
29 July–3 August 2018, Newry, ME, USA
Systems Chemistry from Concepts to Conception

This first conference will offer a much needed international venue for presenting and discussing breakthrough results in systems chemistry, for sharing new emerging methodology, and for refinement of the ideas coherently across these rapidly emerging new research directions. With the recent advances in instrumentation and analytical tools, complex chemical systems are opening new approaches for the construction and design of dynamic mesoscale materials. Coherence remains limited by the diversity of disciplines involved, with chemistry, physics, bio-engineering and structural biology scientists all independently converging on the central topic of complex chemical systems. This diversity applies equally to scientists from communities studying (i) supramolecular chemistry, (ii) origins of life, and (iii) far-from-equilibrium systems. A confluence of these fields could catalyze the rise of new emergent functions not apparent in the system's components.

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