of digital image correlation (DIC) and acoustic emission (AE) is used to locate and classify the type of damage depending on the stacking sequence of the laminate during flexural loading. As a first step, the results of the strain fields for unidirectional, cross-ply, and quasi-isotropic laminates were compared to discuss their global behavior and to correlate the different damage patterns with the possible failure mechanisms. The damage was then addressed using a comprehensive interpretation of the acoustic emission signatures and the K-means classification of the acoustic events. The development of each damage mechanism was correlated to the applied load and expressed as a function of the loading rate to highlight the effect of the stacking sequence. Finally, the results of DIC and AE were combined to improve the reliability of the damage investigation without limiting the failure mechanism to matrix cracking, interfacial failure, and fiber breakage, as expected by the unsupervised event clustering. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Feature Papers in Material Mechanics)
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15 pages, 4337 KiB  
Real-Time Detection of Faults in Rotating Blades Using Frequency Response Function Analysis
by Ravi Prakash Babu Kocharla, Murahari Kolli and Muralimohan Cheepu
Appl. Mech. 2023, 4(1), 356-370; - 15 Mar 2023
Cited by 8 | Viewed by 2769
Turbo machines develop faults in the rotating blades during operation in undesirable conditions. Such faults in the rotating blades are fatigue cracks, mechanical looseness, imbalance, misalignment, etc. Therefore, it is crucial that the blade faults should be detected and diagnosed in order to [...] Read more.
Turbo machines develop faults in the rotating blades during operation in undesirable conditions. Such faults in the rotating blades are fatigue cracks, mechanical looseness, imbalance, misalignment, etc. Therefore, it is crucial that the blade faults should be detected and diagnosed in order to minimize the severe damage of such machines. In this paper, vibration analysis of the rotating blades is conducted using an experimental laboratory setup in order to develop a methodology to detect faults in the rotating blades. The faults considered for the study include cracks and mechanical looseness for which dynamic responses are recorded using a laser vibrometer. Analysis has been carried out by comparing the frequency response function spectrums of the fault blade with those of the healthy blade related to the resonance frequency. The Internet of Things and wireless sensor networks are implemented to transmit the measured data to the cloud platform. A support vector machine algorithm is used for preparing the learning model in order to extract and classify the faults of the rotating blades. It can be clearly seen from the results that there is variation in the frequency response function spectrums of healthy and faulty conditions of the rotating blades. Full article
(This article belongs to the Collection Fracture, Fatigue, and Wear)
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22 pages, 3944 KiB  
Data-Driven, Physics-Based, or Both: Fatigue Prediction of Structural Adhesive Joints by Artificial Intelligence
by Pedro Henrique Evangelista Fernandes, Giovanni Corsetti Silva, Diogo Berta Pitz, Matteo Schnelle, Katharina Koschek, Christof Nagel and Vinicius Carrillo Beber
Appl. Mech. 2023, 4(1), 334-355; - 8 Mar 2023
Cited by 13 | Viewed by 3939
Here, a comparative investigation of data-driven, physics-based, and hybrid models for the fatigue lifetime prediction of structural adhesive joints in terms of complexity of implementation, sensitivity to data size, and prediction accuracy is presented. Four data-driven models (DDM) are constructed using extremely randomized [...] Read more.
