Topic Editors

Dr. Zhirou Zhang
Advanced Metals Division, Korea Institute of Materials, Changwon, Republic of Korea
Prof. Dr. Isaac Chang
Brunel Centre for Advanced Solidification Technology (BCAST), Institute of Materials & Manufacturing, Brunel University London Kingston Lane, Uxbridge UB8 3PH, UK

Development of Light Alloys with Excellent Mechanical Properties

Abstract submission deadline
31 August 2025
Manuscript submission deadline
31 December 2025
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Topic Information

Dear Colleagues,

Light alloys, such as aluminum and magnesium, are important engineering materials for the automobile, aircraft, and electronic industries. In recent decades, scientific and technological advancements in the materials modelling, processing and characterisation of light alloys have led to the development of unique microstructure with superb mechanical performance. This is attributed to deeper understanding of the microstructural evolution during processing and the materials behavior under applied mechanical loading. However, future transport and electronic applications require the next generation of light alloys with exceptional strength, ductility, and recyclability in order to meet the demanding needs and improve the resource efficiency. Hence, this opens excellent opportunities to explore new design concepts and perform innovative research into the interplay between microstructure and mechanical properties of light alloys. For this reason, the present Topic “Development of light alloys with excellent mechanical properties” is put forward.

This Topic aims to collect excellent research studies of light alloys from all over the world on topics including but not limited to aluminum alloys, magnesium alloys, mechanical properties, microstructure, heat treatment, solidification, deformation, thermomechanical processing, precipitation, phase transformation, SEM, EBSD, FIB, TEM, DSC, X-ray diffraction, mechanical/corrosion /hardness testing, materials modelling, process simulations, machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Dr. Zhirou Zhang
Prof. Dr. Isaac Chang
Topic Editors


  • Aluminium alloys
  • magnesium alloys
  • metal processing
  • materials characterization
  • materials modeling and processing simulations
  • ML/AI

Participating Journals

Journal Name Impact Factor CiteScore Launched Year First Decision (median) APC
- - 2022 22.5 Days CHF 1000 Submit
3.1 5.8 2008 13.9 Days CHF 2600 Submit
2.6 4.9 2011 17.8 Days CHF 2600 Submit is a multidiscipline platform providing preprint service that is dedicated to sharing your research from the start and empowering your research journey.

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Published Papers (2 papers)

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13 pages, 8688 KiB  
Effect of Processing Route on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of an Al-12Si Alloy
by Abdulrahman Alsolami, Adnan Zaman, Fahad Alshabouna, Abdulaziz Kurdi, Ahmed Degnah, Salman Alfihed, Thamer Tabbakh and Animesh Kumar Basak
Materials 2024, 17(19), 4780; - 28 Sep 2024
Viewed by 1195
Two different microstructures of an Al-12Si (wt. %) alloy were produced, respectively, via a powder laser bed fusion (P-LBF) additive manufacturing and casting. Compared to casting, additive manufacturing of Al-based alloy requires extra care to minimize oxidation tendency. The role of the microstructure [...] Read more.
Two different microstructures of an Al-12Si (wt. %) alloy were produced, respectively, via a powder laser bed fusion (P-LBF) additive manufacturing and casting. Compared to casting, additive manufacturing of Al-based alloy requires extra care to minimize oxidation tendency. The role of the microstructure on the mechanical properties of Al-12Si (wt. %) alloy was investigated by in situ compression of the micro-pillars. The microstructure of additively manufactured specimens exhibited a sub-cellular (~700 nm) nature in the presence of melt-pool arrangements and grain boundaries. On the other hand, the microstructure of the cast alloy contains typical needle-like eutectic structures. This striking difference in microstructure had obvious effects on the plastic flow of the materials under compression. The yield and ultimate compressive strength of the additively manufactured alloy were 23.69–27.94 MPa and 75.43–81.21 MPa, respectively. The cast alloy exhibited similar yield strength (31.46 MPa); however, its ultimate compressive strength (34.95 MPa) was only half that of the additively manufactured alloy. The deformation mechanism, as unrevealed by SEM investigation on the surface as well as on the cross-section of the distorted micro-pillars, confirms the presence of ductile and quasi-ductile facture of the matrix and the Si needle, respectively, in the case of the cast alloy. In contrast, the additively manufactured alloy exhibits predominantly ductile fractures. Full article
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15 pages, 9839 KiB  
Effect of Extrusion Ratio on Mechanical Behavior and Microstructure Evolution of 7003 Aluminum Alloy at High-Speed Impact
by Rui Xing and Pengcheng Guo
Materials 2024, 17(17), 4219; - 26 Aug 2024
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1005
The extrusion ratio (ER) is one of the most important factors affecting the service performance of aluminum profiles. In this study, the influence of ER on the mechanical behavior and microstructure evolution of 7003 aluminum alloy at high-speed impact with strain rates ranging [...] Read more.
The extrusion ratio (ER) is one of the most important factors affecting the service performance of aluminum profiles. In this study, the influence of ER on the mechanical behavior and microstructure evolution of 7003 aluminum alloy at high-speed impact with strain rates ranging from 700 s−1 to 1100 s−1 was investigated. The studied alloy with an ER of 56 formed coarse grain rings during the heat treatment. The microstructure of the alloys with ERs of 20 and 9 is relatively uniform. The results indicate that under high-speed impact, the mechanical response behavior of the 7003-T6 alloy with different ERs is different. For the alloy with an ER of 56, strain hardening is the main mechanism of plastic deformation. In contrast, a flow stress reduction occurs at middle deformation stage for the ones with ERs of 20 and 9 due to concentrated deformation, which is more significant in the alloy with an ER of 20. Under high-speed impact, the alloy with an ER of 56 undergoes uneven plastic deformation due to the presence of coarse grain rings. The deformation is mainly borne by the region of coarse grains near the edge, and the closer to the center, the smaller the deformation. The deformation of the alloys with ERs of 20 and 9 is relatively uniform, but exhibits localized concentrated deformation in the area near the edge. The significant plastic deformation within deformation band causes a local temperature rise, resulting in a slight decrease in flow stress after the peak. These results can provide reliable data support for the application of 7003 aluminum alloy in the vehicle body crash energy absorption structure. Full article
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