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12 March 2025
Welcoming New Early Career Editorial Board Members of Biomedicines

Biomedicines (ISSN: 2227-9059) is pleased to announce the following 40 researchers, who have been added to our group of 2025–2026 Early Career Editorial Board Members. Please join us in congratulating them on joining the Biomedicines community!
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Name: Dr. Jyoti Bala Kaushal Email: [email protected] Affiliation: Radiation Oncology, College of Medicine, Fred & Pamela Buffet Cancer Center, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE, USA Keywords: cancer research; tumor microenvironment; therapeutics; molecular signaling; cellular biochemistry; cell death mechanism; cancer metastasis; metabolism; ciliary pathways; endocrinology Website: https://www.unmc.edu/newsroom/2021/11/11/jyoti-kaushal-phd-honored-for-excellence-in-research/ |
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Name: Dr. Wenjun Mao Email: [email protected] Affiliation: Department of Thoracic Surgery, The Affiliated Wuxi People’s Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Wuxi 214023, China Keywords: tumor microenvironment; cancer multi-omics research; lung cancer Website: |
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Name: Dr. Hamid Hammad Enezei Email: [email protected] Affiliation: Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, College of Dentistry, University of Anbar, Al Ramadi 31001, Iraq Keywords: oral and maxillofacial surgery; dentistry; bone wound healing; bone regeneration; tissue engineering; stem cells; in vitro & in vivo research work; cell engineering; researching cell signaling; drug delivery; molecular research; osseointegration and implant dentistry Website: https://www.uoanbar.edu.iq/English/staff-page.php?ID=774 |
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Name: Dr. Carmen María Galvez Sánchez Email: [email protected] Affiliation: Department of Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatment, Faculty of Psychology and Speech Therapy, University of Murcia, Building 31, 30100 Murcia, Spain Keywords: chronic pain; fibromyalgia syndrome; syndromes of central sensitization to pain; gender; health; neuropsychology; forensic psychology; mental health; quality of life; wellbeing; personality Website: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1927-0292 |
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Name: Dr. Kaiying Yang Email: [email protected] Affiliation: Department of Pediatric Surgery, Guangzhou Women and Children’s Medical Center, Guangzhou Medical University, Guangzhou 510623, China Keywords: pediatric vascular tumors; endothelial cell metabolism; multi-omic analysis; infantile hemangioma; kaposiform hemangioendothelioma; endothelial cell angiogenesis; glycolysis; pediatric vascular malformation Website: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5847-1938 |
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Name: Dr. Yang Wang Email: [email protected] Affiliation: Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, First Affiliated Hospital of Xian Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710061, China Keywords: hypertension; kidney injury; target organ damage; metabolic abnormalities; salt intake Website: https://esc365.escardio.org/ESC-Congress/speakers/520505 |
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Name: Dr. Sebastine Oseghae Oiwoh Email: [email protected] Affiliations: 1. Internal Medicine, Directorate of Clinical Services, Irrua Specialist Teaching Hospital, IRRUA/EKPOMA +234, Irrua, Nigeria 2. Internal Medicine, Faculty of Clinical Sciences, Ambrose University, IRRUA/EKPOMA +234, Irrua, Nigeria Keywords: infectious dermatoses; infectious diseases; mpox/monkeypox; neglected tropical diseases (NTDs); skin NTDs; scabies and rogenetic alopecia; alopecia; quality of life; psychometric tool validation; burnout; skin failure Website: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4258-5054 |
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Name: Dr. Giorgia Lüthi-Corridori Email: [email protected] Affiliations: 1. University Institute of Internal Medicine, Cantonal Hospital Baselland, Liestal, Switzerland 2. Medical Faculty, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland 3. Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health - ECPE, Boston, MA, USA Keywords: clinical research; health services research; public health; internal medicine Website: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9956-3895 |
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Name: Dr. Rakesh Kumar Email: [email protected] Affiliation: Psychiatry, AI and Informatics; Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA Keywords: mood disorders; interventional psychiatry; TMS ; AI; RDoC; psychopharmacology Website: https://college.mayo.edu/academics/residencies-and-fellowships/mood-fellowship-minnesota/meet-our-fellows/ |
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Name: Dr. Xiaona Wang Email: [email protected] Affiliation: Henan Key Laboratory of Children's Genetics and Metabolic Diseases, Children's Hospital Affiliated to Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450000, China Keywords: neurophysiology; neuropharmacology; neural circuit; optogenetics; patch clamp electrophysiology; in-vivo multichannel recording Website: https://www.zzsetyy.cn/viewnews.aspx?id=13919 |
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Name: Dr. Zhongyan Zhou Email: [email protected] Affiliations: 1. Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR 999077, China 2. Longhua Hospital, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 200032, China Keywords: cardiovacular disease; heart failure; cancer; cardio-oncology; cancer cachexia; neurodegenaration disease; hypertension; traditional Chinese medicine; cardiometabolic disease; stroke; zebrafish; ageing Website: https://www.pharma.hku.hk/en/Our-People/Professoriate-Staff/Research-Assistant-Professor/Zhongyan-ZHOU/Zhongyan-ZHOU-Profile |
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Name: Dr. Zhongpeng Dai Email: [email protected] Affiliation: Department of Psychology, State Key Laboratory of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China Keywords: computational neuroscience; neuroimaging; fMRI; EEG; psychiatry; neurology Website: https://sites.google.com/view/zhongpengdai/home |
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Name: Dr. Yi Huang Email: [email protected] Affiliation: Department of Neurosurgery, Ningbo Key Laboratory of Nervous System and Brain Function, The First Affiliated Hospital of Ningbo University, Ningbo 315000, China Keywords: stroke; subarachnoid hemorrhage; neurodegenerative diseases; brain injury; neural regeneration and repair Website: https://zhaosheng.eol.cn/11646/tutors/index/daoshidetail?school_id=461&m_id=37393&ds_id=21371 |
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Name: Dr. Meng-Yao Li Email: [email protected] Affiliation: Shanghai Cancer Research Institute, Renji Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200017, China Keywords: cancer; drug; patient-derived model Website: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7054-448X |
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Name: Dr. Elham Pashaei Email: [email protected] Affiliation: Department of Medical & Molecular Genetics, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN 46202, USA Keywords: computational biology; bioinformatics; artificial intelligence; machine learning; health informatics; algorithms Website: https://medicine.iu.edu/faculty/68626/pashaei-elham |
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Name: Dr. Cindy Martinez Email: [email protected] Affiliation: Clínica Infantil Colsubsidio, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá 111221, Colombia Keywords: pediatric cancer; acute lymphoblastic leukemia; childhood cancer; hemophilia; hemoglobinopathies; leukemia; lymphoma; immunotherapy; survivorship; late effects Website: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1756-6812 |
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Name: Dr. Yuchen Lei Email: [email protected] Affiliation: Center for Computational and Integrative Biology (CCIB), Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA 02114, USA Keywords: cell biology; autophagy; membrane trafficking and immunology Website: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2112-4144 |
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Name: Dr. Yuqin Ye Email: [email protected] Affiliation: Department of Neurosurgery, Xijing Hospital, Air Force Medical University, Xi’an, 710032, China Keywords: traumatic brain injury; neurogenesis; neural stem cells; neuroinflammation; neurogenic niche; augmented reality; image guided-neurosurgery; neuronavigation Website: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ye-Yuqin |
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Name: Dr. Yuxuan Song Email: [email protected] Affiliation: Department of Urology, Second Clinical School of Medicine, Peking University People's Hospital, Peking University, Beijing 100044, China Keywords: urothelial carcinoma; bladder cancer; upper tract urothelial carcinoma; urological oncology; single-cell sequencing; multi-omics; immune microenvironment; intratumoral microbiota; evidence-based medicine; meta analysis; immunotherapy; andrology Website: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8326-0948 |
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Name: Dr. Kumud Chapagain Email: [email protected] Affiliation: Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, B. P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Dharan 56700, Nepal Keywords: clinical pharmacology; rational prescribing; drug safety; pharmacovigilance; pharmacoepidemiology; pharmacoeconomics; medication adherence; drug utilization studies; evidence-based medicine; precision medicine Website: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5572-8128 |
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Name: Dr. Anna Skotny Email: [email protected] Affiliation: Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Executive and Continuing Education, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, MA 02120, USA Keywords: CAR-T; ATMP; medical devices; biomedical engineering; telemedicine Website: https://hsph.harvard.edu/exec-ed/ppcr-team/ |
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Name: Dr. Sireesh Kumar Teertam Email: [email protected] Affiliation: Department of Dermatology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison 53705, WI, USA Keywords: cutaneous melanoma; cancer; brain metastasis; skin cancer Website: https://dermatology.wisc.edu/research/laboratory-research/ayuso-lab/#team |
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Name: Dr. José-Noel Ibrahim Email: [email protected] Affiliation: Department of Biological Sciences, School of Arts and Sciences, Lebanese American University (LAU), Beirut 13-5053, Lebanon Keywords: inflammation; auto-inflammatory diseases; familial Mediterranean fever (FMF); cancer; epigenetics; cytokines; genetics Website: https://soas.lau.edu.lb/about/people/jose-noel-ibrahim.php |
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Name: Dr. Alexandru Vlasa Email: [email protected] Affiliation: Department of Periodontology and Oral-Dental Diagnosis, Faculty of Dental Medicine, George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences and Technology of Tirgu-Mures, Gh. Marinescu 38, 540138 Tirgu-Mures, Romania Keywords: dental mecicine; periodontology; dental implantology; dental materials Website: https://www.umfst.ro/fileadmin/f_medicina_dentara/cadre_didactice/cv/vlasa.alexandru.pdf |
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Name: Dr. Lavinia Rech Email: [email protected] Affiliation: Division of Cardiology, University Heart Center Graz, Medical University of Graz, 8010 Graz, Austria Keywords: cardioimmunology; cardiac remodeling; in-vivo CVD models; cardiac surgery; pediatric cardiac surgery Website: https://www.cardioscience-and-more.com/ |
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Name: Dr. Qimanguli Saiding Email: [email protected] Affiliation: Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA 02115, USA Keywords: tissue engineering; regenerative medicine Website: https://connects.catalyst.harvard.edu/Profiles/display/Person/220815 |
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Name: Dr. Paweł Turek Email: [email protected] Affiliation: Department of Manufacturing Techniques and Automation, The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics, Rzeszów University of Technology, Rzeszów 35‐959, Poland Keywords: additive manufacturing; polymer material; quality control; surgical guide; implants; anatomical models; computer tomography Website: https://turek.v.prz.edu.pl |
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Name: Dr. Weixin Li Email: [email protected] Affiliation: Department of Population Health Science and Policy, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY 10029, USA Keywords: aging; neurodegenerative diseases; cognitive impairment; dementia; clinical trial Website: https://icahn.mssm.edu/research/light-health/team |
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Name: Dr. Mihnea-Alexandru Gaman Email: [email protected] Affiliations: 1. Department of Cellular and Molecular Pathology, Stefan S. Nicolau Institute of Virology, Romanian Academy, 030304 Bucharest, Romania 2. Faculty of Medicine, “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 050474 Bucharest, Romania Keywords: hematology; AML; APL; MPNs; TTP; multiple myeloma; amyloidosis; lymphoma; PNH; ITP; HSCT Website: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7133-8875 |
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Name: Dr. Hongjian Zhang Email: [email protected] Affiliation: The Center of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200050, China Keywords: biomaterials; bioceramics; 3D printing; 3D bioprinting; tissue regeneration; regenerative medicine Website: https://orcid.org/0009-0005-0195-8012 |
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Name: Dr. Lingdi Yin Email: [email protected] Affiliation: Pancreas Center, the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210029, China Keywords: pancreatic cancer; cancer genetics; tumor microenvironment; general surgery; bioinformatics Website: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1432-4626 |
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Name: Dr. Yupei Li Email: [email protected] Affiliation: Department of Nephrology, Kidney Research Institute, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, China Keywords: hemoperfusion; continuous renal replacement therapy; extracorporeal blood purification; sepsis; damage-associated molecular patterns; extracellular histones; endotoxin adsorption Website: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7364-3731 |
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Name: Dr. Song-Wei Li Email: [email protected] Affiliation: School of Medicine, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China Keywords: marine natural products; soft corals; sponges; mollucks; terpenoids; cembrane Website: https://medicine.shu.edu.cn/info/1123/8197.htm |
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Name: Dr. Rui Yan Email: [email protected] Affiliation: Beijing Chao-Yang Hospital, Department of Oncology, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100020, China Keywords: malignant tumor; treatment resistance; tumor immunity; cell biology Website: https://orcid.org/my-orcid?orcid=0000-0002-5052-4377 |
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Name: Dr. Kun Zhang Email: [email protected] Affiliation: Department of Histology and Developmental Biology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin 300070, China Keywords: liver fibrosis; hepatic stellate cells; liver macrophages; G protein-coupled receptors; lncRNA; transcription factors Website: https://tutors.eol.cn/web/index/details?service_id=1&tutor_id=21501&act=do&rel=1 |
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Name: Dr. Bowen Li Email: [email protected] Affiliation: Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei Province, 430060, China Keywords: aortic dissection; aortic aneurysm; smooth muscle cell; trained immunity; inflammation Website: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9285-1758 |
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Name: Dr. Wei Gao Email: [email protected] Affiliation: Department of Geriatrics, Affiliated Zhongda Hospital of School of Medicine, Southeast University, Nanjing 210009, China Keywords: ageing; cardiovascular diseases; sarcopenia; obesity; diabetes Website: https://seu.teacher.360eol.com/teacherBasic/preview?teacherType=&teacherId=25703 |
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Name: Dr. Paolo Boffano Email: [email protected] Affiliation: Department of Health Sciences, University of Piemonte Orientale, Novara 28100, Italy Keywords: cancer; oral surgery; head and neck surgery; maxillofacial; facial trauma Website: https://upobook.uniupo.it/paolo.boffano |
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Name: Dr. Minhong (Neenah) Huang Email: [email protected] Affiliations: 1. Department of Epidemiology, Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA 2. Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA Keywords: neurodegenerative disease; neuroscience/brain research; prostate cancer; colorectal cancer; translational research; clinical study; epidemiology; precision medicine Website: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9159-6484 |
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Name: Dr. Damilare Rotimi Email: [email protected] Affiliation: Alfred E. Mann School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Southern California, 1985 Zonal Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA Keywords: reproductive toxicology; endocrine disruptors; natural products; oxidative stress Website: https://profiles.sc-ctsi.org/damilareemmanuel.rotimi |
27 February 2025
Meet Us at the 13th Chinese National Conference on Chemical Biology, 11–15 April 2025, Changsha, China

Conference: The 13th Chinese National Conference on Chemical Biology
Date: 11–15 April 2025
Location: Changsha, China
MDPI will be attending the 13th Chinese National Conference on Chemical Biology as an exhibitor. The conference will be held from 11 to 15 April 2025. We welcome researchers from different backgrounds to visit and share their latest ideas with us.
