
Materials | Best Oral Presentation and Best Poster Award for the 4th International Conference on Materials: Advanced and Emerging Materials (ICM 2022)—Winners Announced 22 Dec 2022
Interview with Prof. Dr. Christoph Herwig—Editorial Board Member of Bioengineering 22 Dec 2022
Recruiting Guest Editors for the Journal of Imaging 22 Dec 2022
Recruiting Topical Advisory Panel Members for Lubricants 22 Dec 2022
Interview with Dr. Danièle Noël—Editorial Board Member of Bioengineering 22 Dec 2022
Interview with Prof. Dr. Reeta Rani Singhania—Editorial Board Member of Bioengineering 22 Dec 2022
Interview with Dr. Martin Koller—Editorial Board Member of Bioengineering 22 Dec 2022
Recruiting Editorial Board Members for Veterinary Sciences 22 Dec 2022
Genes | Top 10 Cited Papers in 2021 in the Section “Bioinformatics” 22 Dec 2022
Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction | Top Downloaded Papers in 2020 22 Dec 2022
Genes | Top 10 Cited Papers in 2020–2021 in the Section “Animal Genetics and Genomics” 22 Dec 2022
Interview with Prof. Dr. James O. Finckenauer—Collection Editor of Topical Collection “Tackling Organized Crime and Human Trafficking” in Social Sciences 22 Dec 2022
Editorial Board Member from Coatings Featured in the 2022 Highly Cited Researchers List Published by Clarivate 22 Dec 2022
Metals 2021 Highly Cited Paper Awards—Winners Announced 22 Dec 2022
Prof. Dr. Francesco Dell’Olio Appointed Section Editor-in-Chief of Section “Optical and Photonic Biosensors” in Biosensors 22 Dec 2022
Future Internet Will Receive Its First Impact Factor in 2023 21 Dec 2022
Nanoenergy Advances | Advisory Board Member Prof. Dr. Zhong Lin Wang Inducted as National Academy of Inventors (NAI) Fellow in 2022 21 Dec 2022
Symmetry | Issue Cover Articles in 2022 21 Dec 2022
Editorial Board Members from Agriculture Featured in the 2022 Highly Cited Researchers List Published by Clarivate 21 Dec 2022
Nanomaterials | Top 10 Selected Papers in 2020–2021 in the Section “Nanophotonics Materials and Devices” 21 Dec 2022
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