Neural Foundations of Ayres Sensory Integration®
:1. Introduction
“Intersensory integration can occur within a single neuron, a nucleus or the diencephalon, an entire hemisphere or even between hemispheres. One of the methods by which the CNS [Central Nervous System] integrates sensory information from several different sources is by directing it to a common neuron called a convergent neuron. Whenever there is multiplicity of input all related to a single sensorimotor process, there is probably convergence of input.”[10] (p. 42).
2. A Foundation in Sensory Systems
2.1. Vestibular System: Function and Impact
2.2. Somatosensory Function and Impact
3. Sensation Informing Action: Praxis
4. Modulating Sensory Responses
5. Sensory Integration: Influencing Neuroplasticity
6. Discussion
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Lane, S.J.; Mailloux, Z.; Schoen, S.; Bundy, A.; May-Benson, T.A.; Parham, L.D.; Smith Roley, S.; Schaaf, R.C. Neural Foundations of Ayres Sensory Integration®. Brain Sci. 2019, 9, 153.
Lane SJ, Mailloux Z, Schoen S, Bundy A, May-Benson TA, Parham LD, Smith Roley S, Schaaf RC. Neural Foundations of Ayres Sensory Integration®. Brain Sciences. 2019; 9(7):153.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLane, Shelly J., Zoe Mailloux, Sarah Schoen, Anita Bundy, Teresa A. May-Benson, L. Diane Parham, Susanne Smith Roley, and Roseann C. Schaaf. 2019. "Neural Foundations of Ayres Sensory Integration®" Brain Sciences 9, no. 7: 153.
APA StyleLane, S. J., Mailloux, Z., Schoen, S., Bundy, A., May-Benson, T. A., Parham, L. D., Smith Roley, S., & Schaaf, R. C. (2019). Neural Foundations of Ayres Sensory Integration®. Brain Sciences, 9(7), 153.