The 13th Chinese National Conference on Chemical Biology (CNCCB 2025) is the largest and highest-caliber academic event in the field of chemical biology research in China, and an important gathering of scientific and technological workers who are engaged in research relating to chemical biology. The conference will focus on the recent achievements and progress made by Chinese chemical biology research and related disciplines, promote interdisciplinary exchange and innovation, and serve the national strategy of healthy China. The conference will invite recognized scholars from home and abroad to give presentations and is organized into eleven thematic sessions and four special forums to build a platform for academic exchange and the introduction of new talents in the field.
The following MDPI journals will be represented:
If you are planning to attend this conference, please do not hesitate to start an online conversation with us. Our delegates look forward to meeting you in person and answering any questions that you may have. For more information about the conference, please visit the following website: https://www.chemsoc.org.cn/meeting/CNCCB2025/.
27 February 2025
More than 300 MDPI Journals Indexed in Web of Science
MDPI is pleased to share a significant milestone in its mission to advance scholarly research and promote the dissemination of knowledge—300+ MDPI journals are now indexed in Web of Science (WoS). This milestone highlights the global recognition, interdisciplinary impact and enhanced visibility of our journals. It also reflects our adherence to rigorous editorial standards, scientific integrity, and our mission to foster open scientific exchange in all forms, across all disciplines.

To explore the full list of our journals indexed in WoS, please visit https://www.mdpi.com/about/journals/wos. Beyond expanding the coverage of our publications in the leading academic databases, we are dedicated to ensuring that our journals are included in as many scope-specific databases as possible. This increases the visibility of our authors’ work and extends the reach of their significant data.
This milestone would not have been possible without the efforts and expertise of our academic editors, reviewers and authors. Their commitment and collaboration have been instrumental in creating an inclusive, accessible, and impactful publishing platform. We also extend our gratitude to the global research community for their trust as we continue to break new ground in academic publishing. This milestone is not just a celebration of MDPI’s progress but also recognition of the collective strides made by researchers worldwide.
As we celebrate this remarkable accomplishment, MDPI remains steadfast in its commitment to open access publishing and ensuring that high-quality research reaches and inspires a global audience.
21 February 2025
MDPI Open Science Insights: Academic Publishing Essentials—Hosted by the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Nanyang Technological University, Held on 14 February 2025

On 14 February 2025, MDPI hosted an informative and engaging Academic Publishing Essentials Workshop in collaboration with the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Nanyang Technological University (NTU). Publishing Manager, Dr. Colin Wee, and Head of Author Services, Mr. Kurtis Jackson, shared practical advice and tips on navigating the academic publishing process and discussed the benefits of open access publishing.
The session brought together researchers at various stages from the Dementia Research Centre at NTU. Assoc. Prof. Nagaendran Kandiah delivered the opening speech, highlighting the importance of academic writing skills, which are essential for structuring a research paper that resonates with readers.
The workshop covered the following key areas:
Introduction to MDPI and Open Access
Participants learned about the different open access models offered by MDPI and the advantages of open access publishing, including increased visibility and higher citation rates of published research.
How to Respond to Peer Reviewers
Tips on how to address reviewer feedback professionally were shared.
How to Write and Structure an Academic Paper
Participants gained insights into refining their writing skills, with a focus on structuring an academic paper to enhance clarity and brevity in presenting their research.
Publication Trends and Hot Topic Identification
Tips for identifying hot research topics and publication trends using Web of Science and a third-party application, VOSviewer, were discussed.
Q&A Session
The workshop concluded with a Q&A session addressing concerns about the perception that open access publishing is inferior to subscription-based models. In response, Dr. Colin Wee clarified the differences as follows: In subscription models, readers pay for access, while in open access, articles are free to readers, but the authors pay an article processing charge. He emphasised that open access publications often receive more views, downloads, and citations, thus benefiting researchers in the long term.
Equipping the Academic Community
MDPI is dedicated to equipping the academic community with a deeper understanding of the publishing process and practical strategies to tackle common challenges. Positive feedback was received regarding the session, with many expressions of appreciation for the valuable tips on improving manuscripts for publication success.
Looking Forward
MDPI extends its gratitude to the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine for contributing to the success of the event, with special thanks to Assoc. Prof. Nagaendran Kandiah for making it possible.
As part of our ongoing commitment to supporting the academic community, MDPI looks forward to organising more events to assist researchers on their publishing journeys. Stay connected for updates on future Academic Publishing Essentials Workshop and other initiatives!
For those interested in collaborating through academic events, please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] or visit https://www.mdpi.com/offices/singapore/Academic_Publishing_Essentials for more information.
19 February 2025
Meet Us Virtually at the 3rd International Online Conference on Clinical Medicine (IOCCM 2025), 17–19 November 2025

Conference: 3rd International Online Conference on Clinical Medicine (IOCCM 2025)
Time: 17–19 November 2025 (CET, Online)
Website: https://sciforum.net/event/IOCCM2025
We cordially invite you to attend the above online conference organized by MDPI’s Journal of Clinical Medicine (JCM, ISSN: 2077-0383, Impact Factor: 3.0). The conference will take place virtually from 17 to 19 November 2025, CET.
Conference Chairs:
- Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Andrès, Internal Medicine Department, University Hospital Strasbourg, France;
- Prof. Dr. Kent Doi, Department of Acute Care Medicine, University of Tokyo, Japan;
- Prof. Dr. Francisco Guillen-Grima, Department of Preventive Medicine, Clinica Universidad de Navarra, University of Navarra, Spain.
Topics of Interest:
S1. Cardiology & Cardiovascular Medicine;
S2. Nephrology & Urology;
S3. Emergency Medicine;
S4. Nuclear Medicine & Radiology;
S5. General Surgery;
S6. Clinical Rehabilitation;
S7. Pulmonology;
S8. Anesthesiology.
Important Dates:
Deadline for abstract submission: 18 August 2025;
Notification of acceptance: 20 September 2025;
Deadline for registration: 3 November 2025.
To submit your abstract, please click here.
To register for the conference, please click here.
For any inquiries regarding the event, please contact [email protected].
We look forward to seeing you at the IOCCM 2025.
17 February 2025
MDPI Celebrates Excellence in Medical Research with Early Career Researcher Awards

MDPI, a pioneer in scholarly open access publishing, and the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine (LKCMedicine), Singapore, proudly announce the successful conclusion of the first edition the MDPI Early Career Researcher Awards. The awards, which recognize outstanding contributions to medical and biomedical research, were presented to six exceptional researchers during an awards ceremony held at LKCMedicine HQ Building on 28 November 2024.
Honoring Excellence in Research
The awards recognize exceptional postdoctoral researchers and Ph.D. students who have demonstrated outstanding originality, innovation, and impact in their respective fields. We are honored to announce the winners of the 2024 edition:
Early Career Researcher (Postdoc) Award:
- Dr. Theresia Handayani Mina, “Adiposity and Metabolic Health in Asian Populations: An Epidemiological Study Using Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry in Singapore”;
- Dr. Erfan Rezvani Ghomi, “Wound Healing Improvement by Novel Aligned Antimicrobial Nanofibrous 3D Scaffolds”;
- Dr. Yadollah Ranjbar Slamloo, “Functional Alterations of The Prefrontal Circuit Underlying Cognitive Aging in Mice”.
Early Career Researcher (Ph.D.) Award:
- Pritisha Rozario, “Mechanistic Basis for Potassium Efflux-Driven Activation of the Human NLRP1 Inflammasome”;
- Michelle Law Cheok Yien, “Chikungunya Virus Nonstructural Protein 1 is a Versatile RNA Capping and Decapping Enzyme”;
- Yin Ruoyu, “The Use of Digital Mental Health and Wellbeing Tools in Older Adults: A Mixed Method Study”.
Our collaboration highlights a shared commitment to recognizing exceptional talent and research within the academic community, addressing today’s healthcare challenges, and inspiring continued innovation.
Looking Ahead to 2025
Building on the success of the first edition, MDPI and LKCMedicine are excited to announce that the 2025 MDPI Early Researcher Awards will continue to celebrate excellence and innovation in medical research. The next edition promises to expand its scope, introducing new categories and providing even greater recognition for impactful research.
Further details on the 2025 awards, including nomination criteria and timelines, will be shared in the coming months. We remain committed to fostering a culture of research excellence and collaboration within the global scientific community.
5 February 2025
MDPI INSIGHTS: The CEO's Letter #20 - Beijing, Singapore, Bangkok, JAMS, Jisc

Welcome to the MDPI Insights: The CEO's Letter.
In these monthly letters, I will showcase two key aspects of our work at MDPI: our commitment to empowering researchers and our determination to facilitating open scientific exchange.
Opening Thoughts
2024 Annual Meeting – Beijing (15 January 2025)
You haven’t truly experienced a New Year’s celebration until you’ve attended one of MDPI’s Chinese Annual Meeting festivities. This year I visited our annual meeting in Beijing, held on the 15th of January.
Imagine this: stepping into a banquet hall filled with 140 tables and about 1,400 colleagues from our Beijing offices, all gathered to share in a six-hour event. The agenda included year-end speeches and presentations, a variety of performances by our colleagues, a selection of awards honouring local employees for their work, group photos for the memories, and a dinner.
This may have been one of the largest events I have attended. For those unaccustomed to such an event, it might seem overwhelming, but it was quite the opposite. The atmosphere was one of celebration as everyone came together to support their peers and celebrate the achievements of 2024.
I was honoured to deliver the opening speech and a presentation highlighting our growth and investment in MDPI’s most valuable asset: our people.
“Our editorial teams represent MDPI at its finest”
I want to give special recognition to the editorial department, across all of our offices, which forms the heart of our business. These teams are the frontline communicators with our authors, reviewers, and guest editors, creating a smooth experience of processing our manuscripts. Their professionalism and kindness are often highlighted as key drivers of satisfaction with MDPI. For this, I extend my deepest gratitude to all our editorial staff, across every office. They truly represent MDPI at its finest.
Beijing is home to two of our offices, with just over 800 employees in Tongzhou and over 600 in Haidian. Thank you to our administrative teams and everyone involved in organizing these New Year’s celebrations across all offices. These events provide a moment to reflect on our shared accomplishments and appreciate the positive impact each of you has on our culture.
MDPI Offices in China
While the history of MDPI begins in Basel, Switzerland, the story of MDPI is very much rooted in China. Below is a list of MDPI’s current offices in China and their respective dates of inauguration:
- 2008: Beijing (Tongzhou, Haidian)
- 2013: Wuhan (Hankou, Guanggu)
- 2019: Tianjin
- 2021: Dalian
- 2021: Nanjing
To date, over 381,000 MDPI research articles have been published by authors affiliated with Chinese institutions, making China our largest market. This is reflected not only in the volume of publications but also in the scale of our workforce supporting local operations and contributing to global success.
While no new offices in China were launched between 2022 and 2024 due to the pandemic and strategic planning, we remain committed to future growth here. Our plans include expanding operations as we continue to build our global workforce.
