Special Issues

Electronics publishes Special Issues to create collections of papers on specific topics, with the aim of building a community of authors and readers to discuss the latest research and develop new ideas and research directions. Special Issues are led by Guest Editors, who are experts on the topic and all Special Issue submissions follow MDPI's standard editorial process. The journal’s Editor-in-Chief and/or designated Editorial Board Member will oversee Guest Editor appointments and Special Issue proposals, checking their content for relevance and ensuring the suitability of the material for the journal. The papers published in a Special Issue will be collected and displayed on a dedicated page of the journal’s website. Further information on MDPI's Special Issue polices and Guest Editor responsibilities can be found here. For any inquiries related to a Special Issue, please contact the Editorial Office.

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Advancements and Applications of Millimeter Wave and Terahertz Vacuum Electronic Devices
edited by Yubin Gong and Zhigang Lu
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 973 | Submission Open
Keywords: new technologies using millimeter and terahertz waves for sensing and imaging; millimeter and terahertz non-destructive testing (NDT); terahertz and millimeter wave technology for materials research; terahertz and millimeter wave measurement systems; terahertz sources; detectors; and sensors  
(This special issue belongs to the Section Microelectronics)
Microwave Imaging and Applications
edited by Biao Tian and Wei Wang
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 964 | Submission Open
Keywords: SAR imaging; ISAR imaging; 3D reconstruction; HRRP recognition; SAR target recognition; ISAR target recognition; deep learning
(This special issue belongs to the Section Microwave and Wireless Communications)
Advanced Internet of Things Solutions and Technologies
edited by Yi Li
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 950 | Submission Open
Keywords: network architecture and system design in IoT; IoT and Cloud computing; programming models for the IoT; data management in IoT; M2M communications in IoT; energy efficiency of IoT; privacy; security; and trust for IoT; context-awareness for IoT; modeling and simulation of large-scale IoT scenarios; testbed; prototype; and practical systems for IoT use cases
(This special issue belongs to the Section Networks)
New Advances of Brain-Computer and Human-Robot Interaction
edited by Alejandro L. Borja and Roberto Sanchez-Reolid
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 949 | Submission Open
Keywords: signal processing; electroencephalography; brain– computer interface; neural signal processing techniques (EEG; MEG; MRI/fMRI; PET; fNIRS); machine learning; deep learning; neural networks; neuroscience
(This special issue belongs to the Section Artificial Intelligence)
Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence in Cyber-Physical Systems submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 940 | Submission Open
Keywords: trustworthy AI in cyber-physical systems; trustworthy AI in metaverse; trustworthy AI in web 3.0; autonomous digital twins; autonomous internet of things (IoT); autonomous system of systems; artificial intelligence of things (AIoT)
(This special issue belongs to the Section Artificial Intelligence)
Knowledge and Information Extraction Research
edited by and Yubo Song
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 906 | Submission Open
Keywords: data mining; information retrieval; machine learning; information extraction; techniques; knowledge graphs
(This special issue belongs to the Section Computer Science & Engineering)
Electronic Devices for Bio-Medical Applications
edited by
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 854 | Submission Open
Keywords: bioelectronics; biomedical engineering; biocompatibility; stretchable circuits; bio-sensors; biomimetic structure; drug delivery; prosthetics
(This special issue belongs to the Section Bioelectronics)
Research and Application of Wide Band Gap Semiconductors
edited by Nazareno Donato and Alessandro Borghese
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 743 | Submission Open
Keywords: WBG semiconductors; UWBG semiconductors; 4H-SiC FETs; GaN HEMT; vertical GaN; AlN; diamond electronics; power devices; finite element modelling; reliability; SiC MOSFET
(This special issue belongs to the Section Semiconductor Devices)
Cybersecurity and Privacy Issues in Cyber-Physical Systems and Industrial Control Systems, 2nd Edition submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 692 | Submission Open
Keywords: cybersecurity; cyber-physical systems; industrial control systems; privacy; risk management; vulnerability assessment; threat modeling; intrusion detection; incident response; cyber security requirements engineering
(This special issue belongs to the Section Systems & Control Engineering)
Recent Progress in Explainable Artificial Intelligence and Low-Power Machine Learning
edited by , , and Alex Yakovlev
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 690 | Submission Open
Keywords: explainable and transparent AI; interpretability; human-understandable AI; low-power machine learning; energy-efficient AI; AI for IoT and edge computing; embedded AI
(This special issue belongs to the Section Artificial Intelligence)
Advancements in Robotics: Perception, Manipulation, and Interaction