Here, a comparative investigation of data-driven, physics-based, and hybrid models for the fatigue lifetime prediction of structural adhesive joints in terms of complexity of implementation, sensitivity to data size, and prediction accuracy is presented. Four data-driven models (DDM) are constructed using extremely randomized trees (ERT), eXtreme gradient boosting (XGB), LightGBM (LGBM) and histogram-based gradient boosting (HGB). The physics-based model (PBM) relies on the Findley’s critical plane approach. Two hybrid models (HM) were developed by combining data-driven and physics-based approaches obtained from invariant stresses (HM-I) and Findley’s stress (HM-F). A fatigue dataset of 979 data points of four structural adhesives is employed. To assess the sensitivity to data size, the dataset is split into three train/test ratios, namely 70%/30%, 50%/50%, and 30%/70%. Results revealed that DDMs are more accurate, but more sensitive to dataset size compared to the PBM. Among different regressors, the LGBM presented the best performance in terms of accuracy and generalization power. HMs increased the accuracy of predictions, whilst reducing the sensitivity to data size. The HM-I demonstrated that datasets from different sources can be utilized to improve predictions (especially with small datasets). Finally, the HM-I showed the highest accuracy with an improved sensitivity to data size. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Feature Papers in Applied Mechanics)
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17 pages, 1802 KiB  
Closed Form Solution in the Buckling Optimization Problem of Twisted Shafts
by Vladimir Kobelev
Appl. Mech. 2023, 4(1), 317-333; - 28 Feb 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1868
The counterpart for Euler’s buckling problem is Greenhill’s problem, which studies the forming of a loop in an elastic beam under torsion. In the context of twisted shafts, the optimal shape of the beam along its axis is searched. A priori form of [...] Read more.
The counterpart for Euler’s buckling problem is Greenhill’s problem, which studies the forming of a loop in an elastic beam under torsion. In the context of twisted shafts, the optimal shape of the beam along its axis is searched. A priori form of the cross-section remains unknown. For the solution of the actual problem, the stability equations take into account all possible convex and simply connected shapes of the cross-section. The cross-sections are similar geometric figures related by a homothetic transformation with respect to a homothetic center on the axis of the beam and vary along its axis. The distribution of material along the length of a twisted shaft is optimized so that the beam is of the constant volume and will support the maximal moment without spatial buckling. The applications of the variational method for stability problems are illustrated in this manuscript. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Feature Papers in Applied Mechanics)
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13 pages, 2550 KiB  
Free-Form Deformation Parameterization on the Aerodynamic Optimization of Morphing Trailing Edge
by Mir Hossein Negahban, Musavir Bashir and Ruxandra Mihaela Botez
Appl. Mech. 2023, 4(1), 304-316; - 28 Feb 2023
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 2953
Every aerodynamic optimization is proceeded by a parameterization of the studied aerial object, and due to its influence on the final optimization process, careful attention should be made in choosing the appropriate parameterization method. An aerodynamic optimization of a morphing trailing edge is [...] Read more.
Every aerodynamic optimization is proceeded by a parameterization of the studied aerial object, and due to its influence on the final optimization process, careful attention should be made in choosing the appropriate parameterization method. An aerodynamic optimization of a morphing trailing edge is performed using a free-form deformation parameterization technique with the purpose of examining the influence of the initial conditions of the parameterization on the optimization results, namely on the number of control points. High-fidelity gradient-based optimization using the discrete adjoint method is established by the coupling of OpenFOAM and Python within the DAFoam optimization framework. The results indicate that the number of control points has a considerable effect on the optimization process, in particular on the convergence, objective function value, and on the deformation feasibility. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Feature Papers in Fluid Mechanics)
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17 pages, 1221 KiB  
Prediction of Effective Elastic and Thermal Properties of Heterogeneous Materials Using Convolutional Neural Networks
by Hamdi Béji, Toufik Kanit and Tanguy Messager
Appl. Mech. 2023, 4(1), 287-303; - 27 Feb 2023
Cited by 5 | Viewed by 2433
The aim of this study is to develop a new method to predict the effective elastic and thermal behavior of heterogeneous materials using Convolutional Neural Networks CNN. This work consists first of all in building a large database containing microstructures of two phases [...] Read more.
