
Journal Browser

Journal Browser

Editorial Board

Please note that the order in which the Editors appear on this page is alphabetical, and follows the structure of the editorial board presented on the MDPI website under information for editors: editorial board responsibilities.


Editorial Board Member
Department of Engineering Sciences and Mathematics, Division of Machine Elements, Luleå University of Technology, SE-97187 Luleå, Sweden
Interests: chemical structure of surface; chemical analysis f surface; chemical reactions to deposit a coating; mechanical properties (lubrication) of surface
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Editorial Board Member
Physics Department, University of Trento, I-38123 Povo, Trento, Italy
Interests: nanotechnology; materials science; laser–surface interaction; laser-ablation for nanomaterials production; photocatalysis; water splitting; water purification

Editorial Board Member
ISISE, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minho, 4800-058 Guimarães, Portugal
Interests: geotechnics; earth construction; rock mechanics; soil improvement; excavations

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Editorial Board Member
School of Engineering and Information Technology, University of New South Wales Canberra, Northcott Drive, Campbell, ACT 2600, Australia
Interests: nanophotoncis; nonlinear optics; optoelectronics; light-matter interaction; fano resonances
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Editorial Board Member
Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada
Interests: mathematical modeling; 2D materials; plasmonics; photonics; particle beams; electrolyte interface

Editorial Board Member
Department of Chemical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University, Fukuoka 819-0395, Japan
Interests: glycopolymer; molecular recognition; bio-interface; porous materials
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Editorial Board Member
Department of Life, Environment and Applied Chemistry, Fukuoka Institute of Technology, 3-30-1, Wajirohigashi, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka 811-0295, Japan
Interests: materials chemistry; inorganic nanosheets; polymer; liquid crystal

Editorial Board Member
Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University, 6-1 Kasuga koen, Kasuga-shi, Fukuoka 816-8580, Japan
Interests: heat pump and refrigeration; thermally driven heat pump; air conditioning; refrigerant; adsorption; desiccant; optimization
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Editorial Board Member
B. I. Stepanov Institute of Physics, NAS of Belarus, Nezavisimosti Avenue 68, 220072 Minsk, Belarus
Interests: quantum optics and photonics; open systems; quantum tomography and metrology; quantum imaging; quantum antennas
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Editorial Board Member
Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering (DISG), Sapienza University of Rome, 00197 Rome, Italy
Interests: structural analysis; structural dynamics; earthquake engineering

Editorial Board Member
Department of Mechanical Engineering, McGill University, Montreal, QC H3A 0C3, Canada
Interests: biomechanics; tissue engineering; aeroacoustics
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Editorial Board Member
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Salerno, Via Giovanni Paolo II, 84084 Fisciano (SA), Italy
Interests: seismic design; seismic assessment; retrofitting; performance evaluation; seismic devices; reinforced concrete structures; FRP; collapse mechanisms; composite structures
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Editorial Board Member
Department of Geography, Environment and Spatial Sciences, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA
Interests: land–atmosphere interaction; climate change; the water cycle; physical geography; land surface interactions; regional climate modeling; ecosystem; vegetation green
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Editorial Board Member
REQUIMTE/LAQV, ISEP, Polytechnic of Porto, Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, 4249-015 Porto, Portugal
Interests: (bio)sensors; application of functional nanostructured materials; green technologies; new methodologies for (electro)analysis; environmental chemistry; monitoring/biomonitoring
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Editorial Board Member
Department of Applied Physics, Ghent University, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium
Interests: plasma technology; non-thermal plasma; plasma surface engineering; plasma catalysis; plasma for environmental applications; plasma for biomedical applications
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Editorial Board Member
ONERA/DTIS, Université de Toulouse, 31000 Toulouse, France
Interests: safety engineering; uncertainty management in complex aerospace systems (reliability, sensitivity analysis, surrogate modeling, etc.)
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Editorial Board Member
IMATI-CNR - Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche, 6, 16149 Genova, Italy
Interests: morphological analysis and charcaterisation of 3D meshes; skeleton extraction of 3D shapes; semantic-aware 3D modeling; 3D modeling in Cultural Heritage; 3D modeling in geoscience; urban intelligence; serous games; Ar and VR applications