edited by Peng Zhou, Anqing Duan, , , Wanyu Ma and David Navarro-Alarcon
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 666 | Submission Open
Keywords: robotics and AI robot perception; active perception; multi-modal perception; scene understanding; field robotics; robot grasping; robot manipulation; robot learning; task and motion planning; rehabilitation robotics; biomimetic robotics; human– robot interaction control
(This special issue belongs to the Section Systems & Control Engineering)
Advanced Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Wireless Communication and Networking Technologies
edited by Zhuangzhuang Cui and Konstantinos Maliatsos
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 657 | Submission Open
Keywords: 5G-A/6G wireless communications; aerial network; cellular-connected UAVs; channel modeling; non-terrestrial networks; smart antenna systems; unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs); UAV-vehicle communication; sensing and communication
(This special issue belongs to the Section Microwave and Wireless Communications)
Theory and Applications of Fuzzy Systems and Neural Networks: 2nd Edition
edited by , and Farzad Arabikhan
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 643 | Submission Open
Keywords: fuzzy systems; neural networks; intelligent systems; computational intelligence; artificial intelligence; machine learning  
(This special issue belongs to the Section Artificial Intelligence)
Advanced Design in Electrical Machines
edited by Chaelim Jeong and
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 642 | Submission Open
Keywords: induction and reluctance motors; magnet motors; multiphase motors; numerical analysis methods; design; and optimization of electrical machines; fault detection and diagnosis of electrical machines
(This special issue belongs to the Section Power Electronics)
Intelligent and Immersive 5G and Beyond Telecommunications: Enabling the Next-Level Artificial Intelligence Integration
edited by , Hugo Marques and Paulo Marques
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 490 | Submission Open
Keywords: telecommunications; mobile networks; internet of things (IoT); 5G/6G technology; artificial intelligence; machine learning
(This special issue belongs to the Section Artificial Intelligence)
New Horizons and Recent Advances in Smart Energy Grids
edited by , Hossam A. Gaber and
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 477 | Submission Open
Keywords: smart energy grid; electronics; power electronics; embedded systems; modeling and simulation; energy systems
(This special issue belongs to the Section Power Electronics)
Emerging Technologies in DC Microgrids
edited by and Ruimin Zhu
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 428 | Submission Open
Keywords: artificial intelligence; digital twin; electric vehicle; energy management; energy storage; hardware-in-the-loop testing; hydrogen energy; multi-energy complement; renewable energy; transient stability; voltage balancing
(This special issue belongs to the Section Power Electronics)
Advanced Technologies for Social Computing and Natural Language Processing
edited by Sicong Shao and Diego Fregolent Mendes de Oliveira
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 425 | Submission Open
Keywords: natural language processing; artificial intelligence; machine learning; social computing
(This special issue belongs to the Section Electronic Multimedia)
Collaborative Intelligent Automation System for Smart Industry
edited by
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 409 | Submission Open
Keywords: federated machine learning; advance artificial intelligence; blockchain; Internet of Things
(This special issue belongs to the Section Artificial Intelligence)
Applications of Edge Computing in Mobile Systems submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 393 | Submission Open
Keywords: mobile edge computing; resource allocation; Internet of Things (IoT)
(This special issue belongs to the Section Networks)
IoT Security and Privacy: Navigating Challenges, Implementing Solutions, and Harnessing Cloud/Edge/Fog Computing submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 368 | Submission Open
Keywords: Internet of Things (IoT); IoT security and privacy; IoT threats and vulnerabilities; privacy-preserving techniques; cloud/edge/fog computing; machine learning (ML); federated learning (FL); anomaly/intrusion detection
(This special issue belongs to the Section Networks)
Advanced Techniques for Analog and Power Integrated Circuit Design
edited by Hyemin Kang
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 344 | Submission Open
Keywords: analog integrated circuit design; power integrated circuit design; circuit design methodologies; power management techniques; performance enhancement; reliability improvement
(This special issue belongs to the Section Circuit and Signal Processing)
Microwaves and Optics for Quantum Computing
edited by and
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 335 | Submission Open
Keywords: microwave; optics; sub-THz; microwave– optics interface; quantum computer; laser
(This special issue belongs to the Section Microwave and Wireless Communications)
Wireless Sensor Network: Latest Advances and Prospects
edited by
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 333 | Submission Open
Keywords: wireless sensor networks; Internet of Things; network architectures and protocols; big data analysis; efficient communications
