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Set Evincing the Ranks with Respect to an Embedded Variety (Symmetric Tensor Rank and Tensor Rank

Department of Mathematics, University of Trento, 38123 Povo, Italy
Mathematics 2018, 6(8), 140;
Submission received: 11 July 2018 / Revised: 7 August 2018 / Accepted: 8 August 2018 / Published: 14 August 2018
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Decomposability of Tensors)


Let X P r be an integral and non-degenerate variety. We study when a finite set S X evinces the X-rank of the general point of the linear span of S. We give a criterion when X is the order d Veronese embedding X n , d of P n and | S | ( n + d / 2 n ) . For the tensor rank, we describe the cases with | S | 3 . For X n , d , we raise some questions of the maximum rank for d 0 (for a fixed n) and for n 0 (for a fixed d).

1. Introduction

Let X P r be an integral and non-degenerate variety. For any q P r , the X-rank r X ( q ) of q is the minimal cardinality of a finite set S X such that q S , where denotes the linear span. The definition of X-ranks captures the notion of tensor rank (take as X the Segre embedding of a multiprojective space) of rank decomposition of a homogeneous polynomial (take as X a Veronese embedding of a projective space) of partially symmetric tensor rank (take a complete linear system of a multiprojective space) and small variations of it may be adapted to cover other applications. See [1] for many applications and [2] for many algebraic insights. For the pioneering works on the applied side, see, for instance, [3,4,5,6,7]. The paper [7] proved that X-rank is not continuous and showed why this has practical importance. The dimensions of the secant varieties (i.e., the closure of the set of all q P r with a prescribed rank) has a huge theoretical and practical importance. The Alexander–Hirschowitz theorem computes in all cases the dimensions of the secant varieties of the Veronese embeddings of a projective space ([8,9,10,11,12,13,14]). For the dimensions of secant varieties, see [15,16,17] for tensors and [18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27] for partially symmetric tensors (i.e., Segre–Veronese embeddings of multiprojective spaces). For the important problem of the uniqueness of the set evincing a rank (in particular for the important case of tensors) after the classical [28], see [29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38]. See [39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47] for other theoretical works.
Let S X be a finite set and q P r . We say that S evinces the X-rank of q if q S and | S | = r X ( q ) . We say that S evinces an X-rank if there is q P r such that S evinces the X-rank of q. Obviously, S may evince an X-rank only if it is linearly independent, but this condition is not a sufficient one, except in very trivial cases, like when r X ( q ) 2 for all q P r . Call r X , max the maximum of all integers r X ( q ) . An obvious necessary condition is that | S | r X , max and this is in very special cases a sufficient condition (see Propositions 1 for the rational normal curve). If S evinces the X-rank of q P r , then q S and q S for any S S . For any finite set S P r , set S : = S \ ( S S S ) . Note that S = if and only if either S = or S is linearly dependent (when | S | = 1 , S = S and S evinces itself). In some cases, it is possible to show that some finite S X evinces the X-rank of all points of S . We say that S evinces generically the X-ranks if there is a non-empty Zariski open subset U of S such that S evinces the X-ranks of all q U . We say that S totally evinces the X-ranks if S evinces the X-ranks of all q S . We first need an elementary and well-known bound to compare it with our results.
Let ρ ( X ) be the maximal integer such that each subset of X with cardinality ρ ( X ) is linearly independent. See ([43] Lemma 2.6, Theorem 1.18) and ([42] Proposition 2.5) for some uses of the integer ρ ( X ) . Obviously, ρ ( X ) r + 1 and it is easy to check and well known that equality holds if and only if X is a Veronese embedding of P 1 (Remark 1). If | S | ( ρ ( X ) + 1 ) / 2 , then S totally evinces the X-ranks (as in [43] Theorem 1.18) while, for each integer t > ( ρ ( X ) + 1 ) / 2 with t r + 1 , there is a linearly independent subset of X with cardinality t and not totally evincing the X-ranks ( Lemma 3). Thus, to say something more, we need to make some assumptions on S and these assumptions must be related to the geometry of X or the reasons for the interest of the X-ranks. We do this in Section 3 for the Veronese embeddings and in Section 4 for the tensor rank. For tensors, we only have results for | S | 3 (Propositions 3 and 4).
For all positive integers n , d let ν d , n : P n P r , r = n + d n 1 , denote the Veronese embedding of P n , i.e., the embedding of P n induced by the complete linear system | O P n ( d ) | . Set X n , d : = ν d , n ( P n ) . At least over an algebraically closed base field of characteristic 0 (i.e., in the set-up of this paper), for any q P r , the integer r X n , d ( q ) is the minimal number of d-powers of linear forms in n + 1 variables whose sum is the homogeneous polynomial associated to q.
We prove the following result, whose proof is elementary (see Section 3 for the proof). In its statement, the assumption “ h 1 ( I A ( d / 2 ) ) = 0 ” just means that the vector space of all degree d / 2 homogeneous polynomials in n + 1 variables vanishing on A has dimension n + d / 2 n | A | , i.e., A imposes | A | independent conditions to the homogeneous polynomials of degree d / 2 in n + 1 variables.
Theorem 1.
Fix integers n 2 , d > k > 2 and a finite set A P n such that h 1 ( I A ( d / 2 ) ) = 0 . Set S : = ν d , n ( A ) . Then, S totally evinces the ranks for X n , d .
A general A P n satisfies the assumption of Theorem 1 if and only if | A | n + d / 2 n . For much smaller | A | , one can check the condition h 1 ( I A ( d / 2 ) ) = 0 if A satisfies some geometric conditions (e.g., if A is in linearly general position, it is sufficient to assume | A | n d / 2 + 1 ).
We conclude the paper with some questions related to the maximum of the X-ranks when X is a Veronese embedding of P n .