Editorial Board Member
Department of Architecture and Built Environment, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne NE7 7XA, UK
Interests: advancement in construction technology; use of materials and development of new design techniques; the use of BIM Building Information Modelling in the many stages of design process

Editorial Board Member
Laboratory of Nonlinear and Quantum Optics, CNR-INO, Istituto Nazionale di Ottica, Via Campi Flegrei 34, I-80078 Pozzuoli (NA), Italy
Interests: nonlinear optics; quantum optics; optomechanics;high resolution spectroscopy; singular optics; interferometry laser for gravitational waves detection

Editorial Board Member
Department of Biochemistry & Biotechnology, University of Thessaly, GR-41221 Larissa, Greece
Interests: development of diagnostic molecular tools; antimicrobial activity; mode of action and microbiome of honey bee products; biodeterioration of cultural heritage
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Editorial Board Member
Department of Physics, Syracuse University, 201 Physics Bldg., Syracuse, NY 13244-1130, USA
Interests: single-molecule and membrane biophysics; chemical and synthetic biology; biophysical chemistry; biomaterials; experimental soft matter physics; membrane protein stability, engineering, and folding; dynamics of beta-barrel protein channels; biosensors and functional biomaterials; nanobiotechnology and nanomedicine; nanofluidics

Editorial Board Member
Department of Materials Science & Metallurgy, University of Cambridge, 27 Charles Babbage Road, Cambridge CB3 0FS, UK
Interests: phase transitions in functional materials; caloric effects; magnetoelectric effects

Editorial Board Member
School of Engineering, Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia
Interests: drones; robots; swarm drones; swarm robotics; IoT; smart sensors; mechatronics
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Editorial Board Member
Biomaterials Science Center (BMC), University of Basel, Gewerbestrasse 14, 4123 Allschwil, Switzerland
Interests: nanotechnology-based medical implants; thin-film technology; epitaxial growth and characterisation; high-resolution X-ray imaging; three-dimensional image analysis; nanoscience for human health; advances in dentistry

Editorial Board Member
Institute of Agricultural Engineering, University of Hohenheim, 70593 Stuttgart, Germany
Interests: solar energy; bioenergy application in agriculture; postharvest processing; irrigation technology; efficient water and energy use; renewable energy; expertise covers systematic design (VDI 2221); computer-aided engineering (CATIA); computational fluid dynamics (ANSYS); transient systems simulation (TRNSYS); machine vision; hyperspectral imaging
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Editorial Board Member
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry, Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf, Universitätsstrasse 1, D-40225 Düsseldorf, Germany
Interests: organic synthesis; catalysis; heterocycles; chromophores; multi-component; domino reactions

Editorial Board Member
Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, University of Santiago de Compostela, 27002 Lugo, Spain
Interests: veterinary medicine; pathology; cell biology; bone-material interactions

Editorial Board Member
1. Department of Bioengineering, University of Maryland, 5224 Clark Hall, MD 20742, USA
2. Institute of Catalonia for Research and Advanced Studies & Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia, 08028 Barcelona, Spain
Interests: drug delivery; polymer nanoparticles; active targeting; cellular uptake and transport of drug vehicles; in vivo biodistribution of drug vehicles

Editorial Board Member
Department of Engineering, University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, Via Roma 29, 81031 Aversa, CE, Italy
Interests: innovative applications for biomass valorisation; biomass gasification; value-added compound production; green molecule production; advanced treatment technologies; biorefinery; green extraction processes; flue gas desulphurization from thermal power plants; micro-pollutant removal from waste incinerator exhaust gas; industrial wastewater treatment; wastewater treatment by using AOP, innovative renewable fuel technologies; innovative technologies for groundwater remediation
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Editorial Board Member
The Hamlyn Centre, Imperial College London, London W2 1NY, UK
Interests: diagnostic and surgical robotics; minimally invasive surgical technology; soft robotics; human-robot and human-computer interaction; perceptual and cognitive interfaces
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