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Cropland Mapping Using Earth Observation Derived Phenological Metrics †

Federico Filipponi
Daniela Smiraglia
Stefania Mandrone
Antonella Tornato
Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, ISPRA, Via Vitaliano Brancati 48, 00144 Roma, Italy
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Presented at the 1st International Electronic Conference on Agronomy, 3–17 May 2021; Available online:
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Biol. Life Sci. Forum 2021, 3(1), 58;
Published: 1 May 2021
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of The 1st International Electronic Conference on Agronomy)


Satellite Earth observations provide timely and spatially explicit information on crop phenology that can support decision making and sustainable agricultural land management. Accurate classification and mapping of croplands is primary information for agricultural assessments. This study presents a digital agriculture approach that integrates Earth Observation big data analytics based on machine learning technologies to classify and map main crop types. Two supervised machine learning models were calibrated using the Random Forest algorithm from phenological metrics, estimated from time series of NDVI and LAI vegetation indices calculated using Sentinel-2 MSI satellite acquisitions. Models were calibrated for the Toscana region in Italy. The results show a satisfactory overall accuracy (~78%) in cropland classification, and the model calibrated using LAI time series performed slightly better than the model calibrated using NDVI time series. The proposed approach offers the potential to accurately map crop types in a way that is useful to support agricultural land management and monitoring systems for large areas over time.

1. Introduction

Cropland mapping is becoming increasingly important in environmental topics which deal with sustainable agriculture production and natural resource management [1]. Nowadays, a wide number of stakeholders are interested in this topic, such as national authorities, local environmental agencies, regional government and authorities, municipalities, universities and research centers, civil protection agencies, insurance companies, and industries. Cropland mapping products answer the information need deeply felt by users in response to the growing interest shown by the European policies in climate change mitigation and adaptation, and foster sustainable agricultural practices, especially today in the context of the European Green Deal strategy [2].
The information provided by increasing availability of Earth observation (EO) data makes satellite images of paramount importance for identifying, characterizing, and mapping crop typologies in both the space and time dimensions by exploiting the radar backscatter and the optical response of vegetation [3,4]. The commitment by the European Commission (EC) to encourage the development of EO products, possibly taking advantage of Copernicus in situ Component, makes value-added information derived from satellites of primary importance for supporting agricultural land management. Indeed, the EC has finally sanctioned the use of Copernicus Sentinel data, integrated with EGNOS/Galileo, for the control and granting of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) payments by local authorities, promoting open data with a common data-sharing approach (Regulation (EU) 746/2018).
Multitemporal satellite images have proven to be successfully used to estimate vegetation’s biophysical parameters and to identify phenological patterns [5,6,7]. Recently, the Copernicus Sentinel-2 satellite constellation, equipped with an MSI sensor, was able to sense the Earth’s surface at high spatial, spectral, and temporal resolutions, showing its potential for the estimation of vegetation parameters, such as phenological metrics (e.g., the start of season, the length of season, or the end of season) [7,8].
Many authors have investigated the efficacy of spectral and biophysical time series indices to differentiate crop types [9,10]. Vegetation spectral indices have been and are still widely used to detect the status of vegetation (e.g., growth, health, and cover), the most popular of which is the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) [11]. However, NDVI has saturation as its limit at high values. On the other hand, vegetation’s biophysical characteristics, such as the canopy structure and photosynthetic capacity, are well described by the leaf area index (LAI) largely used in agricultural studies in heterogeneous smallholder and fragmented agroecosystems [12,13].
Furthermore, the advances in analytical techniques, such as machine learning algorithms, enable us to deal with fast and robust analyses applied to big data. Among these, Random Forest (RF) is an ensemble learning classifier that has been successfully used in vegetation classification applications, including crop mapping [7,10,14].
The aim of this study was to present a digital agriculture approach that integrates EO big data analytics, based on a supervised machine learning model using temporal statistics and phenological metrics estimated from NDVI and LAI time series as predictors, to identify and map the main crop types. The performance of two supervised machine learning models, calibrated using the RF algorithm for a study area in central Italy, are presented and discussed.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Study Area

Tuscany is located in central Italy and covers about 23,000 square kilometers. The climate ranges from the Mediterranean dry climate along the coastline to the temperate humid and wet climate in the inland and northern areas of the region. Tuscany is mainly hilly (about 67%) and mountainous (about 25%), and it also includes some plains (about 8%). The cultivated areas represent about 39% of the region, mainly characterized by arable land, vineyards, and olive groves.