2. Preliminary Lemmas

Remark 1.
Let X P r be an integral and non-degenerate variety. Since any r + 2 points of P r are linearly dependent, we have ρ ( X ) r + 1 . If X is a rational normal curve, then ρ ( X ) = r + 1 because any r + 1 points of X spans P r . Now, we check that, if ρ ( X ) = r + 1 , then X is a rational normal curve. This is well known, but usually stated in the set-up of Veronese embeddings or the X-ranks of curves. Set n : = dim X and d : = deg ( X ) . Assume ρ ( X ) = r + 1 . Let H P r be a general hyperplane. If n > 1 , then X H has dimension n 1 > 0 and in particular it has infinitely many points. Any r + 1 points of X H are linearly dependent. Now, assume n = 1 . Since X is non-degenerate, we have d n . By Bertini’s theorem, X H contains d points of X. Since ρ ( X ) = r + 1 , dim H = r 1 and H X H , we have d r . Hence, d = r , i.e., X is a rational normal curve.
The following example shows, that in many cases, there are are sets evincing X-ranks, but not totally evincing X-ranks or even generically evincing X-ranks.
Example 1.
Let X P r , r 3 , be a rational normal curve. Take q P r with r X ( q ) = r , i.e., take q τ ( X ) \ X , where τ ( X ) is the tangential variety of X ([48]). Take S X evincing the X-rank of q. Thus, | S | = r and S spans a hyperplane S . Since dim τ ( X ) = 2 and τ ( X ) spans P r , S τ ( X ) is a proper closed algebraic subset of S . Thus, for a general p S , we have r X ( p ) < | S | and hence S does not generically evinces X-ranks.
Lemma 1.
If S X is a finite set evincing the rank of some q P r , then each S S , S , evinces the X-rank of some q P r .
We may assume S S . Write S : = S \ S . Since S evinces the rank of q, S is linearly independent, but S { q } is not linearly independent. Since S and S , there are unique q S and q S such that q { q , q } . Since S evinces the rank of q, S evinces the rank of q . ☐
Lemma 2.
Every non-empty subset of a set evincing generically (resp. totally) X-ranks evinces generically (resp. totally) the X-ranks.
Assume that S evinces generically the X-ranks and call U a non-empty open subset of S such that r X ( q ) = | S | for all q U ; if S evinces totally the X-ranks, take U : = S . Fix S S , S 0 and set S : = S \ S . Let E be the set of all q S such that { q } S U . If q E , then r X ( q ) = | S | because r X ( q ) = | S | for each q { q } S U . Since S S = and S S = S is linearly independent, E is a non-empty open subset of S (a general element of S is contained in the linear span of a general element of S and a general element of S ). Now, assume U = S . Every element of S is in the linear span of an element of S and an element of S . ☐
Lemma 3.
Take a finite set S X , S .
If | S | ( ρ ( X ) + 1 ) / 2 , then S totally evinces the X-ranks.
For each integer t > ( ρ ( X ) + 1 ) / 2 , there is A X such that | A | = t and A does not totally evince the X-ranks.
Take q S and assume r X ( q ) < | S | . Take B X evincing the X-rank of q. Since | B | < | S | , we have B S . Since q S B , but no proper subset of either B or S spans q, S B is linearly dependent. Since | B | | S | 1 , we have | B S | ρ ( X ) , contradicting the definition of ρ ( X ) .
Now, we prove part (b). By Lemma 1, it is sufficient to do the case t = ( ρ ( X ) + 1 ) / 2 + 1 . By the definition of the integer ρ ( X ) , there is a subset D X with | D | = ρ ( X ) + 1 and D linearly dependent. Write D = A E with | A | = ( ρ ( X ) + 1 ) / 2 + 1 and | E | = ρ ( X ) + 1 | A | . Note that | A | > | E | . Since | A | ρ ( X ) (remember that ρ ( X ) 2 ), both A and E are linearly independent. Since A E is linearly dependent, there is q A E . Since | D | = ρ ( X ) + 1 , every proper subset of D is linearly independent. Hence, A E = for all A A . Thus, q A . Since | E | < | A | , A does not evince the X-rank of q. ☐
Remark 2.
Take X P r such that r X ( q ) 2 for all q P r (e.g., by [49], we may take most space curves). Any set S X with | S | = 2 evinces its X-ranks if and only if X contains no line.

