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Acknowledgment to the Reviewers of Liquids in 2022
Peer-Review Record

How Does Heat Propagate in Liquids?

Liquids 2023, 3(1), 92-117;
by Fabio Peluso
Reviewer 1:
Reviewer 2:
Liquids 2023, 3(1), 92-117;
Submission received: 12 December 2022 / Revised: 13 January 2023 / Accepted: 17 January 2023 / Published: 30 January 2023
(This article belongs to the Section Physics of Liquids)

Round 1

Reviewer 1 Report

This paper, which I read with great interest, addresses the question of heat transport in liquids. It concludes that there are two components to heat flow in liquids: heat-carrying phonons (wave-packets) and heat-carrying liquid particles (icebergs). It also contains a relatively detailed historical account of attempts to address the failure of heat equation in forbidding an infinite velocity of propagation.

I recommend the publication of this paper if the following points are addressed.

i)                    The paper does not address the problem of convection. In real world, the main mechanism for heat transfer in liquids is convection. Is there a fundamental difference between heat propagation by particles and heat propagation by convection?  Can these two modes of propagation be distinguished both conceptually and experimentally?


ii)                   The paper has a long list of references but fails to mention an empirical solution to the paradoxical instantaneousness of the heat equation called Dual-Phase-Lag (DPL) model (See Gandolfi et al. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 143, 118553(2019) and its references 15-17). Compare equation 15 of the present paper with equation 4 that paper. As far as I see, the time lag there is reminiscent of the relaxation time causing the memory term here.


iii)                 The following sentence is repeated twice (footnote 3 and lines 964-967). “However, by digging into the depths of literature, one can discover how already in 1946 Peshkov [63] had hypothesized that in low temperature liquids ‘a gas of thermal quanta capable of performing vibrations like similar to those of sound should exist’.” Peshkov is the experimentalist who demonstrated the existence of second sound in helium II. Experiments have shown that second sound is also present in solids. Is there any indication that it should exist in classical liquids?


iv)                 Another issue related to the classical/quantum boundary is the way the word tunneling has been used in this paper. As far as I see, the physical phenomena analyzed is this paper is purely classical. Tunneling on the other hand is a quantum phenomenon. Is the author suggesting that there is collective quantum phenomena presents in liquids at room temperature and above?



v)                    The correct citation for reference 51 is Rev. Mod. Phys. 62, 375 (1990)

Comments for author File: Comments.pdf

Author Response

Re: “How does heat propagate in liquids”, by Fabio Peluso

Answer to Referee #1.


General comment of the author:

The author acknowledges the interest of the referee in reading the manuscript, that will certainly benefit of his comments.


  1. Comment of the Referee:

i) The paper does not address the problem of convection. In real world, the main mechanism for heat transfer in liquids is convection. Is there a fundamental difference between heat propagation by particles and heat propagation by convection? Can these two modes of propagation be distinguished both conceptually and experimentally?


Answer of the author:

The referee is right in his comment, in fact at the end of the introduction the conditions are well specified in which the fluid is considered in dealing with the topic of heat conduction, and situations in which convection may arise are explicitly excluded. The main reason for having neglected convection is that DML is not a macroscopic model of liquids, but rather a micro/mesoscopic model aimed at modelling the energy and momentum exchange among molecules and lattice in a liquid matrix on the base of experimental evidence. In this paper in particular, it is shown that DML may provide on a physical base the elementary mechanism that allows justifying the presence of a memory term in the equation for heat conduction.

While modelling convection involves only macroscopic parameters of liquids, such as viscosity, density, etc., conduction mainly involves molecular parameters, such as degrees of freedom, chemical bonds, energy and momentum exchanges, etc.. Besides, as is well known, in order the convection to be established in a liquid, it is necessary that the liquid is under the influence of an external volume force such, for instance, gravity. The coupling between the external acceleration and the temperature gradient gives origin to convection, a motion that affects the entire liquid volume. Indeed, in environments in (virtual) absence of gravity, conduction becomes normally the prevalent mechanism of heat propagation in liquids (this fact has a huge impact also on living organisms in space), a situation representing a serious constraint for several experiments. A way to distinguish between such two modes of propagation could in fact be just that of performing experiments, as those listed in the “Conclusions”, in microgravity conditions onboard space platforms orbiting around Earth, where a residual gravity field about 10-5-10-6 times that on Earth is present.

