
Cancers | Selected Papers in 2021–2022 on Cancer Causes, Screening and Diagnosis 8 Aug 2023
Condensed Matter Best Young Researchers Presentation Award at High-Precision X-ray Measurements 2023 Conference—Winners Announced 8 Aug 2023
Chemosensors | Top Cited Review Papers of Editorial Team in 2021–2022 8 Aug 2023
Pharmaceutics | Selected Special Issue Reprints in 2021–2022 8 Aug 2023
Dermatopathology | Top 10 Cited Papers Selected by Editor-in-Chief in 2022 8 Aug 2023
Interview with Dr. Catia Figueiredo—Winner of the Toxics 2022 Best Ph.D. Thesis Award 7 Aug 2023
Toxics | Invitation to Read 10 Highlighted Papers in the First Half of 2023 7 Aug 2023
Free Media Partnership between Children and the 5th Congress of joint European Neonatal Societies (jENS 2023), 19–23 September 2023 7 Aug 2023
Agronomy | Feature Papers in Section “Crop Breeding and Genetics” 7 Aug 2023
Tomography | Aims and Scope Update 7 Aug 2023
Algorithms | Issue Cover Articles in 2022 7 Aug 2023
Cancers | Selected Papers in 2021–2022 on Pediatric Oncology 7 Aug 2023
Energies | The Rating of Scientific Journals by ANVUR Released 7 Aug 2023
Prof. Dr. Noam Yarom Appointed Associate Editor of Oral 7 Aug 2023
Energies Indexed in Polish Ministry of Education and Science List 7 Aug 2023
Coasts | Call for Special Issue Proposals and Recruiting Guest Editors 7 Aug 2023
Separations | Invitation to Read 2021–2022 Highly Cited Papers in Web of Science 7 Aug 2023
Photonics | Top 10 Cited Papers in 2022 4 Aug 2023
Cancers | Selected Papers in 2021–2022 on Infectious Agents and Cancer 4 Aug 2023
Brain Sciences | Highly Cited Papers from 2021–2022 in the Section “Neurolinguistics” 4 Aug 2023
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