The aim of this study is to develop a new method to predict the effective elastic and thermal behavior of heterogeneous materials using Convolutional Neural Networks CNN. This work consists first of all in building a large database containing microstructures of two phases of heterogeneous material with different shapes (circular, elliptical, square, rectangular), volume fractions of the inclusion (20%, 25%, 30%), and different contrasts between the two phases in term of Young modulus and also thermal conductivity. The contrast expresses the degree of heterogeneity in the heterogeneous material, when the value of C is quite important (C >> 1) or quite low (C << 1), it means that the material is extremely heterogeneous, while C= 1, the material becomes totally homogeneous. In the case of elastic properties, the contrast is expressed as the ratio between Young’s modulus of the inclusion and that of the matrix (C = EiEm), while for thermal properties, this ratio is expressed as a function of the thermal conductivity of both phases (C = λiλm). In our work, the model will be tested on two values of contrast (10 and 100). These microstructures will be used to estimate the elastic and thermal behavior by calculating the effective bulk, shear, and thermal conductivity values using a finite element method. The collected databases will be trained and tested on a deep learning model composed of a first convolutional network capable of extracting features and a second fully connected network that allows, through these parameters, the adjustment of the error between the found output and the expected one. The model was verified using a Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) loss function. The prediction results were excellent, with a prediction score between 92% and 98%, which justifies the good choice of the model parameters. Full article
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33 pages, 961 KiB  
Stability of Heterogeneous Beams with Three Supports—Solutions Using Integral Equations
by László Kiss, Abderrazek Messaoudi and György Szeidl
Appl. Mech. 2023, 4(1), 254-286; - 22 Feb 2023
Viewed by 2047
It is our main objective to find the critical load for three beams with cross sectional heterogeneity. Each beam has three supports, of which the intermediate one is a spring support. Determination of the critical load for these beams leads to three point [...] Read more.
It is our main objective to find the critical load for three beams with cross sectional heterogeneity. Each beam has three supports, of which the intermediate one is a spring support. Determination of the critical load for these beams leads to three point boundary value problems (BVPs) associated with homogeneous boundary conditions—the mentioned BVPs constitute three eigenvalue problems. They are solved by using a novel solution strategy based on the Green functions that belong to these BVPs: the eigenvalue problems established for the critical load are transformed into eigenvalue problems governed by homogeneous Fredholm integral equations with kernels that can be given in closed forms provided that the Green function of each BVP is known. Then the eigenvalue problems governed by the Fredholm integral equations can be manipulated into algebraic eigenvalue problems solved numerically by using effective algorithms. It is an advantage of the way we attack these problems that the formalism established and the results obtained remain valid for homogeneous beams as well. The numerical results for the critical forces can be applied to solve some stability problems in the engineering practice. Full article
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6 pages, 1342 KiB  
Kirchhoff’s Analogy between the Kapitza Pendulum Stability and Buckling of a Wavy Beam under Tensile Loading
by Rahul Ramachandran and Michael Nosonovsky
Appl. Mech. 2023, 4(1), 248-253; - 21 Feb 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1922
The Kirchhoff analogy between the oscillation of a pendulum (in the time domain) and the static bending of an elastic beam (in the spatial domain) is applied to the stability analysis of an inverted pendulum on a vibrating foundation (the Kapitza pendulum). The [...] Read more.
The Kirchhoff analogy between the oscillation of a pendulum (in the time domain) and the static bending of an elastic beam (in the spatial domain) is applied to the stability analysis of an inverted pendulum on a vibrating foundation (the Kapitza pendulum). The inverted pendulum is stabilized if the frequency and amplitude of the vibrating foundation exceed certain critical values. The system is analogous to static bending a wavy (patterned) beam subjected to a tensile load with appropriate boundary conditions. We analyze the buckling stability of such a wavy beam, which is governed by the Mathieu equation. Micro/nanopatterned structures and surfaces have various applications including the control of adhesion, friction, wettability, and surface-pattern-induced phase control. Full article
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18 pages, 8717 KiB  
Shear Deterioration of the Hierarchical Structure of Cellulose Microfibrils under Water Condition: All-Atom Molecular Dynamics Analysis
by Yukihiro Izumi, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Tomohiro Sato, Masanori Takuma and Yoshimasa Takahashi
Appl. Mech. 2023, 4(1), 230-247; - 19 Feb 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 2508
This study aims to understand the mechanical properties of cellulose nanofibers (CNFs), a nano-sized material element of woods or plants. We develop all-atom (AA) molecular dynamics models of cellulose microfibrils (CMFs), which are the smallest constituent of CNFs. The models were designed for [...] Read more.
