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Proceeding Paper

Forecasting Stock Market Dynamics using Market Cap Time Series of Firms and Fluctuating Selection †

Institute of Physics, Faculty of Science, Universidad de la República, Igua 4225, Montevideo 11400, Uruguay
Presented at the 10th International Conference on Time Series and Forecasting, Gran Canaria, Spain, 15–17 July 2024.
Eng. Proc. 2024, 68(1), 21;
Published: 5 July 2024
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of The 10th International Conference on Time Series and Forecasting)


Evolutionary economics has been instrumental in explaining the nature of innovation processes and providing valuable heuristics for applied research. However, quantitative tests in this field remain scarce. A significant challenge is accurately estimating the fitness of companies. We propose the estimation of the financial fitness of a company by its market capitalization (MC) time series using Malthusian fitness and the selection equation of evolutionary biology. This definition of fitness implies that all companies, regardless of their industry, compete for investors’ money through their stocks. The resulting fluctuating selection from market capitalization (FSMC) formula allows forecasting companies’ shares of total MC through this selection equation. We validate the method using the daily MC of public-owned Fortune 100 companies over the period 2000–2021.

1. Introduction

Evolutionary economics is a branch of economics that applies principles from evolutionary biology to understand economic systems and their dynamics [1]. It focuses on the processes of variation, selection, and adaptation within economic systems, viewing them as evolving and dynamic entities. Evolutionary economists emphasize the roles of innovation, technological change, institutional evolution, and learning mechanisms in shaping economic behavior and outcomes over time [2]. This approach challenges traditional neoclassical economics by highlighting the importance of historical context, path dependence, and non-equilibrium dynamics in economic analysis. Evolutionary economics has provided valuable insights for studying significant qualitative issues. For instance, it was used to explore how complex socio-economic interactions shape evolving preferences and habit formation [3], the types of institutional structures that can best support evolutionary change [3,4], and the conditions necessary for economic activities to promote long-term economic prosperity [5]. Evolutionary economics embraces the biological notion of fitness, which reflects the relative competitiveness of a company compared to other companies and, in turn, determines its probability of growth and survival.
A major challenge has been estimating this fitness. Fitness is often discussed synonymously with production-related performance, i.e., assessing how efficiently a company manages its resources, processes, and production activities to deliver goods or services. This canonical standpoint relates to firms producing a homogeneous good but with different costs, determining their fitness in competing for market shares [6,7]. The shares of each firm’s product in the total output of the competitor population are used to describe the population structure at each time. As the market evolves, the market shares of less fit firms decrease, while companies with greater fitness capture larger market shares [8]. However, using market shares to assess the competitive position of firms poses different problems [9], particularly in rapidly evolving industries and technology-driven markets [10]. In fact, market shares can sometimes be negatively related to profitability [11,12]. Moreover, market shares do not always provide a complete or accurate picture of a company’s performance [13].
In this article, to fill this gap, we present a new deterministic selection-driven dynamic method [6,7] to model the evolutionary dynamics of companies with fluctuating fitnesses estimated from empirical time-series data. The method is based on an alternative way to measure a company’s fitness that focuses on financial performance rather than traditional industrial performance, aligning more closely with the Malthusian fitness concept used in biology [14,15]. This new fitness definition, inspired by ecology and evolution, is based on market capitalization. We validate the method using the daily market capitalization data of public Fortune 100 companies from 2000 to 2021 [16]. Our results indicate that the fluctuating selection from market caps (FSMC) method produces reasonably accurate forecasts of the proportions or shares of market capitalization among companies.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Data

The dataset we use here is the same as in [17], and is based on the Fortune 100 list, which includes the top 100 companies by revenue, both public and privately held, in the United States, as published by Fortune magazine [16]. From these 100 companies, we selected the 78 publicly owned companies that reported annual revenue and market capitalization from 1 January 2000 to 31 December 2021 (see Table 1). The resulting dataset consists of the time series of daily closing market values for each company i, vi(t), with t measured in days, for these 78 companies spanning T = 5536 days [18].

