8–9 December 2025, Athens, Georgia
15th Southern Forestry and Natural Resource Management GIS Conference
The University of Georgia and the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources invite researchers and professionals in forestry and natural resource management to a conference devoted to issues and advances in the use of geographic information systems (GISs) and related mapping and spatial technologies. The following topics will be addressed:
- Mapping;
- UAVs;
- Forest inventory;
- Geospatial technologies;
- Forest health;
- Natural hazards/fires in forestry;
- Forest economics and policy;
- Recreation;
- GPS;
- LiDAR;
- Biomass and bioenergy;
- GPS accuracy assessments;
- Remote sensing;
- Urban forestry;
- Forest sustainability;
- Invasive species.
The conference plans to offer 12.0 (Category 1) Society of American Foresters Continuing Forestry Education (CFE) credits and 12.0 (Category B) Georgia Master Timber Harvester Continuing Logger Education (CLE) credits.
We hope that you will join us!