Twenty Years of Kaniadakis Entropy: Current Trends and Future Perspectives
- Tan et al. (2022) [253] investigate the dispersion and Landau damping of Langmuir and ion acoustic waves in a -deformed Kaniadakis distributed plasma system. Their analysis shows that dispersion increased with increasing , while Landau damping was suppressed. These results could provide insights into plasma particle trapping and energy transport.
- Biró (2022) [42] explores the use of generalized exponentials in particle–hole symmetry, demonstrating that the Kaniadakis -approach is compatible with the Kubo–Martin–Schwinger (KMS) relation, and discusses potential further generalizations.
- De Lima et al. (2022) [226] study the distribution of plant DNA lengths in three Cucurbitaceae species (gourd family). Using Bayesian analysis, they find that the sum of two -exponential distributions provides the best fit (among other models) to the empirical distribution curves.
- Hristopulos and Baxevani (2022) [220] introduce a nonlinear normalizing transformation and its inverse based on deformed logarithmic and exponential functions; the transformed pair is useful in the analysis of skewed data, and its inverse is stable, unlike the commonly used Box-Cox transform pair. They also discuss the connection between the heavy-tailed -Weibull distribution and the weakest-link scaling theory, showing that the former is suitable for modeling mechanical strength distributions of materials. The paper also introduces the -lognormal probability distribution, which has a flexible right tail and can be used to model fluid permeability in random porous media.
- De Abreu et al. (2022) [234] review the application of Kaniadakis entropy to nuclear reactor physics. In particular, they focus on the Doppler broadening effect on neutron cross-sections if the Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution is replaced with the Kaniadakis distribution (which uses the deformed exponential). The authors claim more accurate radiative capture cross-section calculations using the Kaniadakis distribution.
- Guha (2022) [61] uses the Calogero–Leyvraz Lagrangian framework to construct 2D Lotka–Volterra replicator equations and relativistic Toda lattice systems. The kinetic energy term is deformed using the -deformed logarithm, resulting in new formulations of the above systems.
- Luciano (2022) [89] explores recent advances and future challenges of Kaniadakis statistics in gravity and cosmology. He focuses on implications of -entropy on cosmological theories and Big Bang nucleosynthesis and uses observational evidence to constrain the -parameter.
- Wada and Scarfone (2023) [44] present applications of Kaniadakis distributions to various topics in statistical physics and natural science such as Gompertz functions, the Bloch equation for thermal states, contact density dynamics, and the law of large numbers under -addition.
- Martinez and de Abreu (2023) [236] present a review on the use of Kaniadakis entropy in nuclear reactor physics. They generate simulated nuclear data under non-thermal equilibrium conditions using the Kaniadakis distribution to address the limitations of the traditional Maxwell–Boltzmann statistics.
- da Silva et al. (2023) [223] introduce a novel objective function for full-waveform inversion problems, incorporating the Kaniadakis -Gaussian distribution and optimal transport theory, to mitigate non-Gaussian noise and phase ambiguity in seismic wave analysis.
- Pistone and Shoaib (2023) [147] propose using a specific case of the Kaniadakis logarithm for the exploratory analysis of compositional data. They show that the affine information geometry derived from Kaniadakis’ algorithm provides a consistent framework for the geometric analysis of compositional data. Moreover, they propose a particular functional form of the -divergence.
- Clementi (2023) [211] discusses the application of the -generalized distribution in the statistical analysis of income data, highlighting the distribution’s analytical properties, and relationships with other distributions. The paper also comments on the very good agreement of the -generalized distribution with empirical data.
- Evangelista and Lenzi (2023) [64] use the H-theorem to examine the dynamics of a system composed of two subsystems that obey nonlinear Fokker–Planck equations. They focus on the behavior of the entropy of the entire system considering subsystems that have (i) identical and (ii) different dynamics.
- Scarfone and Wada (2024) [45] demonstrate that Kaniadakis entropy can become multi-additive under a suitably defined constraint, that is, under the composition of two identically distributed probability distributions.
- Kaniadakis (2024) [46] highlights the importance of -entropy in statistical theory, identifying five axioms in -statistical theory that provide a solid foundation for understanding entropy in complex systems. This study sheds light on the physical origins of -entropy, emphasizing the self-duality and scaling axioms as fundamental elements. Kaniadakis also emphasizes the emergence of -entropy in Einstein’s special theory of relativity and introduces relativistic statistical mechanics based on the new entropy. Finally, Kaniadakis shows that the new formalism allows us to re-discuss in a modern way some remaining open problems of relativistic thermodynamics introduced by Planck concerning the transformation law of temperature and entropy.