2.2. Modeling

2.2.1. Fluctuating Selection from Market Caps (FSMC) Method

As we previously pointed out, selection involves considering the differential rates of expansion (that is, the ‘fitness’) among the competing, interacting members of a population. To estimate the fitness of firms, we start with the market capitalization of each company i at time t, as denoted by vi(t). This quantity plays the role played by the biomass or number of individuals of a genotype or phenotype in biology [15,19]. Consequently, the proportion or share of total market cap of each company (analogous to the frequency of a genotype or phenotype in a population) is given by the following:
x i ( t ) v i ( t ) j = 1 N v j ( t ) , i = 1 , 2 , , N .
Note that, in Equation (1), the number of companies is denoted by N, and the same is true for all the equations of this section for the generality of presentation. In the Section 3, we always take N = 78.
The Malthusian fitness, fi, of each company, which is identical to its growth rate, is thus defined as
f i ( t ) v i t v i , i = 1 ,   2 ,     ,   N
Incidentally, note that the fitnesses, as defined by Equation (2), is in general time-dependent (we stress this by writing it explicitly as a function of t). In fact, this dependence on time reflects the Schumpeterian view that permeates evolutionary economics, i.e., winners and losers emerge from an ongoing process of disequilibrium [20]. This implies a fluctuating selection [21,22] within a variable environment characterized by fitnesses that are not constant. This is why the method is called fluctuating selection from market capitalization (FSMC).
By deriving Equation (1) with respect to t, it is straightforward to obtain the following identity:
d x i d t = x i ( f i ( t ) ϕ ( t ) ) i = 1 ,   2 ,     ,   N ,
where ϕ(t) is the weighted average fitness, i.e.,
ϕ ( t ) = i = 1 N x i ( t ) f i ( t ) .
Identity (3) is the so-called selection equation [19,23].

2.2.2. Forecasting with the FSMC Method

In order to forecast future shares of the total market cap of companies, we firstly rewrite the selection equation in terms of discrete time (measured in days). By rearranging it, we obtain
x i ( t + 1 ) = x i ( t ) + x i ( t ) f i ( t ) ϕ ( t ) , i = 1 , 2 , , N ,
f i ( t ) v i ( t ) v i ( t 1 ) 1 , i = 1 , 2 , , N .
Nevertheless, directly obtaining the fitness values from Equation (6) presents the issue of rapid daily variations in the data, leading to very noisy fitness estimates. Additionally, since the selection process is unlikely to be instantaneous, the concept of fitness must exhibit some degree of constancy over time [24], reflecting the firm’s behavioral continuity [1]. The method overcomes this problem by averaging fi(t) over a training period of length TT. Hence, a smoothed fitness for day t0 is obtained as follows:
f i smooth ( t 0 ) = τ = t T T + 1 t 0 f i ( τ ) T T .
Figure 1 compares the ‘instantaneous’ fitness, given by Equation (6), and the smoothed one. Using this smoothed fitness in Equation (5), we finally arrive to the FSMC forecasting equation:
x i FSMC ( t + 1 ) = x i FSMC ( t ) 1 + f i smooth ( t 0 ) j = 1 N x j FSMC ( t ) f j smooth ( t 0 ) , i = 1 , 2 , , N , t = t 0 , t 0 + 1 , starting   at   t = t 0 with   x i FSMC ( t 0 ) = x i ( t 0 )
where the superscript FSMC is to distinguish the FSMC predictions for total capital market shares from the observed ones, which are just denoted by x(t).
Two remarks about the FSMC forecasting Equation (8):
  • It is no longer an identity. This is because we have replaced the instantaneous fitness with the smoothed one evaluated at day t0 in selection Equation (5).
  • Furthermore, we kept this value of the smoothed fitness at day t0 fixed over the validation period, t > t0, shown in Figure 1 as a red-dotted line. Notice that the smoothed fitness generated by Equation (7) across the validation period (thick gray line) slightly departs from this constant fitness value, thus supporting the assumption of the constant fitness of the FSMC method over the validation period.
A rule of thumb of series forecasting is to take the validation period TV as less or equal to the training period TT [25]. Here, we always take TV = TT (taking TV < TT does not introduce qualitative differences). We used TT = 21, 63, 126, and 252 market days, corresponding, respectively, to a month, a quarter, two quarters, and a year. The first prediction of the FSMC method starts at t = TT and the last one at t = TTV = 5536-TV. Therefore, to validate the FSMC method, we consider 5536 − 2TV validation instances of length TV.

