A Blockchain-Supported Framework for Charging Management of Electric Vehicles
:1. Introduction
1.1. Background and Motivation
1.2. Blockchain
1.3. Literature Review
1.4. Contribution
- We provide an extensive comparison between some of the most popular blockchain platforms, such as AragonOS, Energy Web Chain, Hyperledger Fabric, and Ethereum, across a set of comprehensive criteria, such as deployment, maintainability, and scalability, crucial for the proof of concept.
- We develop the first Ethereum-based architecture of the EV charging management framework, tightly interlinked with real-world infrastructure. Using a Solidity programming language, we design a particular smart contract that guides the EV charging process while ensuring the correct accounting for participating entities.
- We build a web interface and a mobile application based on the client’s journey to provide a user-friendly experience of EV charging encompassing the capabilities of the Ethereum blockchain. The two created instruments serve as the media for EV and charging station owners to monitor the charging process while being securely credited for respective energy flows.
- We demonstrate the application of the proposed blockchain-enabled EV charging framework on a real-world case study and document the whole EV charging process. Moreover, we assess our Ethereum-based framework’s performance by evaluating some of the most common metrics in the field, such as transaction latency and fees.
2. Methodology
2.1. Choice of Blockchain Technology
- Deployment follows the blockchain life-cycle from the development, including listing the requirements and actual programming, to the final release of the system into production.
- Maintainability refers to the degree of difficulty and effectiveness with which the intended maintainers can modify the blockchain system through updates. The modifications can contain corrections and error handling, system improvements, and adaptation.
- Scalability signifies the capability of blockchain to handle the growing amount of participants and transactions. In particular, it is expressed in how fast the blockchain can reach the consensus among nodes and add a new transaction into a block, and how many transactions per second it can process.
2.2. Blockchain System Architecture
- The PV installation in our system belongs to the hotel and is usually located on the rooftop of the building. The renewable power from PV is used to satisfy the load demand of the hotel. The excess of the PV production is supplied to the charging station when needed or is fed back to the utility grid by the hotel.
- The utility grid provides power to the hotel and the charging station whenever there is demand.
- The hotel is the main physical entity in the system architecture. The hotel is characterized by its load demand, which can be satisfied either by the rooftop PV or by the utility grid. The hotel sends the smart meter power measurements and the information about PV production to Time Series Database (TSDB). The hotel owner or the hotel manager interacts with the Server to issue charging requests to the charging station in manual mode.
- The charging station itself is not endowed with the layer of intelligence. Therefore all interactions with the charging station are conducted through the UniPi controller. The charging station is either AC or DC and can be operated in both manual and automatic modes. In manual mode, the maximum charging current is set by the hotel owner, while in automatic mode, the current is regulated according to the optimized EV charging strategy. The charging process is supported by both the utility grid and the PV installation. Once the charging is complete, the charging station returns to UniPi the charging status and the amount of energy consumed in kWh.
- The UniPi is a programmable logic controller mounted inside the charging station. The UniPi enables the automatic control of the charging process through the commands received from the Server. The internal API allows the UniPi to send requests to the charging station using Modbus in write and read modes. Particularly, the UniPi can set the charging station’s status, the energy consumption required, and the maximum amount of amps the charger can deliver to the EV. Once the charging is complete, the UniPi returns the overall amount of energy consumed during the charging process in kWh to the Server.
- The EV on the scheme represents both the vehicle itself and the EV driver, who interacts with the UniPi of the charging station using a mobile application. When the EV arrives at the charging station, the driver optionally sends out the information about the EV’s current state of charge and the amount of time the EV can spend at the charging station until the next departure. This information is used to optimize the charging process and deliver the highest PV self-consumption possible while satisfying the EV’s charging needs and maximizing the state of charge at departure. Further information about the optimization procedure can be found in [42]. If no supplementary information is provided by the driver at arrival, the charging process proceeds without the optimization feature.
- The TSDB stores all data collected from the hotel. Besides the load consumption and PV production, the information might contain hot water usage and other measurements related to the hotel’s equipment, such as heat pumps, boilers, energy storage, etc. TSDB feeds the data to the Server for visualization purposes in the front-end and for determining the optimal EV charging strategy.
- The Meta Database contains the hotel-related data used for creating the front-end of the visualization dashboard. The information includes the hotel’s profile, the list and the characteristics of the installed equipment, etc. When the system scales up to include multiple hotels, Meta Database becomes particularly useful for differentiating the static hotel-related data from dynamic time-series data stored in TSDB.
- The Server links the elements of the system architecture and enables communication from within. Moreover, it provides the visual dashboard to the hotel owner, where the latter can view the information in the interactive mode and issue the requests to the charging station. The data displayed include the hotel’s measurements and the information related to the concluded charging processes such as charging start and finish times, duration, cost, and energy content. In particular, the hotel owner can browse through the charging history of either the charging station or the EV that belongs to the hotel.
