Application Status and Problem Investigation of Distributed Generation in China: The Case of Natural Gas, Solar and Wind Resources
:1. Introduction
2. Application Status of Distributed Generation
2.1. Natural Gas Distributed Generation
- Shanghai has built several natural gas distributed projects, including the Huangpu Central hospital, Minhang hospital, Pudong airport, Shuya Health Center, and Tianting Hotel. In addition, some campus designing projects including Shanghai Science and Technology University are at the beginning of negotiation and research.
- In Guangzhou, besides University Town, the Dongguan shoe factory and aluminum company also have gas DG projects operating. Moreover, projects for a Guangzhou pharmaceutical company, Shenzhen Guangming Technology Park, and others are in planning.
- As for Beijing, according to the previous experience and foreign development modes, the experts suggest that Beijing change the utilization patterns of boilers, study the CCHP technology of medium and small scale gas-turbines, rebuild the boiler room, and supply electricity for consumers directly. Electricity can be directly supplied for users, which will achieve obvious economic benefits as well as social and environmental benefits. The development of CCHP technology is likely to be a new tendency of city heating. The Beijing Gas Co. monitoring center and Beijing Ciqu Station Building has been put into operation. Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications has finished its feasibility study. From the situation above, China is gradually exploring a new mode of natural gas distributed energy utilization, using policy and economic measures to encourage the development of the DG industry, and accelerating the promotion and application of the industry through demonstration projects.
2.2. Photovoltaic Distributed Generation
2.3. Distributed Wind Power Generation
- Grid connection is difficult, the current grid is relatively backward, and large wind farms are in high demand of grid connection, so there is a large grid-connected risk.
- With strong demand for wind resources, centralized wind power currently focuses on the areas of rich wind resources (named first-level and second-level wind areas) and ignores other wind areas (named third-level and forth-level wind areas with insufficient resources), which will cause the phenomena of severely abandoning wind resources. Aimed at the problems in centralized wind power, China proposed a distributed wind power development strategy. Decentralized access of the wind power project is the project located near the load centers, not intended for large-scale long-distance transmission of electricity and the generated electricity is to be absorbed by the nearest local power grid [19,20,21,22].
3. Problem Investigation of Distributed Generation Development
3.1. Natural Gas Distributed Generation
- (1)
- The core technology of natural gas generation has not been fully mastered, which restricts the development of natural gas in the power generation industry [29]. At present, compared to the foreign enterprises, although domestic enterprises are capable of manufacturing and assembling gas generators, as to the overall design and key technologies such as thermal materials manufacturing, there is no substantive breakthrough. Gas turbine burner and other hot parts can only be imported, so when parts fail, depot maintenance is unavoidable, which always causes higher expenses for repair and maintenance and boosts the operating cost.
- (2)
- The problems of gas equipment design and manufacturing quality affect the reliability of the unit. In recent years, there are problems in the quality of domestic natural gas generator design and manufacturing. For example, the frequent failures in compressors, burners, and thermal path parts, generators, natural gas systems resulted in a shortened actual running time and less efficiency [30].
- (3)
- The units failing to meet operational requirements and environmental conditions affect the equipment life. Most of the domestic natural gas generating electricity units needs to introduce foreign technology and cannot meet the domestic operating mode and operating environment [31]. For the reasons of peak load shaving or the difference in gas supply types, domestic combustion engines have to start and stop frequently leading to problems in unit parts, and shortens the maintenance periods and service life, which greatly reduces the operating efficiency.
- (4)
- There are weaknesses in natural gas grid-connection operation, affecting safety in production [32]. At present, domestic natural gas distributed generation model is still in its preliminary demonstration stage with the manufacturing immaturity of key parts and system integration. There still are lots of work to be done, such as the analysis and conclusion for organizational design, construction installation, operation, maintenance, safety management, etc.
- (5)
- Supporting policies and standards need to be further improved. The price of natural gas is the decisive factor influencing the economy of natural gas power generation projects. However the unified feed-in tariff mechanism of natural gas power has not been formed yet. The natural gas price is still in the status of ‘one price for one plant’ or ‘one price for one generator set’, and the price is generally higher than the feed-in tariff of coal. Due to the high natural gas price (3–4 yuan/M3 = 0.43–0.58 dollars/M3), the feed-in tariff of natural gas units runs up to 0.7 yuan/kWh (0.101 dollars/kWh), while the feed-in tariff of coal-fired units is 0.3 to 0.4 yuan/kWh (0.043–0.058 dollars/kWh). In addition, natural gas transportation needs the arrangement of pipelines, and the cost will increase greatly. Therefore, a lot of power generation enterprises rely on government subsidies to keep running. After the price reform in 2013, the market growth of natural gas power generation in China slowed significantly without any increase in government subsidies. However, based on the current standard of subsidies, natural gas power generation is facing pressures from continuous increases of the gas price, and pipeline natural gas and electricity are administrative pricing by the government, which would affect enterprises’ production [33]. In addition, natural gas generators are always used as peak adjustors, and the natural gas power generation peak-shaving compensation mechanism has not been established. Meanwhile, the technical standard system has not been improved, including natural gas power plants’ construction, equipment installation and construction specification, and operation and management specification, which will affect the further development of the natural gas distributed generation industry.
3.2. Photovoltaic Distributed Generation
- High economic uncertainty. Roof space resource is affected by the Golden Sun demonstration project and local subsidies have not been implemented completely (or have not even been introduced). Moreover, the costs (including the time cost and capital cost) over the whole period remain uncertain.
- Lack of funds. Most commercial banks adopt a wait-and-see policy. “Comments on Financial Services Supporting the Photovoltaic Distributed Generation” (NEA File [312]) has not been carried out.
- Defective construction. Affected by the Golden Sun demonstration project, domestic PV distributed generation projects have not been implemented perfectly at the beginning. For example, roof space resources are abused, the actual generation effect is not good, quality assurance and risk transfer mechanisms are not established, and related standards and effective surveillance measures are lacking. In addition to the above questions, there is no clear functional distribution responsibilities and technical support for each service party.
- Unable to be completed. It was planned to build 18 demonstration parks, but until now, none of them have been started yet.
- Lack of sustainability. Since the local governments have poor predictive knowledge of the sustainable development within the area under their jurisdiction, they cannot deal with the challenges of PV distributed generation.
- (1)
- The generation cost: Distributed generation is characterized by small capacity. The smaller the capacity of each project is, the higher the unit cost will be. Even for a megawatt-class distributed generation project, its unit cost is around 0.8 yuan/kwh (0.116 dollars/kwh) generally. Considering the PV generation period (from 8 a.m to 4 p.m), the weighted average price of electricity consumption for industry and commerce is 0.7–0.9 yuan/kwh (0.102–0.131 dollars/kwh), so the price advantage of PV distributed generation is not obvious. Even with the subsidy of 0.42 yuan/kwh (0.061 dollars/kwh) granted by the national government, the return on investment is still not very high, and the payback period is usually 6–8 years [34,35].
- (2)
- The ratio of electricity for the private use: According to the principle that the electricity generated is mainly for private use and the rest is connected to the grid, users who sell electricity generated to grid companies can only get the benchmark feed-in tariff of coal desulfurization of 0.25–0.52 yuan/kwh (0.036–0.075 dollars/kwh). Even with the subsidies of 0.42 yuan/kwh (0.061 dollars/kwh), it is still much lower than the electricity price for the private use. Therefore, to get the highest rate of return, a higher ratio of electricity for the private use is better. Generally, the minimum ratio is not lower than 70%.
