Building Customer Loyalty in Rural Destinations as a Pre-Condition of Sustainable Competitiveness
:1. Introduction and Literature Review
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results and Discussion
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Authors | Destination | Methodology | Main Conclusion |
Ribeiro et al. [32] | Island destination | SEM | Results indicate that visitors’ feeling welcomed and sympathetic understanding directly influence loyalty. |
Gonzalez et al. [33] | Island destination | The discriminant analysis | There are no significant differences in the perceptions of young residents according to gender. |
Sangpikul [34] | Island destination | SEM | In the case of island destinations, beach attraction is not the only factor contributing to tourist loyalty but people and safety are also essential components to retain loyal tourists. |
Han et al. [35] | Spa tourism destination | SEM | Quality and value were found to have a critical role, and other study constructs were identified to act as direct/indirect driving forces of loyalty intentions. In addition, a mediating role of affect, satisfaction, and desire was found. Moreover, a moderating impact of culture (individualism vs. collectivism) on the loyalty formation was identified. |
Albailty, Melhem [36] | United Arab Emirates | PROCESS model tool | Researech confirmed the importance of novelty-seeking and destination image in predicting tourist satisfaction in a destination and destination loyalty. |
Verma, Rajendran [37] | Cultural heritage site | SEM | The results revealed that historical nostalgia had a significant positive effect on the perceived value, satisfaction, and tourists’ destination loyalty. |
Yolal et al. [38] | Urban tourism | SEM | This study shows that differences exist between the two groups of visitors—first time visitors value cognitive attributes more and rely more on cognitive evaluation. |
Iordanova [39] | Linz, Austria | Composite loyalty index | The findings reveal that the better the image, the higher the composite loyalty. Specifically, a destination’s affective image is more influential on tourists’ loyalty than a destination’s cognitive image. |
Kim, Malek [40] | South Korea | Descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis, SEM | The findings confirmed the influential role of self-congruity and destination image on destination loyalty. |
Wang et al. [41] | Car tourism | PLS-SEM | The results show that perceived value and satisfaction are direct antecedents of destination loyalty. Above all, perceived value and tourist satisfaction mediate the relationship between destination image and loyalty. |
Moral Cuadra et al. [42] | Border tourism | Structural analysis | It has been found that there is significant relationship between service experience in a destination and loyalty to the destination. |
Wu [43] | Global destination | Fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) and SEM | Findings from the research sample support the argument that destination image, consumer travel experience, and destination satisfaction are the key determinants of destination loyalty. |
Characteristics | Sample Structure, n = 775 | |||
Gender | Male | 50.5% | Female | 49.5% |
Age | 18–23 years | 11.3% | 51–60 years | 14.2% |
24–30 years | 17.4% | 61–70 years | 13.8% | |
31–40 years | 14.3% | 71 and more | 12.6% | |
41–50 years | 16.4% | |||
Education | primary | 21.8% | higher | 28.5% |
secondary | 49.7% |
Dimension 1: Services | |
F3 | Accommodation |
F4 | Food |
F5 | Social and experiential events |
Dimension 2: Image | |
F2 | Cultural monuments |
F17 | Uniqueness of destination |
F16 | Overcrowding of the destination |
F11 | Image of the place |
Dimension 3: Transportation | |
F6 | Availability of transportation to the destination |
F7 | Local transportation |
Dimension 4: Well-being | |
F15 | Destination cleanliness |
F14 | Sense of security |
F12 | Level of prices of services and goods in the destination |
F13 | Level of personnel quality in tourism services |
F10 | Friendly acceptance by the locals |
Dimension 5: Information/Communication | |
F9 | Information and communication prior to arrival |
F8 | Availability and quality of information |
Dimension 6: Attractions/Experiences | |
F1 | Natural attractions |
F18 | Additional infrastructure |
F19 | Respecting sustainable development of the destination |
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Ryglová, K.; Rašovská, I.; Šácha, J.; Maráková, V. Building Customer Loyalty in Rural Destinations as a Pre-Condition of Sustainable Competitiveness. Sustainability 2018, 10, 957.
Ryglová K, Rašovská I, Šácha J, Maráková V. Building Customer Loyalty in Rural Destinations as a Pre-Condition of Sustainable Competitiveness. Sustainability. 2018; 10(4):957.
Chicago/Turabian StyleRyglová, Kateřina, Ida Rašovská, Jakub Šácha, and Vanda Maráková. 2018. "Building Customer Loyalty in Rural Destinations as a Pre-Condition of Sustainable Competitiveness" Sustainability 10, no. 4: 957.
APA StyleRyglová, K., Rašovská, I., Šácha, J., & Maráková, V. (2018). Building Customer Loyalty in Rural Destinations as a Pre-Condition of Sustainable Competitiveness. Sustainability, 10(4), 957.