3. The Veronese Embeddings of Projective Spaces

Let ν d , n : P n P r , r : = 1 + n + d n , denote the Veronese embedding of P n . Set X n , d : = ν d , n ( P n ) .
Proposition 1.
Let X P d , d 2 , be the rational normal curve.
A non-empty finite set S X evinces some rank of P d if and only if | S | d .
A non-empty finite set A X totally evinces the X-ranks if and only if | A | ( d + 2 ) / 2 .
By a theorem of Sylvester’s ([48]), every q P d has X-rank at most d. Thus, the condition | S | d is a necessary condition for evincing some rank. By Lemma 1 to prove part (a), it is sufficient to prove it when | S | = d . Take any connected zero-dimensional scheme Z X with deg ( Z ) = 2 and S Z = . Thus, deg ( Z S ) = d + 2 . Since X P 1 , deg ( O X ( 1 ) ) = d and X is projectively normal, we have h 1 ( I S Z ( 1 ) ) = 1 and h 1 ( I W ( 1 ) ) = 0 for each W S Z . This is equivalent to say that the line Z meets S at a unique point, q and q Z red . By Sylvester’s theorem, r X ( q ) = d ([48]). Since q S and | S | = d , S evinces the X-rank of q.
If A and | A | ( d + 2 ) / 2 , then A totally evinces the X-ranks by part (a) of Lemma 3 and the fact that ρ ( X ) = d + 1 . Now, assume d | A | > ( d + 2 ) / 2 . Fix a set E X \ A with | E | = d + 2 | A | . Adapt the proof of part (b) of Lemma 3. ☐
Proposition 2.
Fix a set S X n , d , n 2 , with | S | = d + 1 . The following conditions are equivalent:
there is a line L P n such that | S L | > ( d + 2 ) / 2 ;
S evinces no X n , d -rank;
there is q S such that S does not evince the X n , d -rank of q.
Obviously, (2) implies (3). If X X is a subvariety and q X , we have r X ( q ) r X ( q ) . Thus, Sylvester’s theorem ([48]) and Lemma 2 show that (1) implies (2).
Now, assume the existence of q S such that S does not evince the X-rank of q, i.e., r X ( q ) d . Take A P n such that ν ( A ) = S and take B P n such that ν d ( B ) evinces the X-rank of q. Since q S , (Ref. [50] Lemma 1) gives h 1 ( P n , I A B ( d ) ) > 0 . Since | A B | 2 d + 1 , (Ref. [51] Lemma 34) gives the existence of a line L P n such that | L ( A B ) | d + 2 . Let H P n be a general hyperplane containing L. Since H is general and A B is a finite set, we have H ( A B ) = L ( A B ) . Since | L ( A B ) | d + 2 , we have | A B \ H ( A B ) | d 1 and hence h 1 ( P n , I A B \ H ( A B ) ( d 1 ) ) = 0 . By ([52] Lemma 5.2), we have A \ A H = B \ B H . ☐
See [53,54] for some results on the geometry of sets S X n , d with controlled Hilbert function and that may be useful to extend Proposition 2.
Proof of Theorem 1:
Set k : = d / 2 . Note that h 1 ( I A ( x ) ) = 0 for all x k and in particular h 1 ( I A ( d k ) ) = 0 . Fix q ν d , n ( A ) and assume r X n , d ( q ) < | A | . Fix B P n such that ν d , n ( B ) evinces the X n , d -rank of q. Since h 1 ( I A ( k ) ) = 0 and | A | > | B | , we have h 0 ( I B ( k ) ) > h 0 ( I A ( k ) ) . Thus, there is M | O P n ( k ) | containing B, but with A M , i.e., A \ A M , while B \ B M = . Since h 1 ( I A ( d k ) ) = 0 , we have h 1 ( I A \ A M ( d k ) ) = 0 . Since h 1 ( I A ( d ) ) = 0 , ν d , n ( A ) is linearly independent. Since ν d , n ( B ) evinces a rank, it is linearly independent. Grassmann’s formula gives dim ν d , k ( A ) ν d , b ( B ) = | A B | + h 1 ( I A B ( d ) ) 1 . We have A B = ( ( A B ) M ) ( A \ A M ) . Since A \ A B is a finite set, we have h 2 ( I A \ A B ( d k ) ) = h 2 ( O P n ( d k ) ) = 0 . Since h 1 ( I A \ A M ( d k ) ) = 0 , the residual exact sequence (also known as the Castelnuovo’s sequence)
0 I A \ A B ( d k ) I A B ( d ) I M ( A B ) , M ( d ) 0
gives h 1 ( I A B ( d ) ) = h 1 ( M , I M ( A B ) ( d ) ) . Since M is projectively normal, h 1 ( M , I M ( A B ) ( d ) ) = h 1 ( I A B ( d ) ) . Thus, the Grassmann’s formula gives dim ν d , n ( A M ) ν d , n ( B M ) = | A B M | + h 1 ( I A B ( d ) ) 1 . Since B M , we get ν d , n ( A M ) ν d , n ( B M ) = ν d , k ( A ) ν d , b ( B ) . Since A M A , we get q ν d , n ( A ) , a contradiction. ☐

