A section of Entropy (ISSN 1099-4300).
Section Information
Complex systems are widespread in many areas of science, and we encounter them every day in the most varied situations. Examples include financial markets, road transportation networks, telecommunications networks, global and national economies, social networks, immune systems, living organisms, computational systems, and electrical as well as mechanical structures.
Complex systems are generally composed of many interconnected and interacting entities, exhibiting much richer global-scale dynamics than could be obtained from the properties and behavior of individual entities. Complex systems are studied in many areas of the natural sciences, social sciences, engineering, physics, and mathematical sciences.
The Complexity Section provides a platform for researchers to share their discoveries about complex systems, namely studies with a deeper understanding of the underlying principles and their multiple practical applications. We welcome submissions that address innovative questions, as well as those on more specific topics, illustrating the broad impact of entropy-based techniques on complex systems.
We encourage the submission of original research related to complex systems, particularly in, but not limited to, the following areas:
Fundamental concepts: studies on the structures and dynamics of complex networks (network theory, network modeling, and their properties).Nonlinear dynamics and chaos: studies on nonlinear phenomena and chaotic behavior in complex systems.
Multi-agent systems: studies on multi-agent systems, including agent-based modeling, neural systems, and machine learning.
Adaptive systems: studies on adaptive systems, such as ecosystems and social as well as financial systems.
Biological complexity: studies on complex biological complex systems.
Financial and economic systems, with an emphasis on understanding their dynamics and stability.
Information theory: studies on information theory and entropy in complex systems.
Social sciences: studies on human society, including topics such as political systems, cultural dynamics, security, mobility, environmental systems, the spread of epidemics, and the diffusion of ideas. Download Section Flyer
Theoretical Aspects:
- algorithmic information theory
- bifurcation
- big data
- complex adaptive system
- complex and disordered systems
- complex network
- complex patterns
- complex systems
- complexity
- complexity and chaos theory
- computational complexity theory
- cybernetics
- data analysis
- data series
- entropy
- fractals
- fractional calculus
- fractionality
- information processing
- information theory, information fluctuation complexity
- Kolmogorov complexity
- network theory
- nonlinear dynamics
- nonlinearity
- power law
- probability theory
- randomness
- scientific visualization
- spontaneous order and self-organization
- stable distribution
- stochastic multiscale modeling
Application Aspects:
- complexity and management
- complexity and economics
- complexity and biology
- complexity and chemistry
- complexity and education
- complexity and modeling
- complexity and genetics
- complexity and geophysics
- complexity and engineering
- complexity and ecology
- complexity and network science
- complexity in rare and extreme phenomena
- general form of complexity computation
- general applications of complexity
Editorial Board
Topical Advisory Panel
Special Issues
Following special issues within this section are currently open for submissions:
- An Information-Theoretical Perspective on Complex Dynamical Systems (Deadline: 31 March 2025)
- Spreading Dynamics in Complex Networks (Deadline: 15 April 2025)
- Robustness and Resilience of Complex Networks (Deadline: 30 April 2025)
- Complexity Characteristics of Natural Language (Deadline: 15 May 2025)
- Time Series Analysis in Earthquake Complex Networks (Deadline: 20 May 2025)
- Entropy, Econophysics, and Complexity (Deadline: 30 May 2025)
- Community Detection and Clustering Complex Networks and Their Applications (Deadline: 31 May 2025)
- Complex Dynamic System Modelling, Identification and Control, 2nd Edition (Deadline: 31 May 2025)
- Complexity and Synchronization in Time Series (Deadline: 31 May 2025)
- Dynamics in Biological and Social Networks (Deadline: 31 May 2025)
- Complexity and Evolution, 2nd Edition (Deadline: 13 June 2025)
- Kolmogorov Complexity and Applications: Theoretical Achievements and Practical Tools (Deadline: 30 June 2025)
- Dynamics in Complex Neural Networks, 2nd Edition (Deadline: 15 July 2025)
- Structure, Dynamics, Phase Behavior and Applications of the Complex Disordered Systems (Deadline: 30 July 2025)
- Advances in Data Mining and Coding Theory for Data Compression (Deadline: 31 August 2025)
- Complexity, Entropy and the Physics of Information II (Deadline: 31 August 2025)
- Information Processing in Complex Biological Systems (Deadline: 31 August 2025)
- Risk Spillover and Transfer Entropy in Complex Financial Networks (Deadline: 15 September 2025)
- Information Spreading Dynamics in Complex Networks (Deadline: 20 October 2025)
- Nonlinear Dynamics of Complex Systems (Deadline: 31 October 2025)
- Entropy-Based Time Series Analysis: Theory and Applications (Deadline: 31 October 2025)
- Evolution of Community Complexity (Deadline: 1 November 2025)
- Emergent Dynamics of Complex Systems: From Synchronization to Clustering (Deadline: 31 December 2025)
- Complexity of Social Networks (Deadline: 31 March 2026)
Topical Collection
Following topical collection within this section is currently open for submissions: