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Authentication of Citrus spp. Cold-Pressed Essential Oils by Their Oxygenated Heterocyclic Components

Aromatic Plant Research Center, Lehi, UT 84043, USA
Department of Chemistry, University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL 35899, USA
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Molecules 2022, 27(19), 6277;
Submission received: 20 August 2022 / Accepted: 19 September 2022 / Published: 23 September 2022


Citrus essential oils are routinely adulterated because of the lack of regulations or reliable authentication methods. Unfortunately, the relatively simple chemical makeup and the tremendous price variations among Citrus varieties encouraged the interspecies adulteration of citrus oils. In this study, a sensitive UPLC-MS/MS method for the quantitation of 14 coumarins and furanocoumarins is developed and validated. This method was applied to screen the essential oils of 12 different Citrus species. This study, to our knowledge, represents the most comprehensive investigation of coumarin and furanocoumarin profiles across commercial-scale Citrus oils to date. Results show that the lowest amount was detected in calamansi oil. Expressed oil of Italian bergamot showed the highest furanocoumarin content and the highest level of any individual furanocoumarin (bergamottin). Notable differences were observed in the coumarin and furanocoumarin levels among oils of different crop varieties and origins within the same species. Potential correlations were observed between bergapten and xanthotoxin which matches with known biosynthetic pathways. We found patterns in furanocoumarin profiles that line up with known variations among the Citrus ancestral taxa. However, contrary to the literature, we also detected xanthotoxin in sweet orange and members of the mandarin taxon. Using multivariate analysis, we were able to divide the Citrus oils into 5 main groups and correlate them to the coumarin compositions.

1. Introduction

Citrus essential oils (EOs) have several applications in cosmetics, the food industry, and the flavor and fragrance industry. They are also utilized as natural preservatives because of their wide range of biological activities, which include antioxidant and antimicrobial actions [1]. These strong biological activities are attributed to the presence of terpenes, flavonoids, carotenes, and coumarins [2]. Several studies have investigated the volatile makeup of various parts of Citrus species due to their significant economic importance. All cold-pressed Citrus oils contain a portion of non-volatiles fundamentally made of simple coumarins, psoralens, and methoxy-flavones [3]. Coumarins (1,2-benzopyrones) are a huge family of naturally occurring secondary metabolites. Psoralens, also known as furanocoumarins (FCs), are a large family of compounds commonly found in Rutaceae, Apiaceae, and Fabaceae, with Rutaceae containing the highest concentrations [4,5]. FCs contain a furan ring fused to a coumarin core [6]. The fusion helps separate the FCs into linear or angular structural forms. FCs have shown a potential to elicit variable degrees of phototoxic skin reactions. In comparison to angular FCs, linear FCs have often been proven to cause phototoxic responses at lower doses [7].
While studying the volatile composition of Citrus oils, the nonvolatile fractions are hard to detect under standard gas chromatography conditions because of their limited volatilities, relatively polar or heat-liable nature. These nonvolatile ingredients may hold the secret to constructing a perfect analytical strategy for interspecies adulteration detection. This essential fraction of the cold-pressed oil can be used to identify species-specific patterns and establish Citrus species fingerprinting. For instance, creating synthetic bergamot oils or adulterating bergamot oils with similar Citrus oils like bitter orange are simple strategies to boost profits. Both strategies make it essentially impossible for consumers to detect the difference. The non-volatile fraction contributes very little to the Citrus oils’ aroma, but because of its high complexity, commercial unavailability, or extremely high cost in comparison to the Citrus oils themselves, it is more difficult to manipulate. Previous studies report the separation and identification of coumarins and FCs in Citrus peel extracts and oils using gas chromatography–mass spectroscopy (GC-MS) after derivatization [8], high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) [8], enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) [9], reversed-phase (RP)-HPLC [10,11], HPLC-diode array detector (DAD) [12], HPLC-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) [13], ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS) [14,15], LC-MS [16], and HPLC-UV-MS [17].
The objective of the present study was to develop a sensitive UPLC-MS/MS method to quantify 14 selected coumarins and FCs (Figure 1). This validated method was then applied to the cold-pressed essential oils of bergamot (Citrus bergamia Risso & Poit), bitter orange (C. aurantium L.), calamansi (C. × microcarpa (Bunge) Wijnands), clementine (C. clementina Hort. ex Tanaka), grapefruit (C. × paradisi Macfady), kumquat (C. japonica Thunb.), lemon (C. limon Osbeck), lime (C. aurantifolia (Christm.) Swingle), mandarin (C. reticulata Blanco), sweet orange (C. sinensis L.), tangerine (C. tangerina Hort. ex Tanaka), and yuzu (C. junos Sieb. ex Tanaka) as well as petitgrain EO.