2.3. Smart Contract
- Hotels are the central parties in the smart contract defined by their Ethereum addresses. Each hotel possesses at least one charging station and eventually one EV, uniquely differentiated by their idChargingStation and idVehicle identifiers. The charging stations and EVs do not have their own Ethereum addresses, as in the charging process they act on behalf of the hotel they belong to. Therefore, a charging transaction is conducted between two hotels, where one behaves as the energy provider and the other as the energy consumer. If the EV is charged at the hotel it belongs to, this hotel takes on a double role resulting in a transaction with itself. Each hotel stores the history of its charging transactions in the chargingTransactions list. The hotels’ respective energy balances are kept in the hotelBalances list, which can be queried by the hotel’s address. To participate in the charging process by issuing a charging transaction, the hotel’s registration is required and is verified using the onlyRegisteredHotels modifier.
- The owner of the smart contract is the sender of the transaction that deploys this smart contract on the blockchain. The owner is characterized by an Ethereum address and is endowed with two exclusive capabilities enabled by the onlyowner modifier: registering new hotels and resetting energy balances. The prior allows the owner to add a new hotel to the registeredHotels list, thus enabling its participation in energy exchanges between EVs and charging stations. The latter gives the contract owner a possibility to reset the energy balance of a specific hotel to zero if needed. Moreover, the owner has the right to disable a hotel by modifying its status in the registeredHotels list.
- mapping (address => bool) public registeredHotelsallows for a quick verification of the hotel’s registration.
- mapping (address => int) public hotelBalancesgives a possibility to check the balance of the hotel of interest.
- mapping (address => ChargingTransaction[]) private chargingTransactionsassociates the list of charging transactions with the hotel’s address and allows viewing the charging history from within the smart contract.
- address _consumerAddress
- uint _startDate
- uint _endDate
- int _minusEnergyConsumption
- int _energyConsumption
- uint _idVehicle
- uint _idChargingStation
- chargingTransactions[msg.sender].push() is used to record the charging transaction on the side of the hotel owning the charging station. The push function appends the ChargingTransaction with the amount _minusEnergyConsumption to the end of the transaction list.
- chargingTransactions[_consumerAddress].push() stores the transaction on the side of the hotel that owns the EV. The respective energy amount _energyConsumption is positive.
- hotelBalances[msg.sender] -= _energyConsumption adjusts the energy balance on the supplier’s side.
- hotelBalances[_consumerAddress] += _energyConsumption adjusts the energy balance on the consumer’s side.
3. Implementation
3.1. Pilot Site
3.2. Process Flow
3.3. Technical Details
3.4. Web Interface
3.5. Mobile Application
4. Results
- Username: Kona
- Password: 1234
- Brand: Hyundai
- Model: Kona
- Battery size [kWh]: 64
- AC board charger [kW]: 11
- DC board charger [kW]: 77
- Cable type: 2 (2 = Combined Charging System (CCS), type 2)
- _consumerAddress 0x150def7979a963fd24ed9b626b612f72343cedab
- _supplierAddress 0x3d9c273236233600b98abb4332d12f0a080b3d69
- _startDate 1612341928158
- _idVehicle 3
- _idChargingStation 1
- _endDate 1612342150304
- _energyConsumption 0.223 [kWh]
- _contractAddress 0x69B320F9284183C0E97f21a7956e6D718a62939e
- Transaction latency, or average transaction time, is the time elapsed between the transaction’s generation and its final appearance in the block on the blockchain. Despite being widely used, this metric varies strongly depending on the following parameters: the number of simultaneous transactions on the network, the average gas price of every pending transaction, and the gas price the user is willing to pay. If the network is overloaded, users will have to set a higher gas price for their transaction to be processed and written on the blockchain by miners.
- Transaction fee is a cryptocurrency fee collected from users to process the transaction on the blockchain network. The fee differs depending on the complexity of the transaction, the gas price set by the user, and the price of Ethereum at the date of the transaction. This metric is related to the average transaction time since a higher transaction fee results in a shorter transaction time.
- The contract deployment fee is the price of the smart contract’s initial deployment on the main Ethereum blockchain. This must be done once for every update of the smart contract’s code. The fee works the same way as the regular transaction fee, and the price depends on the same parameters.
- The number of nodes is a good measure to understand the size of the blockchain network. However, it is more suitable for private blockchains. As the current work was conducted using the Ethereum public network, the total number of nodes, which currently equals 12473 on Ethereum [48], is not a metric of interest.
- Transaction throughput is the number of transactions per second that the network can process. Thus, it gives a good idea of how scalable the system could be in the future. However, such a metric is not applicable to evaluate our methodology’s performance as we utilize the Ethereum public blockchain and are thus limited by the main network’s capabilities without having the means to influence it.
- Transaction latency: 13.716 [s]
- Transaction fee: 0.00074103 [ETH] ≈ 1 [CHF]
- Charging station owner, who owns the charging station and respective location. The type of ownership can be semi-public, public, and private.
- Charging station operator (CSO), who is responsible for the management, maintenance, and operation of the charging station.
- Electric-mobility service provider (EMSP), who offers EV charging services to end-customers.
5. Conclusions
- The system’s security should be tested by conducting simulated experiences of potential cyber threats. Specifically, the reliability of storing the consumer’s private key on the charging station’s computer should be assessed, and various encryption methods should be tested.
