Topical Advisory Panel


CEA-Tech, Departement SAS, Centre CMP, Mines de Saint-Etienne, 13541 Gardanne, France
Interests: cryptology; cryptanalyse; cryptography; elliptic curves; pairing; finite fields; arithmetic; security; side channels attacks
Department of Computer Science, University of Haifa, Haifa 3498838, Israel
Interests: game theory; quantitative formal methods; studying games on the border between with algorithmic game theory and formal methods

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Petroşani, 332006 Petroşani, Romania
Interests: integral equations; differential equations; fixed point theory

Department of Mathematics Education, Science Educación Faculty, University of Granada, Campus de la Cartuja s/n, 18071 Granada, Spain
Interests: mathematics education; early algebra; algebraic thinking; numerical thinking; teacher education; mathematics instruction
NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS), Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 1070-312 Lisbon, Portugal
Interests: machine learning theory; machine learning applications; big data; data mining; text mining; business analytics

Department of Mathematics & Wave Lab, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, FL, USA
Interests: nonlinear fluid dynamics; drops; liquid bubbles; liquid shells; solitons and nonlinear waves on compact surfaces; extreme waves; patterns; liquid drop nuclear model; clusters; Leidenfrost effect
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Department of Statistics and Operational Research and Mathematics Didactics, Universidad de Oviedo, 33007 Oviedo, Spain
Interests: data aggregation; social choice theory

Department of Mathematics, University of Almeria, E-04120 Almeria, Spain
Interests: numbers; semigroup theory; commutative algebra; algebraic geometry
Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Universidad de Alcalá. Plaza de la Victoria, 2, Alcalá de Henares, 28802 Madrid, Spain
Interests: financial economics; derivative valuation; commodity derivatives; risk management; actuarial finance; reverse mortgages

Department of Applied Mathematics I, University of Seville, 41012 Sevilla, Spain
Interests: combinatorics; Latin squares; Hadamard matrices; non-associative algebras; algebraic geometry
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Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de València, 46022 Valencia, Spain
Interests: marketing; neuromarketing; market research; strategy; manufacturing; design

Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Babes Bolyai University, 1st Mihail Kogălniceanu Street, 400084 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Interests: deep learning; biometrics; visual surveillance; facial feature analysis
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ESTG - School of Management and Technology, P.PORTO - Polytechnic of Porto, CIICESI – Center for Research and Innovation in Business Sciences and Information Systems, Rua do Curral, Casa do Curral, Margaride, 4610-156 Felgueiras, Portugal
Interests: multivariate data analysis; direct search optimization; nonlinear programming
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Department of Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Iasi, 700050 Iasi, Romania
Interests: finite element analysis; modeling and simulation; electrical engineering
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E.T.S.I. Aeronáutica y del Espacio, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Plaza Cardenal Cisneros, 3, 28040 Madrid, Spain
Interests: inverse problems; scattering theory: computational acoustics and electromagnetics; boundary integral equation methods; numerical solution of pdes; reduced order models
Dipartimento di Matematica "Giuseppe Peano", Universita di Torino, 100084 Turin, Italy
Interests: logical foundations of computation (Logic); system modelling, verification and reuse (MoVeRe); quantum informatics laboratory (QuiLab); center for logic, language, and cognition (LLC)

Public Finance Research Institute, Faculty of Science of Public Governance and Administration, National University of Public Service, 1083 Budapest, Hungary
Interests: public finances; accounting; controlling; management

National Research Council of Italy, Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo "Mauro Picone" (IAC), I-80131 Napoli, Italy
Interests: numerical analysis and scientific computing; parallel numerical linear algebra and numerical software
Department of Mechanics, Mathematics, and Management (DMMM), Politecnico di Bari, Bari, Italy
Interests: acoustics and vibration analysis; engineering mechanics; structural modal identification; fluid-structure interaction; dynamical systems; differential equations

Department of Mathematics, Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155, USA
Interests: linear algebraic groups; algebraic groups; Lie algebras; representation theory

Departament d’Economia Aplicada, Facultat d’Economia, Campus dels Tarongers s/n, Universitat de València, 46022 València, Spain
Interests: actuarial sciences; applied statistical techniques; dynamical systems and attractors; ordinary differential equations (or systems); modelization

Department of Applied Mathematics and Iuma, University of Zaragoza, 50018 Zaragoza, Spain
Interests: dynamical systems; bifurcations; mathematical neuroscience; cardiac dynamics

Faculty of Economics, Computer Science and Engineering, 310025 Arad, Romania
Interests: human capital; European economics; sustainable development; globalisation; energy use; economic complexity
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Institute for Applied Mathematics "Mauro Picone" IAC, Italian National Research Council, 00185 Rome, Italy
Interests: analysis; quantitative social research; social policy; qualitative social research

Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Sciences, Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacău, 600115 Bacău, Romania
Interests: artificial intelligence; probability theory; education
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Departamento de Matemática, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal
Interests: fractional calculus; integral equations; numerical analysis

Department of Economics, Business and Statistics, University of Palermo, 90128 Palermo, Italy
Interests: complex social systems; financial markets; networks; consumer behavior; combinatorics

Institute of Applied Mathematics for Science and Engineering (IMACI), University of Castilla-La Mancha, 45071 Toledo, Spain
Interests: optimal experimental design; survival analysis; algorithms; model robust design; mixture experiments
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Department of Automation Engineering, Electronics, and Computer Architecture, Universidad de Cádiz, Cadiz, Spain
Interests: numerical modeling; numerical analysis; magnetic field; inverse problems

Department of Mathematics, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056, USA
Interests: applied analysis; infinite dimensional dynamical systems and differential equations; spectral theory of differential operators; stability of traveling waves and periodic patterns; analysis; applied mathematics; analysis of partial differential equations; Maslov index; infinite dimensional dynamical systems; stability of patterns
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