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Automation, Volume 2, Issue 3 (September 2021) – 9 articles

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19 pages, 713 KiB  
The Road to Accountable and Dependable Manufacturing
by Jan Pennekamp, Roman Matzutt, Salil S. Kanhere, Jens Hiller and Klaus Wehrle
Automation 2021, 2(3), 202-219; - 13 Sep 2021
Cited by 6 | Viewed by 4760
The Internet of Things provides manufacturing with rich data for increased automation. Beyond company-internal data exploitation, the sharing of product and manufacturing process data along and across supply chains enables more efficient production flows and product lifecycle management. Even more, data-based automation facilitates [...] Read more.
The Internet of Things provides manufacturing with rich data for increased automation. Beyond company-internal data exploitation, the sharing of product and manufacturing process data along and across supply chains enables more efficient production flows and product lifecycle management. Even more, data-based automation facilitates short-lived ad hoc collaborations, realizing highly dynamic business relationships for sustainable exploitation of production resources and capacities. However, the sharing and use of business data across manufacturers and with end customers add requirements on data accountability, verifiability, and reliability and needs to consider security and privacy demands. While research has already identified blockchain technology as a key technology to address these challenges, current solutions mainly evolve around logistics or focus on established business relationships instead of automated but highly dynamic collaborations that cannot draw upon long-term trust relationships. We identify three open research areas on the road to such a truly accountable and dependable manufacturing enabled by blockchain technology: blockchain-inherent challenges, scenario-driven challenges, and socio-economic challenges. Especially tackling the scenario-driven challenges, we discuss requirements and options for realizing a blockchain-based trustworthy information store and outline its use for automation to achieve a reliable sharing of product information, efficient and dependable collaboration, and dynamic distributed markets without requiring established long-term trust. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Digital Twins, Sensing Technologies and Automation in Industry 4.0)
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15 pages, 3496 KiB  
Design of Tendon-Actuated Robotic Glove Integrated with Optical Fiber Force Myography Sensor
by Antonio Ribas Neto, Julio Fajardo, Willian Hideak Arita da Silva, Matheus Kaue Gomes, Maria Claudia Ferrari de Castro, Eric Fujiwara and Eric Rohmer
Automation 2021, 2(3), 187-201; - 3 Sep 2021
Cited by 12 | Viewed by 5878
People taken by upper limb disorders caused by neurological diseases suffer from grip weakening, which affects their quality of life. Researches on soft wearable robotics and advances in sensor technology emerge as promising alternatives to develop assistive and rehabilitative technologies. However, current systems [...] Read more.
People taken by upper limb disorders caused by neurological diseases suffer from grip weakening, which affects their quality of life. Researches on soft wearable robotics and advances in sensor technology emerge as promising alternatives to develop assistive and rehabilitative technologies. However, current systems rely on surface electromyography and complex machine learning classifiers to retrieve the user intentions. In addition, the grasp assistance through electromechanical or fluidic actuators is passive and does not contribute to the rehabilitation of upper-limb muscles. Therefore, this paper presents a robotic glove integrated with a force myography sensor. The glove-like orthosis features tendon-driven actuation through servo motors, working as an assistive device for people with hand disabilities. The detection of user intentions employs an optical fiber force myography sensor, simplifying the operation beyond the usual electromyography approach. Moreover, the proposed system applies functional electrical stimulation to activate the grasp collaboratively with the tendon mechanism, providing motion support and assisting rehabilitation. Full article
(This article belongs to the Collection Smart Robotics for Automation)
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14 pages, 4807 KiB  
Wave Propagation and Structural Health Monitoring Application on Parts Fabricated by Additive Manufacturing
by Alireza Modir and Ibrahim Tansel
Automation 2021, 2(3), 173-186; - 18 Aug 2021
Cited by 9 | Viewed by 4467
Additive manufacturing (AM) applications have been steadily increasing in many industry sectors. AM allows creating complex geometries inside of a part to leave some space empty, called infills. Lighter parts are manufactured in a shorter time with less warpage if the strength of [...] Read more.
Additive manufacturing (AM) applications have been steadily increasing in many industry sectors. AM allows creating complex geometries inside of a part to leave some space empty, called infills. Lighter parts are manufactured in a shorter time with less warpage if the strength of the part meets the design requirements. While the benefits of structural health monitoring (SHM) have been proven in different structures, few studies have investigated SHM methods on AM parts. In this study, the relationship between wave propagation and infill density has been studied for the additively manufactured polymer parts. The propagation of surface waves is monitored by using piezoelectric elements. Four rectangular parts are manufactured by using the material extrusion method with 20%, 40%, 60%, and 100% rectilinear infill densities. Four piezoelectric elements were attached on the surface of each beam, one for excitation and three for monitoring the response of the part at equal distances on each part. The results demonstrated that the surface waves diminish faster at parts with lower densities. The received signal in the part with totally solid infills showed about 10 times higher amplitudes compare with the part with 20% infill. The surface response to excitation (SuRE) method was used for sensing the loading on the part. Also, the wave propagation speed was calculated with exciting parts with a pulse signal with a 10-microsecond duration. The wave propagation speed was almost the same for all infill densities. Full article
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20 pages, 5361 KiB  
Data Management System for a Semiautonomous Shuttle Car for Underground Room and Pillar Coal Mines
by Vasilis Androulakis, Steven Schafrik, Joseph Sottile and Zach Agioutantis
Automation 2021, 2(3), 153-172; - 13 Aug 2021
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 5018
In recent years, autonomous solutions in the multidisciplinary field of mining engineering have been an extremely popular applied research topic. This is a result of the increasing demands of society on mineral resources along with the accelerating exploitation of the currently economically viable [...] Read more.