- (3)
- The tariff settlement: To maximum the benefits of PV distributed generation projects, it is important to insist on the principle above [36]. If the project is invested in by a third party and operated through the EMC (Energy Management Contracting) model, the benefits will be shared with the owner of the roof, which means that the owner of the roof should settle the current electricity bill according to the EMC agreement monthly. However, in China’s peculiar business environment, EMC agreements are not enough to control the tariff settlement risks. Thus, how we control the tariff settlement risks becomes a major concern of investors of PV distributed generation projects.
- (4)
- Filing, application of access to the grid, subsidy payment, and so forth: Because of the introduction of the “Provisional Rules on PV Distributed Generation Projects”, local related departments have rules to follow and current policy risks are relatively low. In terms of the subsidy payment of the grid, if the project is invested in by a corporate juridical person, then there will be no need to invoice, but the value added tax (VAT) should be reduced by half [31]. Although the VAT policy has been laid out by the State Administration of Taxation, the implementation situations vary from area to area. Therefore, the local taxation departments should reach a common understanding and implement the policy properly. In addition, if the project (such as a household PV distributed generation project) is invested in by natural persons, there are complicated invoice procedures for the issued invoice, which is the key issue of the subsidy payment.
3.3. Distributed Wind Power Generation
- (1)
- The technical standards of distributed generation are imperfect. Currently, the standards of testing and access of distributed generation to the grid are relatively completed, while the technical standards for distributed wind power to the grid has only one drafted edition for approval, in which the technical standards mainly involving the grid synchronization test of wind turbines was stipulated and needs to be perfected.
- (2)
- The influences of the access of distributed generation to the grid [37]:
- Flow changes: Traditional large-scale centralized power is transmitted by high voltage over long distances, while distributed wind power generation is fed into the grid directly which turns the tideway from two-way to one-way.
- Relay protection: The access of distributed generation turns the distribution network to a multi-power network, which will have an impact on some of the existing protection systems, fault current, traditional current protection with three stages, and automatic reclosing.
- Islanding effect: The islanding problem is defined as a continuation of operation of a grid-connected inverter after the grid has been turned off. Under the fault condition, an island condition with power generation and consumption is undesirable for a number of reasons including safety hazards to utility personnel, and potential damage to the equipment.
- (3)
- The subsidies and purchasing policy are inadequate. After the implementation of the ‘Renewable Energy Law’ in China, the “Provisional Rules on Special Funds of Renewable Energy Development” was published by the Ministry of Finance in May 2006, which makes relative general provisions on the focus of support enterprises, application and approval of the special funds, financial management, system of the appraisal and supervision, and so on. However, these Provisional Rules do not specify the fund’s size, the application procedures, and the use details of the funds. As a result, too many unclear factors with poor operability prevent the implementation of the Provisional Rules. Additionally, the government will reduce the subsidies for wind power in the future. In order to make distributed wind power generation participate in the market competition, it is crucial to control the investment and reduce the equipment price [38].
4. Recommendations on Policies
4.1. Practical Implications
- The natural gas market in China is in a rapid development period. Along with the advancement of marketization and the perfection of relevant laws, regulations, and policies, the market will be gradually open to all kinds of capital in society. Foreign enterprises have natural gas sources, technologies, and capital, all of which are important for the natural gas market in China. Using these advantages, foreign enterprises could cooperate with old brand central enterprises and private enterprises with strong economic strength, and could gradually penetrate into the natural gas downstream market in China. This could be the main strategy for foreign investments recently. From the national side in China, there must be unified planning and massive capital investment (allowing for joint ventures and cooperation) to strengthen technology development. This industry should master key technology to produce natural gas generating sets suitable for the Chinese power network and other external environments, which can reduce maintenance costs while increasing the efficiency of the sets.
- Learn from foreign experience of natural gas distributed generation, make a natural gas distributed generation plan, and establish a standards system suitable for China’s conditions.