This study aims to understand the mechanical properties of cellulose nanofibers (CNFs), a nano-sized material element of woods or plants. We develop all-atom (AA) molecular dynamics models of cellulose microfibrils (CMFs), which are the smallest constituent of CNFs. The models were designed for the process of structural failure or the degradation of a hierarchical material of multiple CMF fibers, due to shear deformation. It was assumed that two CMFs were arranged in parallel and in close contact, either in a vacuum or in water. The CMF models in water were built by surrounding AA-modeled water molecules with a few nanometers. Shear deformation was applied in the axial direction of the CMF or in the direction parallel to molecular sheets. Shear moduli were measured, and they agree with previous experimental and computational values. The presence of water molecules reduced the elastic modulus, because of the behavior of water molecules at the interface between CMFs as a function of temperature. In the inelastic region, the CMF often broke down inside CMFs in a vacuum condition. However, in water environments, two CMFs tend to slip away from each other at the interface. Water molecules act like a lubricant between multiple CMFs and promote smooth sliding. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Feature Papers in Material Mechanics)
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20 pages, 9692 KiB  
Failure Strength of Automotive Steering Knuckle Made of Metal Matrix Composite
by Kazem Reza Kashyzadeh
Appl. Mech. 2023, 4(1), 210-229; - 12 Feb 2023
Cited by 5 | Viewed by 3649
This article presents the static performance of composite steering knuckle due to drive on an equivalent road, including different types of roughness and maneuvers. To achieve this purpose, the driving of a full-vehicle model was simulated using the multi-body dynamics (MBD) method, and [...] Read more.
This article presents the static performance of composite steering knuckle due to drive on an equivalent road, including different types of roughness and maneuvers. To achieve this purpose, the driving of a full-vehicle model was simulated using the multi-body dynamics (MBD) method, and the imposed loads on connection points of the steering knuckle to different components of the suspension system were extracted considering various maneuvers. Next, CATIA software was used to prepare a smooth model of the steering knuckle by employing coordinate measuring machine (CMM) data. Stress analysis was performed under the maximum value of the loading history in finite element (FE) software. Eventually, the safety factor was calculated based on some well-known criteria for static failure of the composite materials. Moreover, the optimum value of tungsten carbide as a reinforcing substance in aluminum composite was estimated to increase failure strength. The results show that an increase in tungsten carbide leads to an increase in the strength of the steering knuckle under purely axial loads (normal stress criterion) and also that an increase in this substance leads to a decrease in the strength of the part under shear loads (shear stress criterion). Therefore, based on the nature of the loads (i.e., multi-axial non-proportional random amplitude loading conditions) applied to the automotive steering knuckle due to actual conditions, this metal matrix composite (aluminum matrix and tungsten carbide as reinforcement) is not practical. Full article
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19 pages, 6256 KiB  
Euler–Euler Multi-Scale Simulations of Internal Boiling Flow with Conjugated Heat Transfer
by Edouard Butaye, Adrien Toutant and Samuel Mer
Appl. Mech. 2023, 4(1), 191-209; - 6 Feb 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 2373
A numerical approach was implemented, to study a boiling flow in a horizontal serpentine tube. A NEPTUNE_CFD two-fluid model was used, to study the behavior of the refrigerant R141b in diabatic cases. The model was based on the Euler–Euler formalism of the Navier–Stokes [...] Read more.