- Papers published in this Special Issue
- Biró, T.S. Kaniadakis Entropy Leads to Particle–Hole Symmetric Distribution, Entropy 2022, 24 (9), 1217. (Ref. [42])
- Clementi, F. The Kaniadakis Distribution for the Analysis of Income and Wealth Data, Entropy 2023, 25(8), 1141. (Ref. [211])
- da Silva, S.L.E.F.; de Araújo, J.M.; de la Barra, E.; Corso, G. A Graph-Space Optimal Transport Approach Based on Kaniadakis κ-Gaussian Distribution for Inverse Problems Related to Wave Propagation, Entropy 2023, 25, 990. (Ref. [223])
- de Abreu, W.V.; Maciel, J.M.; Martinez, A.S.; Gonçalves, A.D.C.; Schmidt L. Doppler Broadening of Neutron Cross-Sections Using Kaniadakis Entropy, Entropy 2022, 24(10), 1437. (Ref. [234])
- de Lima, M.M.F.; Anselmo, D.H.A.L.; Silva, R.; Nunes, G.H.S.; Fulco, U.L.; Vasconcelos, M.S.; Mello, V.D A Bayesian Analysis of Plant DNA Length Distribution via κ-Statistics, Entropy 2022, 24, 1225. (Ref. [226])
- Evangelista, L.R.; Lenzi, E.K. Nonlinear Fokker–Planck Equations, H-Theorem and Generalized Entropy of a Composed System, Entropy 2023, 25, 1357. (Ref. [64])
- Guha, P. The κ-Deformed Calogero-Leyvraz Lagrangians and Applications to Integrable Dynamical Systems, Entropy 2023, 24, 1673. (Ref. [61])
- Hristopulos, D.T.; Baxevani A. Kaniadakis Functions beyond Statistical Mechanics: Weakest-Link Scaling, Power-Law Tails, and Modified Lognormal Distribution, Entropy 2022, 24(10), 1362. (Ref. [220])
- Kaniadakis, G. Relativistic Roots of -Entropy. Entropy. 26, 406 (2024). (Ref. [46])
- Luciano G.G. Gravity and Cosmology in Kaniadakis Statistics: Current Status and Future Challenges, Entropy 2022, 24(12), 1712. (Ref. [89])
- Martinez A.S.; de Abreu W.V. The Scientific Contribution of the Kaniadakis Entropy to Nuclear Reactor Physics: A Brief Review, Entropy 2023, 25(3), 478. (Ref. [236])
- Pistone G.; Shoaib M. Kaniadakis’s Information Geometry of Compositional Data, Entropy 2023, 25(7), 1107. (Ref. [147])
- Scarfone A.M., Wada T. Multi-Additivity in Kaniadakis Entropy, Entropy 2024, 26(1), 77. (Ref. [45])
- Tan, L.; Yang, Q.; Chen, H.; Liu S. The Longitudinal Plasma Modes of κ-Deformed Kaniadakis Distributed Plasmas Carrying Orbital Angular Momentum, Entropy 2022, 24 (9), 1211. (Ref. [253])
- Wada T., Scarfone A.M. On the Kaniadakis Distributions Applied in Statistical Physics and Natural Sciences, Entropy 2023, 25(2), 292. (Ref. [44])
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Hristopulos, D.T.; da Silva, S.L.E.F.; Scarfone, A.M. Twenty Years of Kaniadakis Entropy: Current Trends and Future Perspectives. Entropy 2025, 27, 247.
Hristopulos DT, da Silva SLEF, Scarfone AM. Twenty Years of Kaniadakis Entropy: Current Trends and Future Perspectives. Entropy. 2025; 27(3):247.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHristopulos, Dionissios T., Sérgio Luiz E. F. da Silva, and Antonio M. Scarfone. 2025. "Twenty Years of Kaniadakis Entropy: Current Trends and Future Perspectives" Entropy 27, no. 3: 247.
APA StyleHristopulos, D. T., da Silva, S. L. E. F., & Scarfone, A. M. (2025). Twenty Years of Kaniadakis Entropy: Current Trends and Future Perspectives. Entropy, 27(3), 247.