2. Results and Discussions

2.1. Method Validation

The LC-MS/MS chromatogram of 14 coumarins using the MRM acquisition mode is shown in Figure 2. Specificity, precision, accuracy, linearity, intermediate precision, and LOQ results are summarized in Table 1. The method proved specific to the target compounds since no interferences were found in any of the processed blanks. All compounds met the acceptance criterion of RSD% ≤ 10 based on the precision and intermediate precision results. Compound recovery percentages ranged from 94.07 to 114.53% of the expected value. The linearity of the calibration curve of the 14 compounds was well correlated (r ≥ 0.98) within a range of 0.0001–0.1 ppm. The LOQ values ranged from 0.0001 to 0.005 ppm. These findings demonstrate that the developed method is suitable for analyzing the 14 targeted compounds in EOs.

2.2. Comparison of Citrus EO Coumarin and Furanocoumarin Content

Citrus EOs used in this study were produced by expression in industrial settings. A total of 374 Citrus EOs were screened for coumarins using a 20 min UPLC-MS/MS method targeting 14 coumarins, of which 10 are linear furanocoumarins. The compositions of target compounds greatly differed among the tested Citrus EOs (Table 2). The least quantity of coumarins and FCs was detected in calamansi EO (0.15 ± 0.02 ppm). In comparison, the largest presence of coumarins and FCs was found in Italian bergamot EO (171,453.11 ± 9227.11 ppm), followed by the Brazilian bergamot EO (52,473.90 ± 1775.63 ppm). Expressed oil of Italian bergamot showed the highest FC content (167,281.60 ± 1017.74 ppm) and the highest level of any individual FC (109,730.67 ± 3150.55 ppm bergamottin). Notable differences were observed in the coumarin and FC levels among EOs of different crop varieties and origins within the same Citrus species. There have been several previous investigations on the non-volatile components of Citrus essential oils reported in the literature (Table 3). The non-volatile components are far more species-specific than the volatile components, which have comparable patterns in different Citrus oils. We found patterns in FC profiles that correspond with published differences among the Citrus ancestral taxa [15,18]. Our findings are in line with previous reports that found a mixture of FCs from the bergapten, xanthotoxin, and isopimpinellin clusters in EOs derived from the citron (C. medica) and papeda (C. micrantha) ancestral taxa [15]. In this study, EOs derived from fruits of the mandarin taxa (mandarin, clementine, and tangerine) showed low total coumarin (2.44–149.45 ppm) and FC levels (2.44–149.45 ppm), not aligning with a previous report that this taxon is nearly devoid of FCs [14,15]. Interestingly, trioxsalen and toncarine were not detected in any of the Citrus EOs. Epoxybegamottin was absent from calamansi, clementine, mandarin, kaffir lime, and petitgrain oils. The content of psoralen was almost negligible in most of the Citrus EOs but was relatively high in white grapefruit EO (82.65 ± 0.76 ppm). Furthermore, large amounts of xanthotoxin were detected in bergamot and lime EOs. Previous reports indicate that xanthotoxin is absent from sweet orange (C. sinensis, pummelo taxon) and the mandarin taxa [14,15] while we found 4.85 ± 0.32 ppm in sweet orange EO and 0.33–15.24 ppm xanthotoxin in the mandarin taxa EOs. Bergamottin and 5-geranyloxy-7-methoxycoumarin were reported in mandarin, lemon, and lime oils but not in orange oil [17]. The differences between our findings and previous studies could be due to genetic and/or environmental impacts on FC biosynthesis [19]. Our LOQ, however, may be lower than that of other reports because it was based on the weight of EO rather than the weight of fresh fruit peel. Alternative explanations for the differences in our findings include genetic admixture in Citrus varieties or contamination during processing and handling.

2.3. Multivariate Analysis

In order to examine the similarities and relationships between the coumarin compositions and the Citrus essential oils, AHC and PCA were carried out based on a data matrix comprised of 28 Citrus “types” and 12 coumarin components. Based on > 25% similarity, the AHC shows five groups (Figure 3): Group 1 (bergamot from Italy and bergamot from Brazil), Group 2 (lime and lemon from Germany), Group 3 (yuzu, red and white grapefruit), Group 4 (a large group composed of oranges, tangerines, clementines, mandarins calamansi, and petitgrains), and Group 5 (lemons). The PCA analysis (Figure 4) of the Citrus essential oils indicates that F1 and F2 explain 78.43% of the variation in coumarin compositions among the Citrus types. The bergamot group (Group 1) is positively correlated with bergamottin, bergapten, and xanthotoxin; the lemon group (Group 5) positively correlates with biacangelicol and oxypeucedanin as well as citropten and 5-geranyloxy-7-methoxycoumarin. The grapefruit and yuzu group (Group 3) correlate with 6ʹ,7ʹ-epoxybergamottin and psoralen. Group 4 (oranges, mandarins, clementines, etc.) are characterized as having relatively low levels of coumarins. A positive correlation was found between bergapten and xanthotoxin (2 structures related by a common precursor in biosynthesis [15]).