- Improve related policies and regulations. Distinguish between different types and scales of users at different times of the day to apply differential pricing. Provide a supporting compensation mechanism for the natural gas power price, and adjust the compensation according to the natural gas price, operation period (such as peak shaving) of the natural gas generating sets, and other costs.
- The local governments should issue detailed rules and regulations on photovoltaic distributed generation, in order to ensure the operation of the 2014 to 2015 Plan and have the sustainability of the 2016 to 2020 Plan.
- The local governments should maintain the rules and regulations in an open, fair, and impartial manner.
- China should start photovoltaic funds and P2P lending platforms.
- Control the quality and risks during the construction and operation of the projects, in order to increase the commercial certainty.
- The local governments should achieve harmonization with the parks, in order to ensure the efficient implementation of policies.
- To reduce the generation cost, upstream and downstream firms of crystalline silicon are required to make joint efforts, and continuous R&D (research and development) investment is also required to reduce the manufacturing costs and improve the generation efficiency.
- Risk management of the ratio of electricity for the private use is related to the design of the system capacity and the choice of the roof owner in the initial project stage. Therefore, despite adopting contracts or credit guarantees, the investors should pay more attention to this kind of risk.
- For the risk management of the tariff settlement, the third-party investors can choose to: design appropriate insurance products with insurance companies; apply for guarantees of the projects to the parent company; unify various small projects as a whole according to the law of large numbers to spread risks; endorse projects through the local governments; set up a joint venture with the owner of the roof to ensure the safety of the benefits. These methods have both merits and demerits. Thus, it is important to find a risk control method suitable for the investors and the owner as well as the characteristics of the photovoltaic distributed generation.
- For the subsidy payment, the current practice is that local grid companies pay the coal desulfurization and subsidies of distributed generation in advance, then pay the other half of the VAT after the invoice is issued. Furthermore, a new method is expected to solve this problem.
- For the technical standards of access to the grid, there are various requirements for wind turbines. The standard proposes that distributed wind power generation is different from traditional wind power generation, and the wind turbine design is required to meet local conditions. However, current distributed wind power generation projects in China are located in the areas with third-level and forth-level wind resources, so China has to increase R&D efforts of low-speed wind turbines and accumulate experience from practice. Technologically, there are many problems to be solved, such as site selection of wind farms, power quality, power adaptability, self-control of active power and reactive power, islanding of wind turbines, which requires R&D efforts and related technical standards.
- For the policies on distributed wind power generation, China should improve the systems of subsidies of renewable energy which adapt the development scale of wind power generation. Furthermore, it should define the responsibilities of grid companies to the development of renewable energy, implement the acquisition policy of renewable energy and development plan of wind power generation, encourage various forms of investment, and meanwhile ensure a reasonable electricity price.
- For the construction of distributed wind power generation projects, local governments and energy authorities should provide wind data for the resource appraisal of distributed wind power generation, in order to accurately analyze the wind resource of distributed wind farms. Meanwhile, the feasibility study report should include reports of soil and water conservation, environment protection, safety assessment, and energy audit, in order to simplify the approval procedure and increase the working efficiency.
4.2. Future Planning
5. Conclusions
- (1)
- For natural gas distributed generation, the main problems are the lack of core technology, poor quality of the equipment, unstable operating environment, weak grid connection, and imperfect policies and standards. Therefore, China should strengthen technology development, make a development plan for natural gas distributed generation, establish a standards system, and improve related policies and regulations.
- (2)
- For photovoltaic distributed generation, main problems are high generation cost, low ratio of electricity generated, low self-use proportion, high risk of tariff settlement, and imperfect subsidies. Therefore, China should increase investment on R&D, optimize the industry chain, strengthen risk control and credit guarantee of the projects, improve subsidies policy, and simplify working procedures.
