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Proceeding Paper

Internet-of-Things-Based Smart Home Energy Management System with Multi-Sensor Data Fusion †

Department of Robotics and Automation, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore 641022, India
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Presented at the 5th International Conference on Innovative Product Design and Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IPDIMS 2023), Rourkela, India, 6–7 December 2023.
Eng. Proc. 2024, 66(1), 10;
Published: 1 July 2024


As the Internet has become extensively utilized, developments in Internet-of-Things technologies have evolved to the point that researchers now recognize them to be cutting-edge achievements. In this work, an IoT-based smart home energy management system with multi-sensor data fusion enables online management and access of household utility and devices. The main control of the system will be a smart switch box that will oversee how much electricity and water are consumed. The potential of smart home energy management to connect and control appliances has grown and changed significantly in recent years. The suggested approach in this work is capable of gathering data for each object in our home, including operating durations and energy consumption statistics, as well as real-time tracking of the power consumed in it. The entire system is connected to the IoT Smart Box, and data are collected via IoT. The IoT-based application is used to monitor, analyze, and manage energy use. As a result, the energy loss caused by human negligence is reduced. This establishes itself as a full-fledged IoT-based smart home energy management system.

1. Introduction

We live in an era where the conservation of energy is becoming increasingly crucial. We must manage our energy usage properly in light of growing expenses and the scarcity of resources. Smart home energy management solutions can help with this. Smart home energy management systems assist us in monitoring, tracking, and optimizing our energy consumption [1]. They can inform us where we are wasting the most energy, help us create objectives for lowering energy use, and even turn off particular appliances when they are not in use.
The IoT is a collection of physical devices that are connected to the web and may communicate with each other [2]. Everything from your smartphone to your washing machine is included. The Internet of Things is utilized in our homes for a number of purposes, from managing the temperature to ensuring protection and security.
One use of IoT in modern houses is temperature control. Smart thermostats may be managed via a smartphone app, ensuring that you always arrive home to a pleasant home [3]. Another major and very important use of IoT in our homes is security [4]. Numerous intelligent security cameras are now available in the marketplace that can be accessed via an app. This allows you to keep a watch on your house even while you are not there.
You may also create alerts to be alerted if something out of the ordinary occurs. The Internet of Things is also altering how we engage with our appliances. Several appliances, such as refrigerators and washers, now have applications that allow you to remotely operate them [5]. This means you can monitor and run your washer while you are at work. Our houses are becoming more pleasant, convenient, and secure as a result of the Internet of Things, which also gives us more flexibility in how we employ it [6].

2. Smart Home Energy Management System (SHEMS)

A smart home energy management system is a technology that helps you save energy and money by optimizing your home’s energy usage. The device monitors your home’s energy use and provides feedback so you may make modifications to lower your consumption [7]. The average American household spends roughly USD 2200 annually on electricity costs; however, a smart home energy management system could help you save up to 30% [8].
The behavior of household electricity has been widely explored in order to develop an intelligent model of household electricity with the objective of achieving the lowest possible power cost [9]. As an alternative, several studies consider the link between the usage of household equipment and the optimization of household electrical behavior in order to reduce power expenditure and increase comfort [10]. Researchers investigating the effects of electric cars and energy storage devices on smart house optimization have presented a strategy for household energy management that takes real-time control techniques for energy storage devices [11].
A smart home energy management system can help lower your house’s carbon footprint and preserve the environment in addition to saving money [12]. A smart home energy management system (SHEMS) is indeed a mechanism or combination of devices that controls the energy consumption of household appliances and gadgets. A SHEMS is generally made up of a single central processor, one or more power monitors, and a variety of communication devices. The master node is the operation’s brain [13,14].
It gathers data from energy sensors and utilizes it to make judgements regarding how to effectively control the home’s energy consumption. The controller also has a user interface via which homeowners may communicate with the system and change its settings [15]. Communication devices connect the central controller to other devices in homes, such as the thermostat, electrical switches, and outlets [16]. This enables the system to operate these devices automatically based on data from energy monitors [17].

3. System Architecture

3.1. Software Architecture

Blynk is an IoT platform for iOS or Android devices that uses the Internet to operate Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and Node MCU. This program is used to compile and provide the required address on the accessible widgets to construct a graphic user display. The Internet of Things inspired the development of Blynk. It can control hardware remotely, display sensor information, present and save the data, and perform a range of other functions. For example, see Figure 1.

3.2. Hardware Architecture

The ESP 32 Wi-Fi module is supplied with power through the buck converter. The Buck converter may function as a standard step-down module with overcurrent safety. This converter was utilized in our situation to reduce the voltage from 12 V to 5 V. Even if the output is short-circuited, the module will not burn out due to current limiting protection.
It is a switched-mode power supply that can modify the output voltage to maintain a constant output regardless of load fluctuations. Node MCU is linked to an AC voltage sensor. A voltage sensor is a device that detects and responds to electrical or optical signals. This sensor measures, calculates, and determines voltage. A relay and the clamp sensor are used to link the LED bulb to the Node MCU. The ac power sensor (clamp-type) is a non-contact transformer that detects alternating current. This partitioned sensor may be installed without interfering with current power supplies. For example, see Figure 2.

3.3. Network Architecture

The Blynk application is available on mobile devices as well as via a desktop PC webpage. The user may access the appliances from anywhere in the globe by using the Blynk cloud. Case 1 (local network) connects the ESP 32 Wi-Fi module and the Blynk app to a locally accessible network. In instance 2 (Internet), the ESP 32 module, as well as the Blynk mobile app and homepage, are linked to the Blynk cloud, allowing you to view and save data over your own Wi-Fi connection.

4. Conclusions

All sensor data are received by the Node MCU and shown online via the Blynk app. The Node MCU, which is linked to the actuators, allows the user to regulate the water and current sources through the app. Smart home energy management systems are easy and effective ways to save energy costs, lessen your environmental impact, and improve the efficiency of utilities installed in the home. The dashboard in the application can give online monitoring data, so as to enable the user to track consumption patterns to optimally use energy cost/water usage. There is a growing market for smart home energy management systems as more people adopt intelligent lifestyles.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, R.R. and M.S.S.; methodology, R.R.; software, S.J. and R.R.; validation, R.R. and S.J.; formal analysis, R.R., S.J. and S.S.; investigation, R.R.; resources, R.R. and S.S.; data curation, R.R. and S.J.; writing—original draft preparation, R.R. and S.J.; writing—review and editing, R.R. and M.S.S.; visualization, R.R., S.J. and S.S.; supervision, M.S.S.; project administration, R.R. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.

Data Availability Statement

Data are contained within the article.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. Software architecture.
Figure 1. Software architecture.
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Figure 2. Hardware architecture.
Figure 2. Hardware architecture.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Sureshkumar, M.S.; Rahul, R.; Joshika, S.; Suraj, S. Internet-of-Things-Based Smart Home Energy Management System with Multi-Sensor Data Fusion. Eng. Proc. 2024, 66, 10.

AMA Style

Sureshkumar MS, Rahul R, Joshika S, Suraj S. Internet-of-Things-Based Smart Home Energy Management System with Multi-Sensor Data Fusion. Engineering Proceedings. 2024; 66(1):10.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Sureshkumar, M. S., R. Rahul, S. Joshika, and S. Suraj. 2024. "Internet-of-Things-Based Smart Home Energy Management System with Multi-Sensor Data Fusion" Engineering Proceedings 66, no. 1: 10.

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