A numerical approach was implemented, to study a boiling flow in a horizontal serpentine tube. A NEPTUNE_CFD two-fluid model was used, to study the behavior of the refrigerant R141b in diabatic cases. The model was based on the Euler–Euler formalism of the Navier–Stokes equations, in which governing equations are solved for both phases of the fluid at each time step. The conjugate heat transfer—between the tube wall and the fluid—was considered via a coupling with the SYRTHES 4.3 software, which solves solid conduction in three dimensions. A mesh convergence study was carried out, which found that a resolution of 40 meshes per diameter was necessary for our case. The approach was validated by comparison with an experimental study of the literature, based on the faithful reproduction of the positions of two-phase flow regime transitions in the domain. Original post-processing was used, to unravel the flow characteristics. The mean and RMS fields of void fraction, temperatures and stream wise velocities in several sections were analyzed, when statistical convergence was reached. A thermal equilibrium was reached in the saturated liquid, but not in the vapor phase, due to the flow dynamic and possibly the presence of droplets. Finally, a thermal analysis of the configuration was proposed. It demonstrated the strong coupling between the temperature distribution in the solid, and the two-phase flow regimes at stake in the fluid domain. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Applied Thermodynamics: Modern Developments (2nd Volume))
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12 pages, 4156 KiB  
A Methodology for Stochastic Simulation of Head Impact on Windshields
by Christopher Brokmann, Christian Alter and Stefan Kolling
Appl. Mech. 2023, 4(1), 179-190; - 3 Feb 2023
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 2163
In accidents involving cars with pedestrians, the impact of the head on structural parts of the vehicle presents a significant risk of injury. If the head hits the windshield, the injury is highly influenced by glass fracture. In pedestrian protection tests, a head [...] Read more.
In accidents involving cars with pedestrians, the impact of the head on structural parts of the vehicle presents a significant risk of injury. If the head hits the windshield, the injury is highly influenced by glass fracture. In pedestrian protection tests, a head form impactor is shot on the windshield while the resultant acceleration at the centre of gravity of the head is measured. To assess the risk of fatal or serious injury, a head injury criterion (HIC) as an explicit function of the measured acceleration can be determined. The braking strength of glass, which has a major impact on the head acceleration, however, is not deterministic but depends on production-related microcracks on the glass surface as well as on the loading rate. The aim of the present paper is to show a pragmatic method for how to include the stochastic failure of glass in crash and impact simulations. The methodology includes a fracture mechanical model for the strain rate-dependent failure of glass, an experimental determination of the glass strength for the different areas of a windshield (surface, edge, and screen-printing area), a statistical evaluation of the experimental data, and a computation of an HIC probability distribution by stochastic simulation. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Impact Mechanics of Materials and Structures)
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38 pages, 1825 KiB  
On the Countering of Free Vibrations by Forcing: Part II—Damped Oscillations and Decaying Forcing
by Luiz M. B. C. Campos and Manuel J. S. Silva
Appl. Mech. 2023, 4(1), 141-178; - 31 Jan 2023
Viewed by 2705
The present two-part paper concerns the active vibration suppression for the simplest damped continuous system, namely the transverse oscillations of an elastic string, with constant tension and mass density per unit length and friction force proportional to the velocity, described by the telegraph [...] Read more.
