Opportunities in Jet-Impingement Cooling for Gas-Turbine Engines
:1. Introduction
2. Benchmark Studies on Impingement Heat Transfer
3. Key Aspects of Impingement Heat Transfer Related to Gas-Turbine Technologies
3.1. Jet Entrainment
3.2. Impingement-Effusion Cooling
3.3. Jet Orifice
3.3.1. Thermal-Hydraulic Performance of Shaped Jets
3.3.2. Design Equivalency of Shaped Jets
3.4. Backplate Modifications
3.5. Target Surface Modification
3.6. Impingement Channel Modification
3.7. Crossflow Regulation
4. Forgotten Recovery Factor in Impingement
5. Detailed Two-Dimensional Thermal Measurements
6. Conclusions
- Separation of crossflow and entrainment effects: Simulate crossflow at room temperature at the entrance of the impingement chamber with forced channel flow; this will have the jet deflection effect but will not have the entrainment of spent jet temperatures. After that, vary the starting crossflow temperature to study the entrainment effects in multiple or single rows of jets. Does it match post-impingement crossflow thermal data? If not, something more than just the flow and temperature needs to be added such as skewness in the flow field and turbulence.
- Evaluate high-performance orifices at a fixed pumping power: Compare data in terms of raw heat transfer coefficient for a given flow rate at a given pressure drop, and not in terms of Nusselt number as nondimensional information masks the true enhancement levels. Prior investigations in this area have not looked at the heat transfer with the concomitant pressure drop. We understand the use of Nu and Re for extrapolating the usable range of experimental data, but to compare the real impact with the same design constraints, raw heat transfer coefficient with a matched pressure drop provides a better understanding.
- Identification of more suitable nondimensional test parameters: Include hole discharge effect along with the hole size. There is perhaps a different nondimensional parameter than the current Reynolds number because Re defined with hole diameter does not include the Cd effect, which effectively reduces the exit diameter of a jet. This new form of jet Reynolds number, when proposed, should be easy enough to be applied in commercial design. Furthermore, the definition of heat transfer coefficient involving a far-field reference temperature should be revisited. The adiabatic wall temperature is perhaps a more suitable option; however, it is not directly measured in transient heat transfer experiments.
- Fluidic oscillation in low Cd orifice flows with backplate: Add flow oscillations (not axial pulsation) with fluidic devices. The trend in published literature shows that lower Cd is better for impingement heat transfer, but no explanation on the cause has been found yet. A possible explanation of jet oscillation with low Cd orifice is illustrated in this work and perhaps can be verified with detailed experimental unsteady measurements. Fast-changing unsteady heat transfer experiments are difficult to design, which is perhaps why this aspect has not yet been tested. Can the orifice jet heat transfer pattern be reproduced by mechanically oscillating a tube jet? If so, what is the frequency and amplitude of the oscillation?
- Mach number, swirl, and recovery effects on impingement: Use high-velocity compressible flow tests. The high Mach flow with compressibility effects needs to be investigated to simulate real engine conditions as those data are not available in the public literature. Most of the benchmark work done in the 1970s and 1980s was performed in near-atmospheric conditions. Since the experimental facilities and numerical tools have improved significantly, it will be interesting to observe jet impingement with compressibility effects. Impingement tests in low-pressure, low-flow environments cannot simulate recovery factor effects, but real engine operating conditions are extreme. Recovery heating and swirl cooling can play significant roles in engine condition heat transfer performance.
- Local tube jet instead of orifice jet when inlet or exit is close to the impingement chamber: Use tubes instead of orifices where the jet direction is important. The proximity of the channel exit with respect to the last row of jets affects the flow but has not been studied in detail. The proximity of the spent jet that exits near the last row of holes can facilitate additional discharge by suction from the holes near the exit and cause non-uniform jet distribution. It is also noticed that tube jets would have more directionality to penetrate the crossflow than orifice jets. Moreover, the tube length can be controlled to match the pressure losses created by non-uniform flow distribution and perhaps can be optimized. However, the region with lower crossflow should have sharp-edged orifices as they perform better than tube jets in that flow domain.
- Surface microchannels, heat pipes, and effusion cooling: Use surface microchannels with effusion cooling to reduce temperature gradients and cracking. Impingement cooling creates high temperature gradients and can cause cracking in components. To smoothen the thermal gradients, surface microchannels can be adopted along with effusion cooling. Back in 1995 [125], there were discussions on applying heat pipe in turbine structures by a division of DOE to help with the thermal loads, but it has not received a warm welcome from the turbine community. Maybe it is time to revisit that concept as well.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Factors in Jet Impingement Heat Transfer | Representative Figure |
Jet entrainment [19] | |
Impingement–Effusion [20] | |
Jet orifice ((a): [21], (b): [22], (c): [23], (d): [24]) | |
Backplate modifications [25] | |
Target surface modifications ((a): [26], (b): [27], (c): [18]) | |
Impingement channel modifications ((a): [28], (b): [29], (c): [30]) | |
Crossflow regulation [15] | |
Cd at Duct 20,000 Re | Cd | Nu Avg. | Re for Nu |
Round sq edge | 0.825 | 77 | 27,200 |
Round part fillet | 0.975 | 79 | 27,200 |
Round full fillet | 1 | 75 | 27,200 |
RT sq edge | 0.745 | 85 | 23,000 |
RT part fillet | 0.825 | 83 | 23,000 |
RT full fillet | 0.83 | 75 | 23,000 |
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Dutta, S.; Singh, P. Opportunities in Jet-Impingement Cooling for Gas-Turbine Engines. Energies 2021, 14, 6587. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14206587
Dutta S, Singh P. Opportunities in Jet-Impingement Cooling for Gas-Turbine Engines. Energies. 2021; 14(20):6587. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14206587
Chicago/Turabian StyleDutta, Sandip, and Prashant Singh. 2021. "Opportunities in Jet-Impingement Cooling for Gas-Turbine Engines" Energies 14, no. 20: 6587. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14206587
APA StyleDutta, S., & Singh, P. (2021). Opportunities in Jet-Impingement Cooling for Gas-Turbine Engines. Energies, 14(20), 6587. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14206587