Most Cited & Viewed

Most Cited & Viewed Papers

Citations Article
Mitigating the Multicollinearity Problem and Its Machine Learning Approach: A Review
by Jireh Yi-Le Chan, Steven Mun Hong Leow, Khean Thye Bea, Wai Khuen Cheng, Seuk Wai Phoong, Zeng-Wei Hong and Yen-Lin Chen
Survey on Synthetic Data Generation, Evaluation Methods and GANs
by Alvaro Figueira and Bruno Vaz
Review of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Technologies: Classification, Restrictions, Opportunities and Challenges
by Ravil I. Mukhamediev, Yelena Popova, Yan Kuchin, Elena Zaitseva, Almas Kalimoldayev, Adilkhan Symagulov, Vitaly Levashenko, Farida Abdoldina, Viktors Gopejenko, Kirill Yakunin, Elena Muhamedijeva and Marina Yelis
Consistency Indices in Analytic Hierarchy Process: A Review
by Sangeeta Pant, Anuj Kumar, Mangey Ram, Yury Klochkov and Hitesh Kumar Sharma
PFVAE: A Planar Flow-Based Variational Auto-Encoder Prediction Model for Time Series Data
by Xue-Bo Jin, Wen-Tao Gong, Jian-Lei Kong, Yu-Ting Bai and Ting-Li Su
Buckling Analysis of Functionally Graded Tapered Microbeams via Rayleigh–Ritz Method
by Bekir Akgöz and Ömer Civalek
Auto-Encoders in Deep Learning—A Review with New Perspectives
by Shuangshuang Chen and Wei Guo
Classification of Monkeypox Images Based on Transfer Learning and the Al-Biruni Earth Radius Optimization Algorithm
by Abdelaziz A. Abdelhamid, El-Sayed M. El-Kenawy, Nima Khodadadi, Seyedali Mirjalili, Doaa Sami Khafaga, Amal H. Alharbi, Abdelhameed Ibrahim, Marwa M. Eid and Mohamed Saber
Recent Advances in Stochastic Gradient Descent in Deep Learning
by Yingjie Tian, Yuqi Zhang and Haibin Zhang
A Modified Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithm for an Intrusion Detection System
by Abdullah Alzaqebah, Ibrahim Aljarah, Omar Al-Kadi and Robertas Damaševičius
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Review of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Technologies: Classification, Restrictions, Opportunities and Challenges
by Ravil I. Mukhamediev, Yelena Popova, Yan Kuchin, Elena Zaitseva, Almas Kalimoldayev, Adilkhan Symagulov, Vitaly Levashenko, Farida Abdoldina, Viktors Gopejenko, Kirill Yakunin, Elena Muhamedijeva and Marina Yelis
Survey on Synthetic Data Generation, Evaluation Methods and GANs
by Alvaro Figueira and Bruno Vaz
Auto-Encoders in Deep Learning—A Review with New Perspectives
by Shuangshuang Chen and Wei Guo
Algorithmic Trading and Financial Forecasting Using Advanced Artificial Intelligence Methodologies
by Gil Cohen
Mitigating the Multicollinearity Problem and Its Machine Learning Approach: A Review
by Jireh Yi-Le Chan, Steven Mun Hong Leow, Khean Thye Bea, Wai Khuen Cheng, Seuk Wai Phoong, Zeng-Wei Hong and Yen-Lin Chen
A Survey on Evaluation Metrics for Machine Translation
by Seungjun Lee, Jungseob Lee, Hyeonseok Moon, Chanjun Park, Jaehyung Seo, Sugyeong Eo, Seonmin Koo and Heuiseok Lim
Chaos-Based Image Encryption: Review, Application, and Challenges
by Bowen Zhang and Lingfeng Liu
Predicting Stock Price Changes Based on the Limit Order Book: A Survey
by Ilia Zaznov, Julian Kunkel, Alfonso Dufour and Atta Badii
A Systematic Review of Consensus Mechanisms in Blockchain
by Sisi Zhou, Kuanching Li, Lijun Xiao, Jiahong Cai, Wei Liang and Arcangelo Castiglione
Financial Time Series Forecasting with the Deep Learning Ensemble Model
by Kaijian He, Qian Yang, Lei Ji, Jingcheng Pan and Yingchao Zou
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Survey on Synthetic Data Generation, Evaluation Methods and GANs
by Alvaro Figueira and Bruno Vaz
The Impact of Working Capital Management on Corporate Performance in Small–Medium Enterprises in the Visegrad Group
by Jaroslav Mazanec
Review of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Technologies: Classification, Restrictions, Opportunities and Challenges
by Ravil I. Mukhamediev, Yelena Popova, Yan Kuchin, Elena Zaitseva, Almas Kalimoldayev, Adilkhan Symagulov, Vitaly Levashenko, Farida Abdoldina, Viktors Gopejenko, Kirill Yakunin, Elena Muhamedijeva and Marina Yelis
Algorithmic Trading and Financial Forecasting Using Advanced Artificial Intelligence Methodologies
by Gil Cohen
Mitigating the Multicollinearity Problem and Its Machine Learning Approach: A Review
by Jireh Yi-Le Chan, Steven Mun Hong Leow, Khean Thye Bea, Wai Khuen Cheng, Seuk Wai Phoong, Zeng-Wei Hong and Yen-Lin Chen
Predicting Stock Price Changes Based on the Limit Order Book: A Survey
by Ilia Zaznov, Julian Kunkel, Alfonso Dufour and Atta Badii
Bipolar Complex Fuzzy Subgroups
by Xiaopeng Yang, Tahir Mahmood and Ubaid ur Rehman
Design of an NSMCR Based Controller for All-Electric Aircraft Anti-Skid Braking System
by Xuelin Liang, Fengrui Xu, Mengqiao Chen and Wensheng Liu
Auto-Encoders in Deep Learning—A Review with New Perspectives
by Shuangshuang Chen and Wei Guo
Personal Traits and Digital Entrepreneurship: A Mediation Model Using SmartPLS Data Analysis
by Abu Elnasr E. Sobaih and Ibrahim A. Elshaer

