Development and Performance Verification of Frequency Control Algorithm and Hardware Controller Using Real-Time Cyber Physical System Simulator
:1. Introduction
2. Development of Co-Simulation “A1GridSim”
2.1. Centralised Power Plant (CPP) Model
2.2. Energy Management System (EMS) Model
- 1.
- Control Economic/Environmental Dispatch
- Import cvxpy as cp
- Import numpy as np
- def Control_ED(n,, , , , , ):
- = cp.variable(shape=n, nonneg=True)
- = cp.variable(shape=n, nonneg=True)
- = cp.parameter(shape=n)
- = cp.parameter(shape=n)
- = cp.parameter(shape=n)
- = cp.parameter(shape=n)
- = cp.parameter(shape=n)
- .value = np.array()
- .value = np.array()
- .value = np.array()
- .value = np.array()
- .value = np.array()
- Constraints = list()
- Constraints.append()
- Constraints.append()
- Constraints.append)
- Constraints.append()
- Object = cp.Minimize(max())
- Prob = cp.Problem(Object, Constraints)
- Prob.solve()
- Return.value,.value
- 2.
- Tracking Economic/Environmental Dispatch
- def Traking_ED(, , ):
- If :
- :
- Return .value
2.3. Dynamic Frequency Model
2.4. BESS System Model
3. Software in the Loop Simulation for BESS System
3.1. Verification of Dynamic Frequency Model
3.2. Performance Verification of the BESS System for PFC
3.3. Analysis of Impact on Physical Response Delay Time between FRC and PCS
4. Hardware in the Loop Simulation for BESS System
4.1. Configuration of the HILS System for Response Performance Evaluation
4.2. Result of BESS’s Response Performance Evaluation by HILS
5. Summary Results
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Power demand of generator about primary frequency control | MW | |
Rated power of generator | MW | |
Rated rotating speed of generator | rad/s | |
Rotating speed of generator | rad/s | |
Droop coefficient of generator | %/100 | |
Inertia constant of generator | s | |
Rated capacity of generator | MVA | |
Mechanical power of generator | MW | |
Electrical power of generator | MW | |
Total AGC demand in power system | MW | |
Area control error | MW | |
Control gain of AGC | MW/Hz | |
Deviation of frequency | Hz | |
AGC demand of generator | MW | |
Ramp rate of generator | %/100 | |
Base point of generator by tertiary frequency control | MW | |
Heat rate equation of generator | MBtu/MWh | |
Fuel cost equation of generator by EcoLD mode | $/h | |
Fuel cost equation of generator by EnvLD mode | $/h | |
Cost of fuel used by generator | $ | |
CO2 trading price | $ | |
CO2 emission coefficient | %/100 | |
Incremental fuel cost equation of generator | $ /MWh | |
Maximum power of generator | MW | |
Minimum power of generator | MW | |
Start up state of generator | - | |
Power of generator | MW | |
Power demand of generator by CED | MW | |
Power demand of generator by TED | MW | |
Rated frequency of power system | Hz | |
Frequency of power system | Hz | |
Load constant of power system | MW/0.1Hz | |
Power consumption | MW | |
Change of frequency | Hz | |
Change of electric power | MW | |
Proportional gain of power system | Hz/MW | |
Frequency time constant | s | |
Time for reaching the nadir frequency at frequency transient state | s | |
Initial frequency before frequency transient state | Hz | |
Nadir frequency at frequency transient state | Hz | |
Frequency deviation between initial frequency and nadir frequency | Hz | |
Average rate of change of frequency | Hz/s | |
Rate of change of frequency at BESS response point | Hz/s | |
Maximum governor free response | MW | |
Time to recover from transient state | s | |
Deviation of electric power in transient state | pu | |
Deviation of electric frequency in transient state | pu | |
Total generation power in power system at time t | MW | |
Total generation power in power system at initial time | MW | |
Total load in power system at time t | MW | |
Total load in power system at initial time | MW | |
Frequency at time t | Hz | |
Frequency at initial time | Hz | |
Power grid constant | pu |
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NP | TP | TP | CC | PSH | |
Fuel Type | Nuclear | Coal | Heavy Oil | LNG | Water |
Rated capacity (GW) | 23.25 | 35.74 | 2.95 | 32.48 | 3.7 |
Number (EA) | 24 | 65 | 13 | 63 | 12 |
Efficiency (%) | 33.0~39.0 | 33.0~42.0 | 32.0~33.0 | 42.0~54.0 | 76.0~82.0 |
Inertia Constant (s) | 6.0~9.0 | 4.0~7.0 | 4.0~5.0 | 3.0~6.0 | 2.0~4.0 |
Turbine speed (RPM) | 1800 | 3600 | 3600 | 3600 | 300~600 |
Droop (%) | - | 5~9 | 4~6 | 6~8 | 3~4 |
Dead band (Hz) | - | ±0.0~±0.038 | ±0.01~±0.03 | ±0~±0.06 | ±0.02~±0.033 |
Ramp rate (%MW/min) | - | 0.7~3.1 | 1.1~2.3 | 2.6~16.0 | 22.0~32.0 |
Heat rate (MBtu/MWh) | 9200~10,700 | 8000~10,900 | 11,000~11,200 | 6400~8500 | - |
NP | TP Bituminous | TP Anthracite | CC LNG | TP Heavy Oil | |
Fuel Cost ($/MWh) | 4.96 | 44.17 | 53.35 | 72.46 | 141.11 |
Emission Factor | - | 0.8867 | 0.8867 | 0.3889 | 0.6588 |
No BESS (Case1) | 140 ms (Case2) | 160 ms (Case3) | 180 ms (Case4) | |
59.9914 | 59.9914 | 59.9914 | 59.9914 | |
3.04 | 2.84 | 2.82 | 2.80 | |
59.8401 | 59.8954 | 59.8952 | 59.8951 | |
0.1599 | 0.1046 | 0.1048 | 0.1049 | |
0.05259 | 0.0368 | 0.0372 | 0.0375 | |
- | −0.0510 | −0.0505 | −0.0500 | |
893.86 | 535.02 | 538.72 | 539.11 | |
105.1 | 150.2 | 150.2 | 150.2 |
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Share and Cite
Jin, T.-H.; Shin, K.-Y.; Chung, M.; Lim, G.-P. Development and Performance Verification of Frequency Control Algorithm and Hardware Controller Using Real-Time Cyber Physical System Simulator. Energies 2022, 15, 5722.
Jin T-H, Shin K-Y, Chung M, Lim G-P. Development and Performance Verification of Frequency Control Algorithm and Hardware Controller Using Real-Time Cyber Physical System Simulator. Energies. 2022; 15(15):5722.
Chicago/Turabian StyleJin, Tae-Hwan, Ki-Yeol Shin, Mo Chung, and Geon-Pyo Lim. 2022. "Development and Performance Verification of Frequency Control Algorithm and Hardware Controller Using Real-Time Cyber Physical System Simulator" Energies 15, no. 15: 5722.
APA StyleJin, T.-H., Shin, K.-Y., Chung, M., & Lim, G.-P. (2022). Development and Performance Verification of Frequency Control Algorithm and Hardware Controller Using Real-Time Cyber Physical System Simulator. Energies, 15(15), 5722.