Travel Award

Dear Colleagues,

An exciting new initiative launched this year by Brain Sciences is the establishment of two Travel Awards to assist a Junior Researcher and a PhD student to attend a relevant conference. Over 56 eligible applications, from Europe, USA, Canada and Australia, were evaluated by an international panel of experts, who ranked the applicants according to their CV and scholarly achievements, their research, the significance of the conference, and their career aspirations. Selecting the award winners from the two highly competitive fields was very difficult, and so it is a great pleasure for me to announce the worthy winners of the inaugural Brain Sciences Travel Awards:

• The Junior Research Award winner is Dr Anna-Sophia Wahl of the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich (Switzerland), who will attend the the Society for Neuroscience (SFN) Annual Meeting in Washington, USA in November 2017.
• The PhD Award winner is Simon Morand-Beaulieu of the University of Montreal (Canada), who will attend the Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2018 Annual Meeting in Boston, USA in March 2018.
Stephen D. Meriney

Associate Editor-in-Chief

Brain Sciences 2018 Travel Award
Past Winners


Peng Liu
Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research
Dr. Matthew Chilvers
University of Calgary

Award Committee

Dr. Stephen Meriney Chairman
University of Pittsburgh
Dr. Terry Lichtor
Rush. University Medical Center
Prof. Trevor J Crawford
Lancaster University
Prof. Silvio Ionta


Mohd Yaseen Malik
University of Oxford
Meira Maria Forcelini Machado
Robarts Research Institute, Western University

Award Committee

Dr. Stephen Meriney Chairman
University of Pittsburgh
Dr. N. Scott Litofsky
University of Missouri School of Medicine
Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology, Faculty of Psychology
Dr. Andrew Clarkson
REGENBIO Consultants
Dr. Paul E. Engelhardt


Donato Liloia
Department of Psychology, University of Turin
Roberta Bettoni
Department of Psychology, University of Milano Bicocca

Award Committee

Dr. Stephen Meriney Chairman
University of Pittsburgh
Dr. Robert Emmett Kelly
Weill Cornell Medical College
Prof. Heather Bortfeld
University of California, Merced
Prof. Sergey Kasparov
University of Bristol
Dr. Mark Burke
Howard University
Dr. Andrew Clarkson
REGENBIO Consultants


King’s College London, The Wolfson Centre for Age-Related Diseases, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience
Stephanie Schultz
Washington University in St. Louis

Award Committee

Dr. Stephen Meriney Chairman
University of Pittsburgh
Prof. Pierluigi Zoccolotti
Sapienza University of Rome
Prof. Sergey Kasparov
University of Bristol
Dr. Jason Brandt
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Dr. Evanthia Bernitsas
Wayne State School of Medicine
Dr. Mark Burke
Howard University
Prof. Konstantin Slavin
University of Illinois at Chicago
Prof. Heather Bortfeld
University of California, Merced
Dr. Andrew Clarkson
REGENBIO Consultants


Anna-Sophia Wahl
the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich (Switzerland)
Simon Morand-Beaulieu
the University of Montreal (Canada)
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