We look forward to a year filled with continued collaboration, growth, and shared success.
“We remain committed to future growth in China”
Impactful Research
MDPI and Jisc Consortium Extend Open Access Agreement for 2025
I’m pleased to share that MDPI has extended its agreement with the Jisc consortium in the UK for 2025. This renewal strengthens our partnership with UK institutions and reaffirms our shared commitment to advancing open access publishing.
Jisc is the UK’s not-for-profit digital, data, and technology agency supporting tertiary education, research, and innovation. Through initiatives such as our agreement, Jisc helps institutions access essential digital resources and infrastructure to support researchers. Currently, 62 UK institutions are part of our Institutional Open Access Program (IOAP) through this partnership.
Authors from participating institutions benefit from discounts on article processing charges (APCs), with even greater support for institutions that centrally fund APCs. This helps researchers focus on their work while simplifying the publishing process.
A full list of participating institutions can be found here.
As Becky Castellon, our Institutional Partnerships Manager, puts it: “Extending our agreement with Jisc is a reward for the strong partnership we’ve built with research institutions throughout the UK.”
At MDPI, we are dedicated to making research more accessible while reducing administrative burdens for institutions and authors. Open access publishing is at the heart of what we do, and we’re proud to expand its reach in the UK and beyond.
Inside MDPI
Visit to MDPI's Singapore office
During my January trip to some of our APAC offices, I also had the pleasure of visiting our Singapore office for the first time. It’s exciting to see how much the team has grown, now numbering over 55 staff members, with more joining us in February.
Welcoming and Supporting New Team Members
“Experienced staff play an important role in mentoring new hires”
I had the opportunity to connect with both experienced colleagues and new team members who are currently embarking on their careers. This visit reminded me of what it was like when I was in their shoes. I encourage all of us to engage new colleagues with empathy, as we have all been in their position. By creating a welcoming and supportive environment, we can help them settle in and learn about the corporate world, MDPI and our mission.
Experienced staff play an important role in mentoring and guiding new hires, most of whom are transitioning from academia to their first job. I’m especially grateful to colleagues such as Colin Chen, Alicia Ren, Yu Nwe Soe, Colin Wee, Amy Cham and other senior members who have contributed to shaping the culture and work environment in Singapore.
Building MDPI’s Positive Reputation
During my visit, I spoke with the office staff about the importance of their roles in building a positive reputation that helps create trust in MDPI. I shared how every interaction and communication point contributes to the marketing of MDPI and our journals. I also highlighted the career development opportunities available as MDPI continues to grow.
Connecting with the Singapore Marketing Team
I also spent time connecting directly with the Singapore Marketing team, which has quickly grown to 15 young and ambitious members. They are eager to learn and are actively contributing to our journal and corporate marketing activities. I shared insights into our corporate marketing structure and strategy and look forward to supporting them as they grow.
During the visit, I was joined by my colleague Dr. Constanze Schelhorn, Head of Indexing, who provided training on indexing. This training was greatly appreciated by the local staff.
Meeting with Prof. Dr. Manoj Gupta
Lastly, we had the privilege of meeting Prof. Dr. Manoj Gupta, Editor-in-Chief (EiC) of Technologies since 2016 and Section EiC of Metals.
Prof. Gupta is an active decision-maker for the journal and a great brand ambassador for MDPI.
Prof. Gupta has helped sustainably scale Technologies, which now has a 4.2 Impact Factor and a 6.7 CiteScore, ranking Q1 in the JCR category of Engineering and Q1 in the CiteScore category of Computer Science.
During our meeting, we discussed strategies for Institutional Open Access Partnership agreements and ways to promote MDPI journals in Singapore.
PS. During the visit, we also had the chance to participate in Lo Hei, also known as Yee Sang or the “prosperity toss.” This is a raw fish salad traditionally enjoyed during Chinese New Year and is particularly popular among Chinese communities in Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia. Everyone gathers around the table as the ingredients are added one by one, and then the salad is mixed together. It was a fun experience to take part in this New Year tradition!
Coming Together for Science
JAMS – Journal & Article Management System
I am excited to announce the official relaunch of JAMS (Journal & Article Management System), one of MDPI’s key initiatives to support academic publishers worldwide.
With this relaunch, JAMS now offers new pricing models and flexible solutions for small-scale journals, commercial publishers, and university presses. We have also redesigned the JAMS website to enhance the user experience.
“JAMS is a testament to our commitment to simplifying the publishing process”
Explore the new website here: jams.pub
It’s also great to see the JAMS team expanding our presence at conferences and on social media to engage more effectively with the academic community.
Recently, Facundo Santomé (Senior Marketing Manager) and Alex Ramos (Senior Marketing Specialist) represented JAMS at the APE 2025 conference in Berlin, highlighting how our platform empowers small and independent publishers to streamline and scale their journal management.
JAMS was built to change that by adapting to the unique requirements of each publisher.
At MDPI, we continually invest in our growth – not only by expanding our operations and staff but also by developing innovative products that serve the academic and publishing community at large. JAMS, with its comprehensive suite of journal management tools, is a testament to our commitment to simplifying the publishing process for our partners.
Imagine a submission system that frees up your time for strategy, innovation, and impactful publishing.
Under the leadership of Silvano Bonfatti (Product Manager, MDPI), the JAMS team has conducted in-depth market research to understand the challenges publishers face: endless administrative tasks, inefficient workflows, and systems that don’t always meet their needs.
If you believe JAMS could benefit any of your network contacts, please share our website. Contact the JAMS team. They are always ready to assist with your publishing needs.
What Sets JAMS Apart?
- Scalability – Whether you're a niche journal or managing thousands of submissions, JAMS grows with you.
- End-to-End Workflow – From submission to peer review and final publication, everything is in one place.
- Automation That Works for You – Say goodbye to chasing reviewers and formatting issues, so that you can focus on quality instead.
- Built by Publishers, for Publishers – JAMS is backed by MDPI’s expertise; we know exactly what it takes to run a journal smoothly.
- Flexible & Fair Pricing – Supporting journals of all sizes, with special rates for non-profits and publishers in the Global South.
Partners Who Already Trust JAMS
If you believe JAMS could benefit any of your network contacts, please share our website. Contact the JAMS team. They are always ready to assist with your publishing needs.
Closing Thoughts
Visit to MDPI's Bangkok office
To conclude my APAC trip, I had the pleasure of visiting our Bangkok office from 22 to 24 January. The office has grown significantly, closing 2024 with a total of 445 colleagues across various departments, including Editorial, Production, Conference, Training, Journal Relationship Specialists (JRS), Managing Editors, and supporting teams in HR, Admin, IT, and Finance.
I would like to praise our Bangkok management team for their excellent work in supporting our growth and creating a positive work environment. Our colleagues here are humble, talented, hardworking, and appreciative of MDPI’s mission.
Thailand was among MDPI’s top 30 markets in 2024 for total publications. With our office in Bangkok, we have an opportunity to further promote open access while supporting local researchers and institutions. This includes open access discounts, author training sessions, conference sponsorships, and other initiatives. We currently have 25 Editorial Board Members (EBMs) from Thailand and will work on expanding this network.
Engaging with Group Leads
“Group leads play an important role in creating a safe, positive environment”
During my visit, I met with our group leads to highlight their crucial role in managing journal performance and mentoring new employees, especially given our increased hiring targets. Many new hires are early in their careers and require training, development, and support. Group leads play an important role in creating a safe, positive environment that fosters professional growth while maintaining MDPI’s reputation for service quality.
To wrap up the session, I added a personal touch by holding the door and giving everyone high-fives – a small gesture to show appreciation, boost morale, and strengthen team spirit. It’s important for our colleagues to feel seen, heard, and valued.
University Visit: King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok (KMUTNB)
We also visited King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok (KMUTNB) to explore collaboration opportunities.
Our discussions focused on: Institutional Open Access Partnership (IOAP), Author training sessions, Conference sponsorships, Student employment initiatives, and more.
This visit reinforced the importance of building strong relationships with local universities, ensuring we continue to support and engage with the academic community in Thailand.
“My time in Bangkok was productive and inspiring”
My time in Bangkok was productive and inspiring. The senior team has done a great job in growing the office and creating a supportive, high-performing environment. I look forward to seeing continued success from our colleagues in Thailand.
Chief Executive Officer
21 January 2025
MDPI’s Newly Launched Journals in December 2024
Nine new journals covering multiple subjects launched their inaugural issues in December 2024. We are excited to be able to share with you the newest research rooted in the value of open access.
We would like to express our deepest appreciation to all of the Editorial Board Members, and each journal will ensure its high-quality output by using excellent editorial and rigorous peer-review processes, to ensure that the articles achieve high impact and visibility.
Please feel free to browse and discover more about the new journals below.
Journal | Founding Editor-in-Chief | Journal Topics (Selected) |
Prof. Dr. Zhaoyang Dong |
energy storage technologies; energy storage system management; energy storage applications; strategies in renewable energy generation grid integration; distributed storage systems; economics and markets for energy storage View journal scope | Submit an article |
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Prof. Dr. Yang-Hui He 1. London Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Royal Institution, UK 2. University of Oxford, UK Editorial | View inaugural issue |
Euclidean geometry; differential geometry; algebraic geometry; complex geometry; discrete geometry; computational geometry; geometric group theory; convex geometry View journal scope | Submit an article |
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Dr. Michel Planat Université de Franche-Comté, France Editorial | View inaugural issue |
differential topology; algebraic topology; manifold topology; homology theory; low-dimensional topology; fuzzy sets View journal scope | Submit an article |
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Prof. Dr. Rashid Al Abri 1. Sultan Qaboos University, Oman 2. Oman Medical Association, Oman Editorial | View inaugural issue |
clinical practices as well as research and innovation in medical education, risk management in healthcare, and patient safety View journal scope | Submit an article |
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Prof. Dr. Ecevit Bilgili* New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA *Prof. Dr. Ecevit Bilgili passed away before the completion of the inaugural issue. His dedication and vision for JPBI will always be remembered and serve as a guiding inspiration. Editorial | View inaugural issue |
early drug discovery and development; product characterization and pre-clinical testing; drug delivery systems and drug design; active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) production View journal scope | Submit an article |
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Dr. Weiyong Liu Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China Editorial | View inaugural issue |
theories, methodologies, technologies, and applications in the fields of laboratory medicine and clinical chemistry View journal scope | Submit an article |
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Prof. Dr. Manuel Pedro Rodríguez Bolívar University of Granada, Spain Editorial | View inaugural issue |
scientometrics; informetrics; bibliometrics; altmetrics; webometrics; research evaluation View journal scope | Submit an article |
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Prof. Dr. Fei Fan Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China Editorial | View inaugural issue |
regional growth theory and methods; regional system modeling and optimization; regional development policy; regional spatial evolution; environmental policy and instrument choice View journal scope | Submit an article |
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Dr. Kevin Cianfaglione Université Catholique de Lille, France Editorial | View inaugural issue |
wild species and their habitats; wild environments and biodiversity; natural environment management; wild land preservation View journal scope | Submit an article |
We wish to thank everyone who has supported the development of open access publishing. You are welcome to send an application here, or contact the New Journal Committee ([email protected]) if you would like to create more new journals.
21 January 2025
Acknowledgment to the Reviewers of Biomedicines in 2024

The editorial team at Biomedicines extends our heartfelt thanks to the dedicated reviewers whose expertise and commitment have been key to the journal's success in 2024. Last year, Biomedicines received 14061 review reports from 6226 reviewers representing 96 countries and regions worldwide.
To recognize the invaluable time, effort, and attention to detail that each reviewer dedicates, Biomedicines expresses its sincere gratitude through an annual acknowledgment of reviewers. As a further token of appreciation, all reviewers are eligible for the Outstanding Reviewer Award, which honors their essential role in enhancing the quality of our publications.
