Financial Technology and Innovation

A section of Journal of Risk and Financial Management (ISSN 1911-8074).

Section Information

The Financial Technology and Innovation section welcomes the submission of high-quality papers examining the impact of the development of information and communication technology (ICT) on the financial aspects of our society. Studies focusing on the contributions to the analysis of machine learning, high frequency trading, distributed ledger technology, block chain, cryptocurrency, peer to peer, and so on are especially encouraged. The Financial Technology and Innovation section is open to publishing new and challenging studies focusing on a single country or a group of countries. Theoretical and empirical papers, as well as policy-oriented research papers, will be considered.

Prof. Dr. Shigeyuki Hamori
Section Editor-in-Chief


  • Financial Technology (Fintech)
    o Artificial Intelligence (AI)
    o Machine Learning
    o Deep Learning
    o Blockchain
    o Bitcoin
    o Cryptocurrencies
    o Digital Currencies
    o Alternative Assets
    o Big Data
    o Data Mining
    o Data Analytics
    o Cloud Computing and Analytics
  • Financial Innovation
    o Investment Crowdfunding
    o Mobile Banking (Online Banking)
    o Foreign Remittance
    o Automatic Savings Plan
    o Internet and Mobile Finance

Editorial Board

Topical Advisory Panel

Special Issues

Following special issues within this section are currently open for submissions:

Papers Published

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