Monitoring Healthy Metabolic Trajectories with Nutritional Metabonomics
:1. Introduction
2. Metabonomics Analytical Profiling Techniques
2.1. Nutritional Metabonomics: Deciphering Food-Induced Metabolic Responses
2.2. Nutrimetabonomics: A Specific Tool to Decipher Gut Microbiota Contribution to the Host Metabolic Homeostasis Processes
3. Conclusions
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Collino, S.; Martin, F.-P.J.; Kochhar, S.; Rezzi, S. Monitoring Healthy Metabolic Trajectories with Nutritional Metabonomics. Nutrients 2009, 1, 101-110.
Collino S, Martin F-PJ, Kochhar S, Rezzi S. Monitoring Healthy Metabolic Trajectories with Nutritional Metabonomics. Nutrients. 2009; 1(1):101-110.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCollino, Sebastiano, François-Pierre J. Martin, Sunil Kochhar, and Serge Rezzi. 2009. "Monitoring Healthy Metabolic Trajectories with Nutritional Metabonomics" Nutrients 1, no. 1: 101-110.
APA StyleCollino, S., Martin, F.-P. J., Kochhar, S., & Rezzi, S. (2009). Monitoring Healthy Metabolic Trajectories with Nutritional Metabonomics. Nutrients, 1(1), 101-110.