The present two-part paper concerns the active vibration suppression for the simplest damped continuous system, namely the transverse oscillations of an elastic string, with constant tension and mass density per unit length and friction force proportional to the velocity, described by the telegraph or wave-diffusion equation, in two complementary parts. The initial part I considers non-resonant and resonant forcing, by concentrated point forces or continuous force distributions independent of time, with phase shift between the forced and free oscillations, in the absence of damping, in which case the forced telegraph equation reduces to the forced classical wave equation. The present and final part II uses the forced wave-diffusion equation to model the effect of damping, both as amplitude decay and phase shift in time, for non-resonant and resonant forcing by a single point force, with constant magnitude or magnitude decaying exponentially in time at an arbitrary rate. Assuming a finite elastic string fixed at both ends, the free oscillations are (i) sinusoidal modes in space-time with exponential decay in time due to damping. The non-resonant forced oscillations at an applied frequency distinct from a natural frequency are also (ii) sinusoidal in space-time, with constant amplitude and a phase shift such that the work of the applied force balances the dissipation. For resonant forcing at an applied frequency equal to a natural frequency, the sinusoidal oscillations in space-time have (iii) a constant amplitude and a phase shift of π/2. In both cases, the (ii) non-resonant or (iii) resonant forcing dominates the decaying free oscillations after some time. Even by optimizing the forcing to minimize the total energy of oscillation, it remains below the energy of the free oscillation alone, but only for a short time—generally a fraction of the period. A more effective method of countering the damped free oscillations is to use forcing with amplitude decaying exponentially in time; by suitable choice of the forcing decay relative to the free damping, the total energy of oscillation over all time can be reduced to no more than 1/16th of the energy of the free oscillation. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Feature Papers in Applied Mechanics)
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32 pages, 643 KiB  
An Intuitive Derivation of Beam Models of Arbitrary Order
by Hart Honickman
Appl. Mech. 2023, 4(1), 109-140; - 28 Jan 2023
Viewed by 2896
This article presents a new beam model that employs a recursive derivation procedure that enables the user to set the order of the governing differential equations as an input parameter, without the need for ad hoc assumptions or methodologies. This article employs a [...] Read more.
This article presents a new beam model that employs a recursive derivation procedure that enables the user to set the order of the governing differential equations as an input parameter, without the need for ad hoc assumptions or methodologies. This article employs a novel system of kinematic variables, section constants, and section functions that facilitate the development of higher-order beam models that retain a clear philosophical link to classical beam models such as Euler–Bernoulli beam theory and Timoshenko beam theory. The present beam model is a type of equivalent single layer beam model, wherein section constants are used to model the global stiffness characteristics of the beam, and section functions are used to recover sectional fields of displacements, strains, and stresses. The present beam model is solved for several example beams, and the results are compared to the results of finite element analyses. It is shown that the present beam model can accurately predict the deformed shapes and stress fields of each of the example beams. This article also reveals an interesting peculiarity of the elastic potential energy that pertains to any unidimensional beam model that is governed by differential equations that are of finite order. Full article
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16 pages, 8475 KiB  
Experimental Investigation on Local and Global Texture Evolution in Drawing Seamless Copper Tubes
by Somayeh Khani, Heinz Palkowski, Adele Carradò and Farzad Foadian
Appl. Mech. 2023, 4(1), 93-108; - 20 Jan 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 2071
Mass flow inequality in the initial stage of tube processing can lead to eccentricity and micro- and nano-structural changes that affect residual stress and texture development. In this study, the macro- and micro-texture development of copper tubes drawn with a tilted die was [...] Read more.
Mass flow inequality in the initial stage of tube processing can lead to eccentricity and micro- and nano-structural changes that affect residual stress and texture development. In this study, the macro- and micro-texture development of copper tubes drawn with a tilted die was investigated using three methods: synchrotron, neutron diffraction, and electron backscatter diffraction, in the positions of maximum and minimum wall thickness of the tubes. Understanding how a tilted die can affect the texture development in copper tubes is the main aim of this study. The micro-texture results of EBSD examinations showed the same behavior at the maximum and minimum sides of the as-received tube, as observed using the synchrotron diffraction method as well as macro-texture measurements. The cube texture component was found to be the predominant orientation in the as-received tube. However, it almost disappeared after drawing with −5° tilting. By contrast, the Cu texture component increased significantly. Before drawing, the cube component varied strongly across the wall thickness. After drawing, however, there was no noticeable texture gradient across the wall thickness. The analyses showed that tilting is not creating an inhomogeneous texture development over the circumference. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Fracture Mechanics and Durability of Engineering Materials)
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3 pages, 179 KiB  
Acknowledgment to the Reviewers of Applied Mechanics in 2022
by Applied Mechanics Editorial Office
Appl. Mech. 2023, 4(1), 90-92; - 18 Jan 2023
Viewed by 1187
High-quality academic publishing is built on rigorous peer review [...] Full article
20 pages, 5602 KiB  
Design and Analysis of Transformable Wheel with Pivoting-Head Mechanism
by Yaowei Chen, Ayumu Kamioka, Masami Iwase, Jun Inoue and Yasuyuki Satoh
Appl. Mech. 2023, 4(1), 70-89; - 12 Jan 2023
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 2569
A transformable wheel designed in this study is proposed to meet the increasingly complex travel requirements of people because it is urgent to provide a smooth and barrier-free travel scheme in complex and changeable urban land. The transformable wheel, with 10 pivoting-head parts, [...] Read more.
A transformable wheel designed in this study is proposed to meet the increasingly complex travel requirements of people because it is urgent to provide a smooth and barrier-free travel scheme in complex and changeable urban land. The transformable wheel, with 10 pivoting-head parts, allows vehicles with the wheels to surmount low-height obstacles that deliberately complicates the terrain such as blind roads, small steps, bumps and door sills, and to achieve low-consumption travel. In this study, we demonstrate that the transformable wheels improve its performance by nearly 30% under the road conditions of low-height obstacles and is especially suitable for carts and suitcases passing through low-height obstacles such as blind lanes and low stairs. Full article
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26 pages, 4867 KiB  
Anisortopic Modeling of Hydraulic Fractures Height Growth in the Anadarko Basin
by Ahmed Merzoug, Abdulaziz Ellafi, Vamegh Rasouli and Hadi Jabbari
Appl. Mech. 2023, 4(1), 44-69; - 9 Jan 2023
Cited by 6 | Viewed by 2633
Correct estimation of hydraulic fracture height growth is a critical step in the design of Hydraulic Fracturing (HF) treatment, as it maximizes the reservoir stimulation and returns on investment. The height of the fractures is governed by several in situ conditions, especially stress [...] Read more.
Correct estimation of hydraulic fracture height growth is a critical step in the design of Hydraulic Fracturing (HF) treatment, as it maximizes the reservoir stimulation and returns on investment. The height of the fractures is governed by several in situ conditions, especially stress variation with depth. The common workflow to estimate stress is by building the mechanical earth model (MEM) and calibrating it using the Diagnostic Fracture Injection Test (DFIT). However, DFIT interpretation is a complex task, and depending on the method used, different results may be obtained that will consequently affect the predicted hydraulic fracture height. This work used the tangent and compliance methods for DFIT interpretation, along with isotropic and anisotropic stress profiles, to estimate the HF height growth using numerical modeling in a 3D planar HF simulator. Data from two wells in the Anadarko Basin were used in this study. The predicted height was compared with microseismic data. The results showed that even though the tangent method fits better to the isotropic stress profile, HF did not match with the microseismic data. On the contrary, the anisotropic stress profile showed a good match between the compliance DFIT model and the microseismic events. Based on the discussions presented in this study, the validity of the DFIT interpretation is debatable, and when the formations are anisotropic, the isotropic model fails to correctly estimate the minimum stress profile, which is the main input for the estimation of the fracture height. This is in addition to the fact that some researchers have questioned the use of the tangent method in low-permeability formations. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Fracture Mechanics and Durability of Engineering Materials)
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13 pages, 3760 KiB  
Analytical Model for the Prediction of Instantaneous and Long-Term Behavior of RC Beams under Static Sustained Service Loads
by Bassel Bakleh, Hala Hasan and George Wardeh
Appl. Mech. 2023, 4(1), 31-43; - 9 Jan 2023
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 2201
A great number of reinforced concrete structures are approaching the end of their service life and they are strongly affected by progressive deterioration processes due to insufficient maintenance. A fundamental understanding of all damage phenomena acting together on reinforced concrete, RC, structures under [...] Read more.