3. Materials and Methods

3.1. Chemicals

Xanthotoxin, herniarin, toncarine, bergamottin, oxypeucedanin, biacangelicol, psoralen, isopimpinellin, bergapten, and imperatorin (purity ≥ 98%) were purchased from Chengdu Alfa Biotechnology (Chengdu, China). 5-Geranyloxy-7-methoxycoumarin (purity ≥ 99%) was bought from Extrasynthese (Genay, France). Trioxsalen and 6′,7′-epoxybergamottin (purity ≥ 98%) were obtained from Cayman Chemical Company (Michigan, USA). Citropten (purity ≥ 99%) was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA). LCMS-grade methanol, LCMS-grade water, and HPLC-formic acid were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA). Stock solutions of each standard at a concentration of 10 ppm were prepared by diluting the powder in methanol.

3.2. Essential Oil Samples

Citrus volatile oils from trusted suppliers were obtained from the collection of the Aromatic Plant Research Center (APRC, Lehi, UT, USA). A total of 374 cold-pressed Citrus oil samples from the APRC collection are listed in Table 4. A simple dilute and shoot technique (1 μL oil in 999 μL of methanol) was used for sample preparation. Further dilution was performed whenever needed.

3.3. UPLC-MS/MS Analyses

Coumarins were quantified using a NEXERA UPLC system (Shimadzu Corp., Kyoto, Japan) equipped with a mass spectrometer (Triple quadrupole, LCMS8060, Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan). Target compounds were chromatographed on a Shimadzu Nexcol C18 column (1.8 µm, 50 × 2.1 mm) with a C18 guard column (Restek, Bellefonte, PA, USA) at 40 °C. The mobile phase consisted of 0.1% formic acid in water (A) and 0.1% formic acid in methanol (B). The compounds were eluted using the following gradient: %10 B at 0 min, %20 B at 0.74 min, %60 B at 5.88 min, %90 B at 10 min, held at %100 B for 4 min, and %10 for 4 min before the next injection. The flow rate was maintained at 0.2 mL/min, and the injection volume was 1 μL. The UPLC system was connected to the MS by electrospray ionization (ESI) operating in positive ion mode. The interface, desolvation line, and heating block temperatures were 350, 250, and 400 °C, respectively. The capillary voltage was 4.5 kV, and CID gas was set at 350 kPa. Nebulizing gas flow was set at 3.0 L/min, and heating and drying gas were set at 10.0 L/min. The detection was completed in multiple reaction monitoring mode (MRM) (Table 5). Samples were run in triplicates with external standards in between. Each run contained a quality control (QC) standard, and at least one QC standard was run at the beginning and the end of the run. The acquired chromatographic results were processed in LabSolutions Insight software version 3.2 (Shimadzu). For each compound, calibration curves (0.005, 0.001, 0.0025, 0.005, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, and 0.1 ppm) were drawn by linking its peak area and its concentration.

3.4. Method Validation

Method validation was executed according to the USP<1225> Validation of compendial procedures [31] and ICH harmonized tripartite guideline validation of analytical procedures: text and methodology Q2(R1) [32]. Specificity, precision, accuracy, linearity, intermediate precision, and limit of quantification (LOQ) were determined using standard solutions. Distilled yuzu essential oil was used as a matrix (total coumarins < 0.001 ppm). To prove the specificity of the method, standard solution mixtures and at least three blanks were processed to demonstrate the absence of interferences with the elution of the analytes. Precision and repeatability were determined by injecting six sample preparations spiked to a final concentration of 0.04 ppm and then calculating the RSD% between injections which may reach 10% for each. For the intermediate precision, the repeatability experiment was repeated on a second day and performed by a second analyst with the acceptance criterion of RSD ≤ 10 for each compound and each analyst. To determine the recoveries (accuracy) of the target compounds, three individually prepared samples of yuzu oil were spiked with three concentrations of the standard (LOQ, 0.04, and 0.05 ppm in triplicates). Recoveries were calculated by comparing the absolute peak areas with a reference measurement which must be within 80–120% of the expected value. Five concentrations from 0.001 to 0.1 ppm were used to determine linearity and a coefficient of determination (r) higher than 0.98 was needed. The data obtained during the linearity, precision, and accuracy studies were used to assess the range of the method for the target compounds. The acceptable range was defined as the concentration interval over which linearity, precision, and accuracy are acceptable. To estimate the LOQ, standard mixtures at low concentrations (0.0005 to 0.01 ppm) were analyzed. The calculated LOQ was determined using the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio (10:1) and then injected 6 times. The acceptance criterion for the LOQ was RSD ≤ 15%. A calibration curve based on the linear range was prepared and injected to estimate the quantity of coumarins in the oil samples. Additionally, QC standards at low (0.05 ppm) and high (0.1 ppm) concentrations were used.

