Reviewer Board
Members of the reviewer board are selected from all Fishes reviewers for regularly providing timely high quality reports on submitted manuscripts. Responsibilities of reviewers are available here.
Interests: fish biology; fish reproduction; early life history traits, life history traits evolution; antarctic fish biology and ecology; gonads histology, gametogenesis, fish and fish larvae age and growth
Interests: bioacoustics; fish sound production; fish spawning aggregations; fish reproduction; soundscapes
Interests: behavioural ecology; personality; cognition; collective behaviour; environmental change; size-selective harvesting; zebrafish
Interests: fisheries management; small-scale fisheries; fisheries selectivity; fisheries governance; fisheries economics; fisheries certifications
Interests: animal behaviour; fish health; mucosal tissues; intermediate metabolism; Aquaculture
Interests: parasitology; aquatic organisms; ecology
Interests: fish and shellfish diseases; Aquaculture
Interests: marine science: aquaculture and biology of marine invertebrates, particularly bivalve molluscs
Interests: construction of genetic maps and whole genome maps; genetic analysis of important economic traits; transgenic and gene editing; whole genome breeding; genetic breeding and new variety cultivation
Interests: parasitology; fish parasites; parasitic helminths; oomycetes; mycology
Interests: small-scale fisheries; discards; multi-species fisheries; fisheries management; climate change
Interests: stress physiology; animals; behaviour; animal personality; marine biology; ecotoxicology; ecology
Interests: Fish Nutrition; functional aquafeeds; feed additives; alternative/emergent raw materials; mucosal health; welfare; disease resistance; nutritional pathologies; oxidative stress
Interests: ichthyoplankton; larval fish ecology; fisheries oceanography; multivariate statistics; small pelagic fishes; atlantic bluefin tuna
2. MARE—Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre, Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação Tecnologia e Inovação (ARDITI) Edif. Madeira Tecnopolo, Piso -2, Caminho da Penteada, 9020-105 Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
Interests: invasion ecology; community ecology; ecological niche modelling; species distribution models; spatial ecology; biogeography; non-indigenous species; taxonomy; marine conservation; fisheries; deep-see ecology; scientific diving; life history traits; climate change; stress ecology; experimental ecology
Interests: ichthyology; molecular phylogenetics and systematics of aquatic organisms; DNA barcoding; species delimitation and delineation techniques; environmental DNA; reproductive isolation; mitochondrial genomics; transcriptomics
Interests: water; fish; ecology; management; monitoring; alien species; macrozoobenthos; microplastic
Interests: marine biology; marine ecology; fishery research; fishery conservation; fishery management; fishery biology; marine bivalve fishery; small pelagic fishes; demersal fishes; morphometry of fishes; seagrass ecology; benthic ecology; marine molluscs; marine bivalve molluscs; climate change ecology; statistics in ecology
Interests: ecology; biogeography; biodiversity; fisheries; databases; GIS
Interests: aquatic animal genetics and breeding; larval development; growth; stress; Immunity
Interests: fishery biology; fish population dynamics; fishery management; abandoned fishing gears and ghost fishing; marine protected areas
Interests: fish population genetics and taxonomy; marine biology; ecology and deep sea biology; Aquaculture
Interests: freshwater fishes; ecology; morphology; conservation; bioacustics; Aquaculture; wildlife conservation
Interests: aquatic parasitic protists; aquatic micro-eukaryotic organisms; taxonomy; phylogeny; ecology and evolution; diagnosis and prevention of aquatic animal diseases