To avoid the reader from misunderstanding, a sentence has been added in the Introduction to better specify the conditions in which the liquid is considered, as well another in the Conclusions pointing to the possibility of performing experiments on orbiting platforms.



  1. Comment of the Referee:

ii) The paper has a long list of references but fails to mention an empirical solution to the paradoxical instantaneousness of the heat equation called Dual-Phase-Lag (DPL) model (See Gandolfi et al. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 143, 118553(2019) and its references 15-17). Compare equation 15 of the present paper with equation 4 that paper. As far as I see, the time lag there is reminiscent of the relaxation time causing the memory term here.


Answer of the author:

The referee brought to light a paper that was unknown to the author. The comparison suggested by the referee has been added to the text in the Introduction and in the Conclusions and commented on.


  1. Comment of the Referee:

iii) The following sentence is repeated twice (footnote 3 and lines 964-967). “However, by digging into the depths of literature, one can discover how already in 1946 Peshkov [63] had hypothesized that in low temperature liquids ‘a gas of thermal quanta capable of performing vibrations like similar to those of sound should exist’.” Peshkov is the experimentalist who demonstrated the existence of second sound in helium II. Experiments have shown that second sound is also present in solids. Is there any indication that it should exist in classical liquids?


Answer of the author:

The footnote has been eliminated and the sentence on lines 964-967 rephrased.

As it concerns the presence of something like a second sound in liquids, the answer is Yes, with an important note. About 30 years ago (see references 30-44 of the original literature, in particular 30, 35, 30 and Ruocco, G., Sette, F., The history of Fast Sound in liquid water, J. Phys. Cond. Matt., 2008, Vol. 11(1), pp.29-46) it was discovered in water and other liquids the presence of a “fast sound” propagating on a short length scale, of the order of some molecular diameters. Its velocity, about 3200 m/s, is very close to that of the ordinary sound in solid water, 4000 m/s. Therefore, in ordinary liquids a second sound, faster than the ordinary one, is present. Incidentally, in ref. 20 of the original literature it has been shown that DML is able to justify both on a physical base and numerically such a second sound. The topic of Fast Sound in liquids and of its interpretation in the DML is extensively discussed in ref. 20, however the authors acknowledges the important suggestion of the referee and a specific sentence is now added in the Discussion to attract the attention of the reader on this topic.



  1. Comment of the Referee:

iv) Another issue related to the classical/quantum boundary is the way the word tunneling has been used in this paper. As far as I see, the physical phenomena analyzed is this paper is purely classical. Tunneling on the other hand is a quantum phenomenon. Is the author suggesting that there is collective quantum phenomena presents in liquids at room temperature and above?


Answer of the author:

It is proposed to keep the word “tunneling” to give the reader the idea of what happens in a liquid upon an interaction like that of Figure 1, at the base of DML, but to highlight that there are no hidden quantum phenomena beyond such a word, an ad-hoc sentence has been inserted in the text.



  1. Comment of the Referee:

v) The correct citation for reference 51 is Rev. Mod. Phys. 62(2), 375-391 (1990) doi 11103/RevModPhys.62.375


Answer of the author:


Author Response File: Author Response.pdf

Reviewer 2 Report

Report on « How does Heat Propagate in Liquids?” by F. Peluso

This paper deals with an original approach of the liquid state developed on a preceding published DUAL Model of Liquids (DML) by the same author. The present manuscript focusses on the heat propagation and the paradox of infinite propagation velocity of a thermal signal that is often forgotten. The author points out the absurdity of the infinite (instant) velocity of thermal signal and makes the assumption that the energy in liquids propagates as wave-packets in a two state medium; i.e. molecule aggregates and an amorphous liquid “ocean” mediated by a collective density of freedom (DoF).

It is globally a rich and interesting paper, but it also gives the feeling that it has been quickly written and thus should be deeply improved. The lack of references in the introduction till almost the middle of the second page is a serious handicap that is easily correctable in order that the reader can follow.  This is all the more incomprehensible that the author proposes in Appendix a very interesting historical research on the topic.