We are honored to recognize the reviewers who allowed us to publish their names each year. The names of these reviewers are listed below in alphabetical order by first name:
A. N. M. Mamun-Or-Rashid | Hamayak Sisakian | Nicolas Cuenca-Zaldivar |
Aamir Rasool | Hamdy Abdelkader | Nicoletta Cera |
Abbas Rohani | Hamed Haghi-Aminjan | Nicoletta Di Simone |
Abderrezzaq Benalia | Hamed Montazeri | Nidhi Puranik |
Abdolreza Jamilian | Hamed Nosrati | Nikita Tsvetov |
Abdul Sadiq | Hammad A. Ganatra | Nikola Stojanovic |
Abdulaziz Alhotan | Han Zhang | Nikolaos Bouropoulos |
Abdulkadir Atalan | Haney Samir | Nikolaos Chrysanthakopoulos |
Abdullah Abdulaziz Abbod Abdo | Hanna Romanska | Nikolaos Koumallos |
Abdullah Khan | Hann-Chorng Kuo | Nikolay Barashkov |
Abedalrhman Alkhateeb | Hao Zang | Nikolina Mihaylova |
Abhijit Nair | Haomin Liu | Nina Drize |
Abhijnan Chattopadhyay | Hao-Ran Dai | Nina Filip |
Abhishek Kaushik | Harald Krentel | Nina Yancheva |
Abraham Pouliakis | Harikumar Rajaguru | Ning Ge |
Abraham Wall-Medrano | Harindranath Kadavath | Nishad Thamban Chandrika |
Abuzer Ali | Harold Yeehau Lau | Nishith Shrimali |
Adeel Sattar | Harsh Goel | Niti Sharma |
Adela Melcrova | Hasan Alghetaa | Nitin Sampat Kamble |
Adelina Vlad | Hasnaa Osama | Nobuaki Kobayashi |
Adriaan Erasmus Basson | Hassan Maleki | Nobuhiro Nakano |
Adrian Arendowski | Hassan Mirzaei | Nompumelelo Mkhwanazi |
Adrian Bogdan Țigu | Hassan Mohamed | Norbert Nass |
Adrian Costache | Hatem Alhadainy | Noura Dosoky |
Adrian Sturza | Hayat Ullah | Nunzia Limatola |
Adriana Corina Hangan | Hayrettin Gulcan | Oana Lelia Pop |
Adriana Cristina Urcan | Heba Abd Elghany Sahyon | Oana Sirbu |
Adriana Maria Calvo | Helen Latsoudis | Octavian Andronic |
Adriana Mihaela Iliesiu | Heloisa S. Selistre-de-Araujo | Oleg Batishchev |
Adrianna Skiba | Hend Abdel Bar | Oleg Demidov |
Adrienne C. Scheck | Henry Atkinson | Oleg Shichalin |
Afaf El-Ansary | Henry G. Kaplan | Oleksandr Kamyshnyi |
Agnieszka Rusak | Henry Sutanto | Oleksii Skorokhod |
Agnishwar Girigoswami | Herbert Ryan Marini | Olga Malysheva |
Agustin Diaz-Alvarez | Hermona Soreq | Olga Matveeva |
Ahmed Abdellatif | Hexiao Wang | Olga Protchenko |
Ahmed Elfana | Heyue Du | Olga Tarasova |
Ahmed El-Fiqi | Himashu Narayan Singh | Olivier Rukundo |
Ahmed Elkamhawy | Hiromichi Ueno | Omar Hamdy |
Ahmed Fatimi | Hirotaka Tanabe | Omar M. Ibrahim |
Ahmed M. Mostafa | Hiroyuki Kanzaki | Omid Mirmosayyeb |
Ahmed Olatunde | Hiroyuki Kataoka | Omneya Attallah |
Ahmet Hakan Yilmaz | Hoang Dang Khoa Do | Ondrej Cehlár |
Aikaterini Theodorou | Hoda Ibrahim | Onur Yilmaz |
Ajmer Singh Grewal | Ho-Jin Lee | Ori Wand |
Akalesh Kumar Verma | Hong Ni | Oscar Campuzano |
Akhtar Akhtar | Hongbo Zheng | Otávio Augusto Chaves |
Akihiko Murayama | Hongmin Wang | Ottavio Zucchetti |
Akira Hara | Hongping Deng | Ovidiu Constantin Baltatu |
Akshay Machanahalli Machanahalli Balakrishna | Hongying Liu | Ovidiu Laurean Pop |
Ala E. Abudabos | Hosam M. Habib | Oyuna Kozhevnikova |
Alaa A. A. Aljabali | Hosoon Choi | Ozgul Ekmekci |
Alaa Kareem Niamah | Hossam Ramadan El-Sherbiny | Ozgur Esim |
Alan Palmer | Houshang Nemati | Ozgur Karcioglu |
Alberto Porta | Houssem Boulebd | Ozlem Evren Kemer |
Alejandra Elizabeth Kun Gonzalez | Howard Schneider | Pablo Daniel Vallecorsa |
Alejandra García-Gasca | Hsin-Yao Wang | Padmanabhan Mahadevan |
Alejandro Prieto-Castañeda | Hugo Martinez-Rojano | Pádraic J. James Dunne |
Alejandro Ruiz-Picazo | Hui-Qi Qu | Palaniyandi Karuppaiya |
Alejandro Silva Palacios | Huiwen Ren | Palash Mandal |
Aleksander Jerzy Owczarek | Hui-Yun Cheng | Pallab Bhattacharyya |
Aleksandr Poliakov | Hülya Şimşek | Pan Huang |
Aleksandra Czumaj | Hung-Chuan Pan | Panagiotis G. Halvatsiotis |
Aleksandra Jaromira Józefczyk | Huseyin Anıl Korkmaz | Panagiotis Mallis |
Aleksandra Klisic | Hyuck Jin Lee | Panagiotis Marakos |
Alesandr Krasnov | Hyun Jin Shin | Panagiotis Savvoulidis |
Alessandro Bergna | Hyunsu Lee | Pankaj N. Maheshwari |
Alessandro De Vita | Ifigenia Kostoglou-Athanassiou | Pankita H. Pandya |
Alessandro O. Caffò | Igor Buzalewicz | Pantelis Zebekakis |
Alessandro Ottaiano | Igor Jakovcevski | Paolo Benna |
Alessandro Pasculli | Igor José Dos Santos Nascimento | Paolo Monardo |
Alessia Perna | Igor Manzhulo | Parastou Kordestani-Moghadam |
Alessio Ardizzone | Igor Popov | Parasuraman Subramani |
Alexandar M. Zhivkov | I-Jen Wang | Parisa Gazerani |
Alexander E. Berezin | Ikeotunye Royal Chinyere | Paschalis Karakasis |
Alexander Lykov | Iker Alegría Lertxundi | Pasquale Marrazzo |
Alexandra Zakharenko | Ik-Hwan Han | Patricia García García |
Alexandre A. De Castro | Ikram Ullah Khan | Patricia Pia Wadowski |
Alexandre Porcello | Ilenia Pinna | Patrick Martin |
Alexandre Vetcher | Ilya D. Klabukov | Patrizia Leone |
Alexandros G. Brotis | Iman Tavassoly | Patrizia Natali |
Alexandru Burlacu | Imran Khan | Paul B. Kaplowitz |
Alexandru Dan Costache | Imtiaz Rabbani | Paulina Gil-Kulik |
Alexandru Vasincu | Ina Sevic | Paulo Adriano Schwingel |
Alexey G. Kruglov | Ines Drenjancevic | Paulo M. M. Dourado |
Alexey Sarapultsev | Inga Igorevna Poletaeva | Pavel Loskot |
Alexis Stamatikos | Ing-Ming Chiu | Pavel Makarevich |
Alfredo Bellon | Ingrida Cema | Pavel Yudaev |
Alfredo Caturano | Ioan Grozescu | Pawan Faris |
Alfredo Ciccodicola | Ioan Petean | Paweł Gać |
Alfredo G. Casanova | Ioana Corina Bocsan | Payam Behzadi |
Alfredo J. Lucendo | Ioana Mozos | Pedro Catalão Moura |
Alfredo Mauriello | Ioana-Mirela Vasincu | Pedro F. S. Rodrigues |
Ali Jahanban-Esfahlan | Ioana-Miruna Balmus | Pedro Morgado |
Ali Taghizadehghalehjoughi | Ioanina Parlatescu | Pepe Ludovica |
Alice Nicoleta Drăgoescu | Ioannis Georgiou | Petar Ozretić |
Alicja Kluczyk | Ioannis Ilias | Peter A. Keyel |
Alin Mihai Vasilescu | Ioannis Kanakis | Peter Hauser |
Alin Mihetiu | Ioannis Petrakis | Peter Physick-Sheard |
Alin Stelian Ciobică | Ion Cosmin Puia | Peter Rusinov |
Alina E. Grigor’eva | Ionel Alexandru Checherita | Peter V. Dubovskii |
Alina Yu Babenko | Irene Buj-Corral | Petr G. Lokhov |
Alin-Constantin Pînzariu | Irene Ottaviani | Petr N. Menshanov |
Alka Lohani | Irina Balan | Petros Ioannou |
Allen Sam Titus | Irina Iuliana Costache-Enache | Phakkharawat Sittiprapaporn |
Alma D. Campos-Parra | Irina M. Le-Deygen | Phuc Nhon Nguyen |
Alongkorn Pimpin | Irina Valerievna Pronina | Pieter-Jan A. M. Van Ooij |
Althaf Shaik | Irshad Ahmad | Pietro Asproni |
Aman Rajpal | Isabel Pires | Pietro Cacialli |
Amanda Lelia Radulescu | Isabella Russo | Pietro Pugliatti |
Amany Elshenawy | Isehaq Al-Huseini | Pınar Cihan |
Amarinder Singh | Israel Pérez-Torres | Pinelopi Samara |
Ameen A. Abu-Hashem | Istvan Zupko | Pinelopi Vlotinou |
Amir Mellati | Ita Hadžisejdić | Ping Song |
Amir Sasan Mozaffari Nejad | Itamar Luís Gonçalves | Ping Wang |
Amira Awad Moawad | Iuliia A. Koroleva | Pingan Chang |
Amirhossein Ahmadi | Ivan Brukner | Pingfan Hu |
Amirmohammad Khalaji | Ivan Corazza | Piotr Mamczur |
Amit Goel | Ivan Sabol | Piyusha Pagare |
Amjad J. Humaidi | Ivan Stoikov | Placido Llaneza |
Ammar Saleem | Ivana Jukic | Pooja Mittal |
Amol Balasaheb Mhetre | Ivana Leščić Ašler | Po-Wen Chen |
Amr A. Arafat | Ivana Perić | Prabhanjan S. Giram |
Amr Negm | Ivana Škrlec | Prabhu Sethuramalingam |
Ana Claudia Oliveira Carreira | Ivaylo Dimitrov | Pradeep Kumar Panda |
Ana Hećimović | Ivonne Nel | Pradeep Siddappa |
Ana Lorena Gutiérrez-Escolano | Iwona Wertel | Prasanna Ramani |
Ana Navarro | Izabel Cristina Rodrigues Da Silva | Prashant Kaushik |
Ana Paula Murray | J. Francis Borgio | Prathyusha Bagam |
Ana Rita Jesus | Jacinta Pinho | Pravin Hivare |
Ana Sofia Vallés | Jacopo Lisoni | Preeti Kush |
Anand Prakash Singh | Jae-Hyung Park | Prithviraj Nandigrami |
Anas Bilal | Jaganmay Sarkar | Puneetpal Singh |
Anastasia Spiliopoulou | Jaggi Ujjaldeep | Pushpa Joshi |
Anastasios Serbis | Jaidip M. Jagtap | Pushpa Sharma |
Anca Silvia Dumitriu | James C. L. Chow | Qi Shao |
Anca Sirbu | James Chung-Wai Cheung | Qian Zhang |
Anđelo Beletić | Jamila Perini | Qianrong Qi |
András Molnár | Jan Azarov | Qiman Gao |
Andre Luiz Ferreira Costa | Jan Bocianowski | Qin Xiang Ng |
Andrea Ambrosini-Spaltro | Jan Žatecký | Qingsen Shang |
Andrea Ciricugno | Jana Radosinska | Qing-Wei Chen |
Andrea Frosolini | Janitschke Daniel | Qixiang Lin |
Andrea Gažová | Janusz Kluczynski | Radosław Balwierz |
Andrea Marongiu | Janusz Madaj | Radoslaw Bednarek |
Andrea Pirkovic | Jared Tyler Ahrendsen | Radosław Kujawski |
Andrea Ragusa | Jari Intra | Radovan Murin |
Andrea Sambri | Jaroslava Halper | Radu-Ștefan Miftode |
Andrea Silvio Giordani | Jaroslaw Paluszczak | Rafael Baltiérrez-Hoyos |
Andrea Sonaglioni | Jaroslaw Skokowski | Rafael Coveñas Rodríguez |
Andreas Brodehl | Jasemin Todri | Rafael Salto |
Andreas M. Matthaiou | Jason Brumitt | Rafał Filip |
Andreas Müssigbrodt | Javier Caballero-Villarraso | Raffaele Pellegrino |
Andreea Avasiloaiei | Javier Murciano-Calles | Raffaele Serra |
Andreea Nelson Twakor | Jayonta Bhattacharjee | Raghu Ramanathan |
Andreea Teodora Iacob | Jean Regal | Raghunadharao Digumarti |
