History of the Development of Knowledge about the Neuroendocrine Control of Ovulation—Recent Knowledge on the Molecular Background
:1. Introduction
2. Blood Supply of the Pituitary Gland
3. Structure of the ME
4. Ovarian Hormones Involved in Ovulation: Estrogen (E) and Progesterone (P)
5. Anterior Pituitary Cell Composition, Pituitary Hormones Involved in Ovulation: LH, FSH, and PRL
6. Hypophysiotropic Area
7. Discovery of Releasing and Inhibiting Hormones
8. Origin and Development of GnRH Neurons
9. Pulsatility of GnRH
10. Feedback Mechanism and Pulse and Surge Generators
11. Discovery of the Gonadotropin-Inhibiting Hormone
12. The Sequence of Hormonal Events during Ovulation
13. Infertility and Assisted Reproduction
14. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
ACTH | adrenocorticotropic hormone |
AMH | anti-Müllerian hormone |
AVP | arginine vasopressin |
BBB | blood–brain barrier |
BMP4 | bone morphogenetic protein |
C | corticotropes |
CNS | central nervous system |
CRH | corticotropic-hormone-releasing hormone |
Dy | dynorphin |
ELISA | enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay |
E | estrogen |
E2 | 17-β estradiol |
Erα | estradiol receptor α |
Erβ | estradiol receptor β |
FGF | fibroblast growth factor protein |
FSH G | follicle-stimulating hormone gonadotropes |
GH | growth hormone |
GnIH | gonadotropin-release-inhibiting hormone |
GnRH | gonadotropin-releasing hormone |
GnRHR | GnRH receptor |
GPR KP | G-protein-coupled receptor kisspeptin |
KNDY | neurons expressing all three peptides: KP, NKB and Dy |
KO | knockout |
ERKO | E2 receptor knockout |
LH | luteinizing hormone |
LHRH | luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone |
LIM | homeobox subfamily |
M | melanocyte |
MBH | medial basal hypothalamus |
ME | median eminence |
MSH | melanocyte-stimulating hormone |
NKB | neurokinin B |
NPY | neuropeptide-Y |
P | progesterone |
PACAP | pituitary-adenylate-cyclase-activating polypeptide |
Pit1 | pituitary-specific transcription factor |
PR | progesterone receptor |
PRL | prolactin |
PROP1 | gene encoding Pit1 |
RIA | radioimmunoassay |
SCN | suprachiasmatic nucleus |
SF-1 | steroidogenic factor-1 |
Shh | sonic hedgehog protein |
TRH | thyroid-stimulating hormone-releasing hormone |
TSH | thyroid-stimulating hormone |
VEGFA | vascular endothelial growth factor A |
VIP | vasoactive intestinal polypeptide |
VNO | vomeronasal organ |
Wnt5 | wingless protein |
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Milestone | Year of Discovery | Author | Citation |
Recognition of the portal system | 1742 | Lieutaud | [103] |
Description of estrous cycle in rats | 1922 | Long and Evans | [134] |
Discovery of estrogen | 1923 | Allen and Doisy | [74] |
Discovery of progesterone | 1929 | Corner and Allen | [75] |
Vascular ring between the pituitary and the hypothalamus | 1930 | Popa and Fielding | [19] |
Effect of illumination on ovulation | 1934 | Marshall and Bowden | [18] |
Importance of vaginal smears | 1941 | Papanicolau and Traut | [93] |
Neural control of the pituitary gland | 1950 | Harris | [21] |
Description of the magnocellular system | 1951 | Bargmann and Scharrer | [61] |
Restitution of a pituitary graft in the median eminence | 1958 | Nikitovich-Winer and Everett | [125] |
Radioimmunoassay | 1959 | Yallow and Berson | [94] |
Reverse blood flow from pituitary to hypothalamus | 1962 | Török | [42] |
Tuberoinfundibular parvicellular system | 1962 | Szentágotai | [22] |
Description of hypophysiotropic area | 1965 | Halász and Papp | [124] |
Discovery of estrogen receptor α | 1967 | Jensen | [77] |
Chemical characterization of lactogenic hormone | 1969 | Li | [118] |
Description of the structure of the median eminence | 1970 | Knigge and Scott | [66] |
Chemical description of glycoprotein hormones | 1971 | Pierce | [120] |
Isolation and properties of LH- and FSH-releasing hormones | 1971 | Schally | [145] |
Radioimmunoassay of LHRH | 1973 | Arimura | [151] |
Distribution of LHRH in the hypothalamus | 1974 | King | [156] |
Pulsatility of GnRH in the portal blood | 1976 | Carmel | [165] |
Characterization of GnRH receptor | 1981 | Clayton and Catt | [176] |
Development of the pituitary gland | 1987 | Szabó | [60] |
Origin of GnRH from the olfactory placode | 1989 | Schwanzel-Fukuda and Pfaff | [181] |
Demonstration of hypophysiotropic GnRH neurons | 1989 | Merchenthaler | [170] |
Discovery of neurosteroids | 1990 | Baulieu and Robel | [91] |
Discovery of estrogen receptor β | 1996 | Kuiper | [80] |
Molecular background of pituitary differentiation | 1998 | Treier | [104] |
Estrogen α and β knockout models | 2000 | Dupont | [83] |
Description of the surge generator | 2008 | Herbison | [203] |
Description of the pulse generator | 2009 | Navarro | [206] |
Description of the GnRH dendron | 2013 | Herde | [188] |
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Szabó, F.; Köves, K.; Gál, L. History of the Development of Knowledge about the Neuroendocrine Control of Ovulation—Recent Knowledge on the Molecular Background. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2024, 25, 6531. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms25126531
Szabó F, Köves K, Gál L. History of the Development of Knowledge about the Neuroendocrine Control of Ovulation—Recent Knowledge on the Molecular Background. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2024; 25(12):6531. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms25126531
Chicago/Turabian StyleSzabó, Flóra, Katalin Köves, and Levente Gál. 2024. "History of the Development of Knowledge about the Neuroendocrine Control of Ovulation—Recent Knowledge on the Molecular Background" International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25, no. 12: 6531. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms25126531
APA StyleSzabó, F., Köves, K., & Gál, L. (2024). History of the Development of Knowledge about the Neuroendocrine Control of Ovulation—Recent Knowledge on the Molecular Background. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25(12), 6531. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms25126531