In recent years, autonomous solutions in the multidisciplinary field of mining engineering have been an extremely popular applied research topic. This is a result of the increasing demands of society on mineral resources along with the accelerating exploitation of the currently economically viable resources, which lead the mining sector to turn to deeper, more-difficult-to-mine orebodies. An appropriate data management system comprises a crucial aspect of the designing and the engineering of a system that involves autonomous or semiautonomous vehicles. The vast volume of data collected from onboard sensors, as well as from a potential IoT network dispersed around a smart mine, necessitates the development of a reliable data management strategy. Ideally, this strategy will allow for fast and asynchronous access to the data for real-time processing and decision-making purposes as well as for visualization through a corresponding human–machine interface. The proposed system has been developed for autonomous navigation of a coalmine shuttle car and has been implemented on a 1/6th scale shuttle car in a mock mine. It comprises three separate nodes, namely, a data collection node, a data management node, and a data processing and visualization node. This approach was dictated by the large amount of collected data and the need to ensure uninterrupted and fast data management and flow. The implementation of an SQL database server allows for asynchronous, real-time, and reliable data management, including data storage and retrieval. On the other hand, this approach introduces latencies between the data management node and the other two nodes. In general, these latencies include sensor latencies, network latencies, and processing latencies. However, the data processing and visualization module is able to retrieve and process the latest data and make a decision about the next optimal movement of the shuttle car prototype in less than 900 ms. This allows the prototype to navigate efficiently around the pillars without interruptions. Full article
(This article belongs to the Topic Industrial Robotics)
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12 pages, 9007 KiB  
UAV Thrust Model Identification Using Spectrogram Analysis
by Igor Henrique Beloti Pizetta, Alexandre Santos Brandão and Mário Sarcinelli-Filho
Automation 2021, 2(3), 141-152; - 1 Aug 2021
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 3809
This paper deals with a non-contact method to identify the aerodynamic propeller constants of the Parrot AR.Drone quadrotor. The experimental setup consists of a microphone installed in the flight arena to record audio data. In terms of methodology, a spectrogram analysis is adopted [...] Read more.
This paper deals with a non-contact method to identify the aerodynamic propeller constants of the Parrot AR.Drone quadrotor. The experimental setup consists of a microphone installed in the flight arena to record audio data. In terms of methodology, a spectrogram analysis is adopted to estimate the propeller velocity based on the filtered sound signal. It is known that, in a hovering maneuver, when the UAV mass increases, the propellers rotate faster to produce the necessary thrust increment. In this work, the rotorcraft takes off with its factory settings, first with no hull, corresponding to a mass of 413 g, and after with a small hull, corresponding to a mass of 444 g, and a bigger hull, corresponding to a mass of 462 g. In the sequence, the velocity of the propellers are estimated for each of these three cases using spectrograms of audio recorded by a microphone, corresponding to the sound generated by the four rotors. Finally, the estimated velocity is used to identify the aerodynamic parameters, thus validating the proposal. Full article
(This article belongs to the Collection Smart Robotics for Automation)
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14 pages, 1593 KiB  
Adaptive 3D Visual Servoing of a Scara Robot Manipulator with Unknown Dynamic and Vision System Parameters
by Jorge Antonio Sarapura, Flavio Roberti and Ricardo Carelli
Automation 2021, 2(3), 127-140; - 27 Jul 2021
Cited by 5 | Viewed by 4839
In the present work, we develop an adaptive dynamic controller based on monocular vision for the tracking of objects with a three-degrees of freedom (DOF) Scara robot manipulator. The main characteristic of the proposed control scheme is that it considers the robot dynamics, [...] Read more.