3.5. Multivariate Analysis

The average coumarin concentrations (12 compounds) in the Citrus samples were used as variables in the multivariate analysis. First, the data matrix was standardized by subtracting the mean for each compound concentration and dividing it by the standard deviation. For the agglomerative hierarchical cluster (AHC) analysis, the 24 Citrus samples were treated as operational taxonomic units (OTUs). Pearson correlation was selected as a measure of similarity, and the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic average (UPGMA) was used for cluster definition. Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed for the visual comparison of the coumarin compositions of the different Citrus groups using the 12 coumarin components as variables, with a Pearson correlation matrix. The AHC and PCA analyses were performed using XLSTAT v. 2018.1.1.62926 (Addinsoft, Paris, France).

4. Conclusions

In this study, we developed and validated a simple and sensitive UPLC-MS/MS method for the detection and quantification of 14 selected oxygen heterocyclic compounds (coumarins and furanocoumarins). Targeted screening using this method was successfully completed for the essential oils of 12 different Citrus species. To our knowledge, this is the most comprehensive investigation of coumarin and furanocoumarin profiles across commercial-scale Citrus oils to date. The lowest amount was detected in calamansi oil. Expressed oil of Italian bergamot showed the highest furanocoumarin content and the highest level of any individual furanocoumarin (bergamottin). Remarkable differences were observed in the coumarin and furanocoumarin levels among oils of different crop varieties and origins within the same species. We found potential correlations between bergapten and xanthotoxin which matches with known biosynthetic pathways. Patterns in furanocoumarin profiles lined up with known variations among the Citrus ancestral taxa. Using multivariate analysis, we were able to divide the Citrus oils into 5 main groups (bergamots; lime and German lemon; yuzu and grapefruit; oranges, tangerines, clementines, mandarins, calamansi, and petitgrains; and lemons) and correlate them to the coumarin compositions.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, N.S.D. and P.S.; methodology, N.S.D.; software, N.S.D. and W.N.S.; validation, N.S.D.; formal analysis, N.S.D. and W.N.S.; investigation, N.S.D. and P.S.; data curation, W.N.S.; writing—original draft preparation, N.S.D.; writing—review and editing, N.S.D., P.S. and W.N.S.; supervision, W.N.S. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

All data are available upon reasonable request from the corresponding author (N.S.D.).


This work was carried out as part of the activities of the Aromatic Plant Research Center (APRC,, accessed on 18 September 2022).

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


AHCagglomerative hierarchical cluster analysis
DADdiode array detector
ELISAenzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
EOessential oil
GC-MSgas chromatography–mass spectroscopy
HPLChigh-performance liquid chromatography
LC-MSliquid chromatography- mass spectrometry
LOQlimit of quantification
MRMmultiple reaction monitoring mode
NMRnuclear magnetic resonance
OTUsoperational taxonomic units
PCAPrincipal component analysis
ppmparts per million
QCquality control
RP-HPLCreversed-phase-high-performance liquid chromatography
UPGMAunweighted pair group method with arithmetic average
UPLC-MS/MSultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry


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Figure 1. Chemical structure of key non-volatile components in expressed Citrus essential oils.
Figure 1. Chemical structure of key non-volatile components in expressed Citrus essential oils.
Molecules 27 06277 g001
Figure 2. LC-MS/MS chromatogram (MRM acquisition mode) of 14 targeted coumarins using a Shimadzu LCMS8060.
Figure 2. LC-MS/MS chromatogram (MRM acquisition mode) of 14 targeted coumarins using a Shimadzu LCMS8060.
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Figure 3. Dendrogram obtained by cluster analysis of the coumarin composition of Citrus essential oils, based on correlation and using the unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic average (UPGMA).
Figure 3. Dendrogram obtained by cluster analysis of the coumarin composition of Citrus essential oils, based on correlation and using the unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic average (UPGMA).
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Figure 4. Principal component biplot of PC1 and PC2 scores and loadings indicating the coumarin chemical relationships of Citrus essential oils.
Figure 4. Principal component biplot of PC1 and PC2 scores and loadings indicating the coumarin chemical relationships of Citrus essential oils.
Molecules 27 06277 g004
Table 1. Linearity of the UPLC-MS Method (Equation and Coefficient of Determination, r2), Limit of Quantitation (LOQ), and Accuracy of the UPLC-MS Method of 14 Coumarins and Furanocoumarins.
Table 1. Linearity of the UPLC-MS Method (Equation and Coefficient of Determination, r2), Limit of Quantitation (LOQ), and Accuracy of the UPLC-MS Method of 14 Coumarins and Furanocoumarins.
AccuracyPrecisionIntermediate Precision
Linear Range (ppm)Equationr2 Recovery %RSD%RSD%
Citropten0.001–0.1Y = 0.9847x + 0.00120.99910.00198.92–113.802.604.44
5-Geranyloxy-7-methoxycoumarin0.0001–0.1Y = 0.9976x + 0.00020.99890.000194.07–105.442.232.05
Toncarine0.005–0.1Y = 0.9961x + 0.00030.99910.00597.50–114.531.282.44
Herniarin0.001–0.1 Y = 0.989x + 0.00080.99960.00198.25–113.402.334.90
Linear furanocoumarins
6’,7’-Epoxybergamottin0.001–0.1Y = 0.9948x + 0.00040.99900.00196.83–
Bergamottin0.001–0.1Y = 0.9975x + 0.00020.99880.00195.75–104.562.263.05
Bergapten0.0001–0.1Y = 0.9956x + 0.00030.99940.000196.92–109.332.500.46
Biacangelicol0.001–0.1Y = 0.9923x + 0.00060.99920.00197.17–
Imperatorin0.001–0.1 Y = 0.9904x + 0.00070.99970.00196.40–106.672.592.32
Isopimpinellin0.0001–0.1 Y = 1.0002x + 8x10-60.99890.000195.75–112.132.892.26
Oxypeucedanin0.005–0.1 Y = 0.9946x + 0.00040.99870.00596.33–107.732.621.17
Psoralen0.001–0.1Y = 0.9936x + 0.00050.99850.00197.00–113.002.382.94
Trioxsalen0.001–0.1Y = 0.993x + 0.00050.99970.00198.50–
Xanthotoxin0.001–0.1Y = 0.9874x + 0.0010.99970.00198.58–112.073.672.54
Table 2. Total coumarin, total furanocoumarins, and coumarin distribution of the tested Citrus oils.
Table 2. Total coumarin, total furanocoumarins, and coumarin distribution of the tested Citrus oils.
Citrus OilTotal Coumarin (ppm)Total FC (ppm)Coumarin Distribution
Bergamot (Brazil)52,473.90 ± 1775.6348,798.90 ± 174.98Bergamottin > imperatorin > bergapten > 5-geranyloxy-7-methoxycoumarin > citropten > xanthotoxin > 6’,7’-epoxybergamottin > herniarin > psoralen > oxypeucedanin > isopimpinellin > biacangelicol
Bergamot (Italy)171,453.11 ± 9227.11167,281.60 ± 1017.74Bergamottin > imperatorin > 6’,7’-epoxybergamottin > 5-geranyloxy-7-methoxycoumarin > citropten > xanthotoxin > bergapten > herniarin > oxypeucedanin > isopimpinellin > psoralen > biacangelicol