(This special issue belongs to the Section Networks)
Advances in Silicon Quantum Electronics
edited by and
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 329 | Submission Open
Keywords: quantum electronics; quantum photonic devices; quantum electronic devices; silicon integration; novel materials for quantum applications; silicon-based optoelectronic devices
(This special issue belongs to the Section Optoelectronics)
Challenges and Future Trends in 6G Networks and Technologies
edited by Een-kee Hong and
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 297 | Submission Open
Keywords: 6G; terahertz; ultra-massive multiple-input; multiple-output; localization and positioning; non-terrestrial network (NTN); new waveform; open radio access network (O-RAN); artificial intelligence (AI); quantum computing; quantum communication
(This special issue belongs to the Section Networks)
Advances in Backscatter Communication Systems
edited by
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 283 | Submission Open
Keywords: backscatter communication (BackCom) systems; passive tags; green Internet-of-Things (IoT)
(This special issue belongs to the Section Microwave and Wireless Communications)
Embedded Systems and Software for Deep Learning
edited by and Hyung-Gyu Lee
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 281 | Submission Open
Keywords: embedded systems and software; edge computing; embedded deep learning; hardware– software codesign
(This special issue belongs to the Section Computer Science & Engineering)
New Technologies and Applications of Agent-Based Hybrid Intelligence
edited by , Xiaobin Tan and Yupin Yang
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 268 | Submission Open
Keywords: agent-based hybrid intelligence; multi-agent-based hybrid intelligence; human robot intelligence
(This special issue belongs to the Section Computer Science & Engineering)
Application of Artificial Intelligence in Industrial Networks and Communication submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 268 | Submission Open
Keywords: artificial intelligence; smart factory; cyber-physical system; digital twin; management; cybersecurity; pattern recognition; adaptive mechanisms; quality control; performance measurement
(This special issue belongs to the Section Networks)
Physical Layer Security for Future Wireless Systems
edited by Yanjun Pan, Yao Zheng and Shangqing Zhao
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 263 | Submission Open
Keywords: advanced signal processing of physical layer security; measurements and models of secure communication scenarios; stochastic secure network modeling; cyber– physical systems; physical layer security in UAV-based networks; physical layer security in heterogeneous wireless networks; physical layer security in satellite– terrestrial integrated networks; physical layer security in green communications; secure resource allocation and management; machine-learning-enabled channel estimation; transmission design; and optimization; mmWave/TeraHertz communications; reconfigurable intelligent surface; integrated sensing and communication; jamming-resistant communications; secure transmissions for video surveillance and domotics; secrecy coding; physical layer key generation
(This special issue belongs to the Section Microwave and Wireless Communications)
Innovations in Antenna Design for 5G and Beyond
edited by Min Li
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 245 | Submission Open
Keywords: antennas; optimization; design; wireless communication; satellite networks
(This special issue belongs to the Section Microwave and Wireless Communications)
RF/MM-Wave Circuits Design and Applications, 2nd Edition
edited by Egidio Ragonese
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 228 | Submission Open
Keywords: LNA; mixer; PA; radar; VCO; antenna; PLL; transmitter; receiver; transceiver
(This special issue belongs to the Section Circuit and Signal Processing)
Intelligent and Efficient Signal Processing and Its Application in Various submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 203 | Submission Open
Keywords: signal processing; artificial intelligence; VLSI signal processing
(This special issue belongs to the Section Circuit and Signal Processing)
Emerging Applications of FPGAs and Reconfigurable Computing System submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 197 | Submission Open
Keywords: FPGA; reconfigurable computing; embedded systems; VHDL; high-level synthesis; verilog; FPGA application
(This special issue belongs to the Section Computer Science & Engineering)
Advancing Security and Privacy in the Internet of Things
edited by and Abdur R. Shahid
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 196 | Submission Open
Keywords: IoT; security; privacy; edge computing security; blockchain; authentication; encryption; machine learning; security algorithms; data security; crypto-elements
(This special issue belongs to the Section Networks)
Applications of Capacitors in Power Electronics
edited by
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 191 | Submission Open
Keywords: power electronics; capacitors for wide band gap applications; aluminum electrolytic capacitors; tantalum electrolytic capacitors; metallized film capacitors; power capacitors; AC capacitors; filter capacitors; conducting polymers; nanocomposites; nanolaminates; copolymers; ceramic capacitors
(This special issue belongs to the Section Power Electronics)
Emerging Technologies: Shaping the Future of Databases and Data Analytics
edited by , Piotr Maciąg and Łukasz Skonieczny
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 188 | Submission Open
Keywords: emerging technologies; database management; data analytics; artificial intelligence; blockchain; Internet of Things; quantum computing; edge computing; data privacy; spatio-temporal data analysis
(This special issue belongs to the Section Computer Science & Engineering)
Electromagnetic Imaging from Radio Frequency to Sub-millimeter Waves
edited by and Valentina Schenone
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 187 | Submission Open
Keywords: electromagnetic imaging; microwave imaging; millimeter-wave imaging; THz imaging; tomography; inverse scattering; inverse problems; subsurface imaging; nondestructive tests; through-the-wall imaging; biomedical diagnostics; security imaging
(This special issue belongs to the Section Microwave and Wireless Communications)
New Challenges for Autonomous Robots submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 182 | Submission Open
Keywords: autonomous robots; artificial intelligence; robotics
(This special issue belongs to the Section Artificial Intelligence)
Towards Sustainable and Energy-Neutral Internet-of-Things
edited by , Sara Willhammar and Geoffrey Ottoy
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 181 | Submission Open
Keywords: ambient IoT; zero-energy IoT and energy-neutral devices; 6G systems; distributed systems; backscattering; energy storage and management systems; localisation; life-cycle analysis; end-of-life strategies; sustainable IoT and IoT for sustainability; modular design
(This special issue belongs to the Section Microwave and Wireless Communications)
Machine Learning in Industry Systems
edited by Xuzhi Du, Chao Xia and Wuchen Fu
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 171 | Submission Open
Keywords: machine learning; industry systems; engineering applications; electrical engineering; mechanical engineering; automotive engineering; manufacturing engineering; smart manufacturing; predictive maintenance; quality control; supply chain management; autonomous vehicles; industrial automation; robotics; mechatronics; smart grids; IoT devices; renewable energy systems; digital twinning; optimization techniques
(This special issue belongs to the Section Industrial Electronics)
New Advances of FPGAs in Signal Processing
edited by Fernando Carrio and Tigran Mkrtchyan
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 161 | Submission Open
Keywords: FPGAs; signal processing; digital filters; medical imaging; wireless communications; security applications; data acquisition; audio and video processing; neural networks
(This special issue belongs to the Section Circuit and Signal Processing)
Data Security and Privacy in Blockchain and the IoT
edited by Zhe Peng, Hong-Ning Dai and Yu Li
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 160 | Submission Open
Keywords: data security; privacy protection; blockchain; IoT; decentralized applications
(This special issue belongs to the Section Computer Science & Engineering)
Application of Machine Learning in Data Mining
edited by Jin Lu
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 153 | Submission Open
Keywords: machine learning; data mining; applications; engineering; health; bioinformatics; IoT; NLP
(This special issue belongs to the Section Computer Science & Engineering)
Machine Learning for Wireless Networks
edited by Yong Niu
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 150 | Submission Open
Keywords: machine learning; wireless networks; wireless communication
(This special issue belongs to the Section Microwave and Wireless Communications)
Emerging Trends and Applications of Visible Light Communication
edited by Paula Louro and Manuela Vieira
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 149 | Submission Open
Keywords: optical wireless communication; visible light communication; IoT applications; indoor localization techniques; vehicular communication; underwater communication
(This special issue belongs to the Section Optoelectronics)
Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for Real-World Wireless Communication
edited by
submission deadline 16 Nov 2024 | 3 articles | Viewed by 11527 | Submission Open
Keywords: reconfigurable intelligent surfaces; intelligent reflecting surfaces; intelligent omni surfaces; reconfigurable/programmable metasurfaces
(This special issue belongs to the Section Microwave and Wireless Communications)
Emerging Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Communication Techniques for the Next Generation of Wireless Networks
edited by Nan Qi, Rugui Yao, , and Lin Zhang
submission deadline 16 Nov 2024 | 5 articles | Viewed by 5782 | Submission Open
Keywords: artificial intelligence; unmanned aerial vehicle communications; energy efficiency; high reliability; security and safety; low-latency routing protocol; reconfigurable intelligent surface
(This special issue belongs to the Section Electrical and Autonomous Vehicles)
Machine Learning Techniques for Image Processing submission deadline 16 Nov 2024 | 3 articles | Viewed by 3579 | Submission Open
Keywords: machine learning; deep learning; artificial neural networks; artificial intelligence
(This special issue belongs to the Section Computer Science & Engineering)
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