2.2. Satellite Images

Sentinel-2 (S2) satellites images, acquired from November 2015 to October 2019 with cloud cover lower than 90%, were acquired for the 4 granules corresponding to the study area. The Multi-Spectral Instrument (MSI) sensor onboard S2 is characterized by a high spatial resolution (10 m, 20 m, and 60 m), a high revisit time (5 days with two satellites), and 13 spectral bands from visible to shortwave infrared. The spectral bands of the images in the MUSCATE format, distributed by Theia as the bottom of the atmosphere (BOA) reflectance, orthorectified, terrain-flattened, and atmospherically corrected with the MACCS-ATCOR joint algorithm (MAJA) [15], were processed for spatial resampling at 10 m masked for invalid pixels (cloud, cloud_cirrus, cloud_shadow, topographic_shadow, snow, edge, sun_too_low). A static mask, generated from Copernicus Land Monitoring Service datasets, was applied to mask out pixels not corresponding to croplands.

2.3. Crop Type Maps

The reference crop type maps used in this study were made available by the Tuscany Regional Agency for Agriculture (, accessed on 17 October 2020) for the years from 2016 to 2019. This study focused only on the main crop types of the arable land, excluding permanent crops such as vineyards and olive groves. Selected crop typologies were grouped into 8 classes, taking the temporal pattern of the crops in the study area into account: winter cereals, clover and alfalfa, maize, sorghum, sunflower, rapeseed, horticultural crops, and soy. The centroid of each crop parcel polygon in the reference maps was used to query the raster predictors generated from the satellite images.

2.4. Time Series and Temporal Predictors

Two vegetation indices were selected to derive the main crop types in the study area: the NDVI and the LAI. The NDVI was calculated following Equation (1):
N D V I = N I R R E D N I R + R E D
where RED corresponds to the S2 MSI spectral band B4 and NIR corresponds to the S2 MSI spectral band B8. The Leaf Area Index (LAI) is defined as half of the total green (i.e., photosynthetically active) leaf area per unit of horizontal ground surface area. The biophysical processor [16] available in SNAP software was used to estimate the LAI from the surface reflectance data.
The time series of the vegetation indices were first gap-filled and interpolated daily using the Stinemann algorithm [17], and later temporally smoothed using the procedure based on second-order weighted polynomial fitting and Whittaker smoothing, as described in [18]. From the NDVI and LAI time series, temporal statistics and phenological metrics, derived following Gu et al. [19], were calculated and used as temporal predictors in the classification model (Table 1).
All predictors with a Pearson correlation coefficient higher than 0.9 and a variance inflation factor (VIF) higher than 2.0 [20] were removed to avoid multi-collinearity.

2.5. Random Forest Classification

The R package ‘mlr’ [21] was used to set the RF hyperparameter combination (i.e., mtry, min.node.size, ntree) through a 5-fold cross-validation with 20 repetitions and selected those with a higher Cohen’s kappa coefficient. The tuned hyperparameters were used to calibrate the classification models from the NDVI and LAI predictors using the R package ‘ranger’ [22]. The variables’ importance for the final set of selected predictors used in the models was calculated using the Gini index.
A stratified sampling method was applied to the crop type reference map of the year 2019 in order to select the pixels which represented all 8 classes of crop types and could be used as training samples for the classification and as test samples to verify the accuracy of the classification obtained. Here, 70% of the pixels were used as training samples and the remaining 30% as the test samples.
The results of the classifications obtained were evaluated by means of confusion matrices according to the test samples. Overall accuracy (OA), producer’s accuracy (PA), user’s accuracy (UA), and Cohen’s kappa coefficient (K) were assessed.
Finally, the crop type map product for the year 2019 was predicted using the calibrated supervised machine learning models.

3. Results

The RF hyperparameter tuning produced the following settings: mtry = 5, min.node.size = 2, ntree = 893 for NDVI, and mtry = 4, min.node.size = 3, ntree = 424 for LAI. The selected predictor variables reporting the highest Gini index were 13 for NDVI and 11 for LAI (Table 1).
The resulting spatial crop type map is shown in Figure 1. Regarding the classification obtained from the NDVI time series analysis, an overall accuracy of 78.6% was achieved with a Cohen’s kappa coefficient of 0.54 (Table 2). Some classes were more accurately classified than others, such as clover and alfalfa (UA = 91.1%; PA = 82.8%), maize (UA = 69.5%; PA = 58%), and winter cereals (UA = 55.9%; PA = 69.2%). On the contrary, sorghum was the worst classified (UA = 6%; PA = 26.8%). Rape and soy obtained low user’s accuracy (17.2% and 17.6% respectively).
As for the classified crop types resulting from the LAI time series analysis, an overall accuracy of 78.3% was achieved, with a Cohen’s kappa coefficient of 0.59 (Table 3). Unlike the NDVI model results, the LAI model generally showed high user’s and producer’s accuracies for all the classes, except for rapeseed (UA = 10.7%), and the misclassification was principally with winter cereals.