In details, on line 52, the author defines a relaxation time that does not appear in equation (1). Since DML assumes mesoscopic lattice arrangement of the molecules, adding a reference to the work of Granato would be useful, similarly the so called “telegrapher equation” is not clearly referred. Some sentences, for example on line 163, “the forecasts of the heat waves velocity”, remind rather “weather, climate”. On lines 179-180, references corresponding to results obtained by scattering methods are missing. Ion line 187, the author claims that Debye, Brillouin, Frenkel consider thermal energy as a form of elastic energy. It is important to do the link with solids (Biot law) and in complement to the liquid state theoretician works [10-13], it might be useful to mention that the thermal energy is also assimilated to a form of the elastic energy in experimental works identifying thermo-elastic properties of liquids (for example or | About Helium, “HeII” is usually written: 2He. In equation (3), q  is not defined. “Cl” and “m*” are also not defined in equation (4). Equations (5) and (6) are not at the right places. On page 7, an entire paragraph is twice written on the same page: “In a pure isothermal liquid energy” …. to “ applied temperature gradient”.

In the last paragraph of page 10, the claim that the additional term is negligible at macroscopic scale is very important and should be more developed. In the same frame, the last paragraph before “Discussion” on page 13, should be associated to the paragraph of page 10. On line 415, “s” for “liquids” has to be removed. On line 507, please correct machano-thermal effect. On line 485-486, the claim of a first use of the telegraphist equation to describe phonon propagation might be discussed in the frame of other references for example: DOI 10.1088/2399-6528/ac03a7.

Numerical values for the phonon frequency, wavelength and velocity on page 17 are coherent with the high frequency domain. It would be interesting to comment on what one might expect from phonon parameters when they come from low frequency experiments (last paragraph of page 23). About this last paragraph, more justification would be welcome to explain why the momentum flux is directed towards the fixed plate (in particular if the medium is supposed to be (elastic) aggregates in an ocean of liquid)? Why the momentum flux is not “absorbed” by dissipation processes at these mesoscopic scale should be more clarified.

In conclusion, this article is extremely interesting. It contains very valuable information but serious revision is needed to rearrange and perhaps also to limit the focus for clarity.

Author Response

Re: “How does heat propagate in liquids”, by Fabio Peluso

Answer to Referee #2.


  1. General Comment of the Referee:

It is globally a rich and interesting paper, but it also gives the feeling that it has been quickly written and thus should be deeply improved.

In conclusion, this article is extremely interesting. It contains very valuable information but serious revision is needed to rearrange and perhaps also to limit the focus for clarity.


Answer of the author:

The author is grateful for the general appreciation of the paper content made by the referee at the beginning and at the end of her/his report, although this is in contrast with the rest of the comment concerning the “feeling that it (the paper) has been quickly written”.

On one side, the reaction of the referee is justified by the fact that some points rightly raised are due to a wrong compilation of the paper from the Journal Editorial Office, as will be clarified later on. This point has already been discussed with the Editorial Office.

On the other side, the author ensures the referee that he dedicated a lot of effort to writing the manuscript, collecting and studying so many papers and comparing their contents, up to finding a possible convincing and well-based physical key lecture allowing the heat conduction to be interpreted in terms of the DML. The historical research, well appreciated by the referee, is an example of the effort dedicated. The author may anyway understand, and even agree, that some parts of the paper can be improved for the sake of clarity.      


  1. Comment of the Referee:

The lack of references in the introduction till almost the middle of the second page is a serious handicap that is easily correctable in order that the reader can follow.  This is all the more incomprehensible that the author proposes in Appendix a very interesting historical research on the topic.


Answer of the author:

The reason why the historical research was reported in the Appendix was to avoid deviating the attention of the reader from the main topic of the manuscript. The author is grateful to the referee for the appreciation of the historical research; its content is now inserted into the main text as a separate paragraph. At the same time, the first part of the Introduction is now enriched with references.


  1. Comment of the Referee:

on line 52, the author defines a relaxation time that does not appear in equation (1).


Answer of the author:

It is correct that the relaxation time is not present in equation (1), that is the Fourier law for heat conduction. However, the form of line 52 has been modified to avoid confusion in the reader


  1. Comment of the Referee:

Since DML assumes mesoscopic lattice arrangement of the molecules, adding a reference to the work of Granato would be useful, similarly the so called “telegrapher equation” is not clearly referred.


