
7 June 2022
Electronics 2021 Best Paper Awards for Anniversary Special Issues—Winners Announced

Dear colleagues,

As the Editor-in-Chief of Electronics (ISSN: 2079-9292), I am pleased to announce the winners of the “Electronics 2021 Best Paper Award for Anniversary Special Issues”.

The awards have been granted to the authors of the following two research articles:

“Towards Human Stress and Activity Recognition: A Review and a First Approach Based on Low-Cost Wearables”
by Juan Antonio Castro-García, Alberto Jesús Molina-Cantero, Isabel María Gómez-González, Sergio Lafuente-Arroyo and Manuel Merino-Monge
Electronics 2022, 11(1), 155; doi:10.3390/electronics11010155
This article was featured in the Special Issue “10th Anniversary of Electronics: Recent Advances in Computer Science & Engineering”.

“Semi-Automatic Guidance vs. Manual Guidance in Agriculture: A Comparison of Work Performance in Wheat Sowing”
by Antonio Scarfone, Rodolfo Picchio, Angelo del Giudice, Francesco Latterini, Paolo Mattei, Enrico Santangelo and Alberto Assirelli
Electronics 2021, 10(7), 825; doi:10.3390/electronics10070825
This article was featured in the Special Issue “10th Anniversary of Electronics: New Advances in Systems and Control Engineering”.

Each winner will receive CHF 500, a certificate, and the opportunity to publish a paper free of charge in Electronics in 2022 after undergoing the normal peer-review procedure.

On behalf of the Assessment Committee members Prof. Lei Zhang, Prof. Mohamed Benbouzid, and Prof. José L. Abellán, I congratulate the winners on their accomplishments. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the nominated research groups for their contributions to Electronics and the Award Committee for their efforts in the evaluation process.

Prof. Dr. Flavio Canavero
Editor-in-Chief of Electronics

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