4. Discussion

The capacity to map crop types using phenological metrics with a high spatial resolution has been demonstrated in this research study for a heterogeneous, small, and fragmented agricultural system. Multi-temporal information has been demonstrated to increase the crop type classification’s accuracy significantly [7]. In the context of crop type mapping and the monitoring of agricultural practices, synthesizing information to fewer phenological metrics facilitates image data processing by reducing the time series’ dimensionality [18].
Azar et al. [1] analyzed the performance of crop classification from multi-temporal Landsat 8 OLI images over a study area in Northern Italy. Four supervised classification algorithms applied to the spectral indices’ profiles were tested over different time step datasets to assess the performance of in-season crop classification in the year 2013. The result was a crop type map with seven classes with OA = 86.5% that was produced five months ahead of the end of season, in the middle of July.
Many studies have confirmed crop classifications with a high accuracy (OA = 82%) for eight crop types [4] and mapped cropland status (cropped or fallowed) with accuracies over 75% [23]. The crop recognition method can lose accuracy, especially when the mapped crops have high intra-class variability [10] or when insufficient knowledge of the field data relating to the phenological cycles of the crops is available [24,25].
Despite the overall accuracies and Cohen’s kappa coefficient being similar for both the NDVI and the LAI model, comparing the results for individual classes, the latter showed slightly higher performance.
Veloso et al. [26] worked toward crop classification (maize, soybean, sunflower) using the temporal profile of NDVI and radar backscatter (VH, VV, and VH/VV). Regarding the classification of the crop, they concluded that NDVI shows low ability to distinguish summer crops, except for sunflower, during the senescence period in August and September. Besides, during periods of strong cover development, NDVI’s sensitivity to biomass is more likely to become saturated. High misclassifications of horticultural crops may be related to the different seeding times of the horticultural species, which could increase the variability in terms of the range of the predictors’ values. With respect to soy and rapeseed, it should be noted that the small number of reference crops used for model calibration and validation could be the reason for such a low class accuracy.
Mueller-Warran et al. [27] outlined that although converting multi-year land-use data into a crop rotation history is relatively simple in theory, the presence of classification errors can severely compromise the results. Given this fact, they proposed using a matrix of logically forbidden or extremely unlikely year-to-year land use transitions to detect classification errors. Likewise, the use of a priori knowledge of the local rotation practices could be a research avenue for improving crop type identification by constraining the classification models. Future research should consider the use of extended crop type information (e.g., the LUCAS Soil DataBase) in order to increase the number of classification model training points and therefore improve the overall accuracy.

5. Conclusions

The study demonstrated the EO big data analytics’ capacity to provide thematic products to support agricultural land management and fulfill the users’ requirements. The phenological metrics estimated from high-resolution imagery sensed by the Copernicus S2 satellite constellation, combined with a thematic reference dataset related to crop types, together with the use of advanced computational analytic techniques (the RF algorithm), allowed crop type mapping in heterogeneous, small, and fragmented agricultural systems. The calibrated NDVI and LAI supervised machine learning models showed similar performance, with the LAI model yielding better results.
The supervised machine learning model, applied to a wider spatial extent, could contribute to the measurement and assessment of sustainability foreseen by the European Green Deal strategy, in terms of sustainable agricultural practices and environmental monitoring, and climate change mitigation and adaptation, in accordance with the stakeholders’ requirements.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, F.F. and D.S.; methodology, F.F.; formal analysis, F.F.; investigation, D.S.; writing—original draft preparation, D.S. and F.F.; writing—review and editing S.M. and A.T.; supervision, A.T. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


The research was funded by Italian Space Agency (ASI) in the framework of the agreement between ASI and the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) on “Air Quality” (Agreement number F82F17000000005).

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Publicly available datasets were analyzed in this study. This data can be found here: [, accessed on 17 October 2020], [, accessed on 17 October 2020].


This work contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data and Copernicus Service information (2021).