- (3)
- For distributed wind power generation, the main problems are the lack of technical standards of grid connection, acquisition policies, absence of response mechanisms, and imperfect subsidies. Therefore, China should increase investment on R&D of low-speed wind turbines, find problem solutions such as site selection, power quality, power adaptability and islanding, establish technical standards of grid connection, improve the systems of subsidies, and strengthen coordination of different departments, in order to further promote the healthy development of distributed wind power generation.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Natural Gas | Unit | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 |
Reserves | 100 million cubic meters | 31,000 | 35,000 | 35,000 |
Production | 100 million cubic meters | 1143 | 1249 | 1345 |
Consumption | 100 million cubic meters | 1512 | 1708 | 1855 |
Pipeline natural gas imports | 100 million cubic meters | 214 | 274 | 313 |
Pipeline natural gas exports | 100 million cubic meters | 29 | 27 | 26 |
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) imports | 100 million cubic meters | 200 | 245 | 271 |
LNG exports | 100 million cubic meters | – | – | – |
External depending degree | – | 27% | 30% | 31% |
Application | General Situation | Project Scale | Project Effect |
Large-scale Building—BCHP | Wuhan Creative Land Distributed Energy Station is a national demonstration building distributed generation (DG) project, rarely located in center of the city. This project is located in the basement of Wuhan Creative Land industry Park, covering an area of 4400 m2. | The project is composed of 5 × 4 MW gas combustion units, matching 5 gas and hot water lithium bromide units with a refrigerating capacity of 3.93 MW and 3 centrifugal chillers with a refrigerating capacity of 1.758 MW as peak shaving devices. | After construction, the project has an annual output of 100 million kWh, heating supply of 130,000 GJ, cooling supply of 210,000 GJ, saving 21,800 tons of standard coal. The project has great economic and environmental benefits. |
Public Facilities Construction—CCHP | Changsha Huanghua International Airport Multi-generation Station completed in July 2011, to provide cooling and heating and some electricity for the new-constructed terminal buildings, which cover 154,000 m2. | The project has a refrigerating capacity of 27 MW, heating capacity of 18 MW, generating capacity of 2320 KW, and the total investment is about 82 million RMB. | The project adopts an advanced gas turbine generator, greatly reduces the pollutants such as nitrogen, SO2, and dust emissions. |
Energy center project in Beijing South Railway Station uses the technology combined cooling, heating, and power, and the sewage source heat pump system. | There are 2 internal combustion generating units and 2 gas and hot water lithium bromine refrigeration units that have a heating capacity of 2221 kW and a refrigerating capacity of 1622 kW. | After construction, the project would save 70,000 tons of water, and save 4.2 million kWh of energy each year. The energy saving is equal to standard coal 1600 tce, reducing CO2 emission by 4000 tce and SO2 emission by 37 tce. | |
Independent community—CCHP | Distributed energy station in Guangzhou University Town is currently the largest DG project put into operation in China, with both sets of gas generator running from October 2009. | The project is composed of 2 gas units of 78 MW to provide electricity, hot water, and refrigeration for 10 universities and 200,000 users nearby. The project realizes energy step utilization: the generating efficiency is about 58%, and the cooling and heating efficiency is about 20% by waste heat utilization, promoting the comprehensive efficiency up to 78%. | After construction, the emission of nitrogen oxides is reduced by 80%; emission of SO2 and dust are almost zero; CO2 emissions are decreased by 70%; boiler make-up water uses an electrode ionization system, achieving the zero discharge for wastewater. |
New town construction—nergy integration system | Tianjin Eco-city is a strategic cooperation project between China and the Singapore government, a new highlight of cooperation after Suzhou Industry Park, and it is a national exploration of a building demonstration area for constructing a resource-conserving and environmentally friendly city. | Target: the Park is committed to promote the new energy technology, strengthen the energy step utilization, and improve the efficiency of energy utilization. | Method: priority to the development of geothermal, solar, wind, biomass, and other renewable energy resources and construction of first smart grid demonstration area. The renewable energy utilization rate will reach 20% by 2020. |
