Society Collaborations
If you are a member of any of the following societies, please reach out to your society representative to learn more about the benefits of publishing with us, including discounts on article processing charges (APC).
Affiliated Societies
European Medical Association (EMA)
The European Medical Association, created in 1990, is an independent non-profit organisation, which offers every European Community doctor the opportunity to join a European network of doctors and add a European dimension to their professional and social life.
The Association today is made up of associate members in all the states of the European Union, and in many non-EU states, in Asia, Africa and, to a lesser extent, the Americas and Oceania.
EMA’s activities are open to any contribution of Members and non-Members. It is coordinated by the Executive Vice President for Medical Research and International relations with a focus on neglected or poorly promoted and developed global scale strategic topics for medicine.
EMA promote and develop initiatives and international working groups of experts, identify barriers and opportunities and suggest possible trajectories of implementation. The proposal for initiatives and working groups must include goals, context of action, main participants, target audience and planned deliverables (policy briefs, position statements, scientific articles, launch of a topical or a project collection, or of a special issue with a partner Journal or elsewhere, meetings, conferences or educational courses, in presence or as webinars, et al). The deliverables may include a final agreed document to be published and shared and disseminated as much as possible.
Ocular Wellness & Nutrition Society (OWNS)
The Ocular Wellness & Nutrition Society (OWNS) is an authoritative group of thought-leading eye-care professionals and scientists dedicated to educating eye doctors and patients alike about the importance of wellness and nutrition for optimal visual performance and ocular health, including the prevention and management of chronic eye disease. Our members include representation from optometry, ophthalmology, PhD, MD, CNS, Schools of Optometry faculty and students, and are located both in the United States and abroad. Our members deliver hundreds of hours of online and live continuing education programs, and many are prolific writers and contributors in the larger scientific community.