4. Tensors, i.e., the Segre Varieties

Fix an integer k 2 and positive integers n 1 , , n k . Set Y : = i = 1 k P n i (the Segre variety) and N : = 1 + i = 1 k ( n i + 1 ) . Let ν : Y P N denote the Segre embedding. Let π i : Y P n i denote the projection on the i-th factor. For any i { 1 , , k } , set Y [ i ] : = h i P n h and call η i : Y Y [ i ] the projection which forgets the i-th component. Let ν [ i ] : Y [ i ] P N i , N i : = 1 + h i ( n h + 1 ) denote the Segre embedding of Y [ i ] . A key difficulty is that ρ ( ν ( Y ) ) = 2 because ν ( Y ) contains lines.
Lemma 4.
Let S Y be any finite set such that there is i { 1 , k } with η i | S not injective. Then, ν ( S ) evinces no rank.
By Lemma 1, we reduce to the case | S | = 2 , say S = { a , b } with a = ( a 1 , , a k ) , b = ( b 1 , , b k ) with a i = b i if and only if i > 1 . Since all lines of Y are contained in one of the factors of Y and all lines of ν ( Y ) are images of lines of Y, we get S ν ( Y ) . Thus, each element of ν ( S ) is contained in ν ( Y ) and hence it has rank 1. Since | S | > 1 , ν ( S ) evinces no rank. ☐
Lemma 5.
Let S Y such that there are S S and i { 1 , , k } with | S | = 3 , ν i ( η i ( S ) ) linearly dependent and π i ( S ) P n i linearly dependent. Then, ν ( S ) evinces no rank.
Let Q P 3 be a smooth quadric surface. Q is projectively equivalent to the Segre embedding of P 1 × P 1 and each point of P 3 has at most Q-rank 2 by [47] (Proposition 5.1). By Lemma 1, we may assume S = S . By Lemma 4, we may assume that η i | S is injective. Thus, | η i | S | = 3 . Since ν i ( η i ( S ) ) is not linearly independent and it has cardinality 3, it is contained in a line of ν i ( Y [ i ] ) . Thus, η i ( S ) is contained in a line of one of the factors of Y [ i ] . By assumption, π i ( S ) is contained in a line of P n i . Thus, S is contained in a subscheme of Y isomorphic to P 1 × P 1 . Since each point of P 3 has Q-rank 2 and | S | = 3 , ν ( S ) evinces no rank. ☐
Remark 3.
Fix a finite set A Y such that S : = ν ( A ) is linearly independent. S evinces no tensor rank if there is a multiprojective subspace Y Y such that A Y and | S | is larger than the maximum tensor rank of ν ( Y ) .
Note that Lemmas 4 and 5 may be restated as a way to check for very low | S | if there is some Y as in Lemma 3 exists.
Proposition 3.
Take S ν ( Y ) with | S | = 2 . Let Y be the minimal multiprojective subspace of Y containing S. The following conditions are equivalent:
S evinces no rank;
S does not generically evince ranks;
S does not totally evince ranks;
Y P 1 .
Since any two distinct points of P N are linearly independent (i.e., S is a line) and ν ( Y ) is the set of all points with ν ( Y ) -rank 1, S evinces no rank if and only if S ν ( Y ) . Use the fact that the lines of ν ( Y ) are contained in one of the factors of ν ( Y ) . Since ν ( Y ) is cut out by quadrics, if S ν ( Y ) , then | S ν ( Y ) | 2 . Since S S ν ( Y ) , we see that all points of S \ S have rank 2 ☐
Proposition 4.
Take S ν ( Y ) with | S | = 3 and ν ( S ) linearly independent. Write S = ν ( A ) with A Y . Let Y be the minimal multiprojective subspace of Y containing A. Write Y = P m 1 × P m s with s 1 and m 1 m s > 0 . We have m 1 2 .
If η i | A is injective for all i and either m 2 = 2 or s 4 or m 1 = 2 and s = 3 , then S totally evinces its ranks. In all other cases for a general E Y with | E | = 3 , ν ( E ) does not generically evince its ranks.
