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Editorial Board for section 'Advanced Materials Characterization'

Please see the section webpage for more information on this section.

Please note that the order in which the Editors appear on this page is alphabetical, and follows the structure of the editorial board presented on the MDPI website under information for editors: editorial board responsibilities.


Section Board Member
Department of Physics, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
Interests: micro/nanofabrication; semiconductor nanostructures; electrochemistry; chemical etching; electroless etching; silicon nanostructures; light-matter interaction; solar cell; catalysis; battery

Section Board Member
Director of UOW Electron Microscopy Centre, AIIM, Squires Way, Innovation Campus, University of Wollongong, North Wollongong, NSW 2500, Australia
Interests: physical metallurgy; steels; phase transformations; Ti alloys; atom probe tomography; mechanical behaviour; recrystallization; electron microscopy
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Section Board Member
Department of Metallic Structures and Hybrid Materials Systems, Institute for Materials Research, German Aerospace Centre, Linder Höhe, 51147 Cologne, Germany
Interests: light alloys; metals for additive manufacturing; three-dimensional material characterization; synchrotron tomography; high energy synchrotron diffraction; aluminum alloys; titanium alloys; magnesium alloys; titanium aluminides; metal matrix composites; phase transformations; relationships microstructure-properties; thermo-mechanical behavior of metals
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Section Board Member
Department of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Gdansk University of Technology, Narutowicza 11/12, 80-233 Gdansk, Poland
Interests: non-destructive testing; ultrasonic waves; ground penetrating radar; dynamics of structures; material testing
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Section Board Member
Institute of Structural Analysis and Antiseismic Research, School of Civil Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, 15773 Athens, Greece
Interests: linear and nonlinear theory of elasticity; advanced beam theories; elastic stability of structures (beams, plates); static and dynamic analysis of structures; nonlinear inelastic analysis of structures (beams, plates); flexural-torsional buckling of bars; post buckling equilibrium path; modeling for the static and dynamic analysis of multi-story buildings, bridges and large-scale civil engineering structures; creep and shrinkage effects in concrete structures; precast elements in structures with different time of casting; static and dynamic analysis of composite structures; soil-structure interaction; linear and nonlinear dynamic analysis of wind turbine towers; seismic isolation; νovel absorption and isolation concepts; applications to buildings, bridges and wind turbine towers
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Section Board Member
Institute of Solid State and Materials Physics, Technische Universität Dresden, 01062 Dresden, Germany
Interests: mechanisms of plastic deformation; microstructure development; texture formation; recrystallization; phase transformation

Section Board Member
Atominstitut der Osterreichischen Universitaten, Vienna, Austria
Interests: TXRF; grazing incidence XRF; micro-XRF for 2D and 2D imaging; synchrotron radiation induced XRF

Section Board Member
Department of Precision Instrument, Tsinghua University, Room 450, Building 9003, Beijing, China
Interests: MEMS design and process; precision measurement and control technology; analytical instrument; biochip and microfluidic research; electromechanical integration technology

Section Board Member
Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, China
Interests: nanostructured metallic materials; heterostructure materials; gradient nanograined materials; nanotwinned materials; mechanical properties

Section Board Member
Fracture & Structural Integrity Research Group (FSIRG), Campus Viriato, University of Salamanca (USAL) E.P.S., Avda. Requejo 33, 49022 Zamora, Spain
Interests: material characterization; materials; mechanical properties; finite element analysis; mechanical behavior of materials; mechanical testing; stress analysis; materials testing; metals; fracture mechanics; metallurgical engineering; engineering drawing; failure analysis; corrosion testing; finite element method; plasticity; technical drawing; steel corrosion testing; experimental mechanics; computational analysis; micromechanics; corrosion engineering; micromechanics of materials; fractography; corrosion science; steelmaking; material testing; fatigue; fracture strength
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Section Board Member
1. Laboratory of Excellence on Design of Alloy Metals for Low-Mass Structures, Lorraine University, Metz-Nancy, France
2. Institute of Physical Metallurgy, Metalforming and Nanotechnology, University of Miskolc, Miskolc, Hungary
Interests: mechanics of materials; polycrystal plasticity; crystallographic texture; strain hardening; nanomaterials by severe plastic deformation; multilevel modeling
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Section Board Member
School of Molecular Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA
Interests: thermal analysis and calorimetry; high temperature diffraction; rare earth oxides
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Section Board Member
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA
Interests: TEM; interfaces; grain boundaries; ceramics; microstructure evolution

Section Board Member
Debye Institute for Nanomaterials Science, Utrecht University, 3584CC Utrecht, The Netherlands
Interests: transmission electron microscopy; density functional theory; nanomaterials; nanocrystals

Section Board Member
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA 99352, USA
Interests: oxides; multiferroics; negative thermal expansion; soil science; mineral-organic interactions; bio/geoscience; x-ray diffraction; x-ray computed tomography; x-ray absorption spectroscopy; scanning transmission x-ray microscopy
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Section Board Member
Institute of Structure of Matter–CNR, Monterotondo Stazione, 00016 Rome, Italy
Interests: fabrication and investigation of magnetic and magneto-transport properties and their correlation with morpho-structural properties of nanostructured materials; single-phases; magnetic composites

Section Board Member
Department of Engineering and Technology, School of Computing and Engineering, University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield HD1 3DH, W Yorkshire, UK
Interests: material and surface characterisation and analysis (STM, AFM, electron microscopy and spectroscopy, nanoindentation); ion beam implantation and materials processing by ion beams; thin film deposition, characterisation and applications; analytical nstrumentation; provision of analytical service, support and training

Section Board Member
Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
Interests: multiscale modeling; mechanical properties; low-dimensional materials; graphene foams; nano-porous materials

grade Website
Section Board Member
1. State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Xi’an 710119, China
2. Center of Materials Science and Optoelectronics Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Interests: glass science and technology; optical materials; mid-infrared soft glasses and fibers; laser–matter interaction; laser-induced damage mechanism
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Section Board Member
Laboratory for Nanometallurgy, Department of Materials, ETH Zurich, Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 5, HCI G 503, 8093 Zürich, Switzerland
Interests: micro- and nanomechanics; micro- and nanostructure characterization

Section Board Member
Institute of Metal Research Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang, China
Interests: metal matrix composites; friction stir welding; hot working; aluminium alloys; magnesium alloys
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Section Board Member
School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
Interests: heterogeneous catalytic hydrogenation; catalytic reaction engineering; biomass conversion; heterogeneous catalysis in fine chemicals; efficient utilization of syngas

Section Board Member
School of Physics and Nano Institute, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
Interests: microscopy and microanalysis; nanomagnetism and spintronics; 1D and 2D nanostructures; halide perovskites; energy materials
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