2.2.3. Assessing the Performance of the FSMC Method

To evaluate the quantitative forecasting performance of the FSMC method, we computed the errors of its predictions of shares of total market capital for each firm i. Specifically, we computed for each given day t and for each validation instance α, both the absolute error ε ( t ) i ( α ) = x ( t ) i FSMC ( α ) x i ( t ) and the percentage error δ ( t ) i ( α ) , defined as
δ ( t ) i ( α ) = 100 × ε ( t ) i ( α ) x i ( t ) , i = 1 , 2 , , N t = 1 , 2 , , T V α = 1 , 2 , , 5536 2 T V .
Then, to measure the forecast accuracy, we used the following metrics obtained in terms of { ε ( t ) i ( α ) } and { δ ( t ) i ( α ) }:
Their averages over the 5536 − 2TV validation instances:
ε i av ( t ) = α = 1 5536 2 T V ε i ( α ) ( t ) 5536 2 T V , i = 1 , 2 , , N
δ i av ( t ) = α = 1 5536 2 T V δ i ( α ) ( t ) 5536 2 T V , i = 1 , 2 , , N
The mean absolute error (MAE) for firm i, which is given by
MAE i ( T V ) = t = 1 T V ε i av ( t ) T V , i = 1 , 2 , , N ,
where the TV within parentheses is to highlight the dependence of this metric on the validation period. Specifically, it quantifies the error of the predicted “trajectory” followed by the share xi of company i with respect to the real trajectory over TV.
The mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) for firm i, given by
MAPE i ( T V ) = t = 1 T V δ i av ( t ) T V , i = 1 , 2 , , N ,
A grand MAE and a grand MAPE, denoted, respectively, as GMAE and GMAPE, obtained as averages of MAEi and MAPEi across all firms:
GMAE ( T V ) = i = 1 N MAE i ( T V ) N = i = 1 N t = 1 T v ε i av ( t ) N T V .
GMAPE ( T V ) = i = 1 N MAPE i ( T V ) N = i = 1 N t = 1 T v δ i av ( t ) N T V .
The GMAE and GMAPE offer a comprehensive evaluation of the method’s accuracy: the smaller the global metric, the more accurate the method overall.

3. Results

Figure 2 shows the averaged absolute error ε i av ( t ) produced by Equation (10) across the TV = 252 days of one year for the 78 companies. We can see the following:
Most of these errors are < the mean of fractions {xi(t)} of all companies and days (=0.0025). Indeed, for the first month (day 21), they are all much smaller.
They tend to increase with the forecasted day.
For firms #60, AIG, and #77, Fannie Mae, these errors reach very large values.
Now, let us consider the other extreme of the forecasts, namely TV = 21 days. Figure 3 shows the averaged percentual absolute error δ i av ( t ) produced by Equation (11) over TV = 21 days for the 78 companies.
We can see the following from Figure 3:
Most of these errors are <5%.
Consistently with the absolute errors, they tend to increase with the forecasted day.
Also in agreement with what we found for the absolute errors, the relative errors for AIG and Fannie Mae reach very large values (>20%)
Likewise, as shown in Figure 4, the MAPEi (Equation (11)) over TV = 21 days for most of the companies is <5%, while only for two companies, AIG and Fannie Mae, it is >15%.
The large errors of AIG and Fannie Mae can be understood from their singular behavior shown in Figure 5. We can see that the market cap of both companies plummeted in 2008 during the Great Recession. Additionally, in 2011, the market cap of AIG skyrocketed. These drastic sudden variations are of course very difficult to capture through most forecasting methods. The FSMC is able to capture the trend, but not its intensity (see inset).
The MAE and MAPE increase monotonically with TV. In fact, for TV = 252 days, the MAPEs of most of the companies are between 10% and 15%, while for AIG and Fannie Mae, they are >100%.
Likewise, the GMAE and GMAPE also increase monotonically with TV, as shown in Table 2.

4. Discussion

Natural selection in biology is backed by rigorous explanatory power and quantitatively verifiable predictions (e.g., recent quantitate predictions for COVID-19 dynamics can be found in ref. [26]). Conversely, its economic counterpart has not garnered much empirical support [7,27]. As previously observed, a significant limitation lies in estimating fitness from empirical market data. One possibility involves the concept of frequency-dependent selection [15,19,23], where the fitness of a firm depends on its interactions with all other firms. A common approach to implementing such frequency-dependent selection is the Replicator Dynamics Equation (RDE) [28]. But, to compute the N fitness {fi}, the RDE requires an N × N “payoff matrix”, whose entry i-j corresponds to the payoff obtained by firm i when interacting with firm j. Estimating this payoff matrix is far from trivial. For a method to undertake this for a set of firms and a discussion of its drawbacks, we refer the reader to ref. [29].
Here, we propose a more straightforward method for estimating the fitness of companies using the time-series data of their market capitalizations. The resulting fluctuating selection from market caps (FSMC) method offers quantitative, testable predictions based on natural-selection-like concepts in relation to companies.
A main finding is that the FSMC method, when applied to a dataset of America’s top revenue companies considering daily market capitalizations from 2000 to 2021, performs well in forecasting their proportions of total market capitalization. This was a necessary first check of the method to subsequently address a significant challenge for evolutionary economic models, namely to generate and explain empirical observations as emergent properties stemming from the fluctuating forces driving markets [30]. Examples of the observed results that need to be explained include the distribution of firm growth rates and firm size distribution, both closely related to key aspects of market structure, like firm concentration. In fact, the dynamics of concentration derived from firm fitness will be examined using the FSMC method in a separate paper [31].
It is worth noticing that a limitation of the method is its difficulty to quantitatively reproduce catastrophic changes, such as those experienced by AIG and Fanny Mae during the Great Recession. However, the FSMC method is a useful tool to dissect the effects of the business cycle on the dynamics of companies and the market’s structure [31].