Andrei Surguchov | Jean-Marie Exbrayat | Raghuvaran Shanmugam |
Andrej Udelnow | Jeetendra Kumar Nag | Rahul Kumar |
Andrés G. Santana | Jeffery Tessem | Rahul Maheshwari |
Andrés Godoy | Jelena Roganović | Rahul Srinivasan |
Andreu Comas-Garcia | Jelica Grujic-Milanovic | Raja Veerapandian |
Andrew Day | Jens Hahne | Rajaram Rajamohan |
Andrew Ndegwa Makanya | Jerris Hedges | Rajendran Velmurugan |
Andrey Ashotovich Nagdalian | Jer-Yiing Houng | Rajesh Pamanji |
Andrey Elchaninov | Jerzy Tadeusz Chudek | Rajiv Gandhi Gopalsamy |
Andrey Gorshkov | Jesús Abraham Domínguez-Avila | Rajkumar Vutukuri |
Andrey K. Gorshenin | Jesús Hernández | Rajnarayan R. Tiwari |
Andrey Markov | Jesús Pastor | Rajwali Khan |
Andrey Mazur | Jia Liu | Raktham Mektrirat |
Andrey Plotnikov | Jiachen Liu | Ram Sagar |
Andrey Zamyatnin | Jia-Feng Chang | Ramachnadran Samivel |
Andro Košec | Jian Yang | Ramcés Falfán-Valencia |
Andrzej Czyrski | Jianan Zhang | Ramendra Pati Pandey |
Andrzej Kasperski | Jiancheng Yang | Ramin Raul Ossami Saidy |
Andy Roger Eugene | Jiangshan Zhan | Ramkumar Kunka Mohanram |
Andy T. Y. Lau | Jianing Xi | Ramona Suharoschi |
Aneta Liber-Kneć | Jianlin Chu | Ran An |
Ángel Arturo López González | Jianyuan Chai | Ran Chai |
Ángel Luis García-Otín | Jianzhao Qi | Rana A. Youness |
Angela Bisio | Jiaquan Yu | Randi Hagerman |
Angélica Saraí Jiménez-Osorio | Jiawei Huo | Ranjeet Kumar |
Angeliki M. Angelidi | Jiawen Li | Ranjha Khan |
Angelo Hooker | Jiawu Zhao | Raquel Francés |
Angelo Jamerlan | Jiayue Wang | Raúl Díaz-Molina |
Angelos K. Sikalidis | Ji-Chang Wang | Ravindra M. Samarth |
Anil Rajendra | Jie Gao | Ravindran Caspa Gokulan |
Anilkumar Thaghalli Shivanna | Jie Hao | Razeghian-Jahromi Iman |
Anirban Goutam Mukherjee | Jie Liu | Razvan Multescu |
Anirban Kundu | Jie Zhang | Reggie Surya |
Anisoara Cimpean | Jihua Guo | Rehana Khatoon |
Anita Boratko | Jimin Han | Reinhold Feldmann |
Anna Alekseevna Skuredina | Jin Xie | Renars Erts |
Anna Bar | Jinfei Yang | Renata Ciccarelli |
Anna Bilska-Wilkosz | Jing Xu | Renáta Minorics |
Anna Drohomirecka | Jinghui Wang | Renata Voltolini Velho |
Anna Khlyustova | Jingwei Mao | Renato Racelis Maaliw III |
Anna Lisowska | Jin-Hyuck Park | Renhao Lu |
Anna Reale | Jinming Han | Ren-Lei Ji |
Anna V. Goncharenko | Jinsung Park | Revathy Nadhan |
Anne-Marie Galow | Jinu Kim | Reza Nedaeinia |
Anqi Duan | Jin-Won Park | Reza Rastmanesh |
Anthony Alfred Gaspari | Jinyang Li | Riadh Badraoui |
Anton Kiselev | Jiong Zhou | Ribhav Mishra |
Anton R. Kiselev | Jitendra Pandey | Ricardo Coletta |
Anton Zvonarev | Joan Cid | Riccardo Tajè |
Antonella Gambadauro | Joanna Beata Bierła | Richard Bright |
Antonella Lisi | Joanna Rog | Richard Drevet |
Antonia Rujia Sun | João C. Silva | Rita Chiaramonte |
Antonino Maniaci | João Paulo Saraiva Santos | Ritthideach Yorsaeng |
Antonio Mazzotti | Joaquim C. G. Esteves Da Silva | Robert Karpiński |
Antonio Minni | Joaquim Carreras | Robert Lafrenie |
Antonio Nenna | Joel Montane | Robert Steven Esworthy |
Antonio Orlacchio | Johari Yap Abdullah | Roberta Scrimieri |
Antonio Romanelli | John A. Albert St. Cyr | Roberto Berra-Romani |
Antonio Yaghy | John De Vos | Roberto Bonanni |
Anu Paul | John K. Triantafillidis | Roberto Castiglione |
Anusorn Cherdthong | John Mack | Roberto Eggenhoffner |
Ao Zhang | John Victor Napoleon | Roberto Lazzarini |
Apurva Lad | Jolanta Neubauer-Geryk | Roberto Pedrinelli |
Apurva Sarathy | Jolanta Orzelska-Gorka | Rodolfo C. Garcia |
Arancha Llama-Palacios | Jonas Siaulys | Rodolfo P. Vieira |
Arboix Adrià | Jong-Hwa Jang | Rodolfo Pinto-Almazán |
Arda Buyuksungur | Jörg Männer | Rodolfo Reda |
Arianna De Mori | Jorge Jorge | Rodolfo Rey |
Ariel Teles | Jorge Mateo | Rogelio González-González |
Arindam Ghosh Mazumder | Jorge U. Carmona | Rogerio Leone Buchaim |
Ari-Pekka Koivisto | José A. Carrión | Rohan Gupta |
Armando Jesús Martínez Chacón | Jose A. Morales-González | Rohit Kumar |
Arnab Chanda | José A. Vega | Roman Maslennikov |
Arrigo Cicero | Jose Arturo Arturo Mora | Roman Moskalenko |
Artem Gushchin | Jose Bueso-Bordils | Romeo Dobrin |
Arthur M. Melkumyants | José Carlos Curvelo Santana | Ronan Adler Tavella |
Artur Słomka | José Carlos Fernández-García | Rong-Fu Chen |
Arun Kumar Rajendran | José Enrique O'Connor | Rong-San Jiang |
Arun-Kumar Kaliya-Perumal | José G. Ortiz | Ronit Vogt Sionov |
Asad Khan | José López Castro | Rosa María Giráldez-Pérez |
Asghar Ali | José M. Mestre | Rosa María Oliart-Ros |
Ashfaq Ahmad | José Manuel Lopes | Rosana Aparecida Manolio Soares-Freitas |
Ashish Kumar Agrawal | Jose-Luis Pérez-Castrillón | Rosanna Mallamaci |
Ashraf S. Gorgey | Joseph Christakiran Christakiran Moses | Rosanna Martinelli |
Asif Mahmood | Joshna Gadhavi | Rosella Cataldo |
Asmat Ullah | Jovana Rajkovic | Rostyslav Bilyy |
Asokan Ramasamy | József Furák | Roxana Carbo |
Assia Angelova | Juan Miguel Guerras | Roxana Covali |
Assunta Pozzuoli | Juan Mozas-Moreno | Roxana Filip |
Atar Singh Kushwah | Juan Pablo Rigalli | Roxana Liana Lucaciu |
Athanasia Varvaresou | Juan R. De Los Toyos | Ruby Sharma |
Athanasios A. Panagiotopoulos | Juan Salazar | Rui Gaspar |
Athanasios Kyrgidis | Juandy Jo | Rui Vitorino |
Athanasios N. Tsartsalis | Judy Gopal | Ruiqi Hu |
Athanasios Zachariou | Julian Nevado | Runbo Zhong |
Athina Angelopoulou | Juliana Fernandes | Russell Hopp |
Athina Pyrpasopoulou | Juliet Haarbauer-Krupa | Saad Shaaban |
Atif Khurshid Wani | Julio Plaza-Diaz | Saber Abdelkader Saїdi |
Atsushi Hosui | Juliusz Huber | Sabina Sevcikova |
Attila Frigy | Jun Liu | Sachchida Nand Rai |
Atukuri Dorababu | Jun Yoshinaga | Sachio Takeno |
Aung Kyaw Kyaw | Junaid Ahmed | Sachit Anand |
Austin Bow | Jun-Beom Park | Sadaf Fatima Jafferbhoy |
Aviva Levina | Junji Zhu | Saeed Mohammadi |
Avram Calin | Junliang Kuang | Saeed Torbati |
Awal Noor | Junseo Oh | Safaet Alam |
Azizur Rahman | Junyan Liu | Sagar Salave |
B. H. Jaswanth Gowda | Junyan Rong | Sagarika Biswas |
Bai-Yan Li | Ju-Seop Kang | Said El-Ashker |
Bal Lokeshwar | Jyoti Bala Kaushal | Sainitin Donakonda |
Balagopal Pai | K. Sreedhara Ranganath Pai | Sakineh Kazemi Noureini |
Balakumar Chandrasekaran | Kadir Uludag | Sakshi Arora |
Balasubramanian Palaniappan | Kah Hui Wong | Sakthikumar Mathivanan |
Baljit Kaur | Kai Bin Liew | Salahuddin Salahuddin |
Ballambhattu Vishnu Bhat | Kai Jin | Salar Hafez Ghoran |
Bang-Gee Hsu | Kaiqi Long | Salvatore Pezzino |
Baoyuan Zhang | Kakarla Ramakrishna | Salvatore Rudilosso |
Barbara Brogna | Kaliannan Durairaj | Salvatore Saccone |
Barbara Ciastek | Kamal Sharma | Samanta Melgar-Rodríguez |
Barbara Mognetti | Kamalesh Chakravarty | Sameh Abd El-Ghany |
Barbara Nikolaidou | Kamel Laghmani | Samir Kumar Bandyopadhyay |
Barbara Ridolfi | Kamil Gareev | Samir Ranjan Panda |
Barbara Sawicka | Kamil Nelke | Samit Kumar Ghosh |
Bart Maurice Vande Vannet | Kamyar Khoshnevisan | Samuel Álvarez-Almazán |
Basant K. Puri | Kamyar Moradi | Samuel Peña-Llopis |
Beata Morak-Młodawska | Kamyar Zahedi | Samy M. Sayed |
Beata Želazowska-Rutkowska | Kan Katayama | Sanaz Keshavarz Shahbaz |
Beatrice Mahler | Kanakaraju Manupati | Sanda Maria Cretoiu |
Beatrice Paradiso | Kang Wang | Sanda Win |
Beatriz Teresita Martin Marquez | Kannan Sridharan | Sandeep Kumar Singh |
Bernd Kaina | Karel Kostev | Sandeep R. Kaushik |
Bhagavathi Sundaram Sivamaruthi | Karina Teixeira Magalhães-Guedes | Sandhya Samarasinghe |
Bhisham Sharma | Karl Uwe Petersen | Sandi Baressi Šegota |
Bhola Pradhan | Karol Ali Apaza Alccayhuaman | Sandro Massao Hirabara |
Bhuvanesh Sukhlal Kalal | Karol Jelonek | Sang-Han Lee |
Bi Chen | Karolina Bajdak-Rusinek | Sanja Ivkovic |
Biagio Barone | Karsten Grote | Sanja Lovric Kojundzic |
Bidya Dhar Sahu | Kasra Cheraqpour | Sanjay Mehta |
Biljana Arsic | Katarina Sebekova | Sanjeev Khanagar |
Bin Du | Katarzyna Donskow-Łysoniewska | Sankar Bhattacharyya |
Bin Wang | Katarzyna Oszajca | Sankarprasad Bhuniya |
Bipradas Roy | Katarzyna Zorena | Sante D. Pierdomenico |
Birol Topçu | Kate Hyde | Santhosh Kumar |
Biswajit Padhy | Katerina Kotzampassi | Santosh Kumar Prajapati |
Boel De Paepe | Katia Rupel | Sara Luz Morales-Lázaro |
Boguslawa Luzak | Katsuya Kitamura | Sara Massironi |
Bohua Zhang | Kaustuv Basu | Sara Meirinho |
Boldeanu Mihail Virgil | Kayode Oshinubi | Sarath Babu Nukala |
Boleslaw T. Karwowski | Kazuhiko Nakadate | Sarawut Lapmanee |
Boris F. Minaev | Kazuhiro Tsuchiya | Sarfaraz K. Niazi |
Božena Ćurko-Cofek | Ke Cheng | Sarhang Gul |
Branko Aleksic | Ke Liu | Satheesh Sengodan |
Brian J. Piper | Keigi Fujiwara | Sathish Muthu |
Bruno Bombaci | Keisuke Ishizawa | Satoru Iwashima |
Bruno Bueno-Silva | Keith Rochfort | Saul Gomez-Manzo |
Bruno Fonseca | Kelsie Lynn Thu | Sayed K. Goda |
Bruno Špiljak | Kenneth C. P. Cheung | Sebastian Schnaubelt |
Burak Tasci | Kenneth N. White | Sebastian Valverde-Martinez |
Byung Seok Moon | Kenneth Nugent | Seema Kumari |
Caijun Sun | Kenta Teruya | Seema Singh |
Calin Cainap | Kevin Daniel Pavelko | Seetharaman Prabu Kumar |
Calin Vaida | Kexiao Yu | Sehar Iqbal |
Camelia Munteanu | Keying Chen | Selvakumar Subbian |