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Crop type map for the year 2019 for the area of the city of Pisa (Tuscany, Italy).
Figure 1. Crop type map for the year 2019 for the area of the city of Pisa (Tuscany, Italy).
Blsf 03 00058 g001
Table 1. List of time series statistics and phenological metrics used as model predictors. The predictors’ importance resulting from the classification model is expressed as the Gini index value. Variables with no important values were not selected as model predictors. The abbreviation ‘dl’ stands for ‘dimensionless’.
Table 1. List of time series statistics and phenological metrics used as model predictors. The predictors’ importance resulting from the classification model is expressed as the Gini index value. Variables with no important values were not selected as model predictors. The abbreviation ‘dl’ stands for ‘dimensionless’.
avgAnnual average valuedlm2/m225,089.921910.118
stdStandard deviation valuedlm2/m2-4332.682
minAnnual minimum valuedlm2/m2-3486.984
maxAnnual maximum valuedlm2/m2--
deltaDelta valuedlm2/m2--
djf_avgWinter (December, January, February) average valuedlm2/m2--
djf_minWinter (December, January, February) minimum valuedlm2/m2--
djf_maxWinter (December, January, February) maximum valuedlm2/m2--
jja_avgSummer (June, July, August) average valuedlm2/m226,029.032817.965
jja_maxSummer (June, July, August) maximum valuedlm2/m224,610.40-
SoS_doyStart of season DoYDoYDoY-1890.944
SoS_valueStart of season valuedlm2/m2--
SGS_doyStart of growing season DoYDoYDoY-2243.904
SGS_valueStart of Growing Season valuedlm2/m223,572.20-
PoS_doyPeak of season DoYDoYDoY-2611.057
PoS_valuePeak of season valuedlm2/m2--
EGS_doyEnd of growing season DoYDoYDoY-2653.588
EGS_valueEnd of growing season valuedlm2/m2--
EoS_doyEnd of season DoYDoYDoY--
EoS_valueEnd of season valuedlm2/m222,521.31-
amplitudeAmplitude valuedlm2/m227,390.472052.926
greenup_doyGreenup DoYDoYDoY47,205.49-
greenup_rateGreenup ratedlm2/m224,246.63-
senescence_doySenescence DoYDoYDoY57,316.61-
senescence_rateSenescence ratedlm2/m220,347.07-
plateau_slopeRate of change during the maturity plateaudlm2/m223,675.63-
DoSDuration of the seasonDaysDays23,237.031627.551
LMPLength of maturity plateauDaysDays-1450.587
STISeasonal time-integrated valuedlm2/m222,737.46-
Table 2. Confusion matrix of the RF results from the NDVI time series analysis. Producer’s (PA), user’s (UA), and overall (OA) accuracies (as percentages), as well as the Cohen’s kappa coefficient (K) are reported.
Table 2. Confusion matrix of the RF results from the NDVI time series analysis. Producer’s (PA), user’s (UA), and overall (OA) accuracies (as percentages), as well as the Cohen’s kappa coefficient (K) are reported.
K = 0.54Classification
Reference MapWinter CerealsClover and AlfalfaMaizeSorghumSunflowerRapeHorticultural CropsSoyTotalPA %
Winter cereals3804160942824440549569.2
Clover and Alfalfa297417,08453453629410020,63182.8
Horticultural crops10162829540540067779.8
UA %55.991.169.5641.517.247.517.6OA%78.6
Table 3. Confusion matrix of the RF results from the LAI time series analysis. Producer’s (PA), user’s (UA), and overall (OA) accuracies (as percentages), as well as the Cohen’s kappa coefficient (K) are reported.
Table 3. Confusion matrix of the RF results from the LAI time series analysis. Producer’s (PA), user’s (UA), and overall (OA) accuracies (as percentages), as well as the Cohen’s kappa coefficient (K) are reported.
K = 0.59Classification
Reference MapWinter CerealsClover and AlfalfaMaizeSorghumSunflowerRapeHorticultural CropsSoyTotalPA %
Winter cereals975925100006240012,37178.9
Clover and Alfalfa2170774300013146010,07276.9
Horticultural crops520500428144197.1
Total11,94710,25526311884618722,986OA %
UA %81.775.573.164.566.710.769.342.9OA %78.3
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MDPI and ACS Style

Filipponi, F.; Smiraglia, D.; Mandrone, S.; Tornato, A. Cropland Mapping Using Earth Observation Derived Phenological Metrics. Biol. Life Sci. Forum 2021, 3, 58.

AMA Style

Filipponi F, Smiraglia D, Mandrone S, Tornato A. Cropland Mapping Using Earth Observation Derived Phenological Metrics. Biology and Life Sciences Forum. 2021; 3(1):58.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Filipponi, Federico, Daniela Smiraglia, Stefania Mandrone, and Antonella Tornato. 2021. "Cropland Mapping Using Earth Observation Derived Phenological Metrics" Biology and Life Sciences Forum 3, no. 1: 58.

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