This work was supported by ANII-Uruguay through SNI and by PEDECIBA-Física.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon request.

Conflicts of Interest

The author declares no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. Estimation of fitness: instantaneous vs. smoothed fitness. Data corresponding to Apple (AAPL) for the second and third quarters of 2021. The rapidly varying black full line is the instantaneous fitness produced by Equation (6) for each day of the validation period. The thick gray line is the smoothed fitness, obtained through Equation (7) with a running time window of length TT = 63 days (the number of market days of a quarter); it shows much smaller variations and slightly departs from the constant fitness value (red-dotted line) used by the FSMC forecasting.
Figure 1. Estimation of fitness: instantaneous vs. smoothed fitness. Data corresponding to Apple (AAPL) for the second and third quarters of 2021. The rapidly varying black full line is the instantaneous fitness produced by Equation (6) for each day of the validation period. The thick gray line is the smoothed fitness, obtained through Equation (7) with a running time window of length TT = 63 days (the number of market days of a quarter); it shows much smaller variations and slightly departs from the constant fitness value (red-dotted line) used by the FSMC forecasting.
Engproc 68 00021 g001
Figure 2. The absolute error of FSMC predictions for each firm over Tv = 252 days (a market year). Each of the 252 × 78 cells corresponds to the absolute error for the forecasted day and company number i averaged over the 5536 − 2TV = 5536 − 2 × 252 = 5032 validation instances (Equation (10)). The color code is as follows: blue indicates errors smaller than the value of the mean fractions. mean{xi(t)} = 0.025.
Figure 2. The absolute error of FSMC predictions for each firm over Tv = 252 days (a market year). Each of the 252 × 78 cells corresponds to the absolute error for the forecasted day and company number i averaged over the 5536 − 2TV = 5536 − 2 × 252 = 5032 validation instances (Equation (10)). The color code is as follows: blue indicates errors smaller than the value of the mean fractions. mean{xi(t)} = 0.025.
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Figure 3. The absolute percentage errors yielded by the FSMC method for each firm over Tv = 21 days (a market month). Each of the 21 × 78 cells corresponds to the percentage error for the forecasted day and company number i averaged over the 5536 − 2TV = 5536 − 2 × 21 = 5494 validation instances (Equation (11)). The color code is as follows: blue indicates small average relative errors (<5%), while red corresponds to large relative errors (>20%).
Figure 3. The absolute percentage errors yielded by the FSMC method for each firm over Tv = 21 days (a market month). Each of the 21 × 78 cells corresponds to the percentage error for the forecasted day and company number i averaged over the 5536 − 2TV = 5536 − 2 × 21 = 5494 validation instances (Equation (11)). The color code is as follows: blue indicates small average relative errors (<5%), while red corresponds to large relative errors (>20%).
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Figure 4. MAPE of FSMC forecast (Equation (13)) over TV = 21 days (a month) for each firm.
Figure 4. MAPE of FSMC forecast (Equation (13)) over TV = 21 days (a month) for each firm.
Engproc 68 00021 g004
Figure 5. The evolution of the market caps of AIG and Fannie Mae from 2000 to 2021. The inset is zoomed in on the corresponding fractions of both companies (filled) and the FSMC predictions (dashed and dotted). $ corresponds to USD.
Figure 5. The evolution of the market caps of AIG and Fannie Mae from 2000 to 2021. The inset is zoomed in on the corresponding fractions of both companies (filled) and the FSMC predictions (dashed and dotted). $ corresponds to USD.
Engproc 68 00021 g005
Table 1. The set of 78 companies considered in this study ordered by their market value, as of 31 December 2021.
Table 1. The set of 78 companies considered in this study ordered by their market value, as of 31 December 2021.