Camelia Vidiţa Gurban | Kezheng Li | Semra Bilaçeroǧlu |
Cândida Malça | Khaled Saad | Senka Meštrović |
Canjia Zhai | Khalid Karrouchi | Senthil Kumaran Satyanarayanan |
Carlo Giulioni | Khurram Karim Qureshi | Seon-Jin Yoon |
Carlo Pallotto | Kijin Kim | Serap Özer Yaman |
Carlos Alberto Cuellar | Kin Israel Notarte | Serena Martinelli |
Carlos Alberto Jurado | Kinga Lis | Sergei Boichuk |
Carlos Fernando Mourão | Kinga Musiał | Sergei Gennadevich Gaidin |
Carlos Gamarra-Luques | Kirill Laptinskiy | Sergei Grishin |
Carlos López De Celis | Kirk A. J. Stephenson | Sergey A. Apryatin |
Carlos Roberto Hall Barbosa | Kit-Leong Cheong | Sergey Gataullin |
Carlos Rocha Oliveira | Kohei Godai | Sergey I. Kolesnikov |
Carmen Carmen Manciuc | Koji Ichihara | Sergey Okovityi |
Carmen Delia Nistor Cseppento | Kok Yong Chin | Sergey Sedykh |
Carmen Llena | Konda Kumara Swami | Sergey Tkachev |
Carmen Lopez-Sanchez | Konda Mani Saravanan | Serkan Yílmaz |
Carmen Solcan | Konrad Matysiak | Serpil Unver Saraydin |
Cassandra Terry | Konstantina Athanasopoulou | Seungil Ro |
Cécil J. W. Meulenberg | Konstantine Nadaraia | Seyed Ahmad Naseri Alavi |
Cecilia Taverna | Konstantinos Ekmektzoglou | Shahid Hussain Sofi |
Cees Noordam | Konstantinos Gardikis | Shahrokh Hatefi |
Chanakha K. Navaratnarajah | Konstantinos Roditis | Shahzad Ahmad Qureshi |
Chandrabose Selvaraj | Kornelia Kuźnik-Trocha | Shahzaib Ahamad |
Chang Liu | Kosuke Miyai | Shalimar |
Chang-Hao Yang | Kotha Peddanna | Shampa Ghosh |
Changjiang Yu | Kouhei Sakurai | Shanfeng Zhang |
Changwon Yang | Koyeli Girigoswami | Shanshan Liu |
Chan-Yen Kuo | Kripa Shankar | Shaohua Qi |
Chao Liu | Krishan Thakur | Sharat Chandra |
Chao Wang | Krishna Kant | Shawn G. Rhind |
Chao Zhang | Krishna Priya Syama | Shehwaz Anwar |
Charalambos Fotakis | Krishna Yadav | Shifeng Pan |
Charikleia Stefanaki | Kristian-Christos Ngamsri | Shifeng Xue |
Charles E. Norton | Kristina Pilipović | Shih-Yao Chen |
Chen Dong | Krzysztof Krysta | Shilei Zhu |
Chen Ling | Kuang-Ting Yeh | Shinu Pottathil |
Cheng Li | Kuan-Hui Ethan Chen | Shipra Agarwal |
Chengchen Hu | Kumar Rajiv | Shiv Dutt Purohit |
Cheng-Chieh Yen | Kumaran Rajendran | Shivani Sharda |
Chengu Niu | Kun Xiong | Shomaila Mehmood |
Chengwen Sun | Kunal Pal | Shu Yuan |
Chenzhou Hao | Kunj Bihari Gupta | Shuai Ren |
Cheryl Lynn Beseler | Kuo-Hui Su | Shuai Zhang |
Chia-Liang Lin | Kuo-Liang Chiang | Shujaat Ahmad |
Chiara Foglieni | Kursat Altay | Shunqi Wang |
Chieh-Chih Tsai | Kyeong-Mo Koo | Shuzo Sato |
Chien-Wei Feng | Labusca Lăbușcă | Shyam Kumar Gudey |
Chih Yuan Huang | Lan Lin | Sigrid A. Langhans |
Chih-Li Lin | Lara Baticic | Sílvia A. Sousa |
Chika Saegusa | Larisa Anghel | Silvia Linari |
Chol-Hee Jung | Larisa Suturina | Silvio Maringhini |
Chou-Yi Hsu | Larry Bodgi | Silvio R. De Luka |
Christian Carulli | Laura Giannotti | Silviu Albu |
Christian Höhne | Laura Grațiela Vicaș | Simcha R. Meisel |
Christian Jörg Rustenbach | Laura Sanchez-Chapul | Simon Bernard Iloki Assanga |
Christian Lehmann | Laura Vicente | Simona Coniac |
Christian Ralf Gernhardt | Laura-María Compañ Gabucio | Simona Santonocito |
Christian Tanislav | Laureline Berthelot | Simona Serratì |
Christian Wunder | Laurent Metzinger | Simone Battaglia |
Christie Ying Kei Lung | Laurentiu M. Pop | Simone Brogi |
Christopher Kobierzycki | Lei Huang | Simone Carotti |
Christopher Paul Wardell | Leila Maghsoumi-Norouzabad | Simone Varrasi |
Christos K. Yiannakopoulos | Lenin Pavón | Sithara Dissanayaka |
Christos Koutserimpas | Leonardo Cesanelli | Sk Akhtar Ahmad |
Christos Michail | Leonardo Garutti | Slobodan Obradovic |
Christos Rizos | Leslie R. Pendrill | Snježana Kaštelan |
Chuanming Xu | Leslie Tive | Socolov Demetra |
Chuanqi Chu | Letizia Angiolella | Sofia Bin |
Chun-Hung Chu | Letizia Mattii | Soheil Abbaspour-Ravasjani |
Chunlin Wang | Lev G. Murokh | Soisungwan Satarug |
Ciprian Cirimbei | Li Cheng | Songyun Deng |
Ciprian N. Silaghi | Li Li | Sorana D. Bolboacă |
Ciprian Rezus | Liang Zhao | Sorin Lucian Lucian Bolintineanu |
Ciprian Roi | Lidia Tarone | Soumita Ghosh |
Ciro Gargiulo Isacco | Lidija Savić | Sousana Papadopoulou |
Ciro Jose Brito | Lifu Sheng | Spyridon Mourtas |
Claire Jean-Quartier | Liliang Li | Spyros Perlepes |
Claudia Cabella | Lilya U. Dzhemileva | Srijit Das |
Claudia Camerino | Liming Chen | Ssu-Ju Li |
Claudia Lerma | Liming Hou | Stanislav I. Pekov |
Cláudia S. Oliveira | Lin-Fu Liang | Stanislav Naryzhny |
Claudio De Felice | Ling Xiao | Stanislaw Ołdziej |
Claudio De Lazzari | Lingling Wu | Stavroula Ilia |
Claudiu N. Lungu | Lingyun Wang | Stefania Mancone |
Clemens Leo Gögele | Lingzhi Zhao | Stefano Bacci |
Codrina Ancuta | Liqin Gao | Stefano Canosa |
Consolato Sergi | Liqiong Liu | Stephen Ahenkorah |
Constantin Munteanu | Lisardo Boscá | Stephen Inbaraj |
Constantino Ricci | Liting Wang | Steve Shnyder |
Constantinos Giaginis | Liubov Gorbacheva | Steven Brian Machek |
Conxita Mestres | Liuzhi Hao | Stoyanka Atanasova Nikolova |
Corinna Altini | Liviu Macovei | SubbaRao V. Madhunapantula |
Cristian Mornos | Loai Shakerdi | Subhadeep Das |
Cristian Persu | Longgang Wang | Subhadip Mukhopadhyay |
Cristian Scheau | Loredana Sabina Cornelia Manolescu | Sudhakar Tummala |
Cristiano Matos | Lorenzo Bianco | Sujeet Kumar |
Cristin Coman | Lorenzo Di Cesare Mannelli | Sukumaran Anil |
Cristina Antonella Nadalutti | Lorenzo Nevi | Sulev Koks |
Cristina Beiu | Lorenzo Vannozzi | Sundararajan Jayaraman |
Cristina Capatina | Lorenzo Vasciaveo | Sunny Chi Lik Au |
Cristina Hebeda | Lu Miao | Surajit Basak |
Cyril Fersing | Luca Cima | Surbhi Chouhan |
Cyrille Blondet | Luca Colucci-D'Amato | Surendra Rajpurohit |
Dae Cheol Kweon | Luca Fagnocchi | Susana Belén Bravo López |
Dafna Sussman | Luca Giacomelli | Susanna Longo |
Damian Kołat | Luca Giovanni Locatello | Susanna Maria Francesca Nuvoli |
Dan Tesloianu | Luca Guarnera | Suthat Chottanapund |
Danial Khayatan | Lucas Fornari Laurindo | Sven Göpel |
Daniel Herr | Lucia Ansani | Sven Schumann |
Daniel José Barbosa | Lucia Catucci | Svetla Todinova |
Daniel Josef Lindegger | Lucia Pirvu | Svetlana Saikova |
Daniel Ortuño-Sahagún | Lucia Stanciakova | Svetlana V. Guryanova |
Daniel Potaczek | Luciana Bordin | Svetoslav Todorov |
Daniel Pozza | Luciana Teodora Rotaru | Svitlana Kopyl |
Daniel Souza Monteiro De Araujo | Ludmila Kazdova | Swarbhanu Sarkar |
Daniel Zalewski | Luigi Alberto Pini | Swati Dahariya |
Daniela Elena Serban | Luigi Cappannoli | Syed Adeel Hasan |
Daniela Novick | Luigi Santacroce | Syed Danish Ali |
Daniela Opriş-Belinski | Luis Adrián De Jesús González | Syed Mohammed Basheeruddin Asdaq |
Daniela Vieira Buchaim | Luís Cardoso | Syed Mohd Faisal |
Daniela Vrinceanu | Luis Enrique Cobos Puc | Syed Nasir Abbas Bukhari |
Daniele Armocida | Luis Exequiel Ibarra | Szymon Suwała |
Daniele Corbo | Luís Giner-Tarrida | Tabussam Tufail |
Daniele Vergara | Lukasz Dobrek | Tadahisa Sugiura |
Danijela Budimir Mršić | Łukasz Szeleszczuk | Tadeusz Malewski |
Danijela Miljanovic | Lyubov Salnikova | Tae-Hong Kang |
Danijela Petković Ramadža | Lyudmila Bel'skaya | Taif Shah |
Danilo Boskovic | Lyudmila Pivina | Tajamul Hussain |
Danuta Gajewska | M. Eduviges Burrola-Barraza | Takahiko Nagamine |
Daodao Hu | M. H. Mahbub | Takahiro Oyama |
Dapeng Chen | Maciej Skotak | Takayuki Nakagomi |
Daqiang Wu | Maciej Stanisław Walędziak | Takehisa Hanawa |
Daria Chudakova | Madubuike Anyanwu | Takemichi Fukasawa |
Dasha Mihaylova | Magdalena Elżbieta Hurkacz | Takeshi Ikuma |
David Centruion | Magdalena Perez Cardelo | Takuji Tanaka |
David Greenhalgh | Maha Nasr | Takuya Koie |
David I. Leavesley | Mahdi Saeedi Moghadam | Talal A. Zari |
David J. Ramsey | Mahdi Zafari | Tamas Atlasz |
David Mayor | Mahendra Kumar Samal | Taner Tuncer |
David Schumacher | Mahendra P. Singh | Tangliang Li |
David Zweiker | Mahesh Rachamalla | Tania Colasanti |
Dawei Wei | Mahmoud A. Alfaqih | Tania Vanessa Pierfelice |
Debabrata Mandal | Mahmoud Ibrahim Kahlil | Tanja Grubić Kezele |
Debanjali Dasgupta | Mahmoud Kandeel | Tanya Ivanova Topouzova-Hristova |
Debashis Dutta | Mailo Virto | Tao Li |
Deborah Good | Maja Jazvinšćak Jembrek | Tao Wang |
Deborah Verran | Makoto Harada | Tao Wu |
Deepthi Ramesh | Makoto Tsunoda | Tapan A. Patel |
Dejun Ma | Makrina Karaglani | Tarek M. A. Abdel-Fatah |
Delavar Shahbazzadeh | Małgorzata Anna Matysek | Tarik Kivrak |
Delia Lidia Salaru | Małgorzata Jarończyk | Tatiana Alexeevna Antipova |
Denglei Ma | Małgorzata Szczuko | Tatiana Arefieva |
Denis Aiudi | Malleswara Rao Peram | Tatiana Iov |
Denis Gubin | Mamunur Rashid | Tatiana Kostrominova |
Denis Sereno | Manabu Natsumeda | Tatiana V. Rakitina |
Dennis Levinson | Manal Ali Elzoheiry | Tatjana Radosavljević |
Deokho Lee | Manal S. Fawzy | Tejeshwar Rao |
Derar H. Abdel-Qader | Mandana Kamgar | Teodor Salmen |
Derek Smolenski | Manigandan Venkatesan | Teodora Telecan |
Désirée Gül | Manisha Nigam | Teresa Salvatore |
Dhananjay Yadav | Manjinder Singh | Teresa Soda |
Dharambir Kashyap | Manoj Kumar Jena | Teresa Tellez Santana |
Dhiraj D. Bhatia | Manoj Kumar Pandey | Tesfaye Gelanew |
