
Journal Browser

Journal Browser

Reviewer Board

Members of the reviewer board are selected from all Sustainability reviewers for regularly providing timely high quality reports on submitted manuscripts. Responsibilities of reviewers are available here.


Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA
Interests: transportation; intelligent transport system; network modeling; optimization; machine learning; data mining
Department of Biology, Geology and Environmental Science, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Chattanooga, TN 37403, USA
Interests: GIS; remote sensing; spatial analysis in different areas of earth and environmental science

Department of Civil Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, Kimmeria Campus, 67100 Xanthi, Greece
Interests: rainfall-runoff; soil erosion; sediment transport; reservoir sedimentation
Department of ManagementFo Guang University, Yilan County 26247, Taiwan
Interests: travel issues; hotel management; sustainability tourism; tourism management
InfoSol, INRA, US 1106, F-4075 Orléans, France
Interests: geostatistic; spatial analysis; digital soil mapping; pedometrics; environmental science; soil pollutuon
Public Health Microbiology University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204, USA
Interests: cyanobacteria; ELISA; HPLC; cyanobacteria blooms; microcystin; microcystis; cyanotoxin; mycosporine-like amino acids; fungal pathogen

Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Sophia University, Tokyo 102-8554, Japan
Interests: integrated watershed science and management; river and lake water qaulity; wetland conservation and wise use
Department of Social Sciences, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL 60616, USA
Interests: FDI; Innovation; economic development; housing and built environment; geospatial analysis
Department of Geosciences, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, CA 72701, USA
Interests: remote sensing; GIS; geoai; social media; hazard
School for Business and Society, University of York, Heslington YO105DD, UK
Interests: sustainable supply chains, management of disruptions to distribution/logistics and high value manufacturing

Faculty of Art and Design, University of Lapland, OH 44242 Rovaniemi, Finland
Interests: cultural sustainability; sustainable culture; art education for sustainability; informal education

Centre for Sustainable Road Freight and Centre for Logistics and Sustainability, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, UK
Interests: simulation; modeling; agent-based modeling; multi-agent systems; carpooling; ride sharing; algorithms; pattern matching; transportation; travel behavior; organizational based modeling; modeling interactions

W.K. Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA
Interests: ecosystem ecology; ecological sustainability; biofuel; water use; biomass production; carbon balance
Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada
Interests: climate change; engineering education; mitigation; sustainable infrastructure; urban; cities; greenhouse gas emissions; climate economics; marginal abatement cost curves; climate action plan; budgets

Center for Environment and Water, Research Institute, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia
Interests: water treatment; nanomaterials in water treatment; carbon membrane; adsorption; MXenes

Agricultural Economics, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MI 65211, USA
Interests: agriculture; food security; land use planning; food sovereignty; agricultural sustainability; hunger; malnutrition; industrial agriculture; local foods; agri-food sustainability; multifunctional agriculture; diet-health risks

Faculty of Geography, Babeş-Bolyai University, 400006 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Interests: urban/rural regeneration; local development; territorial identity; regional geography; qualitative methods
Landscape Architecture, University of Texas, Arlington, TX 76019, USA
Interests: green infrastructure; water sensitive design; community engagement; community based design; sustainable development; green street
School of Engineering and the Built Environment, Faculty of Science & Engineering, Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford CM1 1SQ, UK
Interests: water and wastewater infrastructure resilience; water and wastewater infrastructure interdependency; impact analysis; system modelling; optimisation; ANN
Haskayne School of Business, The University of Calgary, Calgary, AB T2N 1N4, Canada
Interests: sustainability; innovation; environment; management; policy; strategy; energy; renewable

Centre for Maritime Studies (CMS), University of Turku, 20500 Turku, Finland
Interests: industry innovation; management innovation; studies innovation; economic development creativity; social media; regional development; geography technology
Department of Industrial Engineering - University of Napoles Federico II
Interests: sustainable development; green mobility; atmospheric dispersion models; emission inventory; vehicle exhaust pollutants; experimental-analytical investigation on emissions of SI engines fuelled with ga

National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest, Romania
Interests: waste management; energy; integrated technologies; environmental assessment; sustainable development

Australian Institute for Business and Economics, Faculty of Business, Economics and Law, University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD 4072, Australia
Interests: behavioral freight modeling; blockchain technology and supply chain and logistics use cases; agent-based modeling econometrics; geographic information system and GEO spatial analysis; behavioral econometric modeling
School of Architecture Computing and Engineering (ACE), University of East London, 4-6 University Way, London, UK
Interests: cloud computing; privacy; Information system; cyber security; requirements engineering; risks management
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA
Interests: sustainable construction; risk management; risk perceptions

University of Bari (Italy) - Dpt of Economy and Finance Largo Abbazia S. Scolastica n. 53 70124 Bari - Italy
Interests: tourism; sustainabilty; geopolitics; territory; geoeconomy; agriculture

Department of Construction Management, Florida Gulf Coast University, Fort Myers, FL 33965, USA
Interests: construction safety; project management; planning; sustainable construction

Calluna AB, Hästholmsvägen 28, 131 30 Nacka, Sweden
Interests: lighting; measures; street; speed-reduction; day; night; traffic calming
Department of Biosystems Engineering, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849, USA
Interests: kinetic modeling; reservoir engineering; enhanced oil recovery; crude oil; oil fractal analysis; catalyst preparation; biomass pyrolysis; hydrodeoxygenation; catalysis lubricants; heterogeneous catalysis; pyrolysis; gasification; hydrothermal liquefaction; transesterification; lignocellulosic biomass
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