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Proceeding Paper

Toll Automation System Using RFID and Web Portal †

Department of Electronics Engineering, Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Khairpur 66020, Pakistan
Presented at the 7th International Electrical Engineering Conference, Karachi, Pakistan, 25–26 March 2022.
Eng. Proc. 2022, 20(1), 44;
Published: 17 August 2022
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of The 7th International Electrical Engineering Conference)


This paper depicts the RFID-based programmed cost assortment framework for the cost entryway. Most of the cost assortment systems consistently used as a piece of Pakistan contain manual trade. By and by, a day’s action has developed a broad scale achieving blockage at the cost courts. It causes blocked driving conditions and wastage of time and fuel. This undertaking aims to change manual trade to electronic cost gathering with the help of RFID development. Customized cost courts shed wastage of time, and it can keep the customer invigorated about its change by imparting something explicit each time it goes through the cost square. The cost is deducted from the vehicle owner’s pre-paid record each time it goes through it. A 125 KHz RFID per user use for perceiving the confined names used by the customer. Next to an LCD panel that displays all the trade’s snippets of information is, indeed, the barricade's motor. This structure will slash downtime and fuel wastage at the cost courts, offer information to the customer about his/her change as the cloud-based information send, and ensure a smoother travel understanding for the explorers. Moreover, switches have been obliged to invigorate electives if the event of lousy equilibrium ought to emerge. In this case, we use multiple programming languages for obtaining desired output, such as CSS, SQL, PHP, Python, and HTML. Furthermore, it uses different software such as raspberry pi imager, VNC Viewer, and Putty.

1. Introduction

In this strategy, the need for human cost-based frameworks decreased, and RFID powers the ringing framework. A complete RFID system includes a transponder (tag) for each user/author, a receiving wire, and a PC. The tag, or Transponder, is a central processor connected to a receiving wire framework in a smaller bundle [1]. The central processor contains memory and rationale circuits to acquire and send information back to the user. These labels are a delegate to either dynamic or latent labels. Dynamic labels have inward batteries that permit a more drawn-out understanding reach, while the sign from its per user function fuels uninvolved labels and, in this manner, has more limited understanding reach. Detached RFID has no inside power source and utilizes outside the ability to work. The electromagnetic sign acquired from a single user controls these labels. The got electromagnetic sign charges an internal capacitor on the labels, which goes about as a force source and supplies the capacity to the chip. However, these uninvolved labels have both UHF and LF, and the low recurrence labels are best since UHF labels have high understood reach, henceforth equipped for perusing numerous labels simultaneously, which may prompt impact [2]. The conspicuous benefit of the Transponder in our venture is that it, per user, has just one objective a period, and consequently, it is exceptionally profitable contrasted with the wide range of various already existing frameworks.
The RFID tag is utilizing as a one-of-a-kind personality for the record of a specific client. When a vehicle passes through the cost court, its driver is inciting to filter his RFID tag. On the off chance that the character (a chronic number of tags) is coordinate with the one previously put away in the framework, the cost sum is deducting from his record. After this, the vehicle acquires prompt admittance to pass through. This RFID-based cost framework likewise has some extra highlights. Another client can enroll him with the framework. Likewise, an old client can re-energize his record balance. The sum for re-energize can enter the framework. At the start, the client is inciting to check his tag or ID. The per-user module recognizes the tag’s sequential code and sends it for correlation with stored information. On the off chance that the microcontroller coordinates ID, the cost sum is deducting from the client’s equilibrium, and the client will pass through the square. The camera captured a picture of the car in case the tag was not recognized. Another client must enlist, after which his identity is verifying using an RFID tag. The microcontroller then saves the new record to allow future access.