Bitter Orange814.95 ± 9.52809.21 ± 1.306’,7’-Epoxybergamottin > xanthotoxin > bergapten > imperatorin > bergamottin > citropten > psoralen > 5-geranyloxy-7-methoxycoumarin > herniarin > isopimpinellin
Calamansi0.15 ± 0.0205-Geranyloxy-7-methoxycoumarin
Clementine (Brazil)75.26 ± 0.0843.03 ± 0.115-Geranyloxy-7-methoxycoumarin > bergamottin > imperatorin > citropten > oxypeucedanin > xanthotoxin > bergapten > herniarin > isopimpinellin
Clementine (Italy)4.69 ± 0.033.38 ± 0.04Oxypeucedanin > bergamottin > citropten > xanthotoxin > biacangelicol > bergapten > 5-geranyloxy-7-methoxycoumarin > psoralen
Grapefruit (Red)13,099.29 ± 207.9713,013.55 ± 22.876’,7’-Epoxybergamottin > bergamottin > imperatorin > oxypeucedanin > biacangelicol > xanthotoxin > bergapten > 5-geranyloxy-7-methoxycoumarin > citropten > isopimpinellin > psoralen > herniarin
Grapefruit (White)9163.08 ± 229.859027.29 ± 25.146’,7’-Epoxybergamottin > imperatorin > bergamottin > oxypeucedanin > biacangelicol > xanthotoxin > psoralen > bergapten > herniarin > 5-geranyloxy-7-methoxycoumarin > isopimpinellin > citropten
Kaffir Lime75.46 ± 5.1343.15 ± 0.38Imperatorin > citropten > bergamottin > 5-geranyloxy-7-methoxycoumarin > xanthotoxin > bergapten > oxypeucedanin > herniarin > isopimpinellin > psoralen
Kumquat169.65 ± 0.7293.19 ± 0.53Bergamottin > 5-geranyloxy-7-methoxycoumarin > imperatorin > citropten > xanthotoxin > bergapten > oxypeucedanin > herniarin > isopimpinellin > 6′,7′-epoxybergamottin > biacangelicol
Lemon (Argentina)5404.76 ± 3.603861.29 ± 3.41Imperatorin > bergamottin > citropten > oxypeucedanin > 5-geranyloxy-7-methoxycoumarin > biacangelicol > 6′,7′-epoxybergamottin > herniarin > xanthotoxin > bergapten > isopimpinellin
Lemon (Brazil)3321.86 ± 1.842335.29 ± 1.77Imperatorin > bergamottin > citropten > 5-geranyloxy-7-methoxycoumarin > oxypeucedanin> biacangelicol > 6′,7′-epoxybergamottin > xanthotoxin > bergapten > herniarin > isopimpinellin
Lemon (Germany)3107.99 ± 3.272029.93 ± 2.61Imperatorin > bergamottin > 5-geranyloxy-7-methoxycoumarin > citropten > oxypeucedanin > 6′,7′-epoxybergamottin > biacangelicol > herniarin > xanthotoxin > bergapten > isopimpinellin
Lemon (Italy)10,874.88 ± 8.288346.28 ± 9.30Bergamottin > imperatorin > oxypeucedanin > 5-geranyloxy-7-methoxycoumarin > citropten > biacangelicol > 6′,7′-epoxybergamottin > xanthotoxin > bergapten > herniarin > isopimpinellin > psoralen
Lemon (South Africa)4268.48 ± 2.133185.78 ± 2.81Oxypeucedanin > imperatorin > bergamottin > citropten > 5-geranyloxy-7-methoxycoumarin > biacangelicol > 6′,7′-epoxybergamottin > xanthotoxin > bergapten > herniarin > isopimpinellin
Lemon (Spain)3343.46 ± 4.762467.31 ± 4.28Imperatorin > bergamottin > 5-geranyloxy-7-methoxycoumarin > citropten > oxypeucedanin > 6′,7′-epoxybergamottin > biacangelicol > xanthotoxin > bergapten > herniarin > isopimpinellin
Lemon (USA)2717.40 ± 4.451985.52 ± 4.93Imperatorin > bergamottin > citropten > 5-geranyloxy-7-methoxycoumarin > oxypeucedanin > biacangelicol > 6′,7′-epoxybergamottin > xanthotoxin > bergapten > herniarin > isopimpinellin > psoralen
Lime23,795.43 ± 564.2216,725.07 ± 43.80Bergamottin > imperatorin > 5-geranyloxy-7-methoxycoumarin > citropten > oxypeucedanin > xanthotoxin > herniarin > bergapten > isopimpinellin > 6′,7′-epoxybergamottin > biacangelicol > psoralen
Mandarin (Green)32.27 ± 0.3522.77 ± 0.46Imperatorin > bergamottin > 5-geranyloxy-7-methoxycoumarin > citropten > xanthotoxin > oxypeucedanin > herniarin > bergapten > isopimpinellin > biacangelicol
