Reviewer Board
Members of the reviewer board are selected from all Water reviewers for regularly providing timely high quality reports on submitted manuscripts. Responsibilities of reviewers are available here.
Interests: applied and environmental microbiology; water pollution; quantitative microbial risk assessment; microbial pollution; microbial sediment quality; bacterial pathogens; antibiotic resistance
Interests: water analysis; food safety; microbiology; immunity; tuberculosis; plant extracts; antioxidants; inflamation
Interests: water footprint; freshwater resources management; sustainability; circular economy; supply chain management; agrifood systems; system dynamics; operations research; decision-making process
Interests: water policy; hydropolitic; water governance; water resource management; hydrogeology
Interests: integrated-sustainable water resources management; environmental valuation; hydro-economic modeling; decision theory in aquatic systems analysis; climate change impacts on aquatic systems
Interests: wave-structure interaction; ice-ocean interaction; rogue waves; wave breaking; wave turbulence
Interests: soil geochemistry; environmental monitoring; landscape restoration; soil contamination and remediation; brownfield revitalization
Interests: aquatic geochemistry; water and soil resources quality; water quality indices and water quality management; environmental geochemistry; geochemistry; contaminants transport and groundwater contamination; environmental geotechnics; earth sciences; environmental monitoring and assessment; human health risk assessment
Interests: water resources and flood risk management and planning; participatory approaches; human and water systems Interactions and dynamics; decision support systems multi criteria decision methods; hydrological, groundwater and flood modelling; spatial data infrastructure and time deries standards; hydroinformatics
Interests: water quality; microbial ecology; aquatic environments; aquatic microorganisms; bacteria; flow cytometry; genomics
Interests: coastal morphodynamics; remote sensing for coastal studies; nearshore; marine litter; coastal video monitoring; uav
Interests: remote sensing; hydraulics; gis; geomorphology; hydrology; floods; VGI; terrain analysis; extreme events; floodplain
Interests: Water Footprint; Environmental Analysis; environmental science; Water Balance; water resources management; water quality; water resources engineering; environmental impact assessment; sustainability
Interests: hydrobiology; fish biology; fish ecology; fish taxonomy; conservation biology; heavy metals; water pollutions; environmental science; invasive species; population dynamics; trace element; bioindicators
Interests: construction project management; optimization techniques; machine learning; artificial intelligence; artificial neural networks; construction risk; costs overruns; construction project delays; construction project risk
Interests: flooding areas; air valve; hydraulic transients; experimental data; pipes system; fluid–structure interaction; polyethylene; groundwater; Bayesian belief network; conflict analysis; stakeholder involvement; riparian area; nature based solutions (NBS); soil erosion
Interests: decision-making process; environmental management of water and wastewater treatment systems; hydrotechnical facilities; sewage treatment plant; sustainable water management; water for human consumption; water quality; water resources engineering; water supply chain management; water use efficiency
Interests: water quality and modelling; ecological health assessment; eutrophication; reservoirs, rivers, stream ecology and fish assemblages; fish ecology; environmental ecology; aquatic pollution; fisheries; aquaculture; alien invasive fish species; limnology
Interests: drinking water; water for human consumption; DBPs; water quality
Interests: antimicrobial resistance; pharmaceuticals and personal care products; wastewater; antimicrobial-resistant bacteria; water environment; sewage treatment plant; hospital effluent; occurrence and environmental fate; water treatment system; water management; environmental science; environmental hygiene
Interests: ecohydraulics for healthy water solutions; fishpass design and optimization; stream restoration; river morphology and sediment transport
Interests: hydrogeology; karst; coastal aquifers; water supply; water drinking demand; sewers; pumps; pressure transients; numerical modeling
Interests: aquatic organic matter; bioindicators and integrated monitoring; emerging pollutants; marine fouling; water chemistry; water quality; water nutrients; water pollution; water and wastewater treatment; wastewater sludge
Interests: water security; water resource management; hydro-social relations; ecosystem services; human well-being; groundwater
Interests: UAV; bank erosion; meandering; fluvial geomorphology; ADCP; bathymetry
Interests: numerical modelling; two-phase flows; hydro-energy; CFD; hydraulic structures
Interests: geomorphology; physical geography; earth surface processes
Interests: mountain hydrology; hydrological modelling; black carbon on snow; glacio-hydrology
Interests: remote sensing; hydrology; meteorology; precipitation error modeling; data assimilation using artificial intelligence (AI) application
Interests: desalination; water treatment; water reuse; forward osmosis; membrane bioreactors; membrane fouling