Dynamics of Large Scale Turbulence in Finite-Sized Wind Farm Canopy Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition and a Novel Fourier-POD Framework
:1. Introduction
2. Numerical Setup
3. Analysis Methods—Proper Orthogonal Decomposition
3.1. 3D POD—Method of Snapshots
3.2. Fourier-POD Methodology
4. Results
4.1. 3D POD
4.2. Fourier-POD
4.3. Reconstruction of 3D Modes from Fourier-POD
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
d | Turbine rotor diameter |
Kronecker delta | |
Turbine hub-height | |
H | Atmospheric boundary layer thickness |
3D - POD mode | |
Number of snapshots used for POD | |
3D - POD diagonal eigenvalue matrix | |
3D - POD eigenvalue corresponding to mode | |
Resolved length scale in the wind farm LES in direction | |
Velocity in the direction | |
Velocity fluctuations in the direction | |
Fourier-transform of velocity fluctuations in the direction | |
Projection operation on a variable in a reduced order space | |
Projection operation on a spanwise Fourier-transformed variable in a reduced order space | |
index of correlation matrix in 3D - POD | |
index of correlation matrix in Fourier - POD | |
Summation | |
norm | |
lower, upper limit of the streamwise size of the domain | |
lower, upper limit of the spanwise size of the domain | |
lower, upper limit of the vertical size of the domain | |
Spanwise wavenumber | |
flow through time | |
Domain size in x direction | |
Domain size in z direction | |
Domain size in y direction | |
Freestream velocity at the top of the ABL | |
Velocity at the hub-height | |
f | Temporal frequency |
Energy spectra of the fluctuating velocity | |
Extent of averaging time span, | |
3D real space | |
Space of square-integrable functions defined in 3D real space | |
Topological manifold in which the N-S equations are solved | |
time averaging operator | |
Maximum wavenumber used in the Fourier-reconstruction | |
Inner product | |
Wavenumber dependent weight functions acting as filters to fourier transforms | |
3D POD mode vector from velocity snapshot | |
2D Fourier-POD mode vector from Fourier-transformed velocity snapshot | |
Reconstructed 3D POD mode vector from 2D Fourier-POD mode | |
Superscripts used in POD modes denoting streamwise, spanwise and wall-normal direction | |
Phase of the complex 2D Fourier-POD mode for streamwise component | |
Real component of the Fourier transform of velocity fluctuations, | |
Imaginary component of the Fourier transform of velocity fluctuations, | |
streamwise root mean square of velocity fluctuations | |
integral length scale | |
integral length scale at hub-height | |
Reynolds number based on free-stream velocity and chord length | |
Thrust coefficient in wind turbine rotor | |
Reynolds number based on friction velocity |
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Case | Geometry | Inter-Turbine Distance | Grid Points | |
Neutral ABL | ||||
WT Array |
Neutral ABL | WT Array | |||||
Direction | ||||||
x | 0.2992d | 0.2992d | 0.2992d | 0.3366d | 0.0944d | 0.2804d |
y | 0.3316d | 0.0358d | 0.1402d | |||
z | 0.0942d | 0.0476d | 0.0596d |
Geometry () | Inter-Turbine Distance, | Roll Size | Roll Density | Roll Height |
[5] | ||||
[15] | ∼15.7d | |||
[17] | – |
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Share and Cite
Chatterjee, T.; Peet, Y.T. Dynamics of Large Scale Turbulence in Finite-Sized Wind Farm Canopy Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition and a Novel Fourier-POD Framework. Energies 2020, 13, 1660. https://doi.org/10.3390/en13071660
Chatterjee T, Peet YT. Dynamics of Large Scale Turbulence in Finite-Sized Wind Farm Canopy Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition and a Novel Fourier-POD Framework. Energies. 2020; 13(7):1660. https://doi.org/10.3390/en13071660
Chicago/Turabian StyleChatterjee, Tanmoy, and Yulia T. Peet. 2020. "Dynamics of Large Scale Turbulence in Finite-Sized Wind Farm Canopy Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition and a Novel Fourier-POD Framework" Energies 13, no. 7: 1660. https://doi.org/10.3390/en13071660
APA StyleChatterjee, T., & Peet, Y. T. (2020). Dynamics of Large Scale Turbulence in Finite-Sized Wind Farm Canopy Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition and a Novel Fourier-POD Framework. Energies, 13(7), 1660. https://doi.org/10.3390/en13071660