Diana Torge | Mansoor-Ali Vaali-Mohammed | Tetyana Chumachenko |
Dianjun Cao | Manuel Aureliano | Thawatchai Phaechamud |
Diego A. Rojas | Manuel F. M. Costa | Thayne Kowalski |
Diego Gabriel Ogando | Manuel Marques Ferreira | Theodoros Dimitroulas |
Diego Lopergolo | Maosen Xu | Thiruvenkadan Aranganoor Kannan |
Dignesh Khunt | Mara Carsote | Thomas Eleveld |
Dijana Mitic | Māra Pilmane | Thomas Lindner |
Dimitrios N. Kanakis | Marc Vasse | Thomas Proft |
Dimitrios Rikos | Marc-André Lécuyer | Thorsten Rudroff |
Dimitrios S. Karagiannakis | Marcel Henrique Marcondes Sari | Tianhe Li |
Dimitrios Tsiachris | Marcelo De Maio Nascimento | Tianlong Zhang |
Dimitris Kounatidis | Marcin B. Arciszewski | Tianyi Zeng |
Dimitris Tatsis | Marcin Kozuch | Ticuta Negreanu-Pirjol |
Dina Yarullina | Marcin Kurowski | Tim Hulsen |
Dinesh Nyavanandi | Marco Cavaco | Timea Claudia Ghitea |
Dinko Martinovic | Marco Fernandes | Timo Eppig |
Dino Miric | Marco Fiore | Timon Cheng-Yi Liu |
Dirk Geerts | Marco Fogante | Timothy Omara |
Dirk W. Lachenmeier | Marco Grossi | Ting-Wei Wang |
Diwakar Guragain | Marco Meyer | Tiong Peng Yap |
Dmitri Kramerov | Marco Sapienza | Tippawan Siritientong |
Dmitri Shchekochikhin | Marco Valerio Mariani | Tiziana Colletti |
Dmitriy Parkhomenko | Marco Zedda | Tomas Koltai |
Dmitry D. Zhdanov | Marco Zeppieri | Tomas Ruzgas |
Dmitry Karpov | Marek Wesolowski | Tomasz Litwin |
Dmitry Kostyushev | Margarida Fonseca Cardoso | Tomasz M. Karpinski |
Dmitry Rogatkin | Margarita Goldberg | Tomasz Stompór |
Dmytro D. Ivanov | Margit Serban | Tomasz Szara |
Doaa Hussein Zineldeen | Maria A. Bonifacio | Tomasz Urbanowicz |
Doha Mohamed | María Belén Alonso Ortiz | Tomer Ziv-Baran |
Dominic Augustine | María Belén Hapon | Tomislav Tosti |
Dominik Dłuski | Maria Carmela Bonaccorsi Di Patti | Tommaso Felicetti |
Dominik Radzki | Maria Cristina Teixeira Cangussu | Tommaso Lombardi |
Dominika Blachut | María D. Navarro-Hortal | Tomohide Takaya |
Dominique Debanne | Maria Elisa Drago-Serrano | Tomohiro Chiba |
Domiziano Tarantino | Maria Elisabetta Clementi | Tomoya Tateishi |
Dongbo Jiang | María Eugenia García Rubiño | Tong Gao |
Donghwa Kim | Maria Giovanna Bianco | Tong Zhao |
Dongxia Wang | Maria Giovanna Rizzo | Torben Knudsen |
Dorin Dragoş | Maria Giuliana Vannucchi | Toshikazu Suzuki |
Dorota Formanowicz | Maria Golikova | Toshitsugu Fujita |
Dorota Latek | María Guadalupe Frías-De-León | Toshiyuki Oshitari |
Dragana Filipovic | Maria Komelkova | Triantafyllos Didangelos |
Duo Zhang | Maria Malvina Tsamouri | Truong Ngoc Minh |
Durairaj Siva | María Orosia Lucha-López | Tsung-Jung Liang |
Dusan Dimic | Maria Paola Bertuccio | Tsvetelina Georgieva Batsalova |
Dusan Mladenovic | Maria Papadoliopoulou | Tudoran Cristina |
Dzmitry G. Shcharbin | Maria Pia Ferraz | Tursonjan Tokay |
Ebrahim Mohammed Senan | Maria Rita Sergi | Tze-Kiong Er |
Edgar Flores-Soto | Maria Trovato | Uday Kumar Chekkilla |
Edgar Manuel Cambaza | Mariaelena Tagliabue | Ujjal Bhawal |
Edmund Carvalho | Mariafrancesca Fiorentino | Ulf Titze |
Edson Roberto Da Silva | Maria-Ioanna Argentou | Ulrich Gergs |
Eduard-Marius Lungulescu | Mariana Floria | Ursula Panzner |
Edward B. Stephens | Mariantonietta Di Stefano | Usama Abdelmohsen |
Edward N. Harris | Mariateresa Giglio | Vadanasundari Vedarethinam |
Effrosyni Koutsouraki | Mariateresa Rossi | Vahid Jahed |
Egor Plotnikov | Marija Gavrovic-Jankulovic | Vaitsa Giannouli |
Ehab S. El Desoky | Marija Vukoja | Vajir Malek |
Ehsan Ahmadpour | Marijn M. Speeckaert | Valentin Dinu |
Ehsan Vafa | Marilena Vlachou | Valentin Oleynikov |
Eijiro Akasaka | Marin Micutz | Valentin Puiu Chioncel |
Eisuke Amiya | Marina Montali | Valentin Romanovski |
Ekaterina Lesovaya | Marina Quartu | Valentina Giudice |
Elaine Yee Lin Chung | Marina Zvereva | Valeria D'Argenio |
Eleftheria Hatzidaki | Mario Fruschelli | Valeria Visco |
Elena Amaricai | Mario Ganau | Valerio Giustino |
Elena Bernad | Mario Salazar-Páramo | Valerio Leoni |
Elena Chitoran | Mario Valenti | Vance Nielsen |
Elena Criscuolo | Marios Papasotiriou | Vasantha-Srinivasan Prabhakaran |
Elena De Vecchi | Marios Spanakis | Vasia Mavrogianni |
Elena Giuliano | Marisabel Mecca | Vasile Valeriu Lupu |
Elena Grossini | Marisol Orozco-Ibarra | Vasileios Papatsiros |
Elena Kaschina | Maritsa Margaroni | Vasileios Vazgiourakis |
Elena Proskurnina | Mariusz Niemczyk | Vasiliki Karava |
Elena Rezus | Mark A. Arnold | Vassiliy Tsytsarev |
Elena Romanovna Nemtsova | Mark R. Miller | Vasudeva Reddy Netala |
Elena Shakhtshneider | Marko Bašković | Vasudevan Gowthaman |
Elena Solovyeva | Marko Stojanović | Vedrana Cikes Culic |
Elena Țarcă | Marko Z. Krstić | Veli Cengiz Ozalp |
Eleni Mavrogonatou | Marta Hałas-Wiśniewska | Vera A. Alferova |
Eleni P. Andreou | Marta Karazniewicz | Verena Schwach |
Elenko Popov | Marta Kot | Veronica Soloveva |
Eleuterio A. Sánchez Romero | Marta Sochocka | Verónica Vasconcelos |
Elia Ranzato | Martha Alvarado-Ibarra | Vibhav Gautam |
Elijah W. Stommel | Martha R. Moreno-Jiménez | Victor Marinho |
Elisa Belluzzi | Martin R. Prince | Victor Seledtsov |
Elisa Cairrao | Martin Sagayam Kulandairaj | Viera Karaffová |
Elisa Zavattaro | Martina Beretta | Vikas Jhawat |
Elisabetta Sieni | Martina Kleber | Vikas Kumar |
Eliza Wolska | Martina Smolic | Vikas Yadav |
Elizabeth J. Price | Marvin A. Soriano-Ursua | Vikash Chandra |
Elizabeth Vafiadaki | Marwan El Ghoch | Viktor Korzhikov-Vlakh |
Eloi Franco-Trepat | Marwan Osman | Vincenzo Capriotti |
Elshymaa A. Abdelnaby | Maryam Hosseini | Vincenzo G. Menditto |
Elvira Orduna-Hospital | Maryna Stasevych | Vinícius Augusto Simão |
Eman Elbaz | Masahiko Tanaka | Vinod Nadella |
Eman Khalifa | Masahiro Ojima | Violeta Popovici |
Emilia Krassimirova Naseva | Masaki Nagaya | Viorel Dragos Radu |
Emilia Manole | Masamitsu Maekawa | Vipin Chandra Kalia |
Emiliano Diez | Masanori Nakagawa | Vishwanath Prabhu |
Emiliano Tesoro-Cruz | Masaru Tanaka | Vishwanath Venketaraman |
Emmanouil Ioannis Kapetanakis | Masood Khan | Visnja Lezaic |
Emmanouil V. Dermitzakis | Massimiliano Ammirabile | Viswas Raja Solomon |
Enas Eltamany | Massimo Capoccia | Vito Carlo Alberto Caponio |
Enrique Gea-Izquierdo | Massoud Amini | Vivek Kumar |
Eric Huet | Massoud Mirshahi | Vivek Singh |
Érica S. Martins-Duarte | Mateusz Czajkowski | Vjekoslav Peitl |
Erika Calvano Küchler | Matias Mosqueira | Vlad Mihai Voiculescu |
Erika Cione | Matjaž Kopač | Vladiana Romina Turi |
Erika Cvetko | Mats Bertil Eriksson | Vladimir Babenko |
Ermina Stratina | Matteo Armillotta | Vladimir Bilim |
Ernesto Beltrán-Partida | Matteo Bonetti | Vladimir Burmistrov |
Esmaeel Saemi | Matteo Bonetti | Vladimir Jurisic |
Esmaeil Salimi | Matteo Conti | Vladimir Kanovei |
Essam Kerwash | Matteo De Pastena | Vladimir Korshun |
Esteban Figueroa | Matteo Riccò | Vladimir Makarov |
Estela Cuevas-Romero | Matthias Eckhardt | Vladimir Poroch |
Ethan Ng | Matthias Müller | Vladimir Shvartz |
Eugene Rogozhin | Matthias Raedle | Volodymyr Ponomaryov |
Eugenio Martelli | Matthias Wiens | Vsevolod Zhuikov |
Eurico Lima | Maurizio Elia | Wai Chin Chong |
Evangelia Kesidou | Maurizio Sabbatini | Wajdy Al-Awaida |
Evangelia Livaniou | Mauro Lombardo | Waleed Seif Eldin Mohamed |
Evangelos Liatsikos | Maxim Alexeevich Filatov | Waleska Dornas |
Evgenia Korzhikova-Vlakh | Maximilian Scheer | Wang-Chun Kwok |
Evgenia Sitnikova | Maximilian Seidl | Wang-Xia Wang |
Evgeniya Vladislavovna Pushchina | Maximiliano Giraud Billoud | Wanhao Cai |
Evgeny E. Bezsonov | Mayur Doke | Waseem Jerjes |
Evgeny N. Imyanitov | Mayur Virarkar | Wassim Abou-Kheir |
Fabiano Vieira Vilhena | Md Eman Talukder | Wassim Mosleh |
Fabio A. Mendes | Md Noushad Javed | Watcharapong Mitsuwan |
Fabio Massimo Oddi | Md Sofiqul Islam | Wei Boon Yap |
Fabrizio Guerra | Mehmet Yaman | Wei Guo |
Fahad Khan | Meir Max Barak | Weihua Huang |
Fan Xuan | Meircurius Dwi Condro Surboyo | Weihua Yang |
Fangchao Jiang | Melvin E. Klegerman | Weijie Ma |
Fangfang Sun | Meng Zhang | Weikang Hu |
Farooq Riaz | Meng Zhao | Weike Zhang |
Farrukh Jamal | Meng-Tsan Chiang | Weikun Xiao |
Fatin Jannus | Mengxi Shen | Weiren Luo |
Fausto Maffini | Meng-Yao Li | Weisheng Lu |
Fausto Pizzino | Mengyun Zhou | Weita Chen |
Federica Fogacci | Metaxia Bareka | Weiwei Han |
Federica Fulceri | Michael Blumer | Wen Harold Chen |
Feiyue Ren | Michael Eisenhut | Wen Shi |
Felipe López-Saucedo | Michael G. Weller | Wenchao Xu |
Feray Altan | Michael Morris | Wenfang Li |
Ferenc Sipos | Michael Paulussen | Wenhui Guo |
Fereshteh Asgharzadeh | Michael R. Lasarev | Wenji Piao |
Fernanda Mesquita | Michael Schirmer | Wenjin Li |
Fernando A. Arosa | Michał Ginszt | Wenjun Xie |
Fernando Cardona | Michał Kazimierz Chojnicki | Wenlin Yang |
Fernando Javier Barreyro | Michal Linial | Wenpeng Wang |
Fernando Sanchez Lasheras | Michał Mączewski | Wenqiang Wei |
Filemon Dela Cruz | Michal Nowicki | Wenxuan Zhang |
Filip Bliźniak | Michal Ordak | Wesley M. Raup-Konsavage |
Fiorenzo Moscatelli | Michał Szulc | Wilfried Kues |
Firdous Ahmad Bhat | Michał Zarobkiewicz | Wilhelm Peter Mistiaen |