A great number of reinforced concrete structures are approaching the end of their service life and they are strongly affected by progressive deterioration processes due to insufficient maintenance. A fundamental understanding of all damage phenomena acting together on reinforced concrete, RC, structures under service loads is a crucial step toward more sustainable structures. The present work aims to study the creep of RC beams in the cracked state. To achieve this objective, an analytical model was developed based on Bernoulli’s theory and the global equilibrium of the RC beam. A Newton–Raphson algorithm was also proposed to solve the non-linear equilibrium equations related to the non-linearity in the adopted materials models. The proposed model allows predicting the instantaneous and long-term behavior under any loading level up to the steel yielding, and it takes into consideration the effect of creep on the behavior of concrete both in tension and compression. In addition to the evolution of the deflection with time, the model is also able to follow the height of the compression zone as well as the evolution of crack’s height and width under any sustained service load. The comparison between analytical and experimental results found in the literature for long-term loaded beams showed a good agreement. Full article
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11 pages, 1141 KiB  
Heat Transfer Deterioration by the Copper Oxide Layer on Horizontal Subcooled Flow Boiling
by Edgar Santiago Galicia, Tomihiro Kinjo, Ouch Som Onn, Toshihiko Saiwai, Kenji Takita, Kenji Orito and Koji Enoki
Appl. Mech. 2023, 4(1), 20-30; - 4 Jan 2023
Viewed by 3434
Water–copper is one of the most common combinations of working fluid and heating surface in high-performance cooling systems. Copper is usually selected for its high thermal conductivity and water for its high heat transfer coefficient, especially in the two-phase regime. However, copper tends [...] Read more.
Water–copper is one of the most common combinations of working fluid and heating surface in high-performance cooling systems. Copper is usually selected for its high thermal conductivity and water for its high heat transfer coefficient, especially in the two-phase regime. However, copper tends to suffer oxidation in the presence of water and thus the heat flux performance is affected. In this research, an experimental investigation was conducted using a cooper bare surface as a heating surface under a constant mass flux of 600 kg·m2·s1 of deionized water at a subcooled inlet temperature ΔTsub of 70 K under atmospheric pressure conditions on a closed-loop. To confirm the heat transfer deterioration, the experiment was repeated thirteen times. On the flow boiling region after thirteen experiments, the results show an increase in the wall superheat ΔTsat of approximately 26% and a reduction in the heat flux of approximately 200 kW·m2. On the other hand, the effect of oxidation on the single phase is almost marginal. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Applied Thermodynamics: Modern Developments (2nd Volume))
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19 pages, 7079 KiB  
Structural Analysis of a Composite Passenger Seat for the Case of an Aircraft Emergency Landing
by Georgios Tzanakis, Athanasios Kotzakolios, Efthimis Giannaros and Vassilis Kostopoulos
Appl. Mech. 2023, 4(1), 1-19; - 28 Dec 2022
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 5117
Aviation authorities require, from aircraft seat manufacturers, specific performance metrics that maximize the occupants’ chances of survival in the case of an emergency landing and allow for the safe evacuation of the aircraft cabin. Therefore, aircraft seats must comply with specific requirements with [...] Read more.
Aviation authorities require, from aircraft seat manufacturers, specific performance metrics that maximize the occupants’ chances of survival in the case of an emergency landing and allow for the safe evacuation of the aircraft cabin. Therefore, aircraft seats must comply with specific requirements with respect to their structural integrity and potential occupant injuries, which are certified through the conduction of costly, full-scale tests. To reduce certification costs, computer-aided methods such as finite element analysis can simulate and predict the responses of different seat configuration concepts and potentially save time and development costs. This work presents one of the major steps of an aircraft seat development, which is the design and study of preliminary design concepts, whose structural and biomechanical response will determine whether the concept seat model is approved for the next steps of development. More specifically, a three-occupant aircraft seat configuration is studied for crash landing load cases and is subjected to modification iterations from a baseline design to a composite one for its structural performance, its weight reduction and the reduction of forces transmitted to the passengers. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Feature Papers in Applied Mechanics)
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