Answer of the author:

The reference to the work of Granato, doi 10.1016/S0022-3093(02)01498-9, has been added in the literature and commented on in the main text. As it concerns  the ‘telegrapher equation’, no specific references were provided because it is a well-known equation in mathematical physics. A reference and a short historical note are however now added into the paragraph 2 dedicated to the historical excursus.


  1. Comment of the Referee:

Some sentences, for example on line 163, “the forecasts of the heat waves velocity”, remind rather “weather, climate”


Answer of the author:

“Forecast” changed to “prediction”


  1. Comment of the Referee:

On lines 179-180, references corresponding to results obtained by scattering methods are missing


Answer of the author:

Fifteen references – see 30-to-44 of the literature of the original manuscript - were provided in a different point of the manuscript, they have been moved also where requested by the referee.


  1. Comment of the Referee:

Ion line 187, the author claims that Debye, Brillouin, Frenkel consider thermal energy as a form of elastic energy. It is important to do the link with solids (Biot law) and in complement to the liquid state theoretician works [10-13], it might be useful to mention that the thermal energy is also assimilated to a form of the elastic energy in experimental works identifying thermo-elastic properties of liquids (for example or |


Answer of the author:

If the referee refers to the Biot number Bi, this is a fluid dynamic dimensionless parameter used in heat transfer calculations for a solid body in fluid dynamics. Although there are several interpretations for such a parameter, it is commonly defined as the ratio between the thermal resistance for conduction inside a body to the resistance for convection at the surface of the body. As such, Bi is a quantity that relates macroscopic quantities. DML is not a macroscopic model of liquids, but rather a micro/mesoscopic model aimed at modelling the energy and momentum exchange among molecules and lattice in a liquid matrix on the base of experimental evidence, as the referee himself has reported at the beginning of the report. In this paper in particular, it is shown that DML may provide on a physical base the elementary, microscopic mechanism that allows justifying the presence of a memory term in the equation for heat conduction. Besides, at the end of the Introduction the physical conditions in which the liquid system is considered are well specified, in particular convection is explicitly excluded. Consequently, the comparison proposed by the referee appears nonsensical to the author in the manuscript’ context.

About the next point concerning the fact that thermal energy is assimilated to a form of elastic energy also in experimental works, the referee did not notice that this point is at the base of the DML model, as clearly stated in several points in the manuscript. In fact, the point raised by the referee is deeply discussed in the Conclusions – see lines 862-896 of the original manuscript. In a next point she/he asks to clarify some topics just about the solid-like behaviour of liquids at mesoscopic scale. However, the two papers quoted by the referee are now included in the literature, they are recalled and commented on in the Conclusions were the topic dealt with by them is already analyzed.


  1. Comment of the Referee:

About Helium, “HeII” is usually written: 2He


Answer of the author:

The referee makes confusion between the Helium atomic mass and the form of Helium characterized by superfluidity, which is referred to in the manuscript, and in which the “Second Sound” was discovered by Kapitsa in 1937. The most common isotopes of Helium are  and , where the number on the top-left refers to the Atomic Mass (protons + neutrons in nucleus) and that on bottom-left refers to the Atomic Number (protons in nucleus). Incidentally, the form suggested by the referee, , does not exist in nature. If the referee refers to the alpha particle, again this is not the form the author refers to in the manuscript. Superfluidity is a peculiar characteristic of both  and , it is due to the formation of a Bose-Einstein condensation at low temperature. Those Helium atoms that show supefluidity are collectively indicated as Helium II, shortened HeII (see for instance Landau, L.D., 1941, Theory of superfluidity of Helium II, Phys. Rev. 60, 356-358, 10.1103/PhysRev.60.356, refs. 17 and also 63 in the original manuscript. Kapitsa was awarded with several prizes for his discovery, and Landau with Nobel prize).


  1. Comment of the Referee:

In equation (3), q  is not defined.


Answer of the author:

The referee did not notice that q  is introduced and defined immediately before the equation (3): “The internal energy qT per unit of volume of a liquid at temperature T is:”


  1. Comment of the Referee:

“Cl” and “m*” are also not defined in equation (4).