In the present work, we develop an adaptive dynamic controller based on monocular vision for the tracking of objects with a three-degrees of freedom (DOF) Scara robot manipulator. The main characteristic of the proposed control scheme is that it considers the robot dynamics, the depth of the moving object, and the mounting of the fixed camera to be unknown. The design of the control algorithm is based on an adaptive kinematic visual servo controller whose objective is the tracking of moving objects even with uncertainties in the parameters of the camera and its mounting. The design also includes a dynamic controller in cascade with the former one whose objective is to compensate the dynamics of the manipulator by generating the final control actions to the robot even with uncertainties in the parameters of its dynamic model. Using Lyapunov’s theory, we analyze the two proposed adaptive controllers for stability properties, and, through simulations, the performance of the complete control scheme is shown. Full article
(This article belongs to the Collection Smart Robotics for Automation)
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11 pages, 320 KiB  
Improving Automatic Warehouse Throughput by Optimizing Task Allocation and Validating the Algorithm in a Developed Simulation Tool
by Nikolaos Baras, Antonios Chatzisavvas, Dimitris Ziouzios and Minas Dasygenis
Automation 2021, 2(3), 116-126; - 20 Jul 2021
Cited by 10 | Viewed by 4727
It is evident that over the last years, the usage of robotics in warehouses has been rapidly increasing. The usage of robot vehicles in storage facilities has resulted in increased efficiency and improved productivity levels. The robots, however, are only as efficient as [...] Read more.
It is evident that over the last years, the usage of robotics in warehouses has been rapidly increasing. The usage of robot vehicles in storage facilities has resulted in increased efficiency and improved productivity levels. The robots, however, are only as efficient as the algorithms that govern them. Many researchers have attempted to improve the efficiency of industrial robots by improving on the internal routing of a warehouse, or by finding the best locations for charging power stations. Because of the popularity of the problem, many research works can be found in the literature regarding warehouse routing. The majority of these algorithms found in the literature, however, are statically designed and cannot handle multi-robot situations, especially when robots have different characteristics. The proposed algorithm of this paper attempts to give the following solution to this issue: utilizing more than one robot simultaneously to allocate tasks and tailor the navigation path of each robot based on its characteristics, such as its speed, type and current location within the warehouse so as to minimize the task delivery timing. Moreover, the algorithm finds the optimal location for the placement of power stations. We evaluated the proposed methodology in a synthetic realistic environment and demonstrated that the algorithm is capable of finding an improved solution within a realistic time frame. Full article
(This article belongs to the Collection Smart Robotics for Automation)
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18 pages, 3873 KiB  
Design, Modeling, and Control of a Differential Drive Rimless Wheel That Can Move Straight and Turn
by Sebastian Sanchez and Pranav A. Bhounsule
Automation 2021, 2(3), 98-115; - 19 Jul 2021
Cited by 9 | Viewed by 5997
A rimless wheel or a wheel without a rim, is the simplest example of a legged robot and is an ideal testbed to understand the mechanics of locomotion. This paper presents the design, modeling, and control of a differential drive rimless wheel robot [...] Read more.
A rimless wheel or a wheel without a rim, is the simplest example of a legged robot and is an ideal testbed to understand the mechanics of locomotion. This paper presents the design, modeling, and control of a differential drive rimless wheel robot that achieves straight-line movement and turning. The robot design comprises a central axis with two 10-spoked springy rimless wheels on either side and a central body that houses the electronics, motors, transmission, computers, and batteries. To move straight, both motors are commanded to constant pitch control of the central body. To turn while maintaining constant pitch, a differential current is added and subtracted from currents on either motor. In separate tests, the robot achieved the maximum speed of 4.3 m per sec (9.66 miles per hour), the lowest total cost of transport (power per unit weight per unit velocity) of 0.13, and a smallest turning radius of 0.5 m. A kinematics-based model for steering and a dynamics-based sagittal (fore-aft) plane model for forward movement is presented. Finally, parameters studies that influence the speed, torque, power, and energetics of locomotion are performed. A rimless wheel that can move straight and turn can potentially be used to navigate in constrained spaces such as homes and offices. Full article
(This article belongs to the Collection Smart Robotics for Automation)
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15 pages, 1160 KiB  
Stator-Rotor Contact Force Estimation of Rotating Machine
by Mark Spiller and Dirk Söffker
Automation 2021, 2(3), 83-97; - 24 Jun 2021
Viewed by 6449
In turbomachines, dry friction resulting from stator–rotor contacts is a severe problem that may degrade lifetime of the machine or even lead to complete failure. Knowledge about the system states and contact forces is beneficial for system monitoring or to prevent contacts through, [...] Read more.
In turbomachines, dry friction resulting from stator–rotor contacts is a severe problem that may degrade lifetime of the machine or even lead to complete failure. Knowledge about the system states and contact forces is beneficial for system monitoring or to prevent contacts through, e.g., active magnetic bearings. In this paper, a nonlinear model is derived that describes the lateral rotor vibrations in the case of contact and no contact. The elastic behavior of the shaft is modeled based on the finite-element method. The contact is described by a dry friction model. An augmented system description is formulated that allows estimation of rotor displacements and contact forces by means of nonlinear filtering approaches like an extended Kalman filter. A simulation study was conducted that explicitly considered the hazardous backward whirl. The suggested approach shows suitable estimation performance related to both state and contact force estimation. Full article
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