Time | Milestones |
26 October 2012 | State Grid Corporation released “The views on doing well the work of distributed PV on-grid services”, prepared to optimize the incorporation process, simplified the incorporation procedures, improved service levels, and promoted the sustained and healthy development of photovoltaic power generation. The views triggered strong repercussions in the community. |
21 December 2012 | The first residential customer solar energy power station in Qingdao, Shandong province was incorporated into the national power grid, causing widespread concern. The total installed capacity of the project has reached 2 kilowatt, and the grid voltage is 220 volt. The generating power is mainly for the private use and the excess electricity is transmitted to the power grid system. |
The end of 2012 | China’s launched grid-connected distributed generation sources reached 15,600; the installed capacity reached 34.36 million-kilowatt, in which distributed hydroelectricity was 23.76 million-kilowatt, ranking first in the world. |
25 January 2013 | The second national residential customer’s solar energy power station in Beijing was connected with the national grid, which was paid attention to by the media. The mode selected by customers is electricity on-grid with full power generation. |
In late January 2013 | State Grid Company accepted 850 consulting items related distributed PV on-grid, 119 applications for incorporation into the grid, and the total installed capacity was 3.382 million kW. |
27 February 2013 | State Grid Company released “Views on a distributed power grid services” in Beijing. |
2015 | 1000 natural gas distributed energy projects, 10 natural gas distributed energy demonstration regions have been built in China; distributed solar power generation reached 10 million-kilowatt, and 100 new demonstration cities mainly using distributed renewable energy were built. |
Time | Event | Project’s General Situation |
December 2010 | HuaNeng Wolf Ditch distributed wind project completed project approval | The project including 6 wind turbines began on 15 March 2011; grid synchronization and debugging on 10 December 2011, to which the start and connection into the grid as well as 240 h grid hanging trial operation. As of 31 July 2012, the Wolf Ditch wind power farm generated electricity totaling 3.63 million-kilowatt. |
October 2013 | China Shipbuilding (Chongqing) Sea-Put Wind Power Equipment Company invested a wind power distributed access project in Wulong county, and signed a contract with government officials. | The project’s total size is 80,000-kilowatt, with a total investment of 800 million Yuan, with an annual output value of more than 100 million Yuan after its completion. The project was implemented according to the phase, including 12,000 kW capacity for first phase and 68,000 kW capacity for secondary phase. |
July 2013 | Huizhou province, established “Guizhou province program for the development of wind power decentralized access”, and got the National Energy Board's reply. It is the first development program of provincial-level wind power decentralized access that has the National Energy Board’s approval. | The wind power decentralized access development project in Guizhou province totals 1.2 million-kilowatt, to be implemented by stages and in groups, of which the first phase projects total 500,000-kilowatt, developed time confined to 2013–2015 ;the second phase 700,000-kilowatt, developed time 2016–2020. |
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Feng, T.-t.; Yang, Y.-s.; Yang, Y.-h.; Wang, D.-d. Application Status and Problem Investigation of Distributed Generation in China: The Case of Natural Gas, Solar and Wind Resources. Sustainability 2017, 9, 1022.
Feng T-t, Yang Y-s, Yang Y-h, Wang D-d. Application Status and Problem Investigation of Distributed Generation in China: The Case of Natural Gas, Solar and Wind Resources. Sustainability. 2017; 9(6):1022.
Chicago/Turabian StyleFeng, Tian-tian, Yi-sheng Yang, Yu-heng Yang, and Dan-dan Wang. 2017. "Application Status and Problem Investigation of Distributed Generation in China: The Case of Natural Gas, Solar and Wind Resources" Sustainability 9, no. 6: 1022.
APA StyleFeng, T.-t., Yang, Y.-s., Yang, Y.-h., & Wang, D.-d. (2017). Application Status and Problem Investigation of Distributed Generation in China: The Case of Natural Gas, Solar and Wind Resources. Sustainability, 9(6), 1022.