If η i | A is not injective for some i, then S evinces no rank by Lemma 4. Thus, we may assume that each η i | A is injective for all i. Each factor of Y is the linear span of π i ( A ) in P n i . Hence, m 1 2 . Omitting all factors which are points, we get the form of Y we use. If Y = P 1 (resp. P 2 , resp. P 1 × P 1 ), then each point of S has rank 1 (resp. 1, resp. 2 ). Thus, in these cases, S evinces no rank. If either Y = P 2 × P 1 or Y = ( P 1 ) 3 , then σ 2 ( P 2 × P 1 ) = P 5 and σ 2 ( ( P 1 ) 3 ) = P 7 ([23,26]). Thus, the last assertion of the proposition is completed.
(a) Assume s 2 and m 2 = 2 . Taking a projection onto the first two factors, we reduce to the case s = 2 (this reduction step is used only to simplify the notation). Take a H | O Y ( 1 , 0 ) | containing B (this is possible because h 0 ( O P 2 ( 1 ) ) = 3 > | B | ). Since Y is the minimal multiprojective subspace of Y containing A, we have A \ A H . Since B \ B H = , (Ref. [52] Lemma 5.1) gives h 1 ( I A \ A H ( 0 , 1 ) ) > 0 . Thus, either there is A A with | A | = 2 and η 1 | A not injective (we excluded this possibility) or | A \ A H | = 3 (i.e., A H = ) and η 1 ( A ) P 2 is contained in a line R. Set M : = P 2 × R . We get A M and hence A is a contained in a proper multiprojective subspace, contradicting the definition of Y .
(b) Assume s 3 and m 1 = 2 . By part (a), we may assume m 2 = 1 . Taking a projection, we reduce to the case s = 3 , i.e., Y = P 2 × P 1 × P 1 . Take H as in step (a). As in step (a), we get A H = and η 1 ( A ) contained in a line R of the Segre embedding of P 1 × P 1 , contradicting the definition of Y .
(c) Assume s 4 . By step (b), we may assume m 1 = 1 . Taking a projection onto the first four factors of Y , we reduce to the case Y = ( P 1 ) 4 . Fix any H | O Y ( 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 ) | containing B. Assume for the moment A H . By ([52] Lemma 5.1), we have h 1 ( I A \ A H ( 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 ) ) > 0 , i.e., either there are a = ( a 1 , a 2 , a 3 , a 4 ) A , b = ( b 1 , b 2 , b 3 , b 4 ) A with a b and ( a 3 , a 4 ) = ( b 3 , b 4 ) of A H = and the projection of A onto the last 2 factors of Y is contained in a line. The last possibility is excluded by the minimality of Y . Thus, a , b A exists. Set A : = { a , b , c } and write c = ( c 1 , c 2 , c 3 , c 4 ) . Permuting the factors of Y , we see that, for each E { 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 } , there is A E A with | A E | = 2 and π E ( A E ) is a singleton, where π E : Y P 1 × P 1 denote the projection onto the factors of Y corresponding to E. Since the cardinality of the set S of all subset of { 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 } with cardinality 2 is larger than the cardinality of the set of all subsets of A with cardinality 3, there are E , F S such that E F and A E = A F . If E F , say E F = { i } , then η i | A is not injective, contradicting our assumption. If E F = , we have E F = { 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 } . Since A E = A F , we get | A E | = 1 , a contradiction. ☐
Remark 4.
Take a finite S ν ( Y ) and fix q ν ( S ) . Let A Y be the subset with ν ( A ) = S . It is easier to prove that S evinces the rank of q if we know that the minimal multiprojective subspace of Y containing A is the minimal multiprojective subspace Y of Y with q ν ( Y ) . Note that this is always true if Y = Y , i.e., if the tensor q is concise.

