Raw Biogas Desulphurization Using the Adsorption-Absorption Technique for a Pilot Production of Agricultural Biogas from Pig Slurry in Poland
:1. Introduction
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- biogas treatment consisting of two desulphurizers, each with a volume of 50 L, along with equipment for the regeneration of the bed,
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- loose bed, which consists of the modification of bog iron and activated carbon.
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- biogas composition;
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- amount of H2S in biogas produced from polydisperse substrate;
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- course of changes in the average daily temperature of the fermentation process;
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- biogas permeability characteristics (raw, desulphurized, treated) resulting from the pressure that forces this flow.
2. Aspects of Biogas Desulphurization in the Technical, Technological and Socio-Economic Context
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Agricultural Biogas Production Installation Using a Polydisperse Substrate (Pig Manure)-Research Position
3.2. Scope and Research Methodology
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- desulphurization of raw agricultural biogas using the granular bed adsorption-absorption technique.
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- Raw biogas was produced using an adhesive bed under mesophilic process conditions.
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- The criteria for the evaluation of biogas production were developed depending on:
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- the composition of crude and desulphurized gas in the flow in time;
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- gas temperature over time in the fermentor, before the desulfurizer, after the desulfurizer;
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- gas permeability in time in the fermenter (adhesive bed), before the desulphurizer, after the desulphurizer (loose bed).
4. Results and Discussion
5. Conclusions
- (1)
- The applied technique of desulphurization of raw agricultural biogas significantly contributes to the treatment of purified biogas;
- (2)
- The method of using a granular bed in desulphurizers significantly improves the process of raw biogas desulphurization, for high-calorific biogas 100% desulphurized and in cogeneration into electricity and heat;
- (3)
- Raw biogas can be cleaned easily and reliably and produced close to the livestock building.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Method | Process or Technique | Application | Range of Biogas Desulphurisation Efficiency |
Physical | Absorption (wet) |
| >94% [5,12] |
Absorption (dry) |
| up to 95% [9,15] | |
Absorption (wet) |
| >96% [5,12] | |
Cryogenic separation |
| up to 99% [36] | |
Chemical | Absorption |
| up to 90% [6,9,14,15,37] |
Membrane (porous or diffusive) |
| up to 99% [15,38] | |
Absorption (wet) |
| (95 ÷ 99)% [10,39] | |
Biological | Oxidation |
| over 95% [6,15] |
Microbiological reaction |
| (80 ÷ 99)% [40] |
Desulphurisation | Course of Process | Application | Range of Biogas Desulphurisation Efficiency |
chemical | in fermenter |
| (80 ÷ 99)% [40] |
outside fermenter |
| up to 94% [6] | |
biological | in fermenter |
| (80 ÷ 99)% [40] |
outside fermenter |
| (70 ÷ 98)% [61] up to 95% [62] up to 95% [62] |
Fattening Pig | Volume of Substrate | Cycle |
quantity | time | |
3500 | 1400 m3 | 1 year |
1 | 0.4 m3 | 90 days |
1 | 0.4 L | 1 day |
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Kapłan, M.; Klimek, K.; Syrotyuk, S.; Konieczny, R.; Jura, B.; Smoliński, A.; Szymenderski, J.; Budnik, K.; Anders, D.; Dybek, B.; et al. Raw Biogas Desulphurization Using the Adsorption-Absorption Technique for a Pilot Production of Agricultural Biogas from Pig Slurry in Poland. Energies 2021, 14, 5929. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14185929
Kapłan M, Klimek K, Syrotyuk S, Konieczny R, Jura B, Smoliński A, Szymenderski J, Budnik K, Anders D, Dybek B, et al. Raw Biogas Desulphurization Using the Adsorption-Absorption Technique for a Pilot Production of Agricultural Biogas from Pig Slurry in Poland. Energies. 2021; 14(18):5929. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14185929
Chicago/Turabian StyleKapłan, Magdalena, Kamila Klimek, Serhiy Syrotyuk, Ryszard Konieczny, Bartłomiej Jura, Adam Smoliński, Jan Szymenderski, Krzysztof Budnik, Dorota Anders, Barbara Dybek, and et al. 2021. "Raw Biogas Desulphurization Using the Adsorption-Absorption Technique for a Pilot Production of Agricultural Biogas from Pig Slurry in Poland" Energies 14, no. 18: 5929. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14185929
APA StyleKapłan, M., Klimek, K., Syrotyuk, S., Konieczny, R., Jura, B., Smoliński, A., Szymenderski, J., Budnik, K., Anders, D., Dybek, B., Karwacka, A., & Wałowski, G. (2021). Raw Biogas Desulphurization Using the Adsorption-Absorption Technique for a Pilot Production of Agricultural Biogas from Pig Slurry in Poland. Energies, 14(18), 5929. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14185929