Most Cited & Viewed Special Issues

Published: Last 36 months
Avg. Citations Special Issue
Chaotic Systems and Their Applications
Guest Editors and | Number of Papers: 12
New Insights in Machine Learning and Deep Neural Networks
Guest Editors and | Number of Papers: 10
Optimisation Algorithms and Their Applications
Guest Editors , , and | Number of Papers: 19
Modeling and Simulation in Engineering, 2nd Edition
Guest Editors and | Number of Papers: 13
Advances in Computational Intelligence in Geotechnical and Geological Engineering
Guest Editors , Hadi Khabbaz, , and | Number of Papers: 12
Advances in Computational Fluid Dynamics with Applications
Guest Editors and | Number of Papers: 13
Advances in Machine Learning and Applications
Guest Editors and | Number of Papers: 21
Recent Advances in Machine learning and Deep Learning Theories: Towards Intelligent Fault Diagnosis
Guest Editors , , and | Number of Papers: 11
Functional Data Analysis: Theory and Applications to Different Scenarios
Guest Editor | Number of Papers: 12
New Advances in Analytical and Numerical Techniques in Fluid Mechanics
Guest Editors and | Number of Papers: 20
Published: Last 36 months
Views Special Issue
Advances in Machine Learning and Applications
Guest Editors and | Number of Papers: 21
Engineering Calculation and Data Modeling
Guest Editors , , Chunxiao Yu and | Number of Papers: 22
Advances in Artificial Intelligence: Data, Methods and Interdisciplinary Applications
Guest Editors , , and | Number of Papers: 24
New Insights in Machine Learning and Deep Neural Networks
Guest Editors and | Number of Papers: 10
Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Healthcare Applications and Advances
Guest Editors , and | Number of Papers: 16
Advances in Computer Vision and Machine Learning
Guest Editors , and | Number of Papers: 21
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Guest Editors and | Number of Papers: 26
Optimisation Algorithms and Their Applications
Guest Editors , , and | Number of Papers: 19
Mathematical Problems in Aerospace
Guest Editors , Haijun Peng and | Number of Papers: 20
Modeling and Simulation for the Electrical Power System
Guest Editors , , and | Number of Papers: 19
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