
27 June 2024, Caen, France
The Normandy Doctoral School of Chemistry Day

The Normandy Doctoral School of Chemistry Day will take place on Thursday, June 27th, 2024 in Amphitheater 500 (Campus 2, Science 3 Building), uniting five public higher education establishments in the region: the Universities of Caen, Rouen and Le Havre, as well as the two affiliated engineering schools, the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Ingénieurs of Caen (ENSI Caen) and the National Institute of Applied Sciences of Rouen (INSA of Rouen).

This event is an exclusive opportunity to attend conferences held by three external speakers: one from the academic sector, Denis Giguère (Laval University, Canada), and two from the industrial sector, Nicolas Duchemin (Pharmaron®, France) and Alessia Michelotti (Bioversys®, France).

In addition, PhD students from the Normandy Doctoral School of Chemistry will be able to showcase their work through oral presentations and scientific posters.

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