5. Questions on the Case of Veronese Varieties

Let r max ( n , d ) denote the maximum of all X n , d -ranks (in [55,56] it is denoted with r max ( n + 1 , d ) ). The integer r max ( n , d ) depends on two variables, n and d. In this section, we ask some question on the asymptotic behavior of r max ( n , d ) when we fix one variable, while the other one goes to + .
Let r gen ( n , d ) denote the X n , d -rank of a general q P r . These integers do not depend on the choice of the algebraically closed base field K with characteristic 0. The diagonalization of quadratic forms gives r max ( n , 2 ) = r gen ( n , 2 ) = n + 1 . The integers r gen ( n , d ) , d > 2 , are known by an important theorem of Alexander and Hirschowitz ([8,9,10,11,12,13]); with four exceptional cases, we have r gen ( n , d ) = d n + d n / ( n + 1 ) . An important theorem of Blekherman and Teitler gives r max ( n , d ) 2 r gen ( n , d ) (and even r max ( n , d ) 2 r gen ( n , d ) 1 with a few obvious exceptions) ([57,58]). In particular, for a fixed n, we have
1 ( n + 1 ) ! lim   inf d + r max ( n , d ) / d n lim   sup d + r max ( n , d ) / d n 2 ( n + 1 ) ! .
It is reasonable to ask if lim   inf d + r max ( n , d ) / d n exists and its value. Of course, it is tempting also to ask a more precise information about r max ( n , d ) for d 0 . In the case n = 2 , De Paris proved in [55,56] that r max ( 2 , d ) ( d 2 + 2 d + 5 ) / 4 ([56] Theorem 3), which equality holds if d is even ([56] (Proposition 2.4)) and suggested that equality holds for all d. Since r max ( 2 , d + 1 ) r max ( 2 , d ) even for odd d, the integer r max ( 2 , d ) grows like d 2 / 4 . Thus, there is an interesting interval between the general upper bound of [57] (which, in this case, has order d 2 / 3 ) and r max ( 2 , d ) . There are very interesting upper bounds for the dimensions of the set of all points with rank bigger than the generic one ([59]).
What are
lim   sup n + ( n + 1 ) ! r max ( n , d ) d n and lim   inf n + ( n + 1 ) ! r max ( n , d ) d n ?
For all d 3 , study r max ( n , d ) r max ( n , d 1 ) and compare for d 0 r max ( n , d ) r max ( n , d 1 ) with r max ( n 1 , d ) and r gen ( n 1 , d ) . Of course, this is almost exactly known when n = 2 by Sylvester’s theorem ([48]) and De Paris ([55,56]), but r max ( 2 , d ) r max ( 2 , d 1 ) for d 0 is both ∼ r gen ( 1 , d ) and ∼ r max ( 1 , d ) / 2 and so we do not have any suggestion for the case n > 2 .


The author was partially supported by MIUR and GNSAGA of INdAM (Italy).

Conflicts of Interest

The author declares no conflict of interest.


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Ballico, E. Set Evincing the Ranks with Respect to an Embedded Variety (Symmetric Tensor Rank and Tensor Rank. Mathematics 2018, 6, 140.

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Ballico E. Set Evincing the Ranks with Respect to an Embedded Variety (Symmetric Tensor Rank and Tensor Rank. Mathematics. 2018; 6(8):140.

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Ballico, Edoardo. 2018. "Set Evincing the Ranks with Respect to an Embedded Variety (Symmetric Tensor Rank and Tensor Rank" Mathematics 6, no. 8: 140.

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