Travel Award

Dear Colleagues,

As Editor-in-Chief of Medical Sciences, on behalf of the Travel Award 2017 Committee, it is my pleasure to announce that the winner of the 2017 Medical Sciences Travel Award is Dr. Marie-Helene Guertin.

Marie-Helene Guertin holds a PhD in Epidemiology in the field of breast cancer screening. She is currently working as a postdoctoral researcher at the Oncology Unit of CHU Québec Research Center, Laval University, where she is performing randomized controlled trials, testing nutritional interventions on prostate cancer progression. During her PhD, she has co-authored seven articles in international peer-reviewed journals, has been awarded several prizes and has attended conferences to give both oral and poster presentations.

On behalf of Medical Sciences, she will be awarded 600 Swiss Francs to attend the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), that will be held June 1–5 2018 in Chicago, Illinois, USA. There, she will present her work on “Effects of a dietary intervention to increase omega-3 Intake, compared to dutasteride, in men with lowrisk prostate cancer under active surveillance: preliminary results on fatty acids intake and fatty acids profiles of red blood cells and prostate tissue”.

Prof. Dr. Antoni Torres

Medical Sciences 2017 Travel Award
Past Winners


John Charles Rotondo
University of Ferrara

Award Committee

Mr. Antoni Torres Chairman
Hospital Clinic of Barcelona, IDIBAPS, CIBERES, UB
Prof. Dr. Amedeo Lonardo
Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria
Prof. Jean-Marie Exbrayat
Dr. Ravi Sahu
Wright State University
Prof. Gaetano Santulli


Elisa Ramos-Sevillano
Mohammad Abdul Hai Siddique
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Tohoku University

Award Committee

Mr. Antoni Torres Chairman
Hospital Clinic of Barcelona, IDIBAPS, CIBERES, UB
Dr. Shailesh K. Shahi
University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine
Dr. Jordi Gracia-Sancho
Dr. Jacobo Sellares Torres
Dr. Javier Ochoa-Repáraz
Eastern Washington University
Dr. Shengwen Calvin Li
CHOC Children's Research Institute, Children's Health of Orange County, or CHOC
Dr. Alicia San José
Dr. Roxana Maria Nemeș
Prof. Jean-Marie Exbrayat
Prof. Gaetano Santulli
Dr. Catia Cilloniz
Hospital Clinic of Barcelona
Prof. Vito Martella
Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Bari, Italy
Dr. Laia Fernández-Barat


Marie-Helene Guertin
Oncology Unit of CHU Québec Research Center, Laval University
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