Best PhD Thesis Award

Launched in 2021, the Processes Best PhD Thesis Award is annually presented to recognize young scholars who are judged to have completed the most outstanding PhD thesis in the fields of chemistry, biochemistry, biology, materials, or related process/systems engineering research, and to encourage them to continue their outstanding work and make further contributions to their field. Applications for this award are open from August to July every year, and winners are announced in September.

The prize comprises the following:
– Bonus (CHF 500);
– A certificate;
– A voucher granting a full discount on the article processing charge, valid for one year.

Number of Winners: one

Processes Best PhD Thesis Award
Application deadline: 31 July 2025
Winner announcement: 30 September 2025

Eligibility and Requirements

  • The candidate must be a PhD student or recently qualified PhD who has produced a highly anticipated thesis with great academic potential;
  • The PhD thesis must be their original work;
  • The PhD thesis must be defended in 2025.

Required Application Documents

  • An executive summary of the PhD thesis in English of around 3000 words;
  • A letter from the PhD supervisor recommending the candidate for consideration for this award;
  • The candidate’s CV, including a list of publications connected with the thesis;
  • An electronic copy of the PhD thesis;
  • A scanned copy of the PhD diploma (or certificate of studying at a school or research institute as a PhD student going to graduate or participate in graduation thesis defenses).
Past Winners


Shuyao Wang
McGill University, Canada

Award Committee

Prof. Dr. Giancarlo Cravotto Chairman
Department of Drug Science and Technology, University of Turin
Dr. Antoni Sánchez
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Prof. Dariusz Dziki
University of Life Sciences in Lublin
Dr. Xiaodong Wu
Dr. Michael C. Georgiadis
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Prof. Evangelos Tsotsas


Angela Paul a/p Peter
Xiamen University Malaysia, Malaysia

Award Committee

Prof. Dr. Giancarlo Cravotto Chairman
Department of Drug Science and Technology, University of Turin
Prof. Vicenç Puig
Prof. Fausto Gallucci
Prof. Evangelos Tsotsas
Prof. Krist V. Gernaey
Technical University of Denmark
Dr. Antoni Sánchez
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Prof. Dr. Blaž Likozar
National Institute of Chemistry


Kensaku Matsunami
Ghent University, Belgium

Award Committee

Prof. Dr. Giancarlo Cravotto Chairman
Department of Drug Science and Technology, University of Turin
Prof. Hoon Kim
Department of Pharmacy, Sunchon National University
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