
Journal Browser

Journal Browser

Reviewer Board

Members of the reviewer board are selected from all Water reviewers for regularly providing timely high quality reports on submitted manuscripts. Responsibilities of reviewers are available here.


Antimicrobial Research Unit College of Health Sciences University of KwaZulu-Natal Private Bag X54001 Durban 4000 South Africa
Interests: applied and environmental microbiology; water pollution; quantitative microbial risk assessment; microbial pollution; microbial sediment quality; bacterial pathogens; antibiotic resistance

Public Health Laboratory of Bragança, Local Health Unit, Rua Eng. Adelino Amaro da Costa, 5300-146 Bragança, Portugal
Interests: water analysis; food safety; microbiology; immunity; tuberculosis; plant extracts; antioxidants; inflamation

Laboratory of Statistics and Quantitative Analysis Methods (LASCM), Department of Industrial Management, School of Mechanical Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Interests: water footprint; freshwater resources management; sustainability; circular economy; supply chain management; agrifood systems; system dynamics; operations research; decision-making process

Faculty of Geoscience and Geo-Engineering and Mining, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg, Germany
Interests: water policy; hydropolitic; water governance; water resource management; hydrogeology

Water Institute, University of Waterloo, 200 University Avenue W., Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada
Interests: integrated-sustainable water resources management; environmental valuation; hydro-economic modeling; decision theory in aquatic systems analysis; climate change impacts on aquatic systems

School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Interests: wave-structure interaction; ice-ocean interaction; rogue waves; wave breaking; wave turbulence

Department of Geoecology, Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Interests: soil geochemistry; environmental monitoring; landscape restoration; soil contamination and remediation; brownfield revitalization

Laboratory of Geoenvironmental Science and Environmental Quality Assurance, Department of Civil Engineering, University of West Attica Petrou Ralli and Thivon 250, 122 44 Egaleo, Greece
Interests: aquatic geochemistry; water and soil resources quality; water quality indices and water quality management; environmental geochemistry; geochemistry; contaminants transport and groundwater contamination; environmental geotechnics; earth sciences; environmental monitoring and assessment; human health risk assessment

Bonn University Department of Geography, Germany
Interests: water resources and flood risk management and planning; participatory approaches; human and water systems Interactions and dynamics; decision support systems multi criteria decision methods; hydrological, groundwater and flood modelling; spatial data infrastructure and time deries standards; hydroinformatics

Water Research Institute (IRSA-CNR)
Interests: water quality; microbial ecology; aquatic environments; aquatic microorganisms; bacteria; flow cytometry; genomics

INESC Coimbra, University of Coimbra, 3030-290 Coimbra, Portugal
Interests: coastal morphodynamics; remote sensing for coastal studies; nearshore; marine litter; coastal video monitoring; uav
WARREDOC, University for Foreigners of Perugia, Piazza Fortebraccio 4 - 06123 Perugia, Italy
Interests: remote sensing; hydraulics; gis; geomorphology; hydrology; floods; VGI; terrain analysis; extreme events; floodplain
T. G. Masaryk Water Research Institution, Praha, Czech Republic
Interests: Water Footprint; Environmental Analysis; environmental science; Water Balance; water resources management; water quality; water resources engineering; environmental impact assessment; sustainability
Department of Hydrobiology, University of Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1, H-4032 Debrecen, Hungary
Interests: hydrobiology; fish biology; fish ecology; fish taxonomy; conservation biology; heavy metals; water pollutions; environmental science; invasive species; population dynamics; trace element; bioindicators
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Warsaw Uniwersity of Technology, Warsaw, 00-637, Poland
Interests: construction project management; optimization techniques; machine learning; artificial intelligence; artificial neural networks; construction risk; costs overruns; construction project delays; construction project risk
Erzurum Teknik Üniversitesi, Turkey
Interests: flooding areas; air valve; hydraulic transients; experimental data; pipes system; fluid–structure interaction; polyethylene; groundwater; Bayesian belief network; conflict analysis; stakeholder involvement; riparian area; nature based solutions (NBS); soil erosion
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, C-tin Daicoviciu Street, No.15, 400020 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Interests: decision-making process; environmental management of water and wastewater treatment systems; hydrotechnical facilities; sewage treatment plant; sustainable water management; water for human consumption; water quality; water resources engineering; water supply chain management; water use efficiency
Chungnam National University, Environmental Ecology Lab, Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, College of Biological Systems, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Interests: water quality and modelling; ecological health assessment; eutrophication; reservoirs, rivers, stream ecology and fish assemblages; fish ecology; environmental ecology; aquatic pollution; fisheries; aquaculture; alien invasive fish species; limnology
Department of Medical, Surgical and Experimental Sciences, University of Sassari, Sassari, Italy
Interests: drinking water; water for human consumption; DBPs; water quality
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Osaka University of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 4-20-1 Nasahara, Takatsuki, Osaka, 569-1094, Japan
Interests: antimicrobial resistance; pharmaceuticals and personal care products; wastewater; antimicrobial-resistant bacteria; water environment; sewage treatment plant; hospital effluent; occurrence and environmental fate; water treatment system; water management; environmental science; environmental hygiene
Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at Clarkson University, Potsdam NY, USA
Interests: ecohydraulics for healthy water solutions; fishpass design and optimization; stream restoration; river morphology and sediment transport

Department of Civil, Environmental, Land, Building Engineering and Chemistry (DICATECh), Polytechnic University of Bari (Politecnico di Bari), Via Edoardo Orabona, 4, 70126 Bari, BA, Italy
Interests: hydrogeology; karst; coastal aquifers; water supply; water drinking demand; sewers; pumps; pressure transients; numerical modeling

Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Ovidius University of Constanta, 124, Mamaia Avenue, 900527, Romania
Interests: aquatic organic matter; bioindicators and integrated monitoring; emerging pollutants; marine fouling; water chemistry; water quality; water nutrients; water pollution; water and wastewater treatment; wastewater sludge
Graduate School of Global Environmental Science, Kyoto University, Japan
Interests: water security; water resource management; hydro-social relations; ecosystem services; human well-being; groundwater

Department of Physical Geography and Geoinformatics, University of Debrecen H-4032 Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1. HUNGARY
Interests: UAV; bank erosion; meandering; fluvial geomorphology; ADCP; bathymetry
Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Interests: numerical modelling; two-phase flows; hydro-energy; CFD; hydraulic structures
Geomorphological Field Laboratory (GFL), Strandvegen 484, 7584 Selbustrand, Norway
Interests: geomorphology; physical geography; earth surface processes

Meteorological Institute, Norway
Interests: mountain hydrology; hydrological modelling; black carbon on snow; glacio-hydrology
Northeast Climate Adaptation Science Center, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
Interests: remote sensing; hydrology; meteorology; precipitation error modeling; data assimilation using artificial intelligence (AI) application
LEQUIA, Institute of the Environment, University of Girona, 17003 Girona, Spain
Interests: desalination; water treatment; water reuse; forward osmosis; membrane bioreactors; membrane fouling
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