Answer of the author:

Cl is a typo error in the equation, it must be Cv, already defined three lines above; the typo error is now corrected. Definition for m* has been added.


  1. Comment of the Referee:

Equations (5) and (6) are not at the right places. On page 7, an entire paragraph is twice written on the same page: “In a pure isothermal liquid energy” …. to “ applied temperature gradient”.


Answer of the author:

This is due to a wrong compilation of the paper from the Journal Editorial Office; the final version will be corrected. This point will be discussed with the Editorial Office.


  1. Comment of the Referee:

In the last paragraph of page 10, the claim that the additional term is negligible at macroscopic scale is very important and should be more developed. In the same frame, the last paragraph before “Discussion” on page 13, should be associated to the paragraph of page 10


Answer of the author:

Concerning the first observation, the topic is faced again and deepened in the Discussion, see lines 646-659 of the original manuscript, so that in the author’ opinion it is not necessary to stress again this point. As it concerns the second observation, that is interesting, although this topic too is again faced in the Discussion, see for instance lines 627-645 of the original manuscript, a sentence linking the two arguments is inserted in the last paragraph before the Discussion and in the Discussion itself, to recall the attention of the reader on this aspect.


  1. Comment of the Referee:

On line 415, “s” for “liquids” has to be removed. On line 507, please correct machano-thermal effect.






  1. Comment of the Referee:

On line 485-486, the claim of a first use of the telegraphist equation to describe phonon propagation might be discussed in the frame of other references for example: DOI 10.1088/2399-6528/ac03a7


Answer of the author:

The interesting paper by Trachenko quoted by the referee was unknown to the author. Nevertheless its content regarding the Gapped Momentum States and the use of hyperbolic equation is the same reported in other papers cited in the literature – see 22, 24, 25, 20 and references therein, of literature of the original manuscript. The main topic of these papers is indeed that of evidencing that the Lagrangian of dual systems, i.e. made of two components, namely particles and phonons, reduces to a telegraph equation, whose solutions are characterized by GMS and dissipation. These facts are well documented in the manuscript and referenced.

In the present manuscript it is shown, for the first time, that in DML, that is a dual system, the interaction represented in Figure 1 allows to build a Cattaneo type equation for the heat diffusion in liquids. The additional term in such equation is now supported just by the energy exchange mechanism shown in Figure 1 between particles and phonons, and not added ad hoc as made in the past. The combination of Cattaneo equation with the energy conservation equation gives a hyperbolic equation, namely the telegraphist equation, whose solution are in line with the phenomenology observed in liquids.

In view of the above the author believes that the hyperbolic equation (the telegraph) is used in two different ways and consequently there is no superposition. However, in order to avoid any possible misunderstanding by readers, the author acknowledges the suggestion of the referee and the sentence evidenced has been modified.


  1. Comment of the Referee:

Numerical values for the phonon frequency, wavelength and velocity on page 17 are coherent with the high frequency domain. It would be interesting to comment on what one might expect from phonon parameters when they come from low frequency experiments (last paragraph of page 23). About this last paragraph, more justification would be welcome to explain why the momentum flux is directed towards the fixed plate (in particular if the medium is supposed to be (elastic) aggregates in an ocean of liquid)? Why the momentum flux is not “absorbed” by dissipation processes at these mesoscopic scale should be more clarified.


Answer of the author:

As outlined in the manuscript, this topic will be the core of a separate paper, presently in preparation, and that the author will gladly discuss with the authors of the cited works (Noirez and co-workers) taking into account hints provided by the referee. As it is the case for the “Conclusions” of a manuscript, some suggestions for future applications are provided to show the capabilities of the model. It is certainly premature however to provide here and now accurate explanations and clarifications about some problems that are currently being investigated by the author. Besides, discussing in a so deep way such topic will deviate the attention of the reader from the main topic of the manuscript (see point 14). Regarding the fact that the momentum flux is directed to the fixed plate, this is a trivial consequence of equations (4) and (5), and mainly of the Rayleigh theory of elasticity. Again, more details will be provided in a future paper.



Final comment of the Author.

The author is grateful to the work done by the referees. The overall quality of the manuscript has certainly benefited of these constructive interactions.

Author Response File: Author Response.pdf

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