Reviewer Board
Members of the reviewer board are selected from all Vaccines reviewers for regularly providing timely high quality reports on submitted manuscripts. Responsibilities of reviewers are available here.
Interests: Immunology; vaccines; T cells; epitopes; immunotherapy; clinical trial; statistical modeling; infectious diseases; viruses; structural biology
Interests: host innate immune evasion by emerging pathogens; particularly arenaviruses; virology; restriction factors; host-virus interactions; structural biology
Interests: tuberculosis; drug development; enzymology; chaperones; proteases; protein science
Interests: asfv; csfv; porcine macrophages; porcine dendritic cells; porcine T cells
Interests: vaccines; nanotechnology; adjuvants; thermostability; microneedles; novel drug delivery systems
Interests: germ-free models; vibrionacea; innate and mucosal immunity; genomics; cell and molecular microbiology; biotechnology; aquaculture; host-microbe interactions; non-model fish; zebrafish; human immunology; autoinflammatory diseases; psoriasis; ibd; arteriosclerosis
Interests: animal health; epidemiology; genetic; public health; virology; zoonoses
Interests: viral immunology; innate immunity; adaptive immunity; adjuvants; vaccines; immune pathways; fish immunology; rhabdovirus; virus-host interaction; RNA virus; DNA virus
Interests: drug delivery; nano/microparticles; in vitro/in vivo assays; mucosal; vaccines
Interests: PCR; DNA; Gel electrophoresis; RNA; gene expression; electrophoresis; DNA extraction; DNA sequencing; DNA gel electrophoresis; molecular genetics
Interests: flavivirus; coxiella burnetii; innate immunity; host response; microbiology; translational control
Interests: dendritic cells; cancer vaccines; cancer antigens; immunotherapy; chemical biology; Nanoparticles; cancer metabolism
Interests: avian influenza; influenza; influenza a virus; molecular virology; vaccination; emerging infectious diseases; viral infection; viral immunology; immunology of infectious diseases; reverse genetics; antivirals; viral cell culture
Interests: small RNA; RNA viruses; antiviral rnai; small RNA modification
Interests: innate immunity; host-pathogen interactions; vaccinia virus; poxvirus; adaptive immunity; mousepox; ectromelia virus
Interests: immune modulation; cancer immunity and immunotherapy; neuroimmunology; neurotropic viruses; virus clearance from the CNS
Interests: papillomavirus; animal models; rabbit papillomavirus; mouse papillomavirus; DNA vaccine; immunology; virology; blood transmission; vaccine delivery; cancer
Interests: prophylatic mRNA vaccine; linearized mRNA vaccine; circRNA vaccine; epitope based vaccine; infectious disease; prefusion antigen; t cell immunity; humoral immunity; mRNA vaccine
Interests: public health; vaccination; HPV; cervical cancer; gambling
Interests: innate immune signaling; antivirals; viral immunology; TLR signaling; innate immune training; host-virus interaction; functional genomic studies in immunology and virology; CRISPR; RNAi
Interests: arenavirus; Lassa virus; Venezuelan equine encephalitis; live attenuated vaccine; defective interfering particles
Interests: fish vaccine; fish lymphocyte; aquaculture; variable lymphocyte receptors of hagfish
Interests: virology; human vaccines; veterinary vaccines; live vaccines; dinucleotide recoding; viral evolution; pathogenesis
Interests: HIV; vaccine; B cell response; neutralizing antibodies; nonneutralizing antibodies; system serology; immunogen design; viral glycosylation; SIV
Interests: vaccine design and development; immunoinformatics; bioinformatics; cancer vaccine; HLA typing
Interests: viral immunology; mathematical analysis of dynamical systems; mathematical modeling in virology; epidemiology; ecology; economy; control systems; population dynamics
Interests: parasite immunology; vaccine development; autoimmune and inflammatory disorders; filariasis
Interests: covid; viral vector vaccine; HIV vaccine; oncolytic virus
Interests: immunology; neutrophil biology; neutrophil extracellular traps; viral immune response
Interests: antiviral therapies; influenza a virus; CD8+ T cell; antibodies; SARS2