Flavia Pichiorri | Michelangelo Luciani | Wioletta Rozpędek-Kamińska |
Flavia Zacconi | Miguel Á. Castro Villamor | Wladimir Bocca Vieira De Rezende Pinto |
Fleischer C. N. Kotey | Miguel Angel Puertas-Mejía | Wolfgang Kreisel |
Flora N. Balieva | Miguel García-Castro | Wolfram Kunz |
Frances Meier-Gibbons | Miguel Hueso | Wonbeak Yoo |
Francesc Xavier Avilés | Miguel Mendez-Rojas | Worranan Rangsimawong |
Francesca Di Sole | Miguel Sogorb | Xia Wang |
Francesca Iacoponi | Mihaela Iancu | Xiang Xiang Liu |
Francesca Persano | Mihaela Niculae | Xiangjun Chen |
Francesca Perut | Mihai Popescu | Xiangyang Guo |
Francesco Cacciola | Mihalj Poŝa | Xiangyu Guo |
Francesco De Francesco | Mikhail Dubinin | Xianzhi Zhang |
Francesco De Gaetano | Mikhail Kolev | Xiao Fan |
Francesco Giuseppe Martire | Mikhail Kostik | Xiao Li Shen |
Francesco Lodola | Milad Shirvaliloo | Xiaofei Cheng |
Francesco Mannelli | Milan Obradovic | Xiaoguang Liu |
Francesco Pallotti | Milan Toma | Xiaolei Li |
Francesco Perticone | Milena Veskovic | Xiaotian Zhong |
Francesk Mulita | Milica Pešić | Xiao-Yan Lan |
Francisco D. C. Guerra Liberal | Milka Mileva | Xibi Fang |
Francisco Epelde | Milorad Tesic | Xinglin Yang |
Francisco J. Del Castillo | Min Wang | Xinyi Ding |
Francisco Quereda | Minerva Codruta Badescu | Xuan Li |
Francisco Solano | Mingxin Shi | Xue Mi |
Francisco Tustumi | Minho Han | Xuejia Kang |
Frane Paic | Minu Chaudhuri | Xuelin Zhou |
Frank Erdmann | Miodrag Janić | Xueming Zhang |
Fredrick Nwude Eze | Mirjana Platiša | Xueqin Gao |
Fubiao Shi | Mirko Aldè | Xuxiang Liu |
Fumio Otsuka | Mirolyuba Simeonova Ilieva | Ya-Jung Cheng |
Fushan Tang | MIroslav Pohanka | Yali Wang |
Fuwei Shang | Mirza Pojskic | Yang Wang |
Gabriel Claudiu Tender | Mithun Rudrapal | Yang Yu |
Gabriel Gutiérrez-Ospina | Mititelu-Tartau Liliana | Yang Yushun |
Gabriel Komla Adzika | Mohamad Shahgholi | Yang Zhao |
Gabriela Fonseca-Camarillo | Mohamed F. Zayed | Yanka Dimitrova Karamalakova |
Gabriela Iancu | Mohamed Lounis | Yaoxiang Li |
Gabriela Lopes Gama | Mohamed Rahouma | Yashendra Sethi |
Gabriela Vochita | Mohamed Yassin Zaky Khalifa | Yashika Awasthi |
Gabriele Ceccarelli | Mohammad Abukhalil | Yasin Tülüce |
gaetana Costanza | Mohammad Al-Rawi | Yasmina M. Abd-Elhakim |
Gaetano Gallo | Mohammad Fouad Bayan | Yasushige Shingu |
Gaetano Marverti | Mohammad Irshad Reza | Yazan Ranneh |
Galal Yahya | Mohammad Mobashir | Yegor Yegorov |
Ganeshkumar Arumugam | Mohammad Raza Aghamirsalim | Yehuda Tzfati |
Gang Li | Mohammad Yousuf Ansari | Yen-Chun Peng |
Gang Ye | Mohammadreza Shalbafan | Yen-Sung Huang |
Gema Martínez Navarrete | Mohammed Hawash | Yeo Jin Choi |
George A. Koumantakis | Mohammed Taha Al-Hariri | Yi Cheng Wu |
George Anderson | Mohammed Zahedul Islam Nizami | Yifan Ma |
George Andrei Draghici | Mohanakrishnan Sathyamoorthy | Yigang Shen |
George I. Lambrou | Mohd Faheem Khan | Yi-Lang Chen |
George Kontogeorgos | Mohd Farhan | Yimin Yan |
George Paraskevas | Mohsin Khurshid | Yina Wang |
Georgi Beev | Moisés Tolentino Bento Da Silva | Ying Xiong |
Georgios Iatrakis | Monica Gallo | Yiqun Zhang |
Geovane Dias Lopes | Monica Trif | Yi-Wen Lin |
Gerald Henry Lushington | Mónica Vieira | Yong Jin |
Gerardo Petruzzi | Monika Fekete | Yong Yang |
Gerasimos Grivas | Monika Zawadka-Kunikowska | Yong-Moon Lee |
Gerd Armin Müller | Morgan Durrette Salmon | Yongqiang Chen |
Gheorghe Solcan | Morteza Taheri | Yoshihiro Ikura |
Gheorghita Isvoranu | Mostafa Mabrouk | Yoshinari Uehara |
Gheorghiu Livia Monica | Mounir M. Salem-Bekhit | Yoshiro Horai |
Ghulam Gilanie | Mrinmoy Karmakar | Youakim Saliba |
Ghulam Jilany Khan | Muahammad Atiq Ur Rehman | Youhei Hiromori |
Gian Mario Migliaccio | Mubashir Javed Mintoo | Youness Limami |
Gianina Dodi | Muhammad Arif | Young Zoon Kim |
Gianluca Baldanzi | Muhammad Asad Farooq | Yousaf Khan |
Gianluca Rizzo | Muhammad Asif Arain | Yousi Fu |
Gianni Paulis | Muhammad Asif Zahoor | Youssef A. Attia |
Gifty Sawhney | Muhammad Awais Farooqi | Youssef Ahmad Hegazy |
Gilbert Lim | Muhammad Kamran | Yuan Chai |
Giorgia Pallafacchina | Muhammad N. Mahmood | Yuan-Chuan Chen |
Giorgia Sollai | Muhammad Raza | Yuanxiang Li |
Giorgio Sodero | Muhammad Sajid Hamid Akash | Yuanyuan Zhao |
Giorgio Treglia | Muhammad Sardaraz | Yubao Wang |
Giovane Galdino | Muhammad Sohail | Yubing Liu |
Giovanna Liguori | Muhammad Tahir Khan | Yu-Chung Wei |
Giovanni Babini | Muhammad Umair Hassan | Yuki Nagamatsu |
Giovanni Casini | Mujeeb Rahman Kanhira Kadavath | Yulia Kraus |
Giovanni Levi | Mustafa Busuladžić | Yun Ji |
Giovanni Ribaudo | Mustafa Cengiz | Yunfeng Wu |
Giovanni Trisolino | Mustafa Sevindik | Yung-Hsiang Chen |
Giulia Di Benedetto | Muthu Thiruvengadam | Yunqi Tang |
Giuliano Tocci | Muthukumar Serva Peddha | Yunting Zhu |
Giuseppa Minutolo | Myron Christodoulides | Yuri Battaglia |
Giuseppe Barilaro | Myron R. Szewczuk | Yusof Kamisah |
Giuseppe Consorti | Nabi Jomehzadeh | Yutaka Matsuda |
Giuseppe Di Martino | Nadine Darwiche | Yutang Li |
Giuseppe Guido Maria Scarlata | Nagendraprabhu Ponnuraj | Yutian Zou |
Giuseppe Losurdo | Nahed Ahmed Hussien | Yuxuan Cheng |
Giuseppe Miceli | Naman Vatsa | Yuyi Chen |
Giuseppe Milone | Nanako Kawaguchi | Yves Borbély |
Giuseppe Spaziano | Naoaki Sakata | Zachary McCaw |
Giuseppe Verolino | Naoki Hayashida | Zaffar Ahmed Shaikh |
Giuseppina Barutello | Naoki Ikegaya | Zahra Ashkavand |
Glauco Akelinghton Freire Vitiello | Narasimha Beeraka | Zahra Khosrowpour |
Godfrey Mutashambara Rwegerera | Narayanaswamy Venketasubramanian | Zaira Kharaeva |
Gökhan Metan | Narsimha Mamidi | Zeinab Ghorbani |
Gonzalo Aranda-Abreu | Naser Alsharairi | Zenon Pogorelić |
Gonzalo Pérez De La Cruz | Nasim Chiniforush | Zeqing Chen |
Gopinath M. Sundaram | Natalia A. Shnayder | Zhanchao Li |
Goran Augustin | Natalia G. Vallianou | Zhenbo Xu |
Goran Baranović | Natalia Ivanovna Ivanovna Agalakova | Zheng Yuan |
Gorazd Bombek | Natalia V. Belosludtseva | Zhengchang Wu |
Gordan Srkalovic | Nataliya Finiuk | Zhengwei Huang |
Grigol Keshelava | Nataša Marčun Varda | Zhenning Ren |
Grzegorz Grześk | Nataša Mitrović | Zhenxing Tang |
Grzegorz K. Jakubiak | Natella Enukashvily | Zhibao Wang |
Grzegorz Sobek | Nathalie Jourdan | Zhide Ding |
Grzegorz Zieliński | Navid Abedpoor | Zhidong Zhou |
Gualtiero Alvisi | Nebojša Jasnić | Zhi-Ping Liu |
Guangyan Wu | Neda Baghban | Zhiwei Yang |
Guan-Jhong Huang | Neelamadhab Padhy | Zhiyao Wang |
Guilherme Baldo | Neelanjan Vishnu | Zhiyuan Yang |
Guillaume E. Courtoy | Neeraj Kumar Chauhan | Zhongqiang Luo |
Guillermina Ferro-Flores | Neeraj S. Thakur | Zibo Chen |
Guinevere S. M. Lageveen-Kammeijer | Neha Garg | Zihao Ou |
Gulali Aktas | Neha Mishra | Ziran Li |
Gul-e-Saba Chaudhry | Nehal Elsherbiny | Zlatin Zlatev |
Gulzar Hussain Shah | Neil Merrett | Zoltán Kukor |
Guoqin Wei | Neli Milenova Vilhelmova-Ilieva | Zong Jie Cui |
Gustavo Barcelos Barra | Nenad L. Ignjatović | Zongyan Gao |
Guzel Ziyatdinova | Neven Papić | Zoran Gluvic |
Hafiz Muhammad Shahbaz | Ngu Trinh | Zoran Todorovic |
Haiyan Tan | Nicola Magnavita | Zsuzsanna Mihály |
Hajnalka Lőrincz | Nicola Manocchio | Zulkif Tanriverdi |
Halilibrahim Ciftci | Nicola Marziliano | Zygmunt Warzecha |
Halina Tkaczenko |
17 January 2025
Meet Us at the 145th Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, 26–29 March 2025, Fukuoka, Japan

Conference: The 145th Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
Date: 26–29 March 2025
Location: Fukuoka, Japan
MDPI will be attending the 145th Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan as an exhibitor, which will be held from 26 to 29 March 2025, and we welcome researchers from diverse backgrounds to visit and share their latest ideas with us.
The conference is organized by the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan and chaired by Prof. Takashi Ohshima from the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyushu University. The theme is Promoting the Ecosystem in Pharmaceutical Sciences: Future Innovation through Cross-disciplinary Collaboration. This conference will bring together around 5,000 scientists and students to share research advances covering a wide range of scientific topics. The sessions include, but are not limited to, the following: 1) Pharmaceutical Chemistry; 2) Pharmaceutical Physics; 3) Pharmaceutical Biology; 4) Pharmaceutical Health Science and Environmental Toxicology; 5) Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences; and 6) Others.
The following MDPI journals will be represented at the conference:
- Biomedicines
- Pharmaceuticals
- Pharmaceutics
- Antibiotics
- Antibodies
- Antioxidants
- Diseases
- Future Pharmacology
- Marine Drugs
- Medicina
- Medicines
- Metabolites
- Psychoactives
- Sci. Pharm
- Sclerosis
If you are planning to attend the above conference, please do not hesitate to start an online conversation with us. Our delegates look forward to meeting you in person at the booth and answering any questions that you may have. For more information about the conference, please visit the following website: https://pub.confit.atlas.jp/en/event/pharm145.