Mandarin (Red)27.42 ± 0.0619.06 ± 0.08Imperatorin > bergamottin > 5-geranyloxy-7-methoxycoumarin > citropten > oxypeucedanin > xanthotoxin > bergapten > herniarin > isopimpinellin > biacangelicol
Mandarin (Yellow)52.89 ± 0.0437.96 ± 0.05Imperatorin > bergamottin > 5-geranyloxy-7-methoxycoumarin > citropten > xanthotoxin > bergapten > herniarin > oxypeucedanin > isopimpinellin > biacangelicol
Petitgrain (Lemon)36.22 ± 2.1020.74 ± 0.18Herniarin > imperatorin > citropten > bergapten > xanthotoxin > bergamottin > psoralen > 5-geranyloxy-7-methoxycoumarin > oxypeucedanin > isopimpinellin > biacangelicol
Petitgrain (Lime)58.93 ± 1.3747.47 ± 0.11Imperatorin > xanthotoxin > citropten > bergapten > isopimpinellin > bergamottin > 5-geranyloxy-7-methoxycoumarin > herniarin > oxypeucedanin > psoralen
Sweet Orange (Navel)179.26 ± 9.94140.13 ± 0.756′,7′-Epoxybergamottin > bergamottin > oxypeucedanin > imperatorin > 5-geranyloxy-7-methoxycoumarin > citropten > biacangelicol > xanthotoxin > bergapten > isopimpinellin > herniarin > psoralen
Sweet Orange (Valencia)122.27 ± 2.2968.75 ± 0.195-Geranyloxy-7-methoxycoumarin > imperatorin > bergamottin > citropten > oxypeucedanin > xanthotoxin > bergapten > herniarin > isopimpinellin > 6′,7′-epoxybergamottin > biacangelicol
Tangerine (Brazil)149.45 ± 1.5894.31 ± 1.45Imperatorin > bergamottin > 5-geranyloxy-7-methoxycoumarin > citropten > xanthotoxin > bergapten > 6′,7′-epoxybergamottin > oxypeucedanin > herniarin > isopimpinellin > biacangelicol > psoralen
Tangerine (Italy)2.44 ± 0.021.95 ± 0.03Bergamottin > bergapten > xanthotoxin > oxypeucedanin > citropten > 6′,7′-epoxybergamottin > 5-geranyloxy-7-methoxycoumarin
Yuzu609.06 ± 0.33597.1 ± 0.416′,7′-Epoxybegamottin > biacangelicol > oxypeucedanin > xanthotoxin > bergapten > imperatorin > citropten > bergamottin > herniarin > 5-Geranyloxy-7-methoxycoumarin > isopimpinellin
Table 3. Non-volatile components of cold-pressed Citrus oils that are reported in the literature.
Table 3. Non-volatile components of cold-pressed Citrus oils that are reported in the literature.
Citrus OilNon-Volatile ComponentsReported AmountReference(s)
Bitter orangeBergapten
Bergamot CP5-Geranloxy-7-methoxycoumarin
Mandarin CO2Bergapten
Lemon (coastal)Bergapten
0–10 ppm
700–1300 ppm
0–10 ppm
0–5 ppm
Lemon (desert)Bergapten
50–350 ppm
700–1700 ppm
<10 ppm
35–110 ppm
Oxypeucedanin hydrate
1800–2500 ppm
190–370 ppm
190–360 ppm
1600–1910 ppm
660–1230 ppm
520–1420 ppm
890–1570 ppm
2453–2845 ppm
204–324 ppm
399–454 ppm
2635–2973 ppm
555–1640 ppm
659–1495 ppm
863–2200 ppm
Lime oil (Mexican type B)5-Geranoxy-7-methoxycoumarin
Oxypeucedanin hydrate
27,770–45,350 ppm
2100–2790 ppm
3800–4540 ppm
25,320–41,590 ppm
2160–3920 ppm
80–1020 ppm
5940–10,950 ppm
70–250 ppm
3350–4670 ppm
380–660 ppm
70–410 ppm
3010–7300 ppm
6660–10,720 ppm
1620–1710 ppm
Lime (type A)5-Geranoxy-7-methoxycoumarin
Oxypeucedanin hydrate
41,550–63,320 ppm
4170–4830 ppm
6520–8100 ppm
37,300–56,130 ppm
2000–3450 ppm
0–90 ppm
7350–11,740 ppm
90–340 ppm
1460–2970 ppm
830–900 ppm
5670–10,210 ppm
0–260 ppm
780–1160 ppm
Key lime CP5-Isopentenyloxy-7-methoxycoumarin
Oxypeucedanin hydrate
2790 ± 15 ppm
4470 ± 28.7 ppm
36,401 ± 150.9 ppm
3000 ± 31.1 ppm
92 ± 9.9 ppm
10,950 ± 92.8 ppm
250 ± 62 ppm
249 ± 7.6 ppm
3880 ± 45.8 ppm
39 ± 10.3 ppm
88 ± 5.9 ppm
7300 ± 46.9 ppm
10,600 ± 85.1 ppm
1690 ± 203 ppm
Key Lime (type A)5-Geranoxy-7-methoxycoumarin
Oxypeucedanin hydrate
306.5–404.5 ppm
<0.1 ppm
<0.1 ppm
315.7–328.3 ppm
10–12.4 ppm
49.1–63.2 ppm
