Nanoindentation Test of Ion-Irradiated Materials: Issues, Modeling and Challenges
:1. Introduction
2. Issues and Solutions in the Nanoindentation Testing of Irradiated Samples
2.1. Nanoindentation
2.2. Practical Considerations for Nanoindentation Testing of Ion-Irradiated Materials
2.3. Setting the Zero Point
2.4. Correction of Pile-Up
2.5. Decoupling the Indentation Size Effect from Nanoindentation Hardness
2.6. Models for Extracting Bulk-Equivalent Hardness
3. CPFEM Modeling the Nanoindentation of Ion-Irradiated Materials
3.1. The CPFEM Framework: Phenomenological vs. Physics-Based Constitutive Models
3.2. Application of CPFEM in Nanoindentation for Ion-Irradiated Materials
4. Challenges in the Nanoindentation Testing of Ion-Irradiated Materials
4.1. Challenges of Extending Nanoindentation to High Temperatures
4.2. Challenges in the Multiscale Simulation of Nanoindentation for Ion-Irradiated Materials
5. Summary
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
DBTT | ductile to brittle transition temperature |
PIE | post irradiation examination |
FEM | finite element method |
CPFE | crystal plasticity finite element |
CPFEM | crystal plasticity finite element method |
MSG-CP | mechanism-based strain gradient crystal plasticity |
dpa | displacements per atom |
BCC | body-centered cubic |
FCC | face-centered cubic |
RVE | representative volume element |
ISO | International Organization for Standardization |
ASTM | American Society for Testing and Materials |
CSM | continuous stiffness measurement |
SC | single-cycle |
MC | multi-cycle |
PMC | progressive multi-cycle |
SEM | scanning electron microscopy |
TEM | transmission electron microscopy |
AFM | atomic force microscopy |
EMC | elastic-modulus-based correction |
DGE | damage gradient effect |
GND | geometrically necessary dislocation |
SSD | statistically stored dislocation |
ISE | indentation size effect |
RISE | reverse indentation size effect |
ATF | accident-tolerant fuel |
FMS | ferritic/martensitic steel |
RPV | reactor pressure vessel |
DBH | dispersed barrier hardening |
CRSS | critical resolved shear stress |
HR-EBSD | high-angular resolution electron backscatter diffraction |
MD | molecular dynamics |
KMC | kinetic Monte Carlo |
OKMC | object kinetic Monte Carlo |
RT | rate theory |
DD | dislocation dynamics |
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High Temperature Challenges | Solutions |
Frame compliance variation with temperature | Watercool frame to prevent changes in frame modulus and/or use high temperature materials with negligible modulus change within temperature range |
Sensor/actuator calibrations change with temperature | Remove sensors/actuators from hot zone using insulators and active cooling |
Contact surface temperature uncertainty | Measure surface temperature directly with surface mounted thermocouple or thermally instrumented and calibrated indenter, then match indenter temperature to sample surface temperature |
Excessive thermal drift during testing | Increase stabilization time or tune indenter/sample temperatures for closer match |
Indenter reacts with environment/sample | Exchange indenter material for more chemically stable material, e.g., use sapphire instead of diamond for indenting steels or in oxygen |
Sample/indenter oxidizes at temperature | Implement system inside a vacuum chamber or environment chamber with inert gas |
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Ma, H.; Fan, P.; Qian, Q.; Zhang, Q.; Li, K.; Zhu, S.; Yuan, D. Nanoindentation Test of Ion-Irradiated Materials: Issues, Modeling and Challenges. Materials 2024, 17, 3286.
Ma H, Fan P, Qian Q, Zhang Q, Li K, Zhu S, Yuan D. Nanoindentation Test of Ion-Irradiated Materials: Issues, Modeling and Challenges. Materials. 2024; 17(13):3286.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMa, Hailiang, Ping Fan, Qiuyu Qian, Qiaoli Zhang, Ke Li, Shengyun Zhu, and Daqing Yuan. 2024. "Nanoindentation Test of Ion-Irradiated Materials: Issues, Modeling and Challenges" Materials 17, no. 13: 3286.
APA StyleMa, H., Fan, P., Qian, Q., Zhang, Q., Li, K., Zhu, S., & Yuan, D. (2024). Nanoindentation Test of Ion-Irradiated Materials: Issues, Modeling and Challenges. Materials, 17(13), 3286.