- The suggested framework’s scalability limits should be analyzed through a set of extensive experiments involving multiple EVs and charging stations, where the charging processes are handled simultaneously. Thus, the respective blockchain performance-related metrics should be reassessed for several scaled scenarios.
- The energy consumption information included in the blockchain transaction should be enhanced by indicating the energy content of the EV charging conducted. Particularly, the indication of respective energy shares supplied by PV and grid should be given to trace the effective usage of renewable energy.
- The current and future legal status of blockchain should be investigated in more detail to assess the policy implications beyond the already existing data protection and privacy regulations (GDPR) in the EU.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
API | Application Programming Interface |
CCZ | Citroen C-Zero |
CSO | Charging Station Operator |
DAO | Decentrilized Autonomous Organization |
DApps | Decentralized Applications |
EMSP | Electric-Mobility Service Provider |
ESS | Energy Storage System |
EV | Electric Vehicle |
EWC | Energy Web Chain |
GDPR | General Data Protection Regulation |
HK | Hyundai Kona |
TPS | Transactions per Second |
TSDB | Time Series Database |
PAYG | Pay As You Go |
PV | Photovoltaic |
PBFT | Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance |
PoA | Proof of Authority |
PoB | Proof of Burn |
PoW | Proof of Work |
PoS | Proof of Stake |
TMX | Tesla Model X Long Range |
V2G | Vehicle-to-grid |
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Blockchain | Consensus | Speed | Permission |
Hyperledger Fabric | voting-based | 3000 TPS | permissioned |
Ethereum | lottery-based | 15 TPS | permissionless |
EWC | reputation-based | 76 TPS | permissionless |
Blockchain | Deployment | Maintainability | Scalability | |
Weights | 0.5 | 0.3 | 0.2 | Total |
AragonOS | 2 | 5 | 3 | 3.1 |
Hyperledger Fabric | 3 | 3 | 4 | 3.2 |
Ethereum | 5 | 2 | 2 | 3.5 |
EWC | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3.5 |
Field Name | Data Type |
addressHotelSupplier | address |
addressHotelConsumer | address |
startDate | uint |
endDate | uint |
energyConsumption | int |
idVehicle | uint |
idChargingStation | uint |
Num | Start | End | Time [ms] |
1 | 1612434344629 | 1612434367000 | 22,371 |
2 | 1612434037000 | 1612434042535 | 5535 |
3 | 1612433871000 | 1612433878263 | 7263 |
4 | 1612433566000 | 1612433568287 | 2287 |
5 | 1612433265875 | 1612433297000 | 31,125 |
Variable | Notation | Value | Unit |
Minimum EV state of charge | 20 | % | |
HK battery size [46] | 64 | kWh | |
HK real driving range [46] | 395 | km | |
CCZ battery size [53] | 16 | kWh | |
CCZ real driving range [53] | 85 | km | |
TMX battery size [53] | 100 | kWh | |
TMX real driving range [53] | 440 | km | |
Average daily distance driven in Switzerland by car [54] | 23.8 | km | |
Number of annual recharges of HK | 28 | - | |
Annual energy consumption of HK | 1434 | kWh | |
Number of annual recharges of CCZ | 128 | - | |
Annual energy consumption of CCZ | 1639 | kWh | |
Number of annual recharges of TMX | 25 | - | |
Annual energy consumption of TMX | 2000 | kWh |
EV Model | PAYG 1 | PAYG 2 | Night | Day | Anytime | |||||
Total | EMSP | Total | EMSP | Total | EMSP | Total | EMSP | Total | EMSP | |
HK | 27.1 | 2.0 | 25.1 | 1.8 | 19.6 | 1.4 | 35.3 | 2.6 | 47.1 | 3.4 |
CCZ | 7.9 | 0.6 | 6.2 | 0.5 | 4.3 | 0.3 | 7.7 | 0.6 | 10.3 | 0.7 |
TMX | 41.5 | 3.0 | 38.4 | 2.8 | 22.0 | 1.6 | 39.6 | 2.9 | 52.8 | 3.8 |
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Share and Cite
Dorokhova, M.; Vianin, J.; Alder, J.-M.; Ballif, C.; Wyrsch, N.; Wannier, D. A Blockchain-Supported Framework for Charging Management of Electric Vehicles. Energies 2021, 14, 7144. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14217144
Dorokhova M, Vianin J, Alder J-M, Ballif C, Wyrsch N, Wannier D. A Blockchain-Supported Framework for Charging Management of Electric Vehicles. Energies. 2021; 14(21):7144. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14217144
Chicago/Turabian StyleDorokhova, Marina, Jérémie Vianin, Jean-Marie Alder, Christophe Ballif, Nicolas Wyrsch, and David Wannier. 2021. "A Blockchain-Supported Framework for Charging Management of Electric Vehicles" Energies 14, no. 21: 7144. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14217144
APA StyleDorokhova, M., Vianin, J., Alder, J.-M., Ballif, C., Wyrsch, N., & Wannier, D. (2021). A Blockchain-Supported Framework for Charging Management of Electric Vehicles. Energies, 14(21), 7144. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14217144