Reviewer Board
Members of the reviewer board are selected from all Water reviewers for regularly providing timely high quality reports on submitted manuscripts. Responsibilities of reviewers are available here.
Interests: flood risk; water quality; earth observation and remote sensing; citizen observations and social media analytics; deep learning and fusion of satellite; social and in-situ data
Interests: groundwater; mathematical modeling; inverse problems; hydrogeophysics; solute transport
Interests: water distribution systems; hydroinformatics; modelling; resilience; water network partitioning; Watershed Hydrology; sensitivity analysis; complexity science; water distribution network monitoring
Interests: agricultural economics; agricultural land management; environment planning; water quantity and quality modelling; water and land use policy
Interests: urban water management; urban hydrology; hydraulics and water resources; sustainability
Interests: water resources management; hydrology; numerical modeling of surface water/groundwater; groundwater-surface water interactions; water environment monitoring system
Interests: water engineering; emerging pollutants; sewage; MBR; membrane bioreactor; AST; xenobiotic pollutants; circular economy; environmental risks; wastewater treatment; water reuse; desalination; activated sludge treatment; water reclamation and reuse; sustainable tourism; tourism & AMP; AMP; water; water cost; membranes; advanced oxidation processes
Interests: teleconnections; ENSO; pacific decadal oscillation; drought; snowfall; precipitation
Interests: hydrologic modeling; water quality modeling; storm water management; SWMM; urban hydrology; water resource management
Interests: groundwater flow and transport; numerical modelling; stochastic modelling; multiphysics modelling of surface and subsurface waters; mesh-free modelling; spline based numerical modelling
Interests: advanced oxidation processes (AOPs); electro-fenton; anodic oxidation; applications of nanomaterials in aop; electro-coagulation; capacitive deionization (cdi); removal of emerging contaminants; bio nanomaterials; bionancellulose synthesis and applications; membrane fabrication; Fenton; photocatalysis

Interests: machine learning; hydrology; water resources management; wastewater hydraulics; water distribution systems; urban drainage; water quality.
Interests: hydrogeology; groundwater modelling; groundwater resources; groundwater protection; water management; sustainable use of water; geoinformatics
Interests: geomorphology; hydrology; river; river basin; runoff; soil; erosion; gully; sediment load; sediment yield; catchment; land cover; land use; climate change; floodplains; water flow; water discharge; flood; alluvium; landscape; landforms; land degradation
Interests: phototrophic microorganisms; phototrophic biofilm; cyanobacteria; microalgae; photosynthesis; photoacclimation; wastewater treatment; nutrient removal; biomass cultivation; photobioreactor
Interests: water treatments; waste water treatments; water monitoring; adsorption; arsenic; fluoride; heavy metals
Interests: hydraulics; environmental hydraulics; water-resources engineering; sediment transport; computational fluid dynamics (CFD); experimental fluid mechanics; geophysical fluid dynamics; turbulence
Interests: Ecohydrology; water quality; water monitoring; soil and water conservation; blue infrastructure
Interests: sediment transport; fish passes; local scour; river engineering; multicriteria methods
Interests: evaluation of the soil-plants interaction; wetland ecosystems; rehabilitation of the damaged ecosystems
Interests: soil; water; wastewater; sanitation; hygiene; Disinfection; manure; enteric microorganisms; environmental microbiology; ecological sanitation; Water and Wastewater Treatment
Interests: small catchment hydrology; rainfall-runoff models; sediment transport; water quality in rivers
Interests: complexity science; time series mining; predictive analytics; network dynamics; agent-based Models; critical infrastructure; smart systems; asset management; resilience engineering; water infrastructure
Interests: coastal wave transformation; harbor oscillation; storm surge mitigation; removable breakwater; beach nourishment
Interests: drinking water treatment
Interests: aeolian processes; foredune; Channel Bar; coastal geomorphology; beaver; fluvial geomorphology; Zoogeomorphology
Interests: estuarine dynamics; numerical modeling; ocean/estuary exchange; climate change; ocean circulation; dissolved substances transport
Interests: hydrology; hydraulics; water quality modelling; extreme event modelling; linear and non-linear modelling; machine learning approaches in hydro logic application
Interests: marine biology; environmental chemistry; water quality; environmental analysis; metabolomics; aquatic toxicology; environmental microbiology
Interests: rainfall-runoff; soil erosion; sediment transport; reservoir sedimentation