2.5–3.5 ppm
8.6–9.6 ppm
<0.1 ppm
35–36.5 ppm
<0.1 ppm
<0.1 ppm
Key Lime (type A)5-Geranoxy-7-methoxycoumarin
Oxypeucedanin hydrate
409.3 ppm
<0.1 ppm
<0.1 ppm
315.4 ppm
8.9 ppm
48.4 ppm
2.4 ppm
7.4 ppm
<0.1 ppm
33.1 ppm
14.4 ppm
<0.1 ppm
<0.1 ppm
Persian Lime5-Geranoxy-7-methoxycoumarin
Oxypeucedanin hydrate
194.3–378 ppm
<0.1 ppm
<0.1 ppm
222.1–391.8 ppm
15.8–25 ppm
32.6–56.9 ppm
0.5–0.8 ppm
33.9–59.4 ppm
<0.1 ppm
16.9–29.3 ppm
21–32.8 ppm
<0.1 ppm
<0.1 ppm
Bergamot oil (Italian)5-Geranoxy-7-methoxycoumarin
Bergamot CP5-Geranoxy-7-methoxycoumarin
8–27 ppm
100–275 ppm
10–32 ppm
12–35 ppm
Bergamot oil (commercial)5-Geranoxy-7-methoxycoumarin
18–37 ppm
<5 ppm
<5 ppm
<5 ppm
<5 ppm
68–116 ppm
4–10 ppm
10–13 ppm
<5 ppm
<5 ppm
<5 ppm
Bergamot oilBergamottin
96.7 ug/100mg
152.5 ug/100mg
21.7 ug/100mg
16,312 ppm
8 ppm
70.3 ppm
53.5 ppm
0–2.827 ppm
0–39.203 ppm
0–4.215 ppm
0–6.134 ppm
0–0.251 ppm
0–3 ppm
0–37 ppm
0–268 ppm
0–14 ppm
1065 ± 7.5 ppm
19,605 ± 73.2 ppm
2474 ± 28.4 ppm
2232 ± 26.3 ppm
67 ± 3.2 ppm
Table 4. Sample information of citrus essential oil samples from the APRC collection.
Table 4. Sample information of citrus essential oil samples from the APRC collection.
Citrus OilScientific NameNo. of SamplesOrigin
CalamansiCitrus × microcarpa (Bunge) Wijnands5 Philippines
Tangerine Citrus tangerina Hort. Ex Tanaka13 Brazil
KumquatCitrus japonica Thunb3 Brazil
MandarinCitrus reticulata Blanco33Brazil
Clementine Citrus clementina Hort. Ex Tanaka6Brazil
Yuzu or Yuja Citrus junos Sieb. Ex Tanaka16 Brazil
Bitter Orange Citrus aurantium L.6 Japan
Sweet Orange Citrus sinensis L.36Brazil
Lime Citrus aurantifolia (Christm.) Swingle28 Brazil
Bergamot Citrus bergamia Risso & Poit66Italy and Brazil
Grapefruit Citrus × paradisi Macfady45South Africa and USA
Lemon Citrus limon Osbeck97Spain, Argentina, Brazil, Italy, USA, South Africa, and Germany
PetitgrainCitrus aurantifolia leaf and Citrus limon leaf20Paraguay
Table 5. Multiple reaction monitoring mode (MRM) parameters.
Table 5. Multiple reaction monitoring mode (MRM) parameters.
NameOther Name(s)CAS #Precursor (m/z)Product 1 (m/z)Product 2 (m/z)Product 3 (m/z)RT (min)
Citropten or Limettin5,7-dimethoxycoumarin487-06-9206.90192.10149.10121.157.61
5-Geranyloxy-7-methoxycoumarin 7380-39-4328.90193.10137.05149.1012.25
Toncarine 6-Methylcoumarin92-48-8160.90105.0576.95115.057.18
Linear furanocoumarins
Biacangelicol or Byakangelicol5-methoxy-8-(2l,3l-epoxyisopentyloxy) psoralen26091-79-2317.00233.05231.10218.108.21
Psoralen 66-97-7186.90131.1077.10115.106.98
Isopimpinellin 482-27-9246.90216.95232.05189.057.57
Bergapten 484-20-8216.90202.10174.1089.057.75
Imperatorin 8-isopentenyloxypsoralen482-44-0202.9091.1591.1565.1012.09
Trioxsalen 3902-71-4229.00115.15142.20128.109.62
6′,7′-Epoxybergamottin 206978-14-5354.90203.10153.15147.1010.11
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MDPI and ACS Style

Dosoky, N.S.; Satyal, P.; Setzer, W.N. Authentication of Citrus spp. Cold-Pressed Essential Oils by Their Oxygenated Heterocyclic Components. Molecules 2022, 27, 6277.

AMA Style

Dosoky NS, Satyal P, Setzer WN. Authentication of Citrus spp. Cold-Pressed Essential Oils by Their Oxygenated Heterocyclic Components. Molecules. 2022; 27(19):6277.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Dosoky, Noura S., Prabodh Satyal, and William N. Setzer. 2022. "Authentication of Citrus spp. Cold-Pressed Essential Oils by Their Oxygenated Heterocyclic Components" Molecules 27, no. 19: 6277.

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