CompanyTickerMarket Cap.
(USD Bill)
AppleAAPL29021Consumer Electronics
AmazonAMZN16973Internet Retail
Berkshire HathawayBRK662.634Insurance
JP MorganJPM472.515Banks
United Health GroupUNH466.216Healthcare Plans
Johnson & JohnsonJNJ450.367Drug Manufacturers
Home DepotHD433.378Home Retail
WalmartWMT401.359Discount Stores
Bank of AmericaBAC359.3811Banks
Pfizer Inc.PFE331.8612Drug Manufacturers
The Walt Disney CompanyDIS281.5413Entertainment
Cisco Systems, Inc.CSCO267.2714Comm. Equipment
NikeNKE263.5515Footwear and Access.
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.TMO263.1816Diagnosis and Research
Exxon MobilXOM259.3817Oil and Gas
The Coca-Cola CompanyKO256.0918Beverages
CostcoCOST251.7419Discount Stores
Abbott LaboratoriesABT248.2820Medical Devices
PepsiCo, Inc.PEP240.2421Beverages
ComcastCMCSA228.1623Telecom Services
ChevronCVX226.4624Oil and Gas
VerizonVZ218.1225Telecom Services
Intel CorporationINTC209.626Semiconductors
QUALCOMM IncorporatedQCOM205.7327Semiconductors
Merck & Co., Inc.MRK193.7228Drug Manufacturers
Wells FargoWFC186.4429Banks
AnthemUPS186.4130Integrated Freight and Logistics
Lowe’sLOW174.1531Home Retail
Morgan StanleyMS173.9632Banks
Honeywell International Inc.HON142.7933Conglomerates
CVS CaremarkCVS136.3834Healthcare Plans
Bristol-Myers Squibb CompanyBMY134.2435Drug Manufacturers
AT&TT132.5836Telecom Services
Raytheon Technologies Corp.RTX128.5137Aerospace and Defense
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.GS127.6138Banks
American Express CompanyAXP124.539Credit Services
IBMIBM120.0440Information Tech. Serv.
BoeingBA118.5642Aerospace and Defense
TargetTGT110.8943Discount Stores
Caterpillar Inc.CAT110.7944Farm and Heavy Constr.
Deere & CompanyDE105.6845Farm and Heavy Constr.
General electricsGE103.8346Specialty Industry Machinery
3M CompanyMMM101.5847Conglomerates
Lockheed Martin CorporationLMT96.3248Aerospace and Defense
ConocoPhillipsCOP94.0149Oil and Gas
Phillips 66TJX90.5650Oil and Gas
Ford MotorsF85.5951Auto Manufacturers
Cigna CorporationCI74.1652Healthcare Plans
FedEx CorporationFDX68.5353Integrated Freight and Logistics
Northrop Grumman Corp.NOC60.4954Aerospace and Defense
Capital One Financial Corp.COF60.0555Credit Services
The Progressive CorporationPGR59.9956Insurance
Humana Inc.HUM59.7557Healthcare Plans
General DynamicsGD57.8858Aerospace and Defense
Enterprise Products Partners L.P.EPD47.7959Oil and Gas
Walgreens Boots AllianceWBA45.0361Pharmaceutical Retailers
HP Inc.HPQ40.7962Computer Hardware
Exelon CorporationEXC40.3463Utilities-Regulated Electrics
Sysco CorporationSYY40.2764Food Distribution
Archer-Daniels-Midland Comp.ADM37.8565Farm Products
The Travelers Companies, Inc.TRV37.7366Insurance
McKesson Corp.MCK37.2467Medical Distribution
The Kroger Co.KR33.2868Grocery Stores
The Allstate CorporationALL33.0669Insurance
Tyson Foods, Inc.TSN31.6570Farm Products
Nucor CorporationNUE31.171Steel
Valero EnergyVLO30.7372Oil and Gas
AmerisourceBergenABC27.7873Medical Distribution
Best Buy Co., Inc.BBY24.4474Specialty Retail
Cardinal HealthCAH14.2675Medical Distribution
Arrow Electronics, Inc.ARW9.1476Electronics Distribution
Fannie MaeFNMA0.9577Mortgage Finance
Chico’s FAS, Inc.CHS0.6678Apparel Retail
Table 2. GMAPE for the different TV values considered.
Table 2. GMAPE for the different TV values considered.
216.00 × 10−45.4%
631.10 × 10−310.1%
1261.60 × 10−315.4%
2522.50 × 10−324.3%
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MDPI and ACS Style

Fort, H. Forecasting Stock Market Dynamics using Market Cap Time Series of Firms and Fluctuating Selection. Eng. Proc. 2024, 68, 21.

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Fort H. Forecasting Stock Market Dynamics using Market Cap Time Series of Firms and Fluctuating Selection. Engineering Proceedings. 2024; 68(1):21.

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Fort, Hugo. 2024. "Forecasting Stock Market Dynamics using Market Cap Time Series of Firms and Fluctuating Selection" Engineering Proceedings 68, no. 1: 21.

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