2. Related Work

  • A variety of techniques can use to accomplish automated toll collection. Some valuable suggestions and resources uncovered via the study are the toll square, controlled by a computer, which is frequently updated. The vehicle’s number plate is located using a camera while taking care of the photograph’s light, and the cost is kept low by grouping the number plate with the data set. This system makes use of infrared sensors right from the start.
  • The client must obtain a transmitter from the workplace, which will have many customers focus points. When the consumer contacts the cost court, the transmitter should place an optical path with the beneficiary. It is grown, the switch crushed, the recipient searches the data set for a match, and the desired aggregate subtracted. The structure is considering RFID [3].
  • Technology: The amount of the per-user-specified total is subtracting as soon as the RFID name appears, resulting in the planned information from the data set and the motor-constrained entry permitting the vehicle to pass through it. The remaining references are nearly identical to one another. Although our research uses RFID technology, the data set has limited. In addition, we remembered the GSM module, which beliefs to be the future degree in a substantial percentage of the papers, for our endeavor [4].
  • The huge bottleneck generated before the scaffolds of inhabited metropolitan areas worldwide has much reduced because of a robotized toll-based collecting system. It is also the most straightforward approach to control the massive traffic flow. It precisely catches the radio recurrence using RFID innovation. In this technique, the RF follows a unique code associated with the vehicle that emits RF signals. Every automobile owner must have a record that includes an RFID tag. The indicators will be detected and communicated to the controlling device when the vehicle approaches the passage cost entry. The automobile owners will be permitted to pass if the judge has a sufficient balance on their record. A complex cost-based selection mechanism called the Canada 407 Express cost course had been discovered (ETR). This framework showed an optical camera with Optical Character Recognition (OCR) that collects pictures and detects missing tags. On the interstate in Gujrat, India, an automated cost collecting framework based on radio recurrence and tag operates financially, with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries providing the essential gear. On the Ahmadabad Mumbai National Highway, India has its first interoperable RFID-based electronic cost framework, allowing cars with electronic labels to communicate at a frequency of (850–950 MHz) with a range of up to 90 feet and a reaction time of 10 milliseconds. The motorist must acquire a receipt and pass through the entry, despite this approach is cost-effective [5].

3. Proposed System

In Pakistan, the traditional manual method which requires a toll collector, or attendant, who collects amounts of money and issues receipts. In these methods, there are chances of escaping tax payment. Existing methods are not efficient, and details about vehicles and other messages are not exchanged between toll authorities; hence, it reduces security and tracking capability, requires manpower, is time consuming, and results in fuel loss.
Many toll collection systems are implemented with different techniques. Electronic toll collection was first implemented in 1986. We have designed an IOT based Toll Collection System in which a person can use an RFID to pay the Toll charge Figure 1. When RFID is swiped, the system would check if it had enough balance and then deduct the toll charge and update the balance. IoT is basically the ‘things’ which are connected to networks and can exchange data with the help of sensors, electronics, software and connectivity.
RASPBERRY PI is a key component that keeps the system running. The reader and the tag are the two components of RFID. The web portal, on the other hand, connects to the Raspberry Pi, and it has two parts: a database and a dashboard. A database management system’s primary goal is to store and transform data into information that can make choices. The dashboard serves as a jumping-off point for gathering all relevant information and data onto a single screen.

4. Results

In Figure 2 The login screen is shown, where user will login through his plate number.
In Figure 3, after login the dashboard screen appears where the check car id is registered and not registered from the database. Home, Insert Car Details, Registered Cars, and Passing Cars are subcategories in the left panel.
In Figure 4, the database links with python code and web portal.


This research received no external funding.


Without the help of my family, instructors, mentors, and friends, this journey would never have been possible. I want to express my gratitude to my family for supporting me in all of my endeavors and for motivating me to pursue my goals. I want to express my gratitude to my parents, who helped me both financially and emotionally.

Conflicts of Interest

The author declares no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Atcs Block Diagram.
Figure 1. Atcs Block Diagram.
Engproc 20 00044 g001
Figure 2. Login screen.
Figure 2. Login screen.
Engproc 20 00044 g002
Figure 3. Dashboard.
Figure 3. Dashboard.
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Figure 4. Cloud-Based Interface.
Figure 4. Cloud-Based Interface.
Engproc 20 00044 g004
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MDPI and ACS Style

Abbas, Z. Toll Automation System Using RFID and Web Portal. Eng. Proc. 2022, 20, 44.

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Abbas Z. Toll Automation System Using RFID and Web Portal. Engineering Proceedings. 2022; 20(1):44.

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Abbas, Zeghum. 2022. "Toll Automation System Using RFID and Web Portal" Engineering Proceedings 20, no. 1: 44.

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