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Travel Award

Dear Colleagues,

As Editor-in-Chief of Energies, I am pleased to announce the winners of the Energies Travel Awards for 2018:

Travel Awards were granted to Ms. Lihui Gao, PhD student in the Chemical Engineering department of the China University of Mining and Technology and visiting scholar at the Energy Engineering Department of Pennsylvania State University; and to Dr. Joonho Jeon, post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota. Ms. Gao focuses on the research of sustainable fuels and materials for environmental applications. Dr Jeon’s research focuses on the characterization of nanoparticle distributions in direct injection gasoline engines. Each Awardee will receive 800 Swiss Francs to attend an international conference in 2018:

Ms. Lihui Gao will present her work entitled “In Situ Upgrading of Pyrolysis Biofuels and Heterogeneous Biochars by Mineral Incorporation into Biomass: Chemical vs. Mechanical Catalyst Mechanisms” at the “Fall 2018 National American Chemical Society Meeting”, which will be held on 19 August 2018 in Boston, MA, USA.

Dr. Joonho Jeon will present his work entitled “Characterization of Nanoparticle Distributions with in-Cylinder Flame Behaviors in a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine” at the “37th International Symposium on Combustion” which will be held on 29 July 2018 in Dublin, Ireland.

It was a very difficult decision with such high-quality applications for the awards, and we would like to thank all the applicants in various fields of study for their participation and all the Award Committee members for their evaluation of the abundant excellent applications. On behalf of the assessment committee, I congratulate the winners for their accomplishments.

Prof. Dr. Enrico Sciubba
Editor-in-Chief of Energies

Energies 2018 Travel Award
Past Winners


Hossein Pourrahmani
Ecole polytechnique federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Swtizerland
Guangchun (Grant) Ruan
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

Award Committee

Dr. Enrico Sciubba Chairman
university Niccolò Cusano - Roma
Dr. Elhoussin Elbouchikhi
Prof. Mofazzal Hossain
Curtin University
Prof. Dr. Paulo Santos
University of Coimbra, ISISE, Department of Civil Engineering
Prof. Xinhua Liang
Washington University in St. Louis
Dr. Gediminas Stankūnas


Roberta De Robbio
University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Monika Sandelic
Aalborg University, Denmark

Award Committee

Dr. Enrico Sciubba Chairman
university Niccolò Cusano - Roma
Prof. Dr. Leszek M. Chybowski
Maritime University of Szczecin
Prof. Xinhua Liang
Washington University in St. Louis
Dr. Gediminas Stankūnas
Prof. Dr. Saad Mekhilef
School of Science, Computing and Engineering Technologies,


Runxia Cai
North Carolina State University, USA

Award Committee

Dr. Enrico Sciubba Chairman
university Niccolò Cusano - Roma
Prof. Dr. Benedetto Nastasi
Sapienza University of Rome
Prof. Ferdinanda Ponci
RWTH Aachen University
Prof. Francisco Gonzalez-Longatt
Universitetet I Sørøst-Norge
Prof. Changkook Ryu


Irene Poza-Casado
Universidad de Valladolid, Spain
Nnaemeka Vincent Emodi
University of Tasmania, Australia

Award Committee

Dr. Enrico Sciubba Chairman
university Niccolò Cusano - Roma
Prof. Bryce Richards
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Prof. Fernando Rubiera
Institute of Science and Technology of Carbon (INCAR-CSIC)
Prof. Josep Guerrero
Center for Research on Microgrids CROM, AAU Energy, Aalborg University
Dr. Patrick Phelan
Arizona State University
Dr. Vasilis Fthenakis
Columbia University
Dr. Peter Schaeffer
West Virginia University
Prof. Tapas Mallick
University of Exeter
Prof. Ruud Weijermars
Prof. Craig JENSEN
University of Hawaii
Prof. José Matas
Barcelona East School of Engineering, Technical University of Catalonia (EEBE-UPC)
Prof. Dr. Giovanni Spagnuolo
University of Salerno
Prof. Marco Marengo
University of Brighton
Prof. Dr. João C. C. Henriques
Instituto Superior Técnico


Felix Utama Kosasih
University of Cambridge, UK
Alberto Sánchez González
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain

Award Committee

Dr. Helen Li Chairman
MDPI Branch Office, Beijing
Prof. David Wood
Dr. Vasilis Fthenakis
Columbia University
Prof. Tomonobu Senjyu
University of the Ryukyus
Prof. Fernando Rubiera
Institute of Science and Technology of Carbon (INCAR-CSIC)
Prof. Jung Rae Kim
Pusan National University


Federico Bella
Politecnico di Torino, Italy
CIRCE-Research Center for Energy Resources and Consumption, Spain

Award Committee

Dr. Enrico Sciubba Chairman
university Niccolò Cusano - Roma
Dr. Frede Blaabjerg
Aalborg University
Prof. Dr. Paul Stewart


Lihui Gao
China University of Mining and